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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] news this is dw use life from berlin and ongoing volcanic eruption in iceland begins to burn. how does this live a firm interruption in iceland has reached the fishing community of green? the vic were several buildings are already on fire. the time close to the capital was evacuated ahead of the erosion. also coming up counting the cost of a $100.00 days of war. what the conflict has meant to people killed and displaced in gaza by israel military response to the hamas attack on october 7th. and israel people call for the return of hostages, still being held by hom,
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us as to more shows no signs of coming to an end. the pablo felt really as welcome to the program lava from the volcano which erupt it early on sunday. in iceland has reached the small fishing town of green. the vic, the molten lava flows have set some buildings on fire. the times residents were evacuated saturday night after days of intense seismic activity. it's the 2nd time they've had to leave their homes since november previous earthquakes and a separate or option in december. so them forced to stay away. for 6 weeks, authorities built the barriers of earth and rock to try to prevent lava from reaching green, the vic, some 40 kilometers sides west of the capital re cubic as well during listing those 6 us in is in right cubic n t told us little or near more of a,
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the live it reaching home and homes and the infrastructure in the small fishing community . and at about 8 o'clock this morning, local time, we saw this initial fisher starts uh, we saw a uh, a rugs and a fissure about 850 meter wide or long router. and then uh, when joel just thought that it might be sort of waning this one that we've been saying, literally the edge of town opened up. it's small, but it's, as you can see, engulfing the houses on the outskirts of tyler. this happened about 20 minutes ago . that particular house is so new will be constructed that the people who own it hasn't been with months to move in. perhaps that's a blessing. but this is the situation. what is perhaps elizabeth, even more ominous is that the fisher that you and see, see you there, you're all assist. geologists tell us that while it's come to the surface of their
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it probably reaches low surface deep into the town and it might still open up this . roxanne is behaving a little differently from the one that was just under a month ago. was that one wayne really pretty. this one is still keeping up the pressure. it's not really uh, it's not really fading out. so it's very difficult to say what happens next. yeah it's, it's, uh the, the images we're seeing are incredibly dramatic and obviously terrible for the people who are from green, the vic and have the authority said anything about the magnitude of this erosion or how they're going to proceed with the, this situation that's on folding well, they try to erect some battery or something and protection was, and those seem to be doing some help. they seem to be sort of as, as these moving some of the live streams and away from the towns away from critical infrastructure. this isn't the small, this isn't the large adoption, it's actually not that much of that is coming off out of the ground. it's the city
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. it's the location that is of critical importance because it's literally inside of the town right now that it's so harmful. and so dangerous, um but in terms of its size and scope, it was a few kilometers away. it would be more or less permit us. yeah, certainly it's a, it's certainly a very worrying situation for uh, the people there in uh, in green, the vic and i'm see i'm, i'm assuming and the rest of iceland. thank you and go at journalist and go see for send in reykjavik to them, at least now where the war between israel and thomas has reached its 100th day. the fighting a rough draft of the is hello, mr. milliken. group home us launched a terrorist attack on israel on october 7th. israel responded with air strikes underground invasion of the gaza strip. since then, the toll has been devastating. around 1200 people, including 520 soldiers have been killed on the is riley side. most of them on the 1st day making october 7th,
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the deadliest day since the finding of the jewish state. the hamas are on health ministry. and guys, i says almost 24000 palestinians have been killed. many of them women and children . these riley ministry says more than $7000.00 of the debt or millions. the u. n says at least 300 palestinians have been killed in the west bank. israel's military campaign campaign has damaged or destroyed around half of guys those buildings and displaced almost 2000000 people, some as riley's have died. so by the way the war is being carried. i've but israel has 5 to press on with it. some industry campaign to eliminate thomas for the people of garza, the last 100 days had been nothing short of a disaster. the money of loss, not just the homes, livelihoods, and loved ones, but also any hope that life can ever return to normal. so we're kind of tragic to catastrophic,
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indescribable situation. everyone's will thousands of boxes and wounded. those would not. multitude were wounded. who wasn't wounded, had the home destroyed. those who didn't lose their homes. what displays? no one in gaza has been on touched by the conflict. this families say they used to be wealthy, but like thousands of all the gardens, they've been forced to flee. and now they're making pastries to survive. couldn't the hey, i shouldn't get 100 days ago. we were living in power dice on a bad. we have buildings, houses, and possessions. we enjoyed a wonderful luxurious life since the thoughts of the will. we brought everything, a homes of possessions. everything in israel to the pain is real. despite efforts to chase it away at this rate until the v,
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it's one of the number of events taking place to mount the 100 day since the terrorist attack to plead for the return of the mold. a $100.00 hostages still being held in garza, including one of the youngest, opt up t's if it's prostate, both direct, something to freedom from the come us to bring him and his family back to is rather to celebrate the best day with his family. is it possible as well as government says it will push ahead with its campaign until the hostages of being returned and its other will aims have been achieved, including the elimination of how most of the threats it poses to the jewish state, dw corresponded atanya. kramer gave us more insights on heavy atmosphere and israel is a 100 days since the war between israel and thomas began as well. i think it really depends who you ask you and i talked to some people here this morning and as well
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this we did something with the sad mood as well. um, people, uh, having, you know, they said to me, mixed feelings about uh, still people saying, you know, what happened on october 7, took away the sense of safety and security. a lot of questions being asked about how that goes happened middle. so of course, now about the war, there's a lot of focus, of course, a news. well, what's happening uh, in the, in the fighting every morning. the news of soldiers that have been killed in dallas and the fighting. there's a bit less focus on what's happening on the civilian population side in a gauze or here in the reporting. and of course, a lot of focus is still, as you said on the hostages, it's belief that a $156.00 hostages are still in garza and people are really asking what is being done to bring them home? tanya is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said, israel will continue its war against time us until they are victorious and they
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won't be stopped by anyone. is this a stance that has wide support in his room? i think it still does have a broad support, at least when you're looking at some surveys that people do support the war efforts . but of course it also the other people are saying, you know, is what i need to look at what, what will happen next. and of course, is also the sense that this of war and gaza, why it is continuing to other threats, especially also when you look at the north and for the uh, the cost for the fire that has been intensifying or appeared to have intensifying in the past. weeks between israel and has football, but at the same people at the same time, you know, they're also a lot of people that are still displaced in, in, in the south, alongside the, the cause of a border area, but also in the north. and these people are still in hudson and hotels here,
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and they have not been able to go home. but also what we're seeing, there's of course, more question us where this will going and also the question about responsibility. because prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not taken responsibility. what happened on october 7th? and according to polls, a lot of people would like to see elections, ones this more with any science, tanya dw correspondent tanya craner injury. so of course let's take a look now. some headlines from around the world of hundreds of protesters of march, then june, is to mark the 13th anniversary of the 2011 revolution that over through the dictatorship of xena l. dena been ali. they called for the release of child opposition, members arrested by all starting since president's kind of side dismissed parliament in 2021 and passed a new constitution. granting him more powers. the supreme court of pakistan has upheld a ruling, stripping former prime minister in round cons,
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party of its cricket. bottom symbol, the party has long use the symbol for voters to recognize it at the ballot box rights group say the upcoming election on february 8th lacks credibility. following a crackdown against cons, party screen officials say north korea as far as a ballistic missile off its east coast. japan's defense ministry also claims that have detected a possible ballistic me. so the launch comes days after north korea, florida by roger bar, taylor and shelves near the sea border with south korea. ecuador has recently seen an upsurge in gang violence. the country has been in a state of emergency since last week. after the prison escape of a drug kingpin. prison riots followed where inmates took a 150 prison stuff hostage, hostages have not been freed, following a jointed police and military operation. the tables have turned for these
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inmates and then they put dory in prison. police and the military took back control of a 7 prisons across the country with gods and stuff warehouse hostage by inmates. they demanded to return of the gang lead a notice. vito who disappeared recently about the gang violence has been escalating ever since with getting members even storming a life tv broadcast. the president dani removal has vowed, cracking down on the guns and recently declared a state of emergency. okay, the most and when i'm, when we are experiencing a sign that things must change in the country and those laws are not enough to live in peace looking while you're fuss, there is no room for opportunistic politicians to seek advantage. i mean, the prisons security crisis and i felt that we will not negotiate, terrorists know, but we rest until we return peace to
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o ecuadorian. i don't know whether you according to the authorities, all the prison guards held hostage were released by saturday evening. no clue time . the families relieved the media. they had been deprived of their freedom for 6 days. they will be handed over to the families . they have received a medical checkup on your data. that has been no issue. maybe this is a joint efforts have made so. yes, is it the it cut off with its diverse landscapes and culture has long been considered the peaceful country and the popular tourist destination. but in recent years, it has struck a twist. the rise of drug cartels fighting for control of trends of druids, culminating in the recent wave of violence. denmark has begun
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a new chapter in its royal history with king frederick officially taking the throne . thousands of people turned out in copenhagen to see denmark's prime minister, formerly proclaimed frederic king. he assumes the throne after the application of his mother, queen margaret. she was the 1st danish monarch to step down voluntarily in nearly 900 years. the application means denmark. we'll have 2 queens margaret will keep her title. frederick's australian born wife becomes queen mary and here's a reminder of our top stories. a lava from interruption in iceland has reached the fishing community of green, the vic where several buildings are already on fire. the times residents were evacuated on saturday night after days of intense seismic activity. the war between israel and thomas is in it's 100 day. israel's army says it wants to increase him in a treat pressure on the as an estimate of from group i continued combat activities
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to this model how most i'm return hostages. almost 24000 people have been killed in israel from industry response in cost. and so for me on from us next price will be here at the top of the next hour of next is reporter, which looks at the aftermath of the floods in pakistan state june for that for me and the team here. thanks for watching and take care the can you hear me? we are all set. we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new your own about come by as information for free might do to me in the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles, now make good stuff, bob,


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