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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is data view, news live from berlin. an ongoing volcanic eruption in iceland begins to burn houses. the lava has reached the fishing community of grinda, vic, where several buildings are already on fire. the town close to the capital was evacuated ahead of the rupture and tie, once president elect vows to defend the island against threats from china in his election, victory, speech, lodging days, excuse me, says he'll safe guard taiwan against what he calls intimidation from badging. but what will his when mean for relations in this already tense region? the
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next spicer, welcome to the program lab from the volcano which erupt it early on sunday. in iceland has reached the small fishing town of green dick. the lava flows have set some buildings on fire, the main road to the town, as well as electricity and hot water supply has already been destroyed by the molten rock. the towns residents were evacuated on saturdays, so there's no immediate danger to life brenda, because some 40 kilometers south west of the capitol, reykjavik journal, put some in green, the big. there may be little to come back to law the reach the small town, just hours of to residents where evacuated. it's the 2nd time in less than a month. the volcanic eruption has sent local scrambling. the officials rushed to get everyone out to have a night of the seismic activity intensified again via the quartet label. we were
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waiting for an interruption up on the mountain, but not under mesa town, but nobody knows what will happen to me. it is how many thinking authorities have been building rules to protect the town for weeks. but the light, just a russian has sent law the wedding up behind the defenses. but the same will be only tens of meters from the town in the same line as the other fisher, this is, and this is of course, what we feared that this would continue to open soft words to help the walk us through, through this well, molten rock is cutting through roads, water pipes, and the town itself, the rupture isn't expected to cause the kind of huge ash clouds. the ground is lights across europe in 2010. but for residents watching images like these of that town going up in smoke. that fact will likely provide a little comfort journalist in go sick for studies in reykjavik. he told us more
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about the lava reaching homes and infrastructure. the level is flowing very slowly, which i suppose under the circumstances have given that it's flowing into tom is a blessing. it has only cost to building so far, which certainly seems amazing. given that lava is feeling out of the ground, we're meters away, but it's slow and the geologist at the the iceland, the guy in the scientific decisions that are monitoring good say that's a volt kind of corruption seems to be balancing out. now the one that we had a couple of weeks ago that one fizzled out fairly quickly within a matter of hours, it was a shadow of what's of this one, the front that seems to be maintaining good starting. but as i say balancing out and balancing out help me, does that mean is slowing down? is there an inside here or? no, i think that means that they think it won't get any worse, that it won't get any stronger. they say that the but they don't measure as many
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smaller earthquakes, that would be an indication that the lava isn't sort of forcing the ground asunder to make room for themselves anymore. which could indicate that at some point, this will be, well, this won't take it in, but it's not waning. it's not fading away, not as of yet. but it's, it's, i mean, the movements that we see the little there is a mountain between the tunnel to get into the guns are very well known to as part of the blue mountain. it's got caught up here and, and, and then the hours between the 1st cleaners that will work, but we're around to, to 3 and then the 3 o'clock looked at the time in the morning and the direction starting at h. a g p s. measurements showed that the mountain moved by 20 centimeters. when, when mountains newton's move, you know, something is going on. certainly an angle, as we're saying, anti level walls around the fishing town have been built in the last weeks because of the seismic activity. did these walls help to prevent further damage in any way?
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they dates to an extent the fisher actually managed to break through. so that's the vision of itself, not just the level flow of but generally they seem to have helped steer the flow of the lava a way from going to the gun critical infrastructure. granted the they manage to strike the main hot water pipe to the town and the electricity is out. but for the time being they seem to have done a decent job of steering love of the end, the other direction. and then at least providing some of the damage that we're seeing otherwise would have happened. so that's definitely a plus and something i'm sure that people will be trying to replicate as joe and just tell us this isn't the last option that we'll see in the coming months in years. and what's it like for people who have to live through these are option i think this is iceland, this or option in 2 years as yeah, well, you'll just tell us that's where the entering a new era in iceland, big sort of deal geological history. which means that we'll see more craigs and
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hurts and options. we're really close to where i'm living in the way to reach out. so why we use the thing that was that i'm used to this, that does seem that we're entering and at other we'll have to get a little bit of adjusted to that will be different from what we've seen. we're used to sort of in our trucks and every 2 years, every few weeks. that's certainly something new. somewhat comfortable, it's not an immediate destruct one year. lots of people are going to be cool as you mentioned to the left. but it's, it's, it's not comfortable, but certainly can imagine it being unsettling. living next to a volcano journalist in go 6 percent in reykjavik. thanks so much. let's take a look now at some of the other headlines making news around the world. this is really forces have shelves, southern lebanon's after saying they killed 3 militants who crossed into israel to carry out and attack the lebanese state. run news agency report is heavy shallow in several villages near the border. that has ballade military groups that it had
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carried out 8 operations in the area. tens of thousands of israelis have begun to protest and television demand. the government do more to secure the release of hostages. have my home us. a mass is considered a terrorist organizing germany sunday, march 100 days since a mass kidnapped some 250 people. during the october 7th, the tax dozens were released during a week long november cease fire, but more than $130.00 remain in captivity. hundreds of protesters have marched in tennis to mark the 13th anniversary of the 2011 revolution at over through the dictatorship. as in indiana, i love it deem done that lee. they called for the release of jail opposition members arrested by authorities since president case side dismissed department in 2021 and passed the new constitution granting him more powers. the supreme court of pakistan has upheld the ruling, stripping former prime minister in rand cans party of its cricket. that symbol the
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party has long use the symbol for vote. it voters rather to recognize that at the bound with box rights groups have the upcoming election on february the 8th likes credibility following a crack down against kinds party in taiwan, the ruling party candidate, lodging day has won the presidential election, giving his party the d. p. p and unprecedented 3rd term lay secure just over 40 percent of the votes ahead of his nearest rival in the opposition cam. tea time china claims taiwan is its territory and in the run up to the election called by a dangerous separatist. the us, germany and france are among the country who of congratulated taiwan on a successful election. now let us welcome our next president and vice president lights in the and show meeting. the so the election is over, the winter has been declared and people are moving on with the lives of the votes in taiwan. what
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a to die. so young and my hope is that there will be peace and cross straight relations that there will be no political or economic threats to this island. since the south was assisting the sound of the waste power means all the time in these public is actually not nervous. compared to the foreign media who seemed to know why, oh, this is a scary place you on the view. so you go ahead and come what the fuck in shanghai in mainland china. so i'm hopeful to the interest. there might be a relatively rough period to maintain this stuff. this quote was, i think because i have a few time in these friends, but the increasing me want to go towards the mainland. i hope things will get faster and better. both sides can one day be together. they are, we can't play just the united states congratulated the newly elected president's in a press release, which didn't go down well in beijing. china claims taiwan as its own separate treat . china is foreign ministry, says the tie. one question is china's internal affair,
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whatever changes take place, and so i want the basic fact that there is only one china in the world. and so i, one is positive. china will not change. in recent months, spacing has regularly provoked taiwan militarily. i believe it's a king. so now what the new president's policy towards beijing will be. i think they will also a likely going to be an instability in cross relations in the short term of aging. will likely you want to use a further pressure, be a military appraisal maneuvers to read to attention, boy nom extinctions. again, select towns exports to the chinese market. or just feller marginalisation and critique of taiwan in both bathrooms and potentially more natural settings. o as a way to except for the pressure against the next town government. and then also prove that to set the turns of interaction for the next 4 years across very
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relations between paging and ty pay. i'm just one day off to the election. china, once again, quietly russel's it cyber facing publish these, these on dated pictures of a military exercise. i appreciate that. to discuss this further. i'm john join now rather by i'd be good rest of the a heads, the foreign relations team at the mecca tour institute for china studies. and joining us today from berlin again, what, what do you make of china is reaction to nice when i think and as of today, the reaction of the chinese has been a pretty good system. sweeps the past elections in taiwan in 2016 and in twins, quincy, when the dentist to one the election, the similar reaction was up there. so i mean, the change, the consistency of funding deposition, but also the, highlighting the fact that the process of pregnancy cation has sold it for them. and in the last image of the, the 1st that you show, we could already see
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a sense that there will be an escalation of the tension at some point. and that it should be set to that. but at this point in time, to say that was after the election of the action has been good tonight. and of course, a big player in the china, taiwan. the story is united states, the us congratulated the newly elected president. uh and sparking china is i or uh, even though the united states and said they don't support taiwan independence. why is paging annoyed? spinning as a noise because the bathing in washington do not share the same vision of where i was going for the chinese. the statement is clear and you just mentioned less than today and these are and they will be range acacia. they will be reading station at all costs and with full means of this is on its way for the united states.
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the position is that they want to maintain the such a quote in the strait in the same one straight. and they want to maintain the position of $51.00 as it stands right now. and do with and a number of lies have made clear that they do not accept the use of force for a b c cation purposes. and that's a change of the set to go through force would not be acceptable. so despite the fact that the u. s. has provided china we reassurances that they do not to go to that independence and the position of the americans is very clear interior well by china. they will be in case of the use of force in the se one's trade to change the stressful abigail. if i could just ask you a brief final question, aside from china, what challenges does the government have to face?
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and this is the one thing you need. so is the one residential, this extra, a full set, but it some minority and now in the funding so they will have to work with others. and i think that success terms, the current presidents is facing he has a pretty wide agend that ahead of him being on dealing with the housing prices. so they had the same one, the energy where he has said that the did you want to eliminate new care and energy from say what you care makes but highly dependent island, as you can imagine. so he has the principal changes or had the same and the bins assets in both of these fields. i'm sorry to cut you off. we're running out of air time. we'll talk to you again soon. have a good rest of the a thanks so much. thank you. you're watching dw news. i'm next bye.
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