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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the business dw new is live from ballad. i robbie reception for germany's finance minister from protesting pharmacy. the customer i live in uh, phase bows and catcalls, as he tried to explain to demonstrate is why the government is competing. advert cultural fuel subsidy also coming up no end in sight as a israel, how mouthful process the 100 day mock causes how much wrong the health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed. and overnighted strikes by these rarely, military people kind of get russians dunn's homes. in iceland,
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new fischer has appeared near the fishing community of grinda. vic flowing lava has reached the village, consuming several building. the gulf is welcome to the program and we start hip and fell in with thousands of tractors and trucks of converge on the german capital as angry farm as protests, against cuts and agricultural subsidies and increasing regulation. germany's finance minister, cassandra did not address the crowd which responded with bows and whistles. monday's riley concludes a week of protests, including the brocade of motor way on, wraps across germany, being demonstrations of topped into a ground swell of dissatisfaction. all the cost of living rises in german society. 2 2 i don't even know from these protests easy to be
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a political correspondent mess you know about matthew, what a farm has been telling you about why they are angry with a government. how does like god, i'm going to you from the protest. it's actually kind of wrapping up by me and the thousands of people that were here, meet the with the warm, warm copies and restaurant. so idea, basically this is about, i don't that i'm greatly governments who should be taught to feel subsidies or something that i said they will know slow dies. but when you talk to elizabeth more than that, they're angry about environmental protections which they say make their lives and their jobs harder, their own grab a minimal reach you in germany at 50 use the see. makes it harder for them to compete with farmers in spain and naturally in france. and they're angry at what they say is falsely assuming that they're not. they're not valued by the government in balance of a not kid for that type on their own off the phone. and that is why, really this be focusing on for weeks and there's no site on in now i do some of
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these plans measures have already been rolls back. is this most enough for the phones? no, not the whole. um, you mentioned it, finance minister, crushed on, let one of the heads of there's 3 posse correlations in berlin. may do some was unusual decision to to speak to the farmers to day i knew got a very false the response, the base of the burden. i completely, he was, were soon he couldn't really make himself had yet to show at some point. at one point, the head of the farm is associations intervening to ask people to let them speak. but judging from the site until the end, their response and the reception they go, i don't think that people are ready to compromise them, not to well, the government here seems to farmers live. you have to make a compromise. these are difficult times in germany. we're in a recession and felicia, there's still a global problem,
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a slightly based on that was for the fall, this year. they still feel that for years they've had their living situation. they've made wash. if you liked the sun that they've had to deal with and the bureaucracy has only gotten whether income has really side me since. and so i don't . yeah, i just don't think that that is going to cost it for the farmers that we spoke to today. now, do you think these protests have any impact on this debility of germany's a 3 policy coalition? government? what is that and the does, what does that mean? does god and it seems to tap into a way to on and satisfaction dissatisfaction with people in germany or the government, lynn. and that's why it's not just farmers. this page move. we spoke to some of the women from berlin, who came along the walk in fox do walk in the industry with the killing him because he felt they felt that the fathers needed the support. that there was a way to kind of a feeling of um, problems and jeremy, the ard,
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we talked to by the government. so unless the, the government can reach us an agreement with the farmers who find you this afternoon in meetings. unless that happens, this will only go on the problem will only then become more of a headache for that, for the quarter should part to see a balance of your political correspondent, mass. you move that forward to hearing from the pharmacy process in berlin. thank you, matthew that's now have a quick look at the headlines from around the world. germany's economy. frank last . yeah, that's according to government days have published on monday is mainly due to rising energy prices and high interest rates, also cooling for and the mom for machines and all the products to fetch all on your ups export. john the one person is my fault. it's who have died on frances, as even your island of the giant storm cycle and below has a broad torrential rains and tie winds to the indian ocean island with authorities
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issuing a red weather alerts, hundreds of thousands of residence. i've been told to stay at home denmark screen, frederick the 10th, has met with a danish parliament completing his 1st official task. as the new model, king frederick says he hopes to be. he hopes to become a unifying king for the country also taken over from his mother to me. mother, he said, who, who we rained for 52 years. taiwan is losing one of his seal remaining diplomatic allies. the government of narrow, small pacific island stay northeast of australia said only recognizes taiwan as being a part of china not to separate the country. badging has woke up to this diplomatic switch. then our real flag has now been removed from the diplomatic quotes in taiwan. it comes to those days off to taiwan elect to the new president. china claims the island as its own territory with no right to establish ties on the state
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level. that's a position disputed by taiwan. james, straight to is all corresponded inside pay and dial some earlier if taiwan losing another outline since at a more diplomatic, isolated future under lighting day. so. well 1st of all, just emphasize the timing of this decision from now or this decision has been taken just days off to tie one really likes it, the routing policy, the democratic progressive policy for a historic, so time on saturday. and now in the 1st working day back off to the election, we've had bought cessation of diplomatic ties. this is a policy that the feet of aging despises. it openly, refuses to communicate with it. and i think, well this demonstrates is the strategy that we're seeing from china of a applied diplomatic pressure to taiwan over the last 8 years is going to continue under the new administration under the current president time when we see a tie, one of these tenant diplomats who catalyze,
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but at the same time it has been able to expand its international ties of unofficial palm, is like the us europe and japan. earlier in a press conference with taiwan steps for minnesota, he said that china had specific to use this time directly off the election to tie when he's election to make a point to tie one's people. but he also said that the hard ones democratic parties would likely see through distrust to you from china, and that they would come continued to support a tie one's democratic future. now, what is paging hoping to gain from this? what is important to remember that the strategy, as i mentioned is nothing. can you from badging? as i, as i mentioned, this is to, to not take a strategy of squeezing tie one's international space has been something they've applied over the last 8 years with lang, awaits high ones diplomatic allies. but it's just one of really a suite of cost as much as amazing applies to taiwan, which includes economic sanctions sometimes on time when these exports to china, but also in the ministry sphere of course. so obviously,
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chinese will things entering sy, ones that defense identifications aren't on a daily basis. and more recently, chinese balloons flying directly over time ones made an island. the important points to make here is of course, if the, if the strategy, if the aim of the strategy from badging is to put this time when he starts, is away from the running costs in the d p. p which they despise. then the election that we've just seen over the last few days as evidence of that strategy isn't working. i'm not, has really important wrong dissertations to help aging decides to go forward from here. now a delegation from the us as already arrives in taiwan. what message does the u. s. one to send for this unofficial visit? washington has been very excited to to emphasize the unofficial nature of this visit. but the, the, the former officials that happen inside one of emphasize that to us support for us . it's high. one isn't rock solid and it's high, one enjoys bipartisan support. and that's what i think the time when these
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government will be looking to emphasize despite this loss of a different kind of life. because they recognize that when it comes to the prioritizing side, one southern seeing the future against a potential chinese invasion, that if these are the official relationships that they enjoy, but the us, europe and japan, which are really going to guarantee that future dw correspondent james say to the reporting from typeface, thank you times and has wanted at least 15 people in a stabbing and call running a talking to central. is there any city of around on the reports this could have been a college jacking incidence. it happened when the security tensions high of the country due to israel's will with home off in gauze on north for the latest ed spray in dw special corresponding to abraham of joyce's, of from jerusalem and have what else can you tell us about this incident?
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are so far uh we hear that it is, is it at least 14 wounded in the suspected car ramming and stabbing incident? at least 3 people are in critical or serious condition. one of them an elderly woman. this was happening just as a schools were releasing their students for the day. and the mayor of the town which is in central is really about an hour and a half from jerusalem has urged citizens to stay in doors. as our stories are currently investigating. this incident, the police has said it is a suspected pair attacked, although it has not attached that term to it has not yet confirmed that it is a terror attack, but they are investigating it as a search. we know that a palestinian man from hebron has been arrested in connection. it is unclear
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if it is um, if the rent, the car renting and stepping are connected, if it's one at one a sealant or, or a number of them. but according to eye witnesses, according to one woman via har, it's newspaper. she saw someone stab a driver, take the car, and continue to attack people with the carpet. this is a, this is breaking news. the details are coming in every minute. and so we'll have to keep you posted on the latest, but that is what we know so far. a brand that from a jerusalem. thank you. a lava from a volcano which had throughout the day on sunday and iceland has reached the small fishing town of green. the vic, the lava has set some buildings on 5 main roads to the town, as well as instead of tricity until a board of supplies have already been destroyed. the town was evacuated on saturday, so there is no immediate danger to life for end of it is some 40 kilometers south
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west, off the capital rate cubic molten lava continued to spew into green to big over nice. it's a natural size of stunning beauty, but also one that is threatening the town's future print if it lies above a fault line, the geologist had long known about what had been inactive for hundreds of years. then the last november earthquake started hitting the area which is sometimes a warning of an impending volcanic corruption. this man lift all his life and grinned to make, watching events unfold and his hometown has left him wondering whether he will ever return. it's tough in many ways, but i am optimistic by nature and i tried to maintain optimistic. but you know, this is, this is big, this is serious, is basically as bad as i can possibly get. lost december authorities decided to
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evacuate, printed x, 5000 residents. as a precaution, they also began constructing huge earth and barriers to guide lava around underway from the town green to vick escape to live at that time. but part of this latest event was inside the protective barriers and just destroyed houses. iceland, government says it would provide more support to green vics residence, but with multiple life and now within the towns perimeter, it's unlikely they will be going home soon. add to thailand now where one of the country's largest illumination festivals has put on quite a show. the display and the rupture of brewery province features 20 different illuminated installations designed to depict. ty, religion and culture is already proving popular with visitors from thailand and many other countries, making their way to the festival,
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which continues until the end of april. and that's it from the end of the listing for now. next up, a special focus on the line. so for women in asia gather for simple, then thanks for watching the fateful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's former concentration campaign, my general most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him goose stump, bog, known as the beast of sylvie bar. shame on you. tell the truth to use nature. wagner was dead and investigation concluded that it was suicide.


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