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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the the business dw news live from bell in thousands of tractors and trucks. java in the german capital, germany's farm is holding a fall demonstration in berlin and across the country. that protesting against plans to come to a good cultural subsidies. even though the government has withdrawn some of the taiwan president elect vows to defend the islands against the threats from china in his victory speech lodging. dave says, feel safe call taiwan against what he calls intimidation from vague the
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i'm good. how both is welcome to the program. and we start here in building with thousands of tractors and trucks of converged on the german capital as angry farm as protest against cups in agricultural subsidies, increasing regulation german finance minister across the island, and the address of the crowd, which responded with bows and whistles. monday's riley concluded a week of protests including the blockade off most away on right. across germany. the demonstrations have topped into a ground swell of dissatisfaction over cost of living rises in german society. 2 the political correspondence much more is add these protests in berlin and sentenced is updates. as you can see, the seats is a big guy in this morning. as far as the farmers for $2.00 was to find the gate,
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auditors to speak to some of them and they say that the diesel subsidy cost. so really the, the store that comes by the door is about much more than got, it's about a complete disregard that they see. the government has people who walk in on the field. so obviously that essentially policy to be with environmental protections are really high minimum wage in comparison to other european countries that these things combine combined with who's on how to make it really difficult to be a farmer in germany for obviously the ultimately the government has to we call now usually the government needs to wake up. some of the measures have already been roll back. so why is it not enough for the farm? is that way?
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well yeah, well the government the government has the concerns of the farmers associations and said look to google abandoned, some of the strangers populate the cost of diesel subsidies. we're gonna, we're gonna continue with the garage and we're gonna start off by 2025 pharmacy. it says, hold on a minute. i don't know if you would even consider the big nose and you know, we have the rising cost of living in germany. inflation is high. the recession. and i will say this is um, this is play golf course leg which is awesome. government tell me is hodges ultimately, it's mean it's, it's accused of, i'm fighting, circling, well, people are struggling to defy to do these protests really mean
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a threat for the stability of germany's coalition government? well, you see fit to bind it to the finance minister. this young lady is going to address the call to me. i'll be getting very interested to see the reception who gets in the past when the green foxes minute stuff or i just hope this is called a free. so he was people cited for, for the government to really kind of as a whole. so i'm working on that very passionate and you can send something, you speak to them. so i think that if this continues to go on, the government doesn't find the solution unreached or compromise the pharmacy. they're ready for one, but we'll see. and then there is a potential that more and more people join the full text. they already have spoke to a couple of women who came to the, the live in dallas. obviously the farmers are basically speaking on our behalf. so
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they've got the concerns for most of the higher costs in supermarkets. yes, it's a government doesn't need to handle. and this guy didn't correspondence, matthew, a more reporting from the farmers protest that in ability, thank you very much. my see that's have a quick look now at some of the other headlines from around the world. the german economy, frank, last year that's according to government data published on monday. it's mainly due to rising energy prices and high interest rates. also cooling for on demand for machines and other products. took that toll on europe's exports on or in the us main opposition congress policy and it's supporters of the gun. a 2 month cross country march. the body is trying to regain some suppose ahead of april national election. its main challenge is the routing b j. p policy led by prime minister there and promoting. he's been in charge of the
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country for nearly 10 years now. gaza as homeless around health industry says at least 60 people have been killed and overnight strikes by israel. more than a 100 days off the homeless carried out the deadly october 7. turbo tax is wells offensive and gaza shows no signs of slowing. the war has now killed them more than 24000 people in gaza. that also according to the hamas for on health ministry, the fighting as also displaced nearly 85 percent of its population. it is relatively hundreds day was marked with more calls for the release of the hostages, also, which has designated a terrorist organization by germany. the u. the u. s. released the video, a free is rarely hostages on sunday. meanwhile, israel's closest love us says it's the right time for as well to scale buckets operations in gaza as as a fighting
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a drags on the closest ally grows more critical. i also w correspondent, rebecca, which is where the israel, my actually change strategy is difficult to really get an understanding of what the next moves full. the is really military. they're very reticent obviously to talk about the game time. but we know that israel has been coming on the well increasing international pressure, certainly with protests across the globe, really holding for a ceasefire and a full size polls coming from some world leaders now as well. those calls largely being ignored by as well. but as you just mentioned, of course, the calls are getting louder from it's storing just ally the us. that is really trying to put a bit of pressure on israel to try to get it to move in to what is cooling. the next phase of this war and what they've indicated they'd like to see as well do is to kind of pull back from this sort of full scale ariel bombardments and this full scale ground operation and move something is a tool. it's something that looks more like targeted assault. so you know,
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taking in special ops team is much smaller, much more sort of dedicated teams to try to complete the winds, of course, rounding out. i'm also militants and, and making it unable to, to operate as any kind of threat towards israel. of course, also searching for the many hostages, the more than $100.00 hostages, but it's still in as well. we haven't seen many indications yet, but that is actually taking place. we have seen some soldiers being pulled out of guns or from the ground operation. and we have heard woods, certainly in english, towards the international media from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that that is a pulling pulling back and slowing down and moving into a new phase is on the cards. and we have not seen many indications of it actually being carried out yet. god responded rebecca, which is very quoting from jerusalem. thank you very much. rebecca in the us. republicans will have votes on monday in the iowa caucuses to examine the presidential normandy, while former president donald trump,
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is way ahead in the opinion polls a close contest for 2nd place is expected for the north carolina governor nikki haley is attempting to stay ahead of the florida governor, wrong dissenters. washington bureau chief enos port is in iowa. as you fall this report. the world is watching the state in the house and of the us to day. it's only hours to wait until the republicans stop caucusing to find out who they want to pick us their parties. frontrunner in the presidential elections. this might be the coldest caucus in history was minus 30 degrees celsius. the big question is, how will this affect the turn or it will people rather stay home and their warm homes instead of going out in congress end, which candidate will suffer most? will it be nikki haley? will it be rhonda census or will it be donald trump? or do you say that the republicans care about and to do they like,
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why and do they like them enough to come out even in this weather? i think nikki, nikki haley will come in 2nd. if i had to guess it'd be nicky healey just because she's had the most exposure. she's tough on the border. she doesn't have the extremities of donald trump. she's more rational and she's child number goods. i have a feeling the outcome is going to be overwhelmingly support a truck. the polls are wrong. we, we often see these polls and they think that the mainstream media is going to be able to decide who's going to be elected. and i've been through a lot of i will caucus is and there's always a surprise that there's a doubt that donald trump will be the frontrunner. the crucial question is a former south carolina governor and nikki haley can finish ahead of florida. governor rhonda dentist effectively ending this one tonight. this would leave republicans, a choice between trump and tayley and the race for the nomination open to more
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surprises than initially predict taiwan is losing one of its few remaining diplomatic allies. the government of now ruled i smoke pacific island state ne, a full straight am says only recognizes taiwan as be a part of china, not a separate country. but jane has well come to the diplomatic switch. not really fly because now been removed from the diplomatic courses in taiwan. it comes to is days off the taiwan, the leg to the new president's china times the island as its own territory with no right to establish ties on the state level. as a position disputants by taiwan drove straight to the c, w. 's to respond to the entire pay and the them by awesome. if taiwan losing another ally, hints at a more diplomatic, isolated future on the lighting day. so well, 1st of all,
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just emphasize the timing of this decision from now or this decision has been taken just days off to tie one, re elected the routing policy, the democratic progressive policy for historic. so time on saturday and now on the 1st working day back off to the election, we've had bought secession of diplomatic ties. this is a policy that the feet of aging despises. it openly refuses to communicate with it . and i think what this demonstrates is the strategy that we're seeing from china over applying diplomatic pressure to tie one over the last 8 years is going to continue on to the new administration under the current president time when we see a tie, one of these tenant diplomats to catalyze, but at the same time it has been able to expand its international ties of unofficial palm, is like the us europe and japan earlier in a press conference with high ones deputy for minnesota. he said that china had specific to use this time directly off the election the time when he's election to make a point to tie one's people. but he also said that the hard ones, democratic opponents would likely see through distrust to you from china,
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and that they would come continued to support a tie once democratic future. now, what is paging hoping to gain from this? what is important to remember that the strategy, as i mentioned is nothing. can you from badging? as i, as i mentioned this to stick to not the strategy of squeezing tie one's international space has been something they've applied over the last 8 years. we're putting away it's high ones, diplomatic allies, but it's just one of really a suite of cost as much as amazing applies to taiwan, which includes economic sanctions sometimes on time when these exports to china. but also in the ministry sphere. of course. obviously, chinese little titans entering sy, ones i have defense identification zone on a daily basis. and more recently, chinese balloons flying directly over the high ones main islands. the important point to make here is of course, if the, if the strategy, if the aim of the strategy from badging is to put this time when he starts,
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is away from the running policy, the d, d p, which they despise. then the election that we've just seen over the last few days as evidence about strategy isn't working and not has really important ramos locations to help aging decides to go forward from here. no, a delegation from the us as already arrives in taiwan. what message does the u. s. one to send for this unofficial visit? washington has been very excited to to emphasize the unofficial nature of this visit. but the, the, the former officials that happened inside one of emphasize that to us support for us as high one is broke solid, and that's high, one enjoys bipartisan support. and that's what i think the time when he is government will be looking to emphasize despite this last of a different classic cadillac because they recognize that when it comes to the prioritizing. so i want silver in seeing the future against the potential chinese invasion. that if these are the official relationships that they enjoy, but the us, europe and japan, which are really going to guarantee that future dw correspondent james,
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i'd say to the reporting from typeface. thank you, james. and that's it from the evidence team. for now there will be an update. at the top of the our next up is uh doc film. thats following twin sisters hoping to start a new live life outside of sierra. they'll be out office thanks for watching the trast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard in the to land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded fashion watch now on youtube the.


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