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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CET

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the top costs for everyone who wants to know more about the topic. the 2nd son as good about this story is beyond the headline rolled in progress t w. talk. com. hello and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. i'm your host. okay. any question about, and i'm proud to announce with 200 episode. so in the show, we will give you a wrap up of the good, the better and the best from the show. here's what's coming up with looks like at the 2023 as a nation festival reveal and exclusive interview with i think the explanation tied me to women going with h. i b below slices of us and find the project. and
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we catch up with you kind infinity i champion was shooting for victory at the upcoming world championships. as a can use, it can fop expanded its influence in 2023 stars from the continents celebrated global recognition and created many new sounds from grammy nominations to breaking streaming records and sell tickets. isaac and stars had all of us dancing and doing tick tock challenges. some which you can even find us doing on our 7 to 7 percent tick, tock channel. but one message event that brought many love as a f beach together was a f o nation which was held in part to go over $40000.00 people get at the outcome of the cost and the 77 percent has been a month. and here are some of the highlights from the event. have you heard about the affirmation festival? well, picture this a sun case to put to these landscape pulsating with energy. as rhode island
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commands the stage, the 2023 edition line of re slides is who is who of african music royalty vote, and a boy devito and the captivating hire. i stopped reading the charge, the surprises don't and that the stage also welcome to below whose invasions such as $0.50 con, i'm adding an electric fly in fusion of sounds and styles. offer nation talked about his city version that transcends boundaries, and dixie, and musical journey to the heart of pot for beads. and i'm a piano in just 3 years. this miss verizon 2 peas has evolved from the modest debut with 20000 identities in 2092, also gathering over 40000 music and susie as in 2023. despite a few hiccups with sound in advance of the local authorities, i'm dw 77 percent on the scene,
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capturing every beat and move up for beats legends grace the stage. because it was filled with the infectious rhythm i'm fans, weight to the tunes of their favorite artist, created men at most fat of p, o musical euphoria offer nation continues to define expectations. growing lego with each possible ear, leaving sense of tele artist yearning for more. the journey has just begun and the world eagerly await the next chapter in the respect, topless and leave duration of music unity. and is this the will group of that is after beat? and i'm a piano. our very own josie, much more exclusive interviews with an artist speech at the festival, including a foundation founda smith. so head over to our youtube page for more on that. now another brilliant auto. so we've got to meet it as a nation, but french singer and songwriter type born to kind of union parents type was
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inspired by music from home and come release artist. but did you know that he also took part of friends version of dancing with his thoughts? clearly his talents a limits, but what more does he want to accomplish? take a listen. hey, everyone is take you to take you on d. w to 77. i'm enough for nation right now. so i'm sending you guys some love, love and love again and see you tonight for 30 minutes. so fashion. the hey, this 77 percent is re, uh, live here in port tmo put you go, is it a for nation? and i just clicked up with type, i hope i pronounced that very well. no. oh wow. okay. because many of you actually find it hard to pronounce your name, so thank you so much for coming to the show. thank you. thank you. thank you. really glad to be. so how does it feel to be here? the information. uh, i'm really proud, proud of myself, but of my team proud of this story. the rewrote like uh, 5 years ago. uh, we started like, um,
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i'm from the south of france. i started music like everybody and now i'm enough. a nation so really glad. really glad. it's your 1st time. first time, the 1st time the all right. you grew up in front of the parents from come to room. how does your heritage into, into music today? and everything i'm doing out for right now, so it explained everything to me. i grew up with the music i'm doing and music on the lease music. so it was to me was like normal to put this in my inspiration in my music and my even in, in the, in the topic of my songs and everything. so yeah. what type of struggles do you face when you begin new carrier as a musician of i came up with r and d, n a in french, nobody was with r and b, you know, so everybody was like, are in these like coined e, r and b 's dad and friends that are that of us, so nobody believes to really in my music. so that's of the hardest thing that i've
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been to and which i to so would you like to collaborate with if you could pick any? there's a lot, there's a lot of read the spice of bruno mars the weekend her. and there are some pag, kendrick lamar. you, there is a lot. and so you've been a part of a lot of projects including dancing with this. does and or can you just tell us more about that? would you say those way? you'll biggest. cool. no, no, no, no, no. tell us about the printing of, you mean visit with the stars? know the project was to, to grow up in my career like, um, thanks to this tv show. like everybody in friends know me right now. you know, every young people, every people that just watch this tv show that they know me now. so it's a step that, you know, that i've just passed. so, um, so you, this strategy was like, okay, i want to be really know. so let me do like things to be known. so then somebody start with was one of the biggest thing that i did to be known. you know,
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a little bit more and you really lived up to your name type take all you can. what would you say has been your biggest goals, sofa as a musician of going through, like traveling all the world, going through all the world with my music and, and being like, uh, like i for love is not only a type of music. it's like an inspiration, the movement. so like, uh, dropping this movement to all the word and being like a religious vibration. doing everything that god gave me, you know, the possibility to do so. yeah. i'm not, i'm, i'm not happy with my position right now. i won't really more mobile mobile, my mom's tomorrow. what would you, how could, what percentage would you rate yourself in the position right now? i mean like the auto pay $100.00 is higher. i mean, like, take all you can,
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you know, take, all you gave me is that everything that i that i can take, i will take it. so i'm glad to be here, but i'm not like this is now my final goal. you want more. so where do we see take in 5 years? uh and it's all about the world. hope so. and then we have a lot of units. i mean this is 77 percent. sure. which means it's a program for the you to look up to you as it needs through ation. what advice would you give them today or the living yourself, like i said in every of the, every shows the living yourself and trust yourself above everything and everybody you, that's a little bit normal, but that's really, really when you understand it. it takes all his sense, you know, like believing yourself, you have 2200000 followers or needs to grum. i'm know, check facebook, sorry my bad, but it needs to grum and you have a huge responsibility to portray the right message. how are you doing that and do
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you think you are keeping that? i'm trying to, i'm trying to, i'm trying to stay in love the most. i can't like, uh, i'm trying to be like, uh, you know, there's a lot of bad things that happen in the world i'm trying to, i'm trying to talk about like, some bad things to make people know that there's a lot of things like in france, there's a lot of things going on right now. a lot of bad things. so i'm trying to, you know, make people know that there's a lot of bad things. i'm trying to stay in love. i'm trying to give music. i'm trying to do like many stuff. so my probably wouldn't st willing to stay in that, i'm not just the night as was just a single, like i want to be somebody that can talk about a lot of, you know, subject and a but with keeping that love. because to me like love, as i said i for love is everything. oh, do you deal with control? this is the best life best you ignore. do you speak up? no i it doesn't need to. i don't need to ignore it because it's, it's still here. so i don't need to, i'm not gonna, nor it,
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but it's life. i'm playing a game. so when you play, maybe you need to accept that sometimes you can when somebody can lose me. now i just want to play a small game with you. if you had to leave in cape town or you own, do i yeah. one day for sure. east coast or with west coast young. oh plenty. plenty um, if you were to be born in another country apart from coming rune or friends, which country did the library cost? why does they know how to party they have they know how to enjoy, you know how to party and then um, if you had to go to a lonely island, i mean for let's say 3 months. what are the 3 items that you take with you? just 3, just 3. mean 3 person or 3? no 3. okay. uh,
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i'll take my phone for sure. i take my phone for sure. uh. i'll take a whole studio, a whole home studio to create, you know, to do music. and um and so mobile was mobile like, oh, so you're taking your phone, you thought it said you're using it the it, oh, died out like you to you. but anyway, yeah, yeah, thank you so much. thank you so so much for joining us here on dw, the 7 to 10 percent. hm. so 3 items take would take to a desert island, is his phone, a studio, and kind of union food that will definitely be enough fuel for him to create more. it's now if you're a level of extreme sports, this next report is just for you. and i do you an extreme sport, the devil?
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star boy, p a x. i set up a festival with joyce, many enthusiasts we enjoy entering in a rush. the event is filled with impressive flips from participants. what is it not that daring? there is still a lot for you to do to the would you ever ride a bicycle like this fall rump as kid, board football hots roland old ben, the robot of a race car well, litigation when at least that date she's new to nat, geo excuse both. me and she stopped paying for the big one, been out a slip up, modified lease cost like the g. i know is there a way to do it again, the extra sports actually supports. com. we've got energy always, you know,
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i like your big, big recognizing energy. when did you feel you know that the jump, the 2023 health and legal is a branch out of a month. you would say me to pay is stop way. pm is unexplained sports. that was small young people to join in put up in the rush, the gun when i was the very depressed job on don't was just it's, it's right. we're just right in from one sports. do i know that one sports on down the costco cheeks? i've been fun on this one out of massive and all that. okay. instead of roaming around, rhino just sit somewhere. have this event on. have everyone with a good on on? yeah, well that's 5 to 7 temperatures cross once in a piece on the option attendance. and even with that, the most potent shows. if it's something that we us, what size of it,
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we basically make sure every aspect of it goes to kind of be able to a tech stream. so people obviously are structured but it's new. it's exciting and stuff like that. but we also want to make sure like, you know, that the right process is i'd be not said before you get to that level. they thought it process deal. yeah. and gave me that you made sense? i think that's phenomenal why people are moving somewhere. a nice area i know about this more work to be done. i, you know, the things that i want to bring the details in the details on for a new kind of like this. i think for 3 that's my thoughts about fourths good costs. there's still plenty of funds to be hot in this wood and foods jasmine from the crowd and positive reception. matthew says the event is here to state my boss. order by this is actually my local, everything in my local right in my local interest in my local it's in, in edges. it's bought toys,
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actually on the way funds drilling into my system as soon spots events on just about taking off across africa and just slowly gaining acceptance and support. with a little more funding, the spectacle could become even the white beach in an ex innovative let's hope up next year. they control a bigger crowd and get more respect and recognition. speaking of respect and recognition, people living with h, i be still faced stigma today. the virus which affects the body's immune system can be treated as to taking anti retroviral treatment. and can you like other african countries? people with a diagnosis are sometimes treated different due to lack of knowledge and fear. but 2 ladies on a mission to the bunk misconceptions are on the virus and show canyons and many others that you can look healthy for life. even with a diagnosis. a born in jerry,
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some 150 kilometers knots of narrow beach, can use capital city to apply to our last to mother to the huge. i have a virus of the 10, the age of 8, sickly. as a child, she would discover that she was h. i v positive a 13 during that routine test checkup. however, a 12 year silence and that's 3 years ago when she revealed to canyons that she had been leaving with the huge ivy. it's a virus in a country still dealing with stigma, kirkpatrick announcement was seen by many as the right step and changing mindset. a lot of people who believe that had some use for waste plus this to people when they said that that was one of the picture before would be like pama. no, it's not that through the most of the time is 26. i know that it is with this in mind that the 13 year old established the voice of a black child in 2021 based and there'll be some to sarah area. the organization hopes to create awareness on stigmatize ation channels to unload it to be in
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fiction, the adult being proceed. we want to pursue between improving because it still does what getting defective. it's guys and what does and we've been getting effective and in that's a's to me that's key though. i wonder when the additional for me i had to be pointed to based on your vision. so we are not about to be positive people be a combination of both negative and positive people. and because we can yeah. during more on the right, you would visit the hospital at least once a month with her mother when she was a child. one of the parents is huge. i have a positive what her status was not known to her until she clocked 13. as a child, she didn't know what this meant. although she would like to start treatment in 2005 on to reality started. he didn't hot uh good pneumonia after the ts, they usually completed a small you be that a tooth. so the doctors notes that it asking why did you stop him when he gets rid of course i didn't tell them the thing. but i also felt like it was for to the
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tooth when fighting had to kicked in. then nobody prepares you that it to me is on to 20 with get started and you will not know how to send people us died. but doreen was not the only one experiencing this feeling as a pass and leaving with h i v even though she has lunch and leave with the virus clear patrol at some point to stop taking the much needed anti retroviral drugs for a year. i remember we know a lot to the hospital they and they can give us of very disappointed because there is one person who was giving full 2 bedrooms now was a p a indicating that the hospital and then i'm coming, you have defaulted. my team, as i've read this stuff again, some point trades, you should score them before that or form the funny aging not to communication. my head is when it has the authority for to the point of defense, someone that i was the one who was giving hope, know, i'm done. been given hope, giving people hope was also what motivated during in 2015. when that 31 year old
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decided to disclose that she had been leaving with the virus from beth, had email what's going on, dated with hundreds of messages. we made it to some of the e mails. i saw how much people needed somebody, but they couldn't relate to their story to that. i am going to live in detroit the i'm also taking to, to indeed me and how most people can not even disclose to their loved ones the leaving the whole family setup and nobody knows that. but apart from them and the doctor, so she launched, i'm a beautiful story with the same mission of inspiring people with h. i v and educating the logic public. i am a beautiful story. as an initiative, i started from my only lived experience. it's purely to get all that means uh on social media, and it's more of to educate the general public and also people living teach i be on
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differentiate me related topics and to just a, from the fact that you know, to diagnosis. despite leaving to be having any long time health conditions, you are a beautiful story. i just bought it the voice of a black child a face in december. i can see you on the leaks a walking to change perceptions and encouraging people to get tested through the community initiative themselves. i need, i think i'm gonna be doing it, but because of helping someone needs parenting someone, we're encouraging someone in equipment educating the community. it slides, that is why we continue and i want 10 people mix which is of social media. social media is very effective. now both during and clear, petra have a major task of debunking the misconceptions around huge ivy and leaving beyond the stereotypes. i think the big lives with this mean, if it them, it used to be honest. when somebody stigmatizes you on the basis of the history of
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your status, you actually feel bad because it's not something that you, your you, that changes your life in any way. due to the success of her project during decided to launch a youtube channel by the same name, i am a beautiful story. to date, doreen has produced 181 episodes from my humble living room. the general currently has more than $16000.00 subscribers. and can be a petrol one decrease and leaving test a means that one can make a positive change to fashion. and just by leaving and you're onto, if they both have the same mission, changing perceptions on h, i v. and inspiring generations to be built. yes. and i think they will inspire many people through with your stories. we also have another amazing interview with south africa, a try the active us knows the building on kind of my of up. so check it out on our
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youtube channel. from 2 awesome ladies to another great one, taking a short mostly male dominated sports book. yeah. now guys africa's top female athlete in the game of billiard with a q in hand. she's smashing both and aiming for championship recognition. did you know, did one of the continents past? who may, is this a woman from the gun down some stories to start out as a testament to the part of the to nation on scale is in a getting my name is rookie and i the i might have becoming a champion. and i knew that i would become one that jump rookie and i guess john, you from a small town beloved play of to offer desktop female athletes. indigo game is nothing shots of extraordinary. well, you know what? it takes a journey of self discovery. the i'm on to often get the scene that's coming from a homeless background and with little education i discovered to as a life change that would provide everything i needed to change. i've gotta, the,
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the 25 year old poor play a boost, a cup to beat him story month by trials, challenges on, on web and passion for the game. had to be done in 2016 when she entered a wealth of competitive propane setting distasteful on out inspiring adventure. you know, making these up when you made a 99 new, the 1st one has got to be patient out and resilient even when losing the one line. you know, the ones who mostly got on well trained, you don't have to lose hope. you've got to keep training or show you mean was that will love it. i'm on a free of all that time for you to shine will come cool waiting us to get up. and when i was in 2017 with you, i received the invitation to join. you con this national team. it came us a surprise us. this was a tough us. yeah. and what's the last 2 attempt dealerships? i said our, they're always negative people to ignore them. and stay focused on your goals using
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you know, for us. but the last hope is said she made a come back the following year and catapult that had team to new heights. and then it said that you're wrong, we don't loans. at one time i left many games and those 2 years of losses, i thought about given on, know who i was at one tournament, i convinced myself that if i lost, i would create to funding. i'm going to and i'm going to revise you for on. obviously you, why don't you instead got answered my prayers. i wanted to talk to me last week just trying to see if we can be there for retail. was people totally secure and you've done this 1st off, it got some to and see if man i'm waiting for you must arise and attempt don't lose a championship and give up my other challenge. find a way of moving forward and you have this, you look, you went on to showcase the skills by went into holly cop doubles inside or pick up with us. this is the victory was not just the personal child, but also contributed to team begun this overall success. i think
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by the end, as in my target is not doing to watch on how to jump through us. she sets the sites on the welcome to a ship, ricky, i continue students by young. ok needs to dream big and we wish you all the best for the world championship. today we celebrated with 200 episode with a wrap up of the good, the better and the best, but also hope you got some inspiration. now i will leave you with a song that i had on repeat for months that just puts me in a good mood. does the sugar cane we've come mito featuring my according to promise and uncle until next time? use based on
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the the the
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with the female stars, the scene knology both a k a down to darlene long term hmo. here let us see no fear. no limit, no mercy. in 13 minutes on the
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web page, i mean, i know that means i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount, but there's no today about meals. join us as we travel around your, i'm facing the history of every day of that and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to you about just a subscriber id. listen to podcasts, and we'll take you along to the right. do you know which of these the industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good. concrete, transforming business. syllabus ounces the bigger house, but the real new deal. just reimbursing
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the wash. now the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable port is not. i want my son to read. i'm a doctor to in the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with a sleep us. i'm them. when generation as class this week on the dw says kind of when it feels like therapy, the
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this is the w news of life in berlin, counting the cost of a 100 days of war. as the israel homeless conflict continues. we report from a refugee camp in southern gaza where displaced people are coping in desperate conditions. also coming up taiwan is president elect vows to defend the island against threats from china. in his election victory speech liking does says he'll safeguard taiwan against what he calls intimidation from beijing. we have the latest from our correspondence in taipei and gang violence eruption, ecuador, prison, why it's plunged the country into
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a state of emergency as the police and military step and to resolve the.


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