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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw, use live from berlin, counting the cost of a 100 days of war. for the conflict is meant to the people killed and displaced in gas or a, by israel's military response to the have mass attacks on october the 7th. while in israel, people call for the return of hostages, still being held by him as, as the war shows, no signs of the coming to an end. also on the program, an ongoing volcanic eruption burns homes in iceland, the lava reaches the fishing community of brenda, vic, consuming several buildings as well as important infrastructure. the town close to the capital was evacuated ahead of the rupture. the
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next. spicer, welcome to the program, and we begin in the middle east, where the war between israel and her boss has reached its hundreds de, the fighting erupt after the, as the most militant group of ass launched a terrorist attacked on israel. on october, the 7th. israel responded with an air strikes in the ground invasion of the gaza strip. since then, the tool has been devastating for the people of garza. the last 100 days had been nothing short of a disaster. money of loss, not just the homes, livelihoods, and loved ones, but also any hope that life can ever return to normal. a. hi, let us know. we exchanged roger catastrophic indescribable situation. everyone's will thousands of boxes and wounded. those who would not, multitude were wounded,
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who wasn't wounded, had the home destroyed. those who didn't lose their homes. what is place? no one in gauze that has been untouched by the conflict. this family say they used to be wealthy, but like thousands of all the gardens, they've been forced to flee. and now they're making pastries to survive. put in the hey, i assume just 100 days ago we were living in power dice on a bad. we have buildings, houses, and possessions. we enjoyed a wonderful luxurious life since the thoughts of the will. we've lost everything, homes of possessions. everything in israel to the pain is real. despite efforts to trace it away at this rate in tennessee, it's one of a number of events taking place to mount the 100 day since the terrorist attack to plead for the return of the mold. a $100.00 hostages still being held in garza,
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including one of the youngest, after t's it's prostate, both direct, something to freedom from the hum us to bring him and his family best to is rather to celebrate the best day with his family. is it possible? as well as government says it will push ahead with its campaign until the hostages of being returned and its other will aims have been achieved, including the elimination of how much of the threats it poses to the jewish state. journalist has a bullshit reported from gaza until he fled to jordan in november. i asked him what $100.00 days of war meant to him to it's todd never expected that the war would be that long as a plus stayed in fast as someone from gauze. i never expected this war
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to be the harsh and long and the stating from 4. it's harder than anybody expected. reaching an end is not so close and, and in, in goes up. people think this is the, the longest and all the conflicts before was like if we compare it with this, one was a joke. this is the reward. a most destructive and most the devastating war and particularly devastating for women and children who are being killed in, in greater numbers in this conflict and then, and then in many others. can you tell us about the human tool please? a. m a, the situation in gauze and off to a $100.00 days. you know, it's more layer results for more layers off of hardship. we are talking about
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lack of every thing shortages of food, mid this in water, drinking water, access to the hospitals, access to the outside world, named garza, is in the fed day and both near total it black out communication, black out there, isn't there, communication in goals i know internet no basics, you know, people have a lot of stuff or i so today videos from dollars a cd, the that is which is circulate single on the social media. thousands of people are rushing at to a truck to get a bag or overflow or that aid comes from from this house. and we have news from spokesman for the armed wing of her mouse has been speaking about the conflict and any possible talks with israel. what can you tell us about that?
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it seems that the adults and between the 2 sides from us and is well through egypt, sions, or categories or other. rudy is, is, is um is, is facing difficulties um a link to the to sions or the primary. so from is really side that they are talking about 2 different conditions. so it seems that gab is very wide and the reach to lately it seems, it's not clear 100 percent that the humanitarian deal that as well as providing more $8.00 to $1.00. uh and uh, and with this and which would allow him as to and to, to give that to the hostages in gaza. so the, the, the appearance and all 4 of the spokesperson today was, was, it was a, was assigned, that the situation is very hard, which he said was very smart to trudge it. it is still the guy. and the fighting is,
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is, is going on. okay, well thank you so much for that insight on this uh, summer anniversary journalist has an felicia and a man lava from a volcano which erupt it early on sunday. in iceland has reached a small fishing town of green demik. the lava flows here have set some buildings on fire, the main road to the town, as well as its select tricity and hot water supply have already been destroyed by the molten rock. the towns residents were evacuated on saturday, so there is no immediate danger to life. going to vegas and 40 kilometers south west of the capitol, reykjavik put some in grinda big. there may be little to come back to law the reach the small town, just hours of to residents where evacuated. it's the 2nd time in less than a month. the volcanic eruption has sent local scrambling. the officials rushed to
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get everyone out to have a night of to seismic activity intensified again via the whatever april we were waiting for an interruption up on the mountain, but not underneath the town, but nobody knows what will happen to me. it is how many thinking authorities have been building rules to protect the town for weeks. but the latest the russian has sent law the wedding up behind the defense is about the same will be only tens of meters from the town in the same line as the other. fisher, this is, and this is of course, what we feared that this would continue to open software. it is a hooked up and walk us through through this. well, molten rock is cutting through roads, water pipes, and the town itself, the rupture isn't expected to cause the kind of huge ash clouds that ground its lights across europe in 2010. but for residents watching images like these of the town going up in smoke, that fact will likely provide
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a little comfort the an alteration of what amount of new president donado i even though has been delayed by disputes in parliament. lawmakers from his party had been forced to register as independence. the anti corruption campaigner has endured a bumpy road to power since his election victory in august brought him all his attorney general has repeatedly tried to stop him from taking office and the president elect has called a coup attempt. and for more on this, let's go straight to our latin american correspondent nicole reese, who is in guatemala city for us. nicole, the president is due to be non creative today, but his party just got suspended from congress. what does this mean? so actually i'm right here where this integration should take place right behind in this building. and at the moment, nothing is moving forward due to display. this has partly to do with the suspension
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of a movie. the info said media. this basically for the party members means that they cannot take part in debates and congress that they cannot influence important debates that can only vote. so this is a big issue. this is one bold as is rolling right now. the other problem is that outgoing members of congress usually need to make sure that the new commerce, the incoming government gets their credentials. this happens in the ceremony before the you know, gratian this should have happened this morning. it has and, and this is why there is an interruption office ceremony. we don't know for how long. we don't know if it just stops and something else will happen. but obviously this puts in jeopardy this whole, you know, corporation today because he needs to be inaugurated in a certain amount of time as well as well. an option that has been talked about before in the connection with the room, us of a, could it tablets for example, that the congress could actually say that that will be an interim president. and
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then of course, here we would see massive pro protests. but at the moment, there's a lot of uncertainty and this blockage of the ceremony. so we have to hang in here and see what happens in the meantime. we're also hearing unconfirmed reports off colleagues from press the don't have access to congress right now. they're asking for help so they can get into actually see what's happening there. so at the moment, a lot of uncertainty and a bit of this order, i'm afraid. okay, well good to have you so close to the action and keeping abreast of what the president likes will be doing. but it's and you spoke to him yesterday where he told you that corruption was at the heart of efforts to keep him out of power. one of us to have a listen now a lot, but so unless you see the whole point, the people who oppose us our who have tried and continued to try to stop us from coming to power and to prevent a government committed to change from succeeding, offering precisely the criminal political clause, which is imbedded in the political system. you see, i needs to change into the state. we're looking at a,
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those of them that still remain, have realized the victory given to us by the people of quite some of the what is a mandate for a future free of corruption, which implies the, the end of a business model based on corruption. the has the right to see what's going to. yeah, i got so some and vicious plans were laid out there, it sounded like to me, what do you think his chances are of achieving them? well, from what we see right now and what we've seen in the past few months with opium pens to him to him in the, in, from a taking over. i think it's only gonna continue, or really he is up against a very strong alliance of conservative politicians, the established political class that has been ruling the country for so many years, but is being blamed for demolishing democracy in guatemala. so this is only going
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to be further more difficult if he actually happens to take over. and he also doesn't have the majority in congress. so it is a bit of a difficult situation for him. but yesterday, when i spoke to him, he obviously said that he is optimistic, that he can make alliances. and that you can actually, through alliances also kind of, you know, tackle of the corruption which is the main problem you, in guatemala, everybody you talked to here says we need to get rid of corruption. so all the things work for example of health care, for example, if you cation, so this is the most important issue, but for now, there's no new president, really. we still have to wait if he actually is being able to take over today. and it just briefly on about 30 seconds, you talk to the president of the like any other things that tested up for you? well, one of his 1st actions that he pointed out is that he's going to ask the attorney general that you mentioned earlier to step down. she said, he says in his own words,
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there is no need for this woman. any more comments will afford us as so this is his 1st action, andy seems quite confident that he actually can do that. but the other question is, if this person actually will also appear in his office to uh, take this order from him. so uh, lots of things still swinging here, a lot of things swinging a lot of moving pieces. and thank you. nicole reese for putting them all together for us. nicole reese and got them on as denmark has begun a new chapter and its royal history with king frederick officially taking the throne. thousands of people turned out in copenhagen to see denmark. prime minister formerly proclaimed frederic king as soon as the throne after the application of his mother greenberg try to see was the 1st day in his monitor step down voluntarily of nearly 900 years. advocation means denmark. we'll have 2 queens catch up. we'll keep her title well. cedric australian born wife becomes queen mary .
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