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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, counting the cost of a 100 days of war. what the conflict has meant to the people in gassett misplaced from their homes, by these writing military action. while in israel, people call for the return of hostages, still being held by hum us as the war shows, no signs of coming to an end. also coming up iceland evacuate this time, residence in advance of major volcanic activity in the south. west of the island eruption comes hard on the hills of another one just weeks ago. the
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unpopular felt really as welcome to the program. the war between israel and thomas is entering, it's a 100 the day the fighting erupt. it after is with mr. milliken group. hamas launched a terrorist attack on israel on october 7th. israel responded with air strikes underground invasion of the gaza strip. since then, the toll has been devastating around 1200 people, including 520 soldiers have been killed on his riley side, most of them on the 1st day. making october 7th, the deadliest day since the finding of the jewish state. the hamas were on health ministry inc. guys that says almost 24000 palestinians have been killed. many of them, women and children. these riley ministry says more than $7000.00 of the dead are militants. the un says at least 300 palestinians have been killed in the west bank . this is where else military campaign has damaged or destroyed around half of
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causes buildings and displaced almost 2000000 people. some of riley's have died so both the way the war is being carried out. israel has 5 to press on with its military campaign to eliminate thomas. for the people of garza, the last 100 days have been nothing short of a disaster. many have lost not just the homes, livelihoods, and loved ones, but also any hope that life can ever return to normal limits. so we take this tragic, catastrophic, indescribable situation for everyone. so thousands of boxes and wounded. those who would not, multitude were wounded, who wasn't wounded, had the home destroyed. those who didn't lose their homes. what displays? no one in gaza has been on touched by the conflict. these families say they used to be wealthy,
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but like thousands of other girls and they've been forced to flee. and now they're making pastries to survive. put in the hey, i assume just 100 days ago we were living in power dice on a bad. we have buildings, houses, and possessions. we enjoyed a wonderful luxurious life since the thoughts of the will. we've lost everything, homes of possessions. everything in israel to the pain is real. despite efforts to chase it away at this rate in tennessee, it's one of a number of events taking place to mount the $100.00 day since the terrorist attack a. it's a plead for the return of the mold. a $100.00 hostages still being held in garza, including one of the youngest after t's if it's possible to raise something to freedom from the home us to bring him and his family best to is rather to celebrate
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the best day with his family. is it possible, as well as government says it will push ahead with its campaign until the hostages have being returned and its other war aims have been achieved, including the elimination of home us and the thrust it poses to the jewish state. the w corresponding atanya, kramer, davis more insights and heavy atmosphere in his, in his ro is a 100 days since the war between israel and thomas began as well. i think it really depends who you ask you and i talked to some people here this morning. and isabelle, this really is something we decided we would as well. people are having, you know, they said to me, mixed feelings about still people saying, you know what happened on october 7, took away the sense of safety and security. a lot of questions being asked about how that could happen middle. so of course now about the war, there's a lot of focus, of course, in the as well. what's happening uh,
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in the fighting every morning and then use of soldiers that have been killed in dallas and the fighting. there's a bit less focus on what's happening on the civilian population side in a gauze or here in the reporting. of course, a lot of focus is still, as you said on the hostages, it's believe said a $156.00. hostages are still in gaza and people are really asking what is being done to bring them home? tanya is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said, israel will continue its war against time us until they are victorious and they won't be stopped by anyone. is this a stance that has wide support in his room of the i think it still does have a broad support, at least when you're looking at polls and surveys. the people do support the war efforts. but of course, it also the other people are saying, you know, is where i need to look at what, what will happen next. and of course,
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there's also the sense that this of war and gaza, why it is continuing the other threats, especially also when you look at the north and for the uh, the cost for the fire that has been intensifying or appears to have been tense of fine in the past weeks between israel and has football, but at the same people at the same time, you know, there are also a lot of people that are still displaced in, in, in the south, alongside the, the cause of a border area. but also in the north and these people are still as in hudson and hotels here, and they have not been able to go home. but also what we're seeing does, of course more question us where this will going and also the question about responsibility. because prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not taken responsibility. what happened on october 7th? and according to polls, a lot of people would like to see elections once this war with and science tanya,
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w correspondent, tanya craner injury. so of course lava from the volcano which erupt it earlier today in the south west device and is expected to reach the town of green, the vic eminently the time's. residents were evacuated last night after the days of intense seismic activity. it's the 2nd time they had to leave their homes within the space of 2 months previous earthquakes and a separate a russian in december. so them forced to stay away for 6 weeks. iceland typically averages interruption every 4 years. journalist ingo 6 percent told us the latest on the dramatic scenes of interrupting volcano. you're right. if as well as the last all were weasel and you fisher opened up a smaller one. but literally on the outskirts of town, i'm watching a light stream. now i'm not sure if you have access to those pictures and the, the, the level flow is mere minutes away from link. i'll thing the 1st of homes on the outskirts of town. a near moments ago it also the level stream rolled over the main
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cost water pipes the into town. iceland uses geothermal hot water to basically provide keeping for the town. and that means that the time is not without talk water, which means water pipes used for water and heating will start the freezing temperature that are just below minus on the subject. right scale. you can see that small fish or if it's, it's not massive, but it's, that's literally in your yard. but you certainly wouldn't want to be there. unfortunately, no one is there. every one that you mentioned was evacuated. most people actually haven't returned to town or what about the 200 people there? it is just uh, sadly, up until just a few moments ago, workers i've been trying to assure the walls that we're set to, to try to make sure that the love of would flow in a different direction. this fisher means that those efforts have an open advance and because, well,
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they don't really separate purpose anymore. journalist and go 6 percent reporting from iceland, their b switch time of tablets is co hosting an international conference with ukraine to rally support for it keeps 10 point piece plan around a $120.00 national security advisors are set to join the towards the 4th to discuss the plan. russia was once again, not invited and has dismissed the events and will only participate in talks on its own terms from one nation. strong nation ukraine's president below de zalinski 1st unveiled his 10 point piece plan. in december 2022 costs, but it really is more of a list of demands among them that withdrawal of russian troops, the restoration of ukraine's territorial integrity. the return of prisoners of war and the po, t's and the creation of a special tribunal to examine russian will crimes. the ukrainian plan has been
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discussed at 3 meetings in the past, involving a growing number of participants. the talks and doubles of the biggest, yet it was not guiding us. we each countries involvement and this collaborative effort now with the work of advisors and lights and building leaders will demonstrate the importance of international law functioning as full capacity. what's an ard to be the beginning with the you and child to and all of the norms that guarantee respect for nations and the territorial integrity of states does not absent from the tools as russia and must go his use. this very fact to discredit keeps plan for millimeter potato. they're trying to find a piece formula without rush as participation. i mean for media t relates. absolutely. this is an absurd process. seriously, it's a process that has no potential for results. so and could you take this looked at, and use more than just the suppression president has repeatedly said he is ready to
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talk about peace and ukraine. bobbsey and rushes tends to move in the gym to go if they want to negotiate, but them negotiate. we will only do it based on our interests because of one of russia's interests about keeping hold of the ukrainian territory. its military has seized the state to non negotiable points of the keys and its allies to the, to the any, to, to could i or are corresponding to ashley tosh. pandey joins us now from diverse. i'm the world economic forum. i should tell us, great to see. so high ranking diplomats are meeting there to discuss the piece for me to for you cry and tell us more. ready. yes, the meeting is still ongoing and trying to actually come up with some sort of principles that could form the basis for any, any future disco never stations with russia. there is a sense that these meetings,
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because there is no rush. yeah, here gilbert south leaders wanted the she had to be included in this uh, in, in b starts as quickly as possible. uh, but uh, they really don't know how to bring the show to the table as you would just holding the report. they're not ready to make concessions, and that's the difficulty. but the idea is to be ready hasn't been a russia is ready to come and talk. so these thoughts have basically peperage in nature where they're trying to bid. so come up with some sort of principles get more and more global solid countries to also come on board with that support. countries like india, a president. so clearly they're trying to stress that this is not a peace conference. any peace conference. oh oh, about this war is going to include russia and these are just prep or detox. right. so why are they holding these thoughts then in diverse if the people are there for the world? economic for that starts on monday as well. it's uh,
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strategic move to say uh uh you could just say it because this is the place where uh tomorrow the working on the forum gets under way than that. uh, the annual meeting of that's where the richard falls. we've gone. so this meeting gets a lot of attention. now. this is this, the cds a meeting before this happened that i've just gone under the, under the dod. they have, they hasn't been a lot of support. and the fact that it's happening and douglas has already seen the numbers of body spins go up. it's above a deep bug representatives who've taken bought. so that's a good, that's a success in itself. and also the ukraine wants to use the was to actor you rally support it's. there is a sense that the support for ukraine is reading. i know they need to really actively rally support and view that there's not certain did onto the best and the support in terms of age that still stuck into limbo. so this is a place where the best and zalinski will be a present in presence uh in,
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in boston next week. and that's where he's going to talk to see yours, what he does, and actually evaluate support for you. chris. thanks ashtosh. don't use ushered harsh. pandey reporting from davos that one of thailand's largest illumination festivals is put on a show in the ratchet brewery province. the light installations have been designed to depict ty, religion, and culture, showing 20 different illuminated landscapes. people from around thailand and other countries are visiting the festival, continues till the end of april here's a reminder of our top story. the war between israel and thomas is in it's 100 day. israel's army says it wants to increase military pressure on the as an estimate of from group and continued combat activities to dismantle home us and return hostages
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. as well for myself and extra technology show shift to explore attack human traffickers and smokers are using social media channels to help them. so after a short break for me and the team here in berlin, thanks for watching. and i'll see you again at the top of the next or take care of the gentlemen with dw valves, or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level learning gym and has to go. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to
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just to take away the journey the destination.


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