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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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issac wold waiting also is available worldwide. every language level learning gem and has been since the this is dw news effort coming up on the program. could that be yet more trouble brewing in the horn of africa? somalia responds with theory after it's c o. p is deal with the break away region off. so molly land will discuss the implications of this dispute. also coming up in the aftermath of the devastating wall. and if you, if he has to drive region, many residents don't know where the next meal will come from. the w takes a look at the situation on the ground. plus the gun remembers the bills warriors who forced to resist enslavement in the late 18 hundreds. and the football in bottles begin africa's top tournament kicks off in the ivory
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coast. we discuss what and who you should look out for the and what i'm told me on the radical welcome to the program. there's a parole in somalia because the break away state of somebody lined recently signed a deal granting if you get access to the c in the memorandum of understanding some of the land would lease a 20 to allow me to stretch of its coastline to neighboring if you, which is landlocked, you'll be ends in return would be the 1st nation to recognize the molly land as an independent country. somalia, meanwhile, has lashed out calling the deal. a violation of its sovereignty. its pledging to defend its territory by any legal means. spell that out to somebody, what i will see you this step is an offensive, it's got
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a bit endangers. the stability and peace of the region is what i, which has already wellborn with probable runs. uh, it is a violation of an open invasion of somalia sovereignty last week. why not have freedom and the unity of the federal republic not need of somalia, but by the name of the m in the mother to the for the ordinary use. some of these were also up in arms with many taking part in protests after the agreement was announced, the angle was directed, not just if you help you, but also at somali land, which they say is still part of somalia. despite its claims of being an independent state, tens of thousands joined, protest this amount of capital mortgage issue. they came to support that government and its claim that simone alons deal with if your peer is both an act of aggression and a violation of somalis sovereignty. most of the you have to sell the house to live
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in our territorial waters in land and not for sale to protest to say some on the land has no right to conclude such an agreement as it is not an independent state on the coastline in the gulf of aiden to which it has granted ethiopia access belongs to somalia. the issue of simone and on status has been fruits for decades. the territory broke away from somalia union left truly 1991. after that country was plunged into chaos following a civil war. the ousting of the president but the international community has never recognized it as an independent nation. despite this small island has all the trappings of a sovereign state. it has its own currency, its own government, and police force. its enjoys greatest abilities in somalia, but the observer say it is held back by the lack of recognition as this limits
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access to foreign loans and investment, making life hard for people in a region, but he's already impoverished. and in the current dispute, many nations, a calling for somalia, suffering t to be respected. let's bring in obama mood, senior analyst for eastern africa at the international crisis group. welcome to the w means advocate home are now just to be clear, if you will be a, has not yet to officially recognize somebody that does an independent state. but just by engaging with them and signing this deal, they've infuriated somebody is government. so should the region be worried? well, i think it is a concern. i mean, certainly somebody is, is very angry at this point. we've seen a lot of statements from the, some of the governments. we've seen them marshalling some international supports of an in favor of their position. and you know, there's some,
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all the is never recognize. some of the lands self declared independence and, and so they view this as part of their territory. they view this as a sovereignty issue. so, so they're definitely quite upset and i think that has reverberating consequences for the horn of africa that you feel some of the relationship, especially from a security standpoint, is quite important in terms of combat emails for bob and security along their border. and so if, if this dispute is not resolved, no attention is continued to flare. uh, you know, i think we should be worried about repercussions around those lines. uh, does that mean that is the opiate could withdrawal uh, with, with the, the, its presence in some of the, of the troops fighting all ship bible or is it not going to go that far? well i think that's far, you know, some of the as, and the as you will be both of been a little careful around this, you know, they haven't resorted to very quick sort of, um, you know, emotional measures like abruptly pulling out forces and whatnot. but if this
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deal continues to go ahead, i mean the, the nature of the, if you will be a smaller relationship, would not continue as, as it has been to date. i mean, in, so you might see some pressure down the road. i think that's more of a down the road concern still but but definitely a concern. uh if you had that sort of southern um withdraw all the forces. whether that was that was if you'll be instigating or some of your pushing for it, then there would be a vacuum in those areas and that would very much for your concern. but again, i think, you know, both sides have been very careful to keep this in the diplomatic realm thus far. try to pursue, um, you know, uh some sort of resolution diplomatically and, and not not fall over into those into those other areas. but the reason that the internal conflict where we have some island, which is relatively stable, while the rest of the somalia is and so what leverage does somebody government in mogadishu have in this dispute as well. the somali government is still the
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internationally recognized government for the territory of somalia, which given that some of the land continues to be a non recognized entity, internationally in terms of international regulations and and whatnot, falls under it. and that's how a lot of international actors who do engage somali way and operate though they still operate in deference to some of the and mobile issue. and so i think some of the, it does have that leverage in that sense. um, they're, they're, they're marshalling some of their allies around this, their presence in some international forums where obviously some of the land doesn't have a seat, you know, whether that's originally up a you, but even internationally, up at the u. n. level. and in so there is some leverage and in that regard that i think some of the a can can marshal some some supports um, but if we're talking in terms of physically trying to, to stop something or trying to to prevent somebody. i think that's an difficult prospect to see in one that really opens up the prospect of, of
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a wider concept. no more. are there any signs now that if you will be as taking this step of any science other nations could follow? susan, recognizing somebody lined in some way, especially considering its strategic location. so i haven't really seen any, you know, indications specifically from, from other nations that would follow suit. you know, there's always been this theory that uh, at least you know, the theory that, that those and, and some of the land promote that. they just need one. um, you know, country to recognize them and others would follow suit. uh that remains very much to be seen. um and you know, i think we're still a ways down from that. you know, we, we should remember that this is a preliminary sort of, uh, agreement that if you will be in some of the vantage, they've come to there's, there's technical teams that would try to hash this out and, and see exactly where with land. um so, so a lot of that still remains to be to be determined, but i, i wouldn't expect
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a full day lose to follow with this per say, given that it's such a if you'll be a century dynamic. okay. i'm on my phone from the national crisis group. thank you very much for speaking to us. in ethiopia, authorities in take why the northern states wanting that the area is on the brink of famine to drive entering, president gets actual read. it says at least 90 percent of the people that are at risk of dying of starvation. he adds that the crisis was the result of the aftermath of the war, which ended just over a year ago as well as an ongoing drought. and the lack of aid, if you open government in that is about says the claims are exaggerated. the u. m and the u. s. temporarily suspended 8 supplies last year. following allegations of fest be entering president, detach you is urging both of the international community and the fuel the and
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government to intervene in tank right. to save lives, knew it was a 1000000, haile selassie reports from the region this. this is all that's 70 years old. get bremond, seeing how goes and his family had been able to have his in present months, barely enough to survive. there were salmon, we starving aluminum and crisis. some days i'm able to find something to eat. the days i go to bed with an empty stomach. what can we do? where can we go? how long could as conditions, west 7th i because family and many young people left the area. but most of the lease bank like apartments in most of these capital have died on the a few months. i left. it's the result of 4 years of phase rates, including the west, jolting decades as well as the device. the thing was in the copious degree future. hipaa. now we have farmers who worked our land where we couldn't do that and we
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would travel to places where we worked the money, the. where can we go? now? i'm losing home. i don't have sheep or cows, i can sell that, isn't it? so then they, you as was for the program and the us agency for international development suspended. thank you. money to the end deliveries. i live at the c, a of i must have crops of scheme in which the pro panel officials to grad and as each of forces had reportedly booted foot 8 to send legally in the markets. based significantly less than a situation with more than 1400 people having to dev. since then the local administrator in the district has declared a state of emergency close on that 85 percent of presidents have barely any food to eat me. people are dying in front of a rise. the government and non governmental organizations have to take
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responsibility and do what they can to alleviate the suffering. you know that you and us, it does have agreed to resume food. identity varies with improved money. totally. quite. yeah. give me shit. hopefully between arrived too late. save, get permits in the god knows what will come next. i want to see we have is mercy. we will eat. if we don't, we will die. no, there's not much else we can do it either way on. despite the short term relief, people here into great worry that there was, may not see that needs as agend as a crisis unfolds elsewhere in the wide. i'm now joined by samuel g attach you, he's a journalist based in ad is out by and he just got back from the tig. why region samuel? welcome to the program. now what did you see on your trip that just tell us just
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what the situation is like? so we went outside of what we went to a ton of village called a huge lot which had a conflict during the tool and were facing thousands of people. i sold people that are really starving of being uptake by this time and that's going on across the region. i swear to many people, all the people, young people who have eaten for days, waiting for any kind of support from international organizations, including us a id in the world food program, but delivered some kind of aide a few weeks ago. and they've been waiting maybe the content they have really been struggling for many, many, perhaps mongers. mentioned some age coming through now just how much is it sufficient for the people or what most of the villages,
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including the administrator of the village, told me that the last time they received any kind of aid was from us the id and the focused on the id piece, the people that came from outside of the villages that were in a bad situation in terms ofa not getting any kind of support. but the whole village it seems, are in need of some kind of support. this is perhaps a, you know, something that money or plus i reminded of the 1984 timing where a 1000000 sofa ethiopians, especially in this region, were affected. and 2 people that are older is really a reminder of what the fuel bill went through. and even the president of the 2 great region has said, this is something that's comparable to the 9th waiting for you to type time. and so the region is really, you know, softly and you can tell it as soon as you arrived just outside of the company, talk quickly. i'm just on that point the, the, the, as he's mentioned,
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the t right. uh for the saying, the situation is approaching a firm, and meanwhile the govern, denied. this is saying this is exaggerated. we think the 2 sides, even though they signed a deal to end the war, we see them giving completely conflicting information about what's going on. does that mean they are still very much at odds, even though the fighting has stopped as well they took and government has been set saying that the support team, the region there to give the support 8 to the region. but i can only tell you from what i've seen, i'm seeing people lots of really struggling people. that's how really facing the fireman task. we're beginning to see, you know, just in to guy. but in the regions of this country, people are really, really software. and the government has acknowledged that they need support, but they've said it's nothing like
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a fundamental made to me before. i think that's where the differences between the regional government and the federal government is. but from what we've seen is more media side arriving into great need. many people are starving and you can see it again, remove your competence. so again, i can only tell you from what i've seen, but many, many people are suffering in time and seems to be coming back to this country once again. the anti apartheid photojournalist time i go by there has been laid to rest in johannesburg, south africa just over a week after he died. at the age of $91.00 megabyte is award winning imagery, documented key events in south africa as a positive era, including the racial oppression and brutal violence. as well as the campaign to free. the imprisoned, nelson mandela who would lead to appoint him his official photographer. after becoming president,
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or you're watching definitely news africa still to calm the african cup of nations, re tons, who will be crowned the continents champions. the 1st we go to northeast and gone where the bill. so people have been mocking the annual field festival, where they celebrate the great feats of the warriors in the late 1800, a fort off invaders and avoid it and slave meant. here's a report on this. he has commemoration from dw maxwell soak in the town of sun demo . the boats, the warriors have historically been reviewed here and gotten us for yes. right of came from the saw hill to in slaves the both but failed. legend has it that the both of traditional weapons proved superior to the integrated european guns carried by the invaders,
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the bows and arrows of the boys as with southern longer. and these were a powerful arrows boys in ours. so disliked us touch it, you know, sometimes that both the tactics and battle may also have been decisive and knowing that they relied on the horses. this rate is of the light. you know where, where haws back to the people at the top at the top of the horses 1st. so who exactly was attacking northern got 2 names have been handed down in oral history. firstly, the notorious samo ray to ray who fought europe, team colonize us. but also enslaved his fellow africans until his pseudo empire fell to the invaders. and nothing will load was the and famous brother to protect
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the pool site in the 18 ninety's. i need to be defeated close to sunday. the both of our e. s. united and even today, they're at maya from oklahoma. i leave our ancestors use this to free our land from slavery. there are some of them for me to come over and use it. that's why we most honor their efforts every year. and you set the engine up and invested at the corporate more drawback for young locals. the tradition still lives on. * i do on that so we are here and showed that we are still full. we know it's not because of their part for us. yeah. oh, but as i've been going because of the parts, all right, that's what i do. remember them, they were fighting slavery. after the evolution of trans atlantic slave trade. domestic slavery by africans continued underly disliked by 2 and some movie to read
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. some researches suggest this was to concord territory and build up the numbers to estimate about slavery or says, i'm trying to put the default on people that like the, you know, pianos if the says then they wouldn't have done anything. so we did this issue. the shame should be shared by the africans. many have feel that the pups in the narrative around the history of slavery focuses mainly on those and slaved whilst ignoring the uniqueness of those who resisted this element of a group of people standing. i guess it in fact, and i guess it's, it's not about being told what that within the african continent all in the western world did a story that's still those emotions as people here on the bill side. chief ment
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the, it's that time again, we get to witness the best on the continents footballing talent at the africa club of nations. and this addition is being hosted by the ivory coast and teams, all gathering all set to full action this this competition as advocates, football, power houses, bottle it out to the whole, bring joy to the people as champions. how many european clubs are unhappy about losing the african players to this tournament, but it's probably a sign of the quality that will be on display. now to discuss more about this exciting tournament of what should be an exciting told him in all sports expert law id id. we joys me here in studio love at a good to see you. now reminders, 1st of all, why we having ask on 2023 in 2024. well, and i because i was supposed to host in 2023 in june,
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july. it was scheduled for june july, but because of the reins in west africa is really heavy and they have to postpone it to january 2024. and this has affected, you know, many of dental just because they are using that with some of the best places to the tournament. and but cops as they have to do with it. but eventually we hope he's good, isn't it? he's going to be a really good tournament for everybody. and then the funds, the countries then you expect there's some good surprises. yeah. with, with january and february being that the dry a months. and i've, it goes to host, are they ready for this big event? i because how the present is 6 stadiums and this been to by the $1500000000.00 trying to set up cost of that new rules and the hotels expect about 1500000 funds visiting. so you know, the, the one hosted really good party for the continuance and it's looking like it's
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going to be really good one of the best of cause i've seen it in ages. so i think they're ready. what kinds of bottles are, were you intending to do? we think we'll see particularly from the group stage, but also going forward. well the opening game because these are expected to, to really do griffin's down the official. but in that group they had, they had nigeria for the 2nd game, right? it's going to be one of the biggest bottles. you also have egypt versus a gun. now you have come everywhere. so send you guys. these are real tough match ups in, in, on the continent. then it's the shipping up to the plastics, you know, so it's, it's really going to be an overall. let me put you on the spot now. who is your own? who's your money? on 22, windows, 200. wow. um the host sending got i, i coming back the, there's a good movie defending junk and then i go,
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sorry, this brand new talking to send you that either cause that whole. so they also, i mean on that aspect that to do with that tool, but um egypt, egypt and the last, the last uh, i find out the synagogue, they lost also in 2017 to come in and i think that's still a really good side. but yeah, i'm nicer and i hope this the way it was come to play. i know we have a real shortage in, in some departments. the goal keeping an interest to a few people. good, nice individual bony face will be a level consume to the on the eve of the tournament, which is, which is really a shame. but um i, i hope, uh, it's going to be a good time for an idea. but we can also see the exactly from the funds, and i think we can listen to some of them now and hear what to say. okay. i'd prefer embody to in the 1st task and he in the ivory coast the ivory coast always bow and confidence as they start to win matches were in a positive state of mind. and i have confidence in the coach you know,
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sending it out the type of it's down to the i've already themselves know that we're going community against ivory coast line. so going to to, to the other team as well as i know it's going to be a crazy atmosphere because everyone knows ivory coast is a country of joy as well. so i just hope it's going to be a very good ass console. good. what kind of, you know, i'm sure will be treated to a delightful learning treat thinking aloud before your insights and thank you for being with us. that's it for us for now, but you time keep up with the news from us going and indeed a wide range of other stories on dw com, forward slash africa on social media pages. we'll leave you with some pictures. some of the top teams in it's 2 minutes ask who i'm seeing next time, bye for now the,
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inspiring story about survival of the home and you go get the tennis. i was the only one. what lies look. music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary of sight for encounter in the late 19 seventy's former concentration campaign. my general most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stop bogged, known as the beast of sylvie bar. shame on you. tell the truth. to use nature, wagner was dead and investigation concluded that it was suicide. of the files give rise to don't really have to go see the january 27th.
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the, this is dw news live from berlin, counting the cost of a 100 days of war for the conflict is meant to the people killed and displaced in gas or a, by israel's military response to the have mass attack on october the 7th. while in israel, people call for the return of hostages, still being held by him as, as the war shows, no signs of the coming to an end. also on the program, an ongoing volcanic eruption burns homes in iceland, the lava reaches the fishing community of brenda, vic consuming several buildings as well as important infrastructure. the town close


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