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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, use life from berlin, counting the cost of a 100 days of war as the israel. how much conflicts continues. we report from a refugee camp in southern gaza, where displaced people are coping in desperate conditions. also coming off taiwan as president elect vibes to defend the islands against threats from china in his election victory speech lie itching that says he'll safe guard taiwan against what he called intimidation from the station. we have the latest from our correspondents in taipei, the
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unpopular felony as welcome to the program. the war between israel and thomas is entering it 100 today. the fighting a roof to after is lemme smells, and group hamas launched a terrorist attack on october 7th. israel responded with air strikes underground invasion of the gaza strip. since then, the toll has been devastating. around 1200 people, including 520 soldiers have been killed on the israeli side and most of them on the 1st day. making october 7th, the deadliest day since the finding of the jewish state, the hospital and health ministry in kansas as almost 24000 palestinians have been killed. most of them women and children is randy military says more than $7000.00 of the dead are militants. the un says at least 300 palestinians have been killed in the west bank. israel. the military campaign has damaged or destroyed around half of guys's buildings and displaced almost 2000000 people. dw reporter mohammed
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to alco, who visited a refugee camp in the southern city. a for alpha, to learn more about the difficult conditions displaced people face their us. 3 even pseudo is living in difficult circumstances. here in a tent in milwaukee in a city of rafa. in the south of the gaza strip, she was forced to flee home in northern garza in search of site shelter. displacement has deprived of even the most basic necessities she had. i'm the one who am for the harlem. we are suffering in this kind of knocking jeep. we cook over fire and we have to carry water in buckets of a long distance this mailbox. and there is no access to safe water forms which forces us to drink dirty water. how kind of our children get sick frequently and suffer from all nutrition and cold was all about
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a relief organizations will not be entering the gaza strip covers only 10 percent of its need. rudimentary comfort, such as blankets, mattresses and tents. i mean dangerously short supply chain and sick. i'm nothing to me. you see how we lived in the tent. we have no clouds to protect us from the code that we do not have fed cup us lovely. there's not enough food and we are suffering from hung a little like enough. it should have been such a just one and was in the night. 17 people live here in this town and there are only 3 beds and 3 bed covers life a month or so. long as you can see, there is no roof to protect us from the rain. and the dent is dilapidated, say my children are you and her family have been appealing some blankets and other donations and distributing these to those most needs across the camp. yet many remained extremely vulnerable in harsh weather conditions. now with
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the bible, we fled here after the house, next 2 hours were struck by the my daughter was injured so we had to get out saw some and so we had very few things with that. when we came here to rough, um we had little clothes, but it's not enough that if it's cold in the 10th, it's not cool in the summer and not warm in the winter. so when it rains to 10 fits with water, one will pay my from home. well yeah, shortages of blankets, clothing and tense. i'll just some of the many challenges facing displaced people here in rafa. unless great to humanitarian aid arrives and soon even valuable work such as the themes is i'm likely to bring it in to suffering. and israel people are calling on the government to do more for the release of the hostages. according to
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his radio authorities during the october 7th attack by almost $257.00 people were abducted in total, a $110.00 have been released alive and 11 bodies retrieved is, rout, believes a 136. hostages are still held in gaza. so it suspects some of them are dead. tens of thousands of israelis have gathered in protest in tel aviv demanding the release of hostages held by hum us. the protesters are marking 100 days since i must hope the hostages during the october 7th. the tax is right, these are calling on their government to do more for the rest of the hostages. include civilians and is riley soldiers. alright, let's speak now to dw, correspond to tanya kramer, who joins us from jerusalem. tanya, great to see you. so it's been a 100 days since the war between israel and hamas began. presence of people have died in that time. tell us what the atmosphere is like in israel at this grim milestone. well,
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i think it really depends who you ask. you know, you talk to some people here this morning and is, well, this really is something with the sad mood as well. people are having, you know, they said to me, mix feelings about still people saying, you know what happened on october 7, took away the sense of safety and security. a lot of questions being asked about how that could happen. middles of course, now about toward is a lot of focus, of course, and as well what's happening uh, in the, in the fighting every morning. and then use of soldiers that have been killed in dallas and the fighting. there's a good, less focus on what's happening on the civilian population side in a gaza year in the reporting. and of course, a lot of focus is still, as you said on the hostages. it's believe that a 156 hostages are still in garza and people are really asking what is being done to bring them home? tanya is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said,
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israel will continue its war against hom, us until they are victorious and they won't be stopped by anyone. is this a stance that has wide support in his room of the i think it still does have a broad support, at least when you're looking at polls and surveys that people do support the war efforts. but of course, it also the other people are saying, you know, is what needs to look at what, what will happen next. and of course, there's also the sense that this of war and gaza, why it is continuing the other threats, especially also when you look at the northern border of the cross, for the fire that has been intensifying or appeared to have intensified in the past weeks between israel and has football, but at the same people at the same time, you know, they're also a lot of people that are still displaced in, in, in the south, alongside the, the cause of a border area. but also in the north. and these people are still as in huston and
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hotels here, and they have not been able to go home. but also what we're seeing, there's of course, more question us where this will going and also the question about responsibility. because prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not taken responsibility. what happened on october 7th? and according to polls, a lot of people would like to see elections, ones this more with any science, tanya. w correspond latanya craner injury. so of course in taiwan, the ruling candidate liking that has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p, p, and on president the 3rd term lies secure. just over 40 percent of the vote ahead of his name is dr. lynn, the opposition k m t. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election cold lie a dangerous separatist. the west germany and france were among the countries who have congratulated the time when these voters and elected officials. now let us
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welcome our next president and vice president lights in the and show me team a. it's a moments with far reaching implications for tie wants future liking the of the routing d p, victoria softer a t i. e. 43 way race. this is him speaking to the international press, moments of to winning the presidency. that's it. i wonder. i mean, well thanks to the time when these people for writing a new chapter in our democracy, we've shown the world how much we cherish our democracy. this is the unwavering commitment policy. the defending time owns democracy, was it the hearts of life campaign, and projecting pressure from badging to succumb to chinese rule as opposed to the government led by lodging. the, because his goal was very clear, he knows clearly that we're a country and that taiwan has an independent government the to a position, policies at fort for
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a recess of relations with aging. and some 60 percent of votes is back to them. but with the opposition, 3rd splits, it wasn't enough. back at the d. p. lighting the insisted he was ready to talk. pointing out it was china that had long stumbled him. he called on badging to think of get logan exchange committee gate. the risk to china. only when we replace obstruction is them with communication and confrontation with dialogue. can we achieve peace and share prosperity? a volcano has erupt in the south west, iceland, a kind of green, the vic near the side of a previous interruption in december. seismic activity has been, had been intensifying over the past several days, leading to, to the evacuation of residents of the small fishing time. well in advance. iceland is one of the earth, most of all kind of get active areas with an average of one or option every 4 years
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. a lot more in district listing, go 6 percent, joins us from the atlantic capital rate cubic. thanks for being on that dw, and use and go dramatic pictures. we're seeing here another volcano, ropes and you're right cubic where you are. so what more can you tell us? well, this interruption started uh fairly abruptly. um, also where it is known as around 3 o'clock this morning that the quakes were in terms of intensifying. they measured some $200.00, there's quakes, smaller ones, and the rapidly moving towards the tunnel during the week. now of course, as you mentioned, the tunnel had been evacuated before christmas when there was an interruption close by, but some 200 people had to turn that some there were people in around 90 houses. so when cyrus started glaring around 3 o'clock this morning, they all left fairly quickly. so it's 8 o'clock a local times about 3 hours ago when destruction started. nobody was around a disruption seems to be perhaps
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a quarter of the size and power of the get auction a few weeks ago. unfortunately, and as you can see from these pictures, it's much closer to me in this case of greenhouse and about 400 meters further on the outskirts of the town of going into a week. so if this keeps going, so that would not be good news for at least the infrastructure of the town will tell us how concerns are the authorities that this live actually could enter at greenville. they can damage houses there. at this point, they are quite actually quite nervous about it. they are hoping that this will have similar tempo disruption. we'll have a similar to input to the next, the next one. that one within 5 hours was already done to a quarter of its original size. and productivity. so that would of course mean, considering that this has already got smaller reduction, that the level flow would look drinking and possibly not reach down. but everyone is preparing for indeed to happen. preparing for it in that picture of the
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greenhouse that we saw a little earlier, you can see the relevance of a protective wall that was being built to try to get the lava flow away from the home. sadly. but fisher that formed the went straight through. so that it's actually crossing the battery that was being built in go this is iceland states to volcanic eruption into years at what's it like for people trying to live their lives through. all these are options as well. let's see what i am about. well, i guess somewhere between 30 and 50 kilometers a straight line from, from get into the guns, destruction. it doesn't really impact you apart from it being sort of a uncomfortable story on the new isn't new field. everybody know someone, they're going to be coming, you know, as little as a small country. everybody knows everyone. so you're aware of it, but it's not like it's an immediate danger to anyone who is not close by. the you do feel sorry for the people of this town who are leaving their homes, you know, some, some of them have lived there for generation generations. and given the fact that
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in the last few days, just before this approaching those or just were saying, actually we're gonna have to evacuate again because of the various rifts that we're seeing in terms that may be covered by a sheet of grass, of elizabeth, of asphalt but on wednesday, a gentleman who was working on reparation efforts actually on the ground simply gave and he fell into a what's turned out to be a fairly large chamber and disappeared that has not been found. and i think that's scared for people who are in town a little bit. understandably, it's not a, it's not a comfortable place to be in by there. everyone else life just goes on. well, hopefully there's a positive i've come back to this set latest russian tanks and go for uh your update. their journalist ingle is the present in reykjavik and here's a reminder of our top stories or the war between israel and thomas's entering its hunger stay. israel's army is set, it wants to increase minutes refresher on the as the midst minutes and group and
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continue to combat or continue competing to this model. how much in return hostages, sofas, you are up to nice to meet the team here in berlin. thanks for watching the people in trucks engine was trying to see the city center and the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people of.


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