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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw, and use lie from berlin, counting the cost of a $100.00 days of war. what the conflict has meant to the people killed and displaced in gaza by israel's military response to the mazda attack on october 7th . while in israel, people call for the return of hostages, still being held by him as the war shows, no signs of coming to an end plus anger. in guatemala, after the president elect is delayed from taking office protest erupt, i'd say congress in guatemala city as opponents of incoming president, bernardo, at a below debate tied to admit lawmakers from his party. the
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i'm had of him the welcome to the program. we begin in the middle east where the war between israel and tomas has passed its 100 date. the facing erupted after the is list millage and a group home us launched a terrorist attack on israel on october 7th. israel responded with air strikes on the ground, invasion of the gods of strep. and since then, the tool has been devastating for the people of cause a the is it, i, a mazda bar, has been a disaster, too many have lost, not just your homes, livelihoods, and love puns. but also any hope that life can never done to norman put in the hey, i see just 100 days ago. we were living in power dice on uh a bad. we have buildings, houses, and possessions. we enjoyed a wonderful luxurious life since the thoughts of the will. we've lost everything,
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a home of possessions. everything is that i used to be and is it is despite efforts to, to use adobe at the street instead of eve. it's one of several events that took place on sunday to mazda 100. the says that the suspect incomplete for the time of the more than $100.00 hostages, instead of being held in cause a including. but the agent goes to evict these it's across the board to reg, something to freedom from the, from us to bring him and his family best to is rather to celebrate the best day with his family. is it possible? on sunday, mazda released a video of 3. is there any hostages? it's totally in cause of. it also suggested that other hostages may have been in place that may be sending does it, i,
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it has caused such messages from us as a form of psychological lot. fan. it's lee to see the military campaign will continue on to the mazda is destroyed, and all the hostages are brought home safely. both house and journalist has them below, shall reported from gaza until he fled to jordan. in november, he told us what a 100 days of war meant to him to it's todd never expected that the war would be that long as a plus stayed in fast as someone from gauze. i never expected this war to be the harsh and long and the state and um, uh from for um, it's harder than anybody expected. reaching an end is not so close. and, and in, in garza, people think this is the, the longest and all the conflicts before was like if we compare it with this one
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was a joke. this is the reward, a most destructive and most the devastating war and dw correspondent rebecca with her a spend the day with the families and supporters of the as rarely hostages, still in captivity. she told us by the mood as a vigil, intel's eve, the mood here, and what is become known as hostage square is on the and heavy. these events has been held every week since the on the type of 7 there are tact, but this weekend i seen a full 24 hours of commemorative events, speeches, music to mock 100 days since that terror attacks 100 days since the hostages has been held inside guns that many families, all the people still being held inside, garza had been speaking today and so to have some of the hostages that were released in the november the hostage of many of them spoke of a deal, a thing for
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a while. i shop our shop now, now is the time you hear over and either bring them time. now that's the overriding message key today at every one of these events, notably absent though, is any political representation. i talked to one woman who said that the political latest is simply to skate to accommodate what then they know that they don't welcome. she said, gives you a sense of the feeling about prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and he's government's handling particularly of the situation with the hostages. many people he feel very let down, find the government, some even pulling for elections. but this isn't a political event today is about a sense of collective grease, collective support and even some therapy to try to hear from the troll. but at so many people here have experienced the families of the menu hosted and say they're going to keep up the pressure on the government that they're going to keep holding these events. we often wake until they loved ones important hives to try to keep
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the message high on the public agenda. let's dw correspondent rebecca richard. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world is really forces have child, southern lebanon after saying the code 3 militants who crossed into israel to carry out an attack. the lebanese state run use agency reported heavy, showing in several villages near the border that has belong militant groups that is carried at h l. patients in the area to rangel rain, followed by major flooding, has killed at least 7 people in brazil's rio de janeiro. a record amount of rain fell in one day more than the city would normally receive and a month at this time of year, the flooding for several metro stations close and massages have declared a state of emergency. ecuador and security forces have taken back control of several prisons that had some, i'm sorry, that had come under the control of gang members. the army released images showing hundreds of inmates face done on the ground as armed forces entered the jails. the
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operation is aimed at restoring order after dozens of prison workers were held hostage by inmates for nearly a week. and guatemala is still waiting to swear in its new leader after president elect bernardo follow was delayed from taking office. his fortress covered with the side congress as lawmakers to be too tired to have met his party members. earlier it was the most top court ruled that they must be registered as independent, and these that could dilute array of all those political power headed valour won the election last august and the land slide following. to retype corruption. here's what he had to say about the hold up. in this one, s t c opening the people who oppose us our who have tried and continue to try to stop us from coming to power the most simple battery and to prevent the government committed to change from succeeding. offering precisely the criminal political clause, which is imbedded in the political system, you see,
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i need to change the state to look again. i mean, those of them that still remain have realized the victory given to us by the people them. question them out of what is a mandate for a future free of corruption, which implies that the end of a business model based on corruption the has arrived below that it was useful to use less than america correspondent nicole rez. explain the most urgent issues. the area of a low it needs to tackle well, this was saying that a little told me that he wants to do because we interviewed him yesterday is to ask for the resignation of the general attorney consuela ford of us. it's one of the people who has been involved in trying to topple over his presidency by trying to and know the results of the elections. so he says that's the 1st action that he wants to take,
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call her into his office and then say that she should resign the other very urgent issues. here is corruption. this is the biggest topic moving around, everybody talks about as everybody wants this to be a and tackled at a little will probably announce measures very soon. one of them being may be a cabinet that takes care of anti corruption. and also maybe then the persecution of these people involved in corruption, so they can not take public office anymore. and this is, i think with the political establishment here fears most because this wouldn't be then the end of that curious. yeah, in guatemala. dw is nicole risk. so in taiwan, the ruling party candidate lodging has won the presidential election, giving his party the d p. an unprecedented 3rd term lies secure just over 40 percent of the vote ahead of his newest rival. and the opposition can t. china claims taiwan as its territory and in the run up to the election called
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lie a dangerous separatist. the us, germany and france are among the countries who have congratulate to taiwan on its successful election. now let us welcome our next president and vice president lighting the and show meeting spelling wheels the so the election is, are the, the, when it has been declared and people are moving on with the lives of, to the votes inside one what a to die. so young and my hope is that there will be peace and cross straight relations that there will be no political or economic threats to this island. since the south was assisting the somebody to waste how i means all the time in these public is actually not nervous. compared to the foreign media who same tell why? oh, this is a scary place you on the view. so you go ahead and come what the fuck in shanghai in mainland china. so i'm hopeful to the interest. there might be a relatively rough period to maintain this stuff. this quote was, i think because i have a few time in these friends,
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but the increasing the want to go towards the mainland. i hope things will get faster and better. a both sides can one day be together. they only take pages in the united states, congratulated the newly elected president's in a press release, which didn't go down well in beijing. china claims taiwan as its own separate treat . china is foreign ministry, says the tie. one question is china's internal affair. what are the changes take place? and so i want the basic fact that there is only one china in the world. and so i, one is positive. china will not change. in recent months, beijing has regularly provoked taiwan militarily. i believe it's a king. so now what the new president's policy towards beijing will be. i think they will also likely going to be an instability across relations in the short term of aging. will likely you want to use a further pressure, be a military appraisal maneuvers to read, shop patient boy nom extinctions. again,
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select towns, exports to the chinese market, or just feller marginalisation and critique of taiwan in both by a true and potentially modern actress. settings o as a way to except for the pressure against the next town government. and then also prove that to set the turns of interaction for the next 4 years across trade relations between paging and ty pay. and just one day off to the election. china, once again, quietly russel's it cyber facing publish these, these on dated pictures of a military exercise. so moving on to iceland now, where a lava from a volcano which of erupt it early on sunday has reached the small fishing tide of during the week. the lava flows have set some buildings on fire, the main road to the time, as well as electricity and hot water supply have already been destroyed by the molten rock. the times residents were evacuated on south day,
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so there is no immediate danger to life. going to be is some 40 kilometers size west of the capitol, reykjavik molten lava continue to spew into green the vic over nice. it's a natural size of stunning beauty, but also one that is threatening the towns future. going to vic lies above a fault line. the geologist had long known about what had been inactive for hundreds of years. then the last november earthquake started hitting the area which is sometimes a warning of an impending volcanic corruption. this mountain lived all his life and during the vic watching events on folds in his hometown has left him wondering whether he will ever return. it's tough in many ways, but i am optimistic by nature and i've tried to maintain optimistic. but you know, this is, this is big, this is serious, is basically as bad as can possibly get last december will,
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far as he's decided to evacuate, printed x 5000 residents. as a precaution, they also began constructing huge earth and barriers to guide lava around underway from the town green to vick escaped to live at that time. but part of this latest event was inside the protective barriers and just destroyed houses. iceland, government says it would provide more support to green to fix residence, but with multiple life and now within the towns perimeter, it's unlikely they will be going home soon. well, before we go, one of thailand's largest illumination festivals has presented a show in the wretched boy providence. the light installations have been designed to depict tie religion and culture, showing 20 different illuminated landscape. people from around thailand and other countries are visiting the festival that continues to the end of april
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and that's all from us. you're all up to date. global us is up next looking at how's climate change could affect your morning cup of coffee? don't forget there's always more on our website and our social media channels. himmel, and berlin, thanks so much for watching. take care. the name is nose available, me the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that, it's all about saying it aloud. as would it be nosy, bailey? good, everyone to kings. and check out the award winning called comment to hold back fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard, immature.


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