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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the the, this is the to the news life umbrellas counting the cost of a 100 days of war. what the conflict has meant to the people killed and displaced in guns held by israel's military response to the hamas attack on october 7th. while in israel, people call for the return of hostages, still being held by him as a war shows no signs of coming to an end. last anger in guatemala, after the presidential act is delayed from taking office. protests erupt outside congress and watch them out. associates as opponents of incoming president. fernando at a low debate tied to admit lawmakers from his cartridge the
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i'm had of him all welcome to the program. we begin in the middle east where the war between israel and tomas has reached its 100 to date. the fighting erupted after the islamist village and a group of moss launched a terrorist attack on as well. on october 7th, israel responded with air strikes and a grind invasion of the gaza strip. and since then, the tool has been devastating for the people of garza. the last $100.00 days, be nothing schultz of a disaster. many have lost, not just the homes, livelihoods, and loved ones. but also any hope that life can ever return to normal. to hi, let us know. we exchanged roger catastrophic indescribable situation. everyone's will thousands of boxes and wounded. those who would not, multitude were wounded,
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who was wounded, had the home destroyed. those who didn't lose their homes for this place. no one in gaza has been on touched by the conflict. this family said they used to be wealthy, but like thousands of all the girls and they've been forced to flee. and now they're making pastries to survive. put in the hey, i assume just 100 days ago we were living in power dice on a band. we have buildings, houses, and possessions. we enjoyed a wonderful luxurious life since the thoughts of the will. we've lost everything, homes of possessions. everything in israel to the pain is real. despite efforts to trace it away at this rate in tennessee, it's one of the number of events taking place to mount the 100 day since the terrorist attack to plead for the return of the mold. a $100.00 hostages still
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being held in garza, including one of the youngest, after tea's it's prostate, both direct, something to freedom from the hum us to bring him and his family best to is rather to celebrate the best day with his family. is it possible? as well as government says it will push ahead with its campaign until the hostages of being returned and its other will aims have been achieved, including the elimination of home us and the source it poses to the jewish state will pass the name journalist has and the lucia has been reporting from gaza for dw until he fled to jordan in november. he told us what a 100 days of war means for him to. it's hard, never expected that the war would be that long. and as a blow stayed in fast as a someone from gauze,
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i never expected this war to be the harsh and long and the stating from 4. it's harder than anybody expected. reaching an end is not so close and, and in, in gauze that people think this is the, the longest and all the conflicts before was like, if we compare it with this, one was a joke. this is the reward. a most destructive and most of the devastating war and dw correspondent rebecca retrospect the day with the families and supporters of the is rarely hostages. still in captivity. she told us by the mood as a vigil, intel of ease the mood here and what is become known as hostage square is on the heavy face. events has been held every week since the october 7th. there are tact, but this weekend i seen a full 24 hours of commemorative events, speeches,
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music to mock 100 days since that terror attacks 100 days since the hostages has been held inside guns that many families, all the people still being held inside guns that have been speaking today and so to have some of the hostages that were released in the november, the hostage of many of them spoke of a deal, a thing for a while. i shop our shop now. now is the charges here all over and bring them home . now that's the overriding message key today at every one of these events, notably absent though, is any legal representation. i talked to one woman who said that the political latest is simply to skate to come today, and then they know that they don't welcome. she said, i gives you a sense of the feeling about 5 minutes have been, and netanyahu, and he's government's handling particularly all of the situation with the hostages . many people have feel very let down by the government, some even pulling for elections. but this isn't a political event today is about
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a sense of collective grease, collective support and even some therapy to try to hear from the trauma that so many people here have experienced the families of the menu hostetter to say they're going to keep off the pressure on the government that they're going to keep holding these events. we often wake until they loved ones important times to try to keep their message high on the public agenda. that was dw correspondent rebecca writers . let's take a look at some other headlines from around the world is really forces have child, southern lebanon, and after saying they killed 3 militants who crossed into israel to carry out an attack. the lebanese state run use agency reported heavy, showing in several villages near the border. has the law militant groups that it had carried out 8 operations in the area. torrential rain, followed by major flooding, has killed at least 7 people in brazil's rio de janeiro. a record amount of rain
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fell in one day more than this that you would normally receive and a months at this time of the year. if loving for several metro stations to close and associates have declared a state of emergency. now donald trump has been holding a campaign, riley on the eve of ios presidential caucuses, the republican party's 1st voting contents. full show, the former president with a large lead over top rivals. former you got us down boston, nikki haley and florida governor roland desantis. they are locked in a closed pass. so for 2nd, it's not law from a volcano which erupt as early on sunday. in iceland has reached the small fishing time of great, the lava flows have set some buildings on fire the main road at the time as well as the electricity and hot water supply have already been destroyed by molten welk. the times residents worry about to a to it on saturday, so there is no immediate danger to life. going to big is some 40 kilometers size west of the capitol,
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reykjavik including the vic. there may be little to come back to law, the reach the small town, just hours of to residents where evacuated. it's the 2nd time in less than a month the volcanic eruption has sent local scrambling. officials rushed to get everyone out to have a night of to seismic activity intensified again via the quote to other people. we were waiting for an interruption up on the mountain, but not under mesa town, but nobody knows what will happen. it is how many thinking authorities have been building rules to protect the town for weeks. but the latest, the russian has said law, the welling up behind the defense is about the same will be only tens of meters from the town in the same line as the other. fisher, this is, and this is of course, what we feared that this would continue to open software. it is the walk us through,
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through this wall. molten rock is cutting through roads, water pipes, and the town itself. the rupture isn't expected to cause the kind of huge ash clouds. the ground is lights across europe in 2010. but for residents watching images like these, of the town going up in smoke. that fact will likely provide a little comfort well, maybe overtake watching while it not work, flashes have erupt after the countries president elect was delayed from taking office supporters of bernardo out of your fellow scuffled with police. i'd say congress as lawmakers debated how to install members of any of the louis parssi earlier watch them all those top court rules that politicians from any of those par, she must be registered as independence moves that could dilute his political power at a low one last august presidential cold vowing to route i corruption in the country . here's what he had to say about the latest delay. in the one s t c o point to the
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people who oppose us our who have tried and continued to try to stop us from coming to power somebody and to prevent a government committed to change from succeeding, offering precisely the criminal political clause, the which is imbedded in the political system, you see i need suggestions of the state we are located. i mean those of them that still remain have realized the victory given to us by the people of quite tomato. and what is a mandate for a future free of corruption? which implies that the end of a business model based on corruption, the has a right to see what's going to. yeah. well let's go straight over to our latin america correspondent, nicole res, who's in guatemala city. following the story, nicole, we've seen pictures of clashes between protesters and the police in front of the congress in guatemala. so it's clear that tensions are pretty high right now. can you tell us a little bit more about what's actually going on,
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where you are as well head out this morning and this afternoon has been pretty much a roller coaster ride with lots of delays coming from congress. actually protest those have gathered in the center of the city or in the center around the congress early, already to celebrate this integration day. and a less of the mood obviously has a turned and due to the latest given by congress that have been some classes that we hear heard about here because we're at the cultural center. well, actually the integration should be taking place at some point. and we have on verified videos that show also the use of a gas. so we're on show at the moment, if this continues, i've been told that it's coming down because congress apparently is moving on. the problem was that not only and moving in to send me of the party of out a little was suspended. there were also problems with the credentials that outgoing
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congressmen should be giving today to the new congressman. this is the unusual procedure here, and also they hadn't announced and elected a president of congress yet because there was a struggle between the outgoing party and the new commerce. but it seems that someone coming out already going forward. the commission of equitation said congress has now finished finished its work, so may be in the few hours in the evening today, available will actually be invested and then will be the next president of this country. yeah, exactly. so that was going to be my next question. about congress at moving forward . i mean, do you actually think the area below is going to be sworn in today? and if not, what else can we expect to see happen now? or at the moment everybody is waiting here, as you can also see behind me in the front past hour. many people have arrived that
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will take part in this ceremony and we're expecting him actually to arrive at some point. we don't have any confirmation about that. as though, because as things happened developing throughout the day, anything can really happened and change from one moment to the other. and then was actually also fear of many who support. i believe i know that in the last minute there will be some intent to throw this whole ceremony over and to put an interim president instead of him at the moment. still, we are optimistic that we will have a ceremony with out of the, of our little sewage. okay, so let's say that does happen. what are the most urgent issues or able to needs tackle now for guatemala, looking forward? well, the 1st thing that would be valuable uh told me that he wants to do because we interviewed him yesterday is to ask for the resignation of the general attorney consuela ford of us. it's one of the people who has been involved in trying to
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topple over his presidency by trying to in know the results of the elections. so he says that's the 1st action that he wants to take, call her into his office and then say that she should resign the other very urgent issues. here is corruption. this is the biggest topic moving around, everybody talks about as everybody wants this to be a am tackled at a little will probably announce measures very soon, one of them being maybe a cabinet that takes care of anti corruption. and also maybe then the persecution of these people involved in corruption, so they can not take public office anymore. and this is, i think, what the political establishment here fears most, because this would be then the end of that curious. yeah. in guatemala. the ws nicole was in guatemala. thank you so much i i will be following that story for you as it unfolds. that's all from us for now.
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next reporter is looking at a hotel warner in pakistan, struggling to start over after a flood, watched his entire village away. and don't forget, there's always more on our website and our social media channels. i'm one of him all in berlin. thanks so much for watching. take care, the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center and the straight pieces the around the world more than 130000000 people of.


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