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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news like from berlin, taiwan president, connect vows to defend the island against tracts from china. and his victory speech lighting does say, is he that saved god taiwan. again, sports, he called intimidation from badging. we talked to a correspondence entire page about what this now means for the nations with china. also, i had no and insight as the is around how most will bosses the 100 day mark, goes as a monster on health ministries. here's a case 60 people have been killed in overnight strikes by the east rarely made a trait. plus today sees the 1st electoral face off between donald trump and his
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rivals for the 2020 for the public and presidential candidacy. but to go to the weather, play a pivotal role. this might be the coldest caucus in history, this minus 30 degrees celsius. the big question is, how will this affect the terminology and an ongoing volcanic eruption bonds homes in iceland, the lava has reached the fishing community of going to be consuming several buildings the find finish manager. welcome to the program. the united states, germany and japan have congratulated taiwan zoning property, candidate lighting on his. we named sat today's presidential election to form a senior. you as officials have already met with life and congratulated the island
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on its success from the nation. china claims taiwan as instead of the tree and in the run up to the election cold lie a dangerous separatist. now let us welcome our next president and vice president lighting the and show meeting the so the election is over, the winter has been declared and people are moving on with the lives of the votes in taiwan. what a to die, so young and my hope is that there will be peace and cross straight relations that there will be no political or economic threats to this island. since the south was assisting the sound, a waste power means all the time in these public is actually not nervous compared to the foreign media who seemed to know why. oh, this is a scary place you on the view. so you go ahead and come what the fuck in shanghai in mainland china. so i'm hopeful to the interest. there might be
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a relatively rough period to maintain this stuff. this quote was, i think because i have a few time in these friends. but the increasing me want to go towards the mainland . i hope things will get faster and faster. a both sides can one day be together. when we get paid, this is the united states congratulate to the newly elected president's in a press release, which didn't go down. well in beijing, china claims taiwan as its own territory. china is foreign ministry, says the tie. one question is china's internal affair. what are the changes take place? and so i want the basic fact that there is only one china in the world. and so i, one is positive. china will not change. in recent months, beijing has regularly provoked taiwan militarily. i believe it's a king. so now what the new president's policy towards beijing will be, i think they will also likely going to be an instability in cross relations in the short term. a b gene will likely you want to use a further pressure, be
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a military appraisal on maneuvers to read to attention, or it can nom extinctions again, so like towns exports to the chinese market. or just feller marginalisation and critique of taiwan in both by a true and potentially more natural settings. oh, as a way to except for the pressure against the next one government. and then also through that to set the turns of interaction for the next 4 years across the relations between paging and type a and just one day off to the election. china once again, quietly russel's it, cyber pacing, publish these these on dates. it pictures of a military exercise to let's give him on off on the democrats, on james j a t r. in type a who has been following these elections very closely. james, in electing lighting the taiwan has in a manner of speaking, sent a message to china. what is the method is you see coming back from
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b j as well. even in the last couple of hours, we've heard that one of tie one's few remaining different mazda catalyzes decided to set the relations with type a in favor of establishing relations with a badging. this now leaves taiwan with just 12 diplomatic allies. the timing of this is obviously extremely significant. it's just a days off to tie. one very likes it for a start sized successive time. the routing democrats, a progressive punch of the dvp. this policy was facing jesus separate this and refuses to communicate with what this really demonstrates is that badging strict we're asking by slicing there and especially the vice president when our vice president elect shelby kim, who was a former defined so on boss. so it's a us who has been sanctioned by china twice, simply how that going to send you resumed communication, which has been completely frozen over the last 8 years. and you know, you have to remember that this type of ad pressure that china has been applying on
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. so i want is know, just coming through the diplomatic space being coming through the ministry for and the economic sphere. we have chinese war planes entering, ty, ones as defense, identifications on, on an in new daily basis. we have chinese balloons, ty, ones, defense ministers and report it over the last few months, flying over the high ones, main lines. and what this, this latest diplomatic success, succession of relations with type a demonstrates from the i read this whole pacific island nation. i mean badging has to, to recognize that if the strategy is to push photos away 1st time when he spoke to the way from the routing the p. p. that's in a sense, the selection that we've just seen over the past few days shows the strategy hasn't was and that has big ramifications help agent use this to go forward. now, us delegation, james has already arrived in taiwan. what message does the u. s. one to send with this unofficial visit it's very important to point out this that this is an
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unofficial visit. this is something that washington has been very clear to emphasize so that these, these uh, these uh, officials accommodate in a private capacity. but they do want to demonstrate that us support is that, but as it relates to this diplomatic succession of relations we've just seen, i think this is what the timing is. administration will be pointing to that this us supports is in a sense, visible in taipei right now because as it relates to these different kind of eyes, the few remaining diplomatic allies, it's high. one does have a fairly small countries and small population, sometimes of questionable democratic credentials. and what will be emphasizing is that these unofficial relationships that tie one has with the us, which upon in europe that will come in most handy if, if the chinese invasion of taiwan were ever to take place or leave it there for the time being the, the correspondent james church in type a thanks so much a quick look now at some of the other headlines making news
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around the world in dallas main opposition congress policy and supporters have begun at 2 months across country march. the policy is trying to regain some support ahead of april national election. its main challenger is the ruling major fee lead by prime minister named remotely. he's been in charge of the country since 2014 torrential rains, followed by major flooding and visit. and i was given to the 7 people in rio de janeiro, a record. the amount of rain fell in one day more than the city would normally receive. and a month at this time of year, the flooding for several metro stations to close. a thought of the use of declared a state of emergency. expedite and security forces have taken back control of several prisons that had come under the control of gang members. the army reduced images showing hundreds of inmates face down on the ground as armed forces and the jails. the operation is aimed at the store in order often dozens of prison backers,
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held hostage by inmates for nearly a week and is rarely false as have shunned, southern lebanon following a misaligned attack on northern eas, around by the hezbollah, militant groups which came to 2 civilians. in addition, israel says it has gained 3 militants who crossed into the country. ducati alton, the tech has valesa, is it launched 8 operations in the area. meanwhile, gaza as her most on health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed in overnight strikes by israel. more than a 100, there is up to how miles get it out. the deadly october 7, 10 our attacks. israel is offensive and does shows no signs of slowing. the modern government has gained almost 24000 people. that's according to the hum us run goes health industry. the fighting has displaced nearly 85 percent of guns. us population is around a 100. dave was marked with more calls for the release of hostages from us,
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which is designated as a terrorist organization by germany. the you and us released a video of 3 ease riley hostages on sunday. we invite these rails closest, i lot of the usa is it's the right time for israel to scale back it's operations in gaza, of the and as the fighting drags on and actually i was just allied, grows more critical. i asked the w corresponding to back of it as whether he's, well, he's likely to change it strategy. that's really difficult to say at this stage brush. you're right in saying that the u. s. has been putting pressure on israel to scale back. it's conflicting daughter, it's saying it's not telling israel to stop the war in gaza, but to stop the complete bombardment that we've been seeing in the last 3 months on the gaza strip. they hoping that israel will move to more targeted approach where they'll be sending a specialist teams to round out her mouth militants rather than this. a full scale line operation, ground operation,
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as well as the bombardment from this guys. so far, we've heard some messaging from israel that they are willing to do this, that they intending to do this. and in fact, that they've beginning to do it. we heard those statements being made in english of the international media. but the statements being made to local media in hebrew, a quite different obviously, israel has set out some very, very big aims. that is to round out her mouth and to bring home all the hostages. and that's something that they're trying to maintain the image on the public. we have seen them pull out some uh, soldiers from the ground operations in israel, a making moves towards the hops, the what they call the next phase of the world. it will say a more limited ground invasion that sofa. really we're seeing a continuation of what we've been saying for the last 3 months and then report it there that dr. now sitting around when you look around in these
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ready cities, as you can probably see behind me, life is starting to return to some kind of normality people out on the streets. going to cafe is going to work on the blackboard to save the fatigue on everyone's faces. as you rightly mentioned, this drags on mocking a 100 days on the weekend. rebecca is speaking to me. i, lia, from jerusalem in the us, republicans are set to vote on monday in the iowa caucuses to determine the 2020 full presidential allow me by the former president. donald trump is where i had an opinion polls a close conference towards the 2nd place is expected from a north carolina governor nikki. here he is attempting to stay ahead of florida dot gov another wrong desantis. secure. and washington bureau tv and as boys in iowa and sent us this report. the world is watching the state and the opposite end of the us today. it's only hours to wait until the republicans stop caucus seemed to find out whom they want to pick as their parties. frontrunner in the
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presidential elections. this might be the coldest caucus in history, this minus 30 degrees celsius. the big question is, how will this affect the turn or it will people rather stay home and their warm homes instead of going out in congress end, which candidate will suffer most? will it be nikki haley? will it be rhonda centers or will it be donald trump? or do you say that the republicans care about tend to do they like, why and do they like them enough to come out even in this weather? i think nikki, nikki haley will come and 2nd, if i had to guess would be nikki haley just because she's had the most exposure. she's tough on the border. she doesn't have the extremities of donald trump. she's more rational. and she's child of immigrants. i have a feeling the outcome is going to be overwhelmingly supported trunk. the polls are
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wrong. we, we often see these polls and they think that the mainstream media is going to be able to decide who's going to be elected. and i've been through a lot of i will caucus is and there's always a surprise that there's a doubt that donald trump will be the frontrunner. the crucial question is a former south carolina governor and nikki haley can finish ahead of florida governor rhonda dentist effectively. and they just run tonight. this would leave republicans, a choice between trump and tayley and the race for the nomination open to more surprises than initially predict jetta in germany. thousands of tractors and trucks of converged on the capital, berlin as angry farm. us protest against cups in agricultural subsidies organize us expect about 10000 people to participate in monday. as donnie, which concludes a week of protest action across germany, including the blockade of multiple way on rims. the demonstrations have dropped
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into a ground swell of dissatisfaction in a german society that spring indeed up the ticket to correspond to matthew moore who has been following the fall most process. matthew, what on the farm? i was angry about this morning. the rest, they're basically farmers are furious about these planned costs to the diesel subsidies which sees them pay a lot less for the diesel. then the ard and the driver and sort of back and balance . many residents will look into the sound of the horns bleeding through the early morning. yeah. outside our studio here, the rest i saw a few tractors on their drive, a slump against the wheel. some of these farmers have driven 10 to 20 hours on bump country roads. i know that here in the city center choking up their street so running the government quotes are to send the message that the government must back started. but the government did back down to police when it came to some demands, didn't that? i mean, why is, has this not been proven enough? so yeah,
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the government basically said that it would screw up some of the changes that they didn't understand. they said that they would also gradually and bring in these reductions to the 2 diesel subsidies, but you speak to farmers production. this is simply not good enough. they won't stop for testing until the government backs out all of its plans. unless usually it gets complicated. you, you, when i'm done, i'm talking to them. it's used quickly realize that is but much more than just diesel subsidies. farmers and gemini feel that the environmental protection laws here too burdensome that the minimum wage, which is 50 new rules, makes it harder for a jamming farmer to compete with a spanish or a french farmer. i need basically feel that the government here in ballad doesn't care about them. and they basically think that the chancellor, i'll show it to you. i've touch. he was criticized last week whenever we were right on boat because he wasn't. and i wasn't really talking to the farmers over the weekend to really stuff i do what he said, you know, that, you know, it was important to compromise and which i don't think what i'm going down to. well,
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with the farmers today, he will hear from the finance ministry. he's going to address the farmers' and expect to get a live be reception. there are some plans for union leaders to meet the potty pots . you need those here in belgium this afternoon and we'll see whether or not not, nothing comes of that. i mean, it's those criticisms of the governing coordination. matthew that are also concerns that fob i'd groups are seeking to piggyback on these protests. can you tell us a bit more about that? yeah, i mean, because they do seem to tap into a way to the satisfaction with the coalition government that we have seen groups attempting to kind of jump on the quote tables of the farmers. whenever you, you see these protests last immigration, you always see they often see the far right alternative for gemini party. the flags are flying very prominently on the, on the, on the fringes. and you look closely, you will see me or not see flags. you'll see people who kind of with the clothing of the, of, of the fall, right. extremely scripts here in germany. right? um and farmers,
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your needs are basically down there. i've tried to distance themselves from these trips, but they still turn off and they're still there. but it has to be said, they are in the overwhelming minority. they don't know where they can go to spawn and matthew mall, thanks so much. i'm in speak to an initially mind. at those protests, the bernardo auto follow has been sworn in as courtroom all as president in any not good ation. setting many do made by more than 9 hours. rivelo supposed to say the long wait was caused by his opponents in congress who have been trying to weaken his apology under but no one the elections and focused by a landslide incentive in america is most bulk in this country. he's vowed to top corruption and reduce the cost of living is what he had to say about the hold up in the one s t c opening the people who oppose us our who have tried and continue to try to stop us from coming to power the most simple, very un, to prevent the government committed to change from succeeding,
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offering precisely the criminal political clause, which is imbedded in the political system. you see, i need suggestions of the state to look again. i mean, those of them that still remain have realized the victory given to us by the people of quite tomato. and what is a mandate for a future free of corruption? which implies that the end of the business model based on corruption, the has the right to. ready to yeah, i got the america called us funded nicole reese explained the most ardent issues are follow needs to tackle as well. this was saying that a little told me that he wants to do because we interviewed him yesterday is to ask for the resignation of the general attorney consuela ford of us. it's one of the people who has been involved in trying to topple over his presidency by trying to
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and know the results of the elections. so he says that's the 1st action that he wants to take, call her into his office and then say that she should resign the other very urgent issues. here is corruption. this is the biggest topic moving around, everybody talks about just everybody wants this to be a and tackled at a little will probably announce measures very soon, one of them being maybe a cabinet that takes care of anti corruption. and also maybe then the persecution of these people involved and corruption, so they can not take public office anymore. and this is, i think, with the political establishment here fears most because this would be then the end of that curious. yeah. in guatemala. they have the left america called us pundum. nicole reese reporting oh yeah. now, but you in europe lava from a walk, you know, richard opted early on sunday. in iceland has reached the smaller fishing town of green. the week, the lava flows have set some buildings and file the main road to the town,
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as well as its electricity and hot water supply have already been destroyed by the molten rock, the thousands of residents where a back to waited on saturday. so there is no immediate danger to life. the end of it is so unfortunate kilometers southwest of the capital of the cubic the molten lava continued to spew into green the vic over nice. it's a natural size of stunning beauty, but also one that is threatening the towns future. going to vic lies above a fault line that geologist had long known about what had been inactive for hundreds of years. then last november, earthquake started hitting the area which is sometimes a warning of an impending volcanic corruption. this man lift all his life and bring to vic, watching events on folds in his hometown has left him wondering whether he will ever return. it's tough in many ways,
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but i am optimistic by nature and i've tried to maintain optimistic. but you know, this is, this is big, this is serious, is basically as bad as can possibly get last december or far as he's decided to evacuate, printed x 5000 residents. as a precaution, they also began constructing huge earth and barriers to guide lava around underway from the town green to vick escape to live at that time. but part of this latest event was inside the protective barriers and just destroyed houses. iceland, government says it would provide more support to green vics residence would put multiple life. and now within the towns perimeter, it's unlikely they will be going home. soon. denmark has begun a new chapter and a strong history with king frederick officially taking the tone. the new king's reign comes off the formal abdication of his mother,
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queen marguerite. she is the 1st danish monarch to step down voluntarily in nearly $900.00. yeah. is there really a welcome sit for a king the max pneumonic step down to push to bold palaces, balcony 2 huge crowns. people extensive is king. frederick begins his brain and a new phase in danish royal history. they go to today. the throne is passed on my who used to become a unifying king for tomorrow. the friedrich queen mcgray to had indicated earlier in the day she shot many dames when she announced she would be stooping down 2 weeks ago. having signed the necessary
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paperwork, she wrapped up more than half a century as monique but she will keep her title, meaning denmark has 2 queens, the fraser, its astray in boon. weiss is now. we neary teams of thousands of people still to copenhagen to be part of history. i mean, to make sure we had a great spot right now we haven't kicked me. i'm 52 years old and this is being a part of my life. the whole life. you know, and the way she has ser uh, proof homes are outstanding. i'm gonna say, i think he's the 1st person, the feeling you how do you read x. and when he say insights and with the things,
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he also seems that every day i bring the chair to endorse royals across europe to see the congratulations to the new king and queen who are assuming the new roles at a time of huge popularity for dean max millnicky and a quick reminder now popped up stories at this time. ons president, deluxe vows to defend the island against threats from china and his victory speech . lighting does says he's safe god, taiwan, against what he called intimidation from aging and lava from an interruption in iceland has reached the fishing community of going to big where several buildings have been destroyed. the towns residents evacuated saturday night off the days of intense seismic activity. that's all from us for the moment,
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but coming up after the break is shift with a look at how social media is a thing, human trafficking and smuggling. and don't forget as low on our website and our various social media channels, i'm british manager and billy, and thanks so much for watching. when see you soon. goodbye. the, the
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shift your guide to life and it did to, to you know, all the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll see you guys and show you what's possible. you decide what really message to you next. on
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d w it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. it's hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening is degree then size a team of climate researchers, a store and on task to put in place the into the ice in 45 minutes on d, w, the in the wind waiting stream is send me an extra ice refresh rate and burn in south africa as well with disabilities, more likely to release the job of the lack lives matter, protest shine a spotlight on racially motivated police by same sex marriage has been legalized and more and more discrimination.
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we also because life is the main, the slavery and the human trafficking us today. she was problem world wide and only a few clicks away on social media, on facebook, human traffic as mislead migrants, promising then lucrative jobs in industrialized countries don't take talk, so called communities also help in crossing the us border, but in very dangerous ways. how are they doing this? over 2500000 people were apprehended by the united states border patrol in 2022. many of them were brought into the country by so called co t's these smugglers and
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the lucrative organized crime that worked at transport, people and.


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