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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the face of the new life from the entire launch president elect vows to defend the island against tribes from china. it is victory speech logic there as soon as he can save god taiwan against what she calls intimidation from badging. we'll talk to a correspondent and type pay about what this all means for relations with china. also i had no and inside those it is right. hum. oswell bosses the 100 day mark because as her mos drawn, the health industry says at least 60 people have been killed in overnight strikes by these very ministry and thousands of tractors and trucks, head to berlin. farmers gathered in the german capital and across the country for
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a final protest against cups in agricultural subsidies. the . i'm going to expand as you're welcome to the program, a taiwan is losing one, a few remaining diplomatic allies following the election of ruling party candidate lodging. the inside today's presidential election, the government of nato, a small island state ne of australia says if we no longer recognize taiwan as a separate country, but as part of china instead of treat badging. welcome narratives. diplomatic sweets in favor of china, beijing, james, taiwan. as it's only $33.00 and the now to flag was subsequently removed from the diplomatic quarter in taiwan just days after the election of a new president. let's get more on these are from the de correspondence james,
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starter in taipei who has been following at these elections. and these developments very closely. james. taiwan has lost another diplomatic ally does this 4 times more diplomatically isolated to future for taiwan and the logic there. i will just emphasize 1st of all, how significant this timing is. this is just come 2 days off the lighting there. the routing democratic progressive party won his election and securing a historic side successive time for the democratic progressive party. and now on the 1st full working day back on the election, we have this, this station of diplomatic ties with now root taking side one. so from different lots of catalyzed down to a total of 12, what this really demonstrates is that beijing strategy of diplomatic, economic and sometimes ministry corrosion that we've seen over the past 8 years under the ruling democratic progressive policy on this time when is likely to continue time one is now last 10 diplomatic allies over the course of the 8 years
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in a press conference just a few hours ago. now with the deputy foreign minister here in taiwan. he said that china had to use this moment specifically and days off the election. when international attention is on the strength of taiwan, it's democracy to go off to tie one's people. and then he also said that china had used false promises to do a tie one's friends away. he also reiterate to the that he thinks time wants democratic pond, as we'll see through the strategy that china is pursuing here. meanwhile, a us delegation has already arrived in taiwan. what message does to us want to send with this unofficial visit? while washington has been very, very emphasized, very much the unofficial nature of this, this visit from former officials. they say that this is within the confines of the very existing policy towards ty, one and that and says positive a routine practice following a tie one time. and he's election whether it will be a shift in administration. and the really important thing from the perspective,
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the time when he is governance something i think that they will be emphasizing the coming days is that despite this diplomatic suspicion we've seen with now room that the us presence is visible and is here in taipei as this has taken place and time of government will have cool us expressed frustration with the loss of this diplomatic ally. but they also recognized that the existing diplomatic allies, a formal diplomatic allies, they have a countries with small populations, with little j, a political influence. and sometimes actually questionable democratic credentials. they recognize that when it comes to the threats they face from china, the unofficial relationships they have with partners like the us, japan and european partners are going to be much more significant in precise inside one solvency. going forward or leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us today. the, the correspondent james chair to in type a while a gaza is how most are on the health ministry. say is at least 60 people have been
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killed in overnight strikes by israel. more than a 100 days after hamas got into the deadly october 7, 10 our attacks. he's rel, defensive and gaza shows no signs of slowing. the water and guzzle has getting more than 24000 people. according to the health ministry, the fighting is also displaced nearly 85 percent of gauze us population. in israel, the hunger today was mocked with more calls for the release of hostages. from us we do designated as a terrorist organization by germany. the n u n. us released a video of 3 is rarely hostages on sunday. meanwhile, israel as close as i live, the us says it's the right time for israel to scaled back. it's all patients in gaza and the fighting drugs on and that shows this allied grows more critical. i asked the w correspondent, rebecca, right to us with a israel is likely to change it strategy. that's really difficult to say at this
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stage brush that you're right in saying that the u. s. has been putting pressure on israel to scale back. it's conflicting daughter. it's saying it's not telling israel to stop the war in gaza, but to stop the complete bombardment that we've been seeing in the last 3 months on the as a strip. hoping that israel will move to more targeted approach where they'll be sending specialist teams to round out announced militants rather than just a full scale line operation. ground operation as well as the bombardments from this guys. so far, we've heard some messaging from israel that they are willing to do this, that they intending to do this. and in fact, that they've beginning to do it. we heard those statements being made in english to the international media. but the statements being made to local media and hebrew, a quite different, obviously a israel has set out some very, very big aims. that is to round out her mouth and to bring home all the hostages. and that's something that they're trying to maintain the image on the public. we
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have seen them pull out some uh, soldiers from the ground operations in israel, a making moves towards perhaps the what they call in the next phase of the world. it will say a more limited ground invasion that sofa. really we're seeing a continuation of what we've been saying there, that dr. now sitting around when you look around in these ready cities, as you can probably say behind me, life is starting to return to some kind of normality people out on the streets. going to cafe is going to work on the blackboard. see the fatigue on everyone's faces, as you rightly mentioned, this drags on mocking a 100 days on the weekend to the corresponding rebecca editor as they're speaking to me and they're from materials to them. of course of now, at some of the other headlines making news around the world, thousands of migrants, every risk and best financial quantities of the cost of the canary islands in the
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atlantic. experiences that in 2023 went over 39000 people from west africa reached the islands, hoping to start a new life in new york and union. according to expense, more than $6000.00 died last year when attempting the dangerous crossing the same day as main opposition congress body and its supporters have begun up to month cross country march. the parties trying to regain some support ahead of april the national election. it's main challenge, there is a ruling major pe elanda by prime minister. nothing's are more the he's been in charge of the country since 2014 bernardo are involved or has been sworn in as brought him on his president didn't. and on condition side of many delayed by more than 9 oz. the long wait was caused by his opponents in congress who have been trying to weaken his authority. arvalo won elections in august by landside. he's vowed to route out corruption and reduce the cost of living. now, thousands of tractors and trucks of converge them. the german complicates berlin as
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angry farmers protest against scots in agricultural subsidies organize those expect about $10000.00 people to participate in monday is really, which concludes a week of protest auction across germany, including the blockade, the motor weight on wraps. the demonstrations have dropped into a ground swell of dissatisfaction in german society and done them enough on those protests of data. political correspondence, matthew more well sir walter farmer has been telling you about why they are angry with the government. yeah, farmers or fed up their curious to the for a month now. they've been full texting intermittently, and that's here today is the combination of a week long action, a full test across the country on the streets arriving. we are all to talk with trucks, practices. there's not just farmers, as holy as to basically the see the messages that the north in the back does that the government's cultural compromise. reasonable. and essentially,
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you want the government to, to describe fixed plans because i go to diesel subsidies on today. behind me, they're all, there's thousands of people streaming down towards, around about date behind me where they're going to see she who test finance matters . the christian live knows the address of almost 2 years. that makes a difference. i'm not convinced. as you can see, i've got some, some company now it's very lively. the most part peaceful. yeah. i didn't say that's all they love you. with all these measures, matthew hall road, but uh about that one that the, for the farmers don't appear to be convinced no, they're national essentially that does that kind of this top central. why do go ahead as well as a frustration? i'm dissatisfaction with the government. i you speak to farmers and new to his dad, the one bed of the subsidies, but they're also not happy with a link to any of issue. so you think the environmental protection moves in this
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country too much budget on farmers? we think that minimum wage, 50 heroes means that they all have a much tougher. how far am i, if you like, on the understands the spanish or french farmers, the states ultimately adds up to a kind of unfair environment by farmers. and so really they want the government to wake up and listen to their concerns and on all these issues. and then also concerns about people that follow at groups seeking to piggyback on these protests . can you tell us a bit more about that? yes. and so, but for the past month or so, we've seen and process like this. and because of the guys while of dissatisfaction, i talked about and the governments doing so currently we're seeing groups try to kind of jump on the coattails, a bunch of like, you know, tentative for jam, many posse, for example. we seem to see the flags here. it's a big issue, small pockets of raping extremely scripts. so i'm gonna show up on the rights for a guy who wants to go over to the government. so there is this kind of element here within the pool test. for sure. having said that, there will be
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a majority or peaceful vamos on on. what are some tradesmen and the farmers union have tried to distance themselves from? not too far, right? seen the football right? full testers, but i haven't stopped them from turning up today. we've seen some already overall matter, just looking at the scenes behind here and the end. the mazda is a farmers assemble there. do these protests mean other i've checked the disability of germany's coalition government the at the moment, not quite a threat to it, but it's certainly a headache to the government because essentially the government wants to live farmers to compromise. the farmer don't seem to be uncompromising moods. and later today we will see they've got the heads of some of the political parties here, and the stock are going to meet with a farm and unions to see if there is some room for negotiation. and i, i mean, i don't think that yet the government is under correct. the problem that has to be, has to be dealt with relieve with their, with the time being the, the oldest one. and that's your mall. thanks so much.
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now a lot from a voted k no which are up to early on sunday. in iceland has reached the small fishing town of goods to make the lava flows have set some buildings and file the main road to the town as well as its electricity and hot water supply have already been destroyed by the molten rock. the thousands of residents are evacuated on saturday, so there is no immediate danger to life. going to vegas on 40 kilometers, southwest of the capitol, reykjavik molten lava, continued to spew into a grin to vic over nice. it's a natural size of stunning beauty, but also one that is threatening the towns future print the vic lies above a fault line that geologist had long known about what had been inactive for hundreds of years. then the last november earthquake started hitting the area which is sometimes a warning of an impending volcanic corruption. to this man lived all his
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life and grinned the vic, watching events on folds in his hometown has left him wondering whether he will ever return it. it's tough in many ways, but i am optimistic by nature and i tried to maintain optimistic. but you know, this is, this is big, this is serious, is basically as bad as can possibly get last december or far as he's decided to evacuate, printed x 5000 residents. as a precaution, they also began constructing huge earth and barriers to guidelines around underway from the town green to vick escape to live at that time. but part of this latest event was inside the protective barriers and just destroyed houses. iceland government says it would provide more support to green vics residence but with multiple life and now within the towns perimeter, it's unlikely they will be going home soon. that's it for now,
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coming up after the break doc for the next floors to try to of greenland dwindling k share as i'm british strategy and billy and thanks so much for watching. we'll see you soon by the can you hear what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a heads up. so we'll need the snow on youtube. the .


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