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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from bell in a suspect. it's call rhyming attack in the central israel authority say at least one person has been killed in the incidents and more than a dozen and all those insects also, i had no end in sight. as the israel home us, we'll process the $100.00 and a month cause some us run. the health ministry says at least 60 people have been killed and all the night stripes by the israeli military tops. the top is rarely a footfall, a lease to our kids. also being released from police custody authorities to try and so you have to scale off the display the message about the israel,
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how mouthful during a top division, much prosecute us a to some of incitement to hate. and so facilitate the ssl is in iceland say the situation is ease dr. volcanic eruptions bond homes in the community. a friend of a was is actually just ahead of the interruption. the gulf is welcome to the program, is really authorities say at least one woman has been killed and more than a dozen people injured in a suspected stabbing car running a tank. just north of tennessee. police are describing the incident which took place in the city of ronada as a contract. some of the victims had stopped. boards to palestinians were reported and taken into custody. secuity is currently on highlights in the country due to
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israel's vote, against homos in guns. dw special correspondent, abraham is interest to them and she told me what else we know sofa. so we're told that the attack, the coordinated attack of a car. i mean, and stopping happened at several locations in this that central a city in up, is it the city in central israel, a north of tel aviv, but as we understand it, one of the assailants had stopped the driver stole in store and at least a 3 cars we, we know that there are children and young people among the victims. this was happening at a, at a time in the day when schools had just dismissed students for the day. and as a result of this, ongoing investigation, officials have asked residents to stay endorsed, stay in their homes,
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but they are calling this a at her attack and investigating it as such. now we're hearing about to arrest. what more do you know? well no one has yet claimed responsibility for this particular attack, but we know from police that to palestinian men from hebron in the west bank have been arrested in connection with the attack. and we're told that they had entered the israel even legally, and they are currently a arrested and under investigation. he done a bring that in jerusalem. thank you to cause us health industry, which is run by how boss says at least 60 people have been killed and overnight strikes by israel. more than a 100 days after almost carried out the deadly october 7 turbo tax israel's
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offensive and gone. that shows no sign of slowing the war has now killed more than 24 thousands of people and gone. so again, according to the local health industry that the fighting has also displaced nearly 85 percent of gallons of population in his room. the $100.00 stay was marked with more calls for the release of hostages, which is designated as a tara organization by germany. the you and the us released a video of 3 is really hostages on sunday. meanwhile, is of the closest ally. the us says it's the right time for israel. just go back it's operating in gaza. as israel continues to facilities, military campaign against home, us diplomats have been discussing different scenarios for girls as future off to the conflict boss. this widespread disagreements about both the day off that would look like even within as well. it's so shuttle diplomacy, us secretary of state antony blinking, just spent a week in the middle east,
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hustling from capital to capital consulting with israel and other allies. he laid down some ground rules for a postwar scenario. and so these meetings, i was also crystal clear, palestinian civilians must be able to return home as soon as the conditions allow. they must not be pressed to leave guys. not everyone in the is really government degrees too far. right. ministers have called for renew the settlements and gaza and for other countries to absorb palestinian refugees defense minister you have got loud, put forth his own vision. earlier this month he said no is rarely civilians would be in guys a. the golan said, does a residential or a palestinian, and therefore palestinian bodies will be in charge with the condition that there will be no hostile actions or threats against the state of israel. he stressed that israel would maintain overall security control and gaza. that plan has not been
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backed by other members of the cabinet or by prime minister benjamin netanyahu for them to come up with so much disagreement. what does everyone actually want in postwar? garza is real one security from attacks and says there should be no role for him. us the us and saudi arabia want the palestinian authority which governs the west bank to also run gaza in the united palestinian government. the saudi say they want to normalize relations with israel, but that depends on the establishment of a palestinian state. the u. s. and saturday proposals face significant obstacles. one is the unpopularity of the p, a among palestinians. it's liter maximum that boss is extremely unpopular. recent posts, but here at 11 percent and a mazda is popularity, has grown since the war started to. netanyahu has rejected a role for the p a as well. but he's agreed to one key us demand as well as no
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intentional, permanently occupying garza or displacing it civilian population, as well as funding come us terrace, not the palestinian population. netanyahu has however, repeatedly dismissed the possibility of palestinian statehood. julie norman is an associate professor of politics sense international relations as university college london. she is currently writing a book on the contemporary history of gaza and also what type of she would give the car in chapter of gauze history. it wasn't one of the only words we can use right now is, is crisis. obviously this crisis started on october 7th for menus rallies. but the way that the war has been conducted sense has just really been an unprecedented level of prices for guys. and it's not only in the casualty rate that we keep hearing going up every day in the headlines. but also of course, the displacement, the rising rates of famine, of health concerns and just to complete devastation of infrastructure and
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a society that was gonna be very difficult to rebuild from afterwards. right now of course, there's also worries about crisis expanding even throughout the region and, and all of these cases, of course are just having the most effect on, on civilians and all of these communities. and that some is going to be very difficult to recover from. now, the common whole erupted, of course, of, to how mazda talk to israel on october 7th. did you see signs of this escalation earlier? well, obviously we everyone who follows israel palestine conflict. this is not on you the 1st time that we've seen an episode, but the scale of the episode on october 7th, the scale of the attack i would say, was surprising and was rather unprecedented. with that said, there has been ongoing tensions between israel and gaza for decades, and especially between israel and him. us over the last 15 years, we've seen a series of what are often called the gods, a wars on starting 820082009. i know they're very significant when in 2014 and
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other considerations as well. some of those in hindsight are much more smaller scale don't we're seeing now, but a similar sense of i'm moving in from his relatives perspective for security concerns, trying to go after him us. but at the same time, devastating. what needs to go in communities and infrastructure in the meantime? and so all these things i would say had been golding for, for quite a while. now let's talk about guns up off to the wall. we've seen several options that are on the table there in our report. and what do you think it will look like? it's extremely difficult to see that right now. as the report noted, there are different options that have been put forward as a result of a anthony blinking shuttle diplomacy. last week, we have seen real commitment actually from numerous partners in the region to assist with the reconstruction. but that's predicated on the idea that there will be some kind of pathway to palestinian statehood and not something that is real is just simply not going for right now. the us we'd like to see some role for the
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palestinian authority of the governing body in the west bank, but has also been noted they are extremely weak and have very with a little virginia me see, i'm publicly so i think we'll probably see a couple different phases after the war and my sense is that israel will maintain a security presence for quite a while, probably some sort transitional government after that. but the real question is, if there's actually going to be some real substantive change that gardens wants to palestinians want, that could actually lead to some kind of statehood that would actually address some of the deeper roots of the complex. do you see any circumstances under which this state home may still happen? i think it's very difficult to see that right now at the same time, any time we do have a crisis like this, we do try and look at it as an inflection point. can this somehow change the status quote and at least get us talking in new ways about state heard about a 2 state solution, these kinds of models that honestly have been on the table for quite a while now,
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but have not had the momentum. i think we can maybe talk about a, a 3 to 5 percent chance of that is compose to a opposed to a one percent chance before all this to it's still very slim, but i do think it's important to note the fact that the us, the policy and you the story, most partners in the region, most air of states are now talking seriously about that. and it's a real question of what that might look like on the ground and what kind of buying it can have. most importantly from palestinians and israelis. dr. julie norman, them, and they say so sharing your expertise with us. thank you. so these are the football uh, is that he's a j is kyle, has left to keep mazda authorities, had briefly detained to him for expressing some of their t. we is rarely hostages being held in hum, buy home us. so give to is kyle was playing on sunday when he flashed a bandage on his wrist to photographers. it showed the style of david that along
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with the words a 100 days and $710.00 in reference to hamas october 7th attacks on israel. the 28 year old was taken into custody after the match and accused of inciting hatred in public as close as he was calling for an end to the will. as noise in the drones, a dw is simple correspondence, joins us now from the door. and why did the police arrest the executive j as well as you said, he was detained because accused so he was tied to the public patriot. this is a catch will fences be news, media against opponents of the government regime is a serious offensive cause carry several years in prison months if config people found convicted and people are feeling jail on that this offense, now the pays right. the full police have gail family to 90 allegation site is
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nothing to do with supporting the is really offensive into calls which are public prosecutors where i late and he said he was a gates for it. he said that this was chose to assign to cool for an end to the conflict, but having, despite this protestations the investigation, is continuing into the formula. but he is on to so to of left the country early this evening and his return back to israel. and it's not expected that he will be coming back to the country any time soon. now post this incident and being viewed by the turkish public and also by his classmates. while the sending made a lot of news on our own. so among, especially the pro government media, they have quick to jump on every single say, see, is supporting the is really will, because of this is a very emotive subject has isn't much of the, of the world. and anyone who is deemed to be supporting that is right. he will, he's seen the someone that is an enemy, no totally of, of palestinians,
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but solve muslims. i'm the, i'm curious to present to anyone who police in humanity. so they were quick to come heavily down on him saying that this was an outrages attempt to close the incitement and hatred within the country. and he's a football club. i know totally. natalia school were quick to act and they have a note is uh, contract uh and uh, ended any link to the club. so he was really left to abandon very quickly. although these really soccer play. it has been a pain throughout to say that this has nothing to do with supporting the will, but merely to cool for an end to the conflict. but those denials have really carried very little favor and much of the government be broke up my media. now do you think this will have an impact on the relation between israel entered but it suddenly has added fuel to the 5 between these 2 countries. tucker's price on them, a jet type of one has been in the forefront of condemning the is really offensive into garza and has been particularly targeting these really prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu. and that that has to be met with equally strong rebuttals from israel. and the is really just to administer you off. columns was quick to condemn, but the tension was really popular. he said that talk, he's acting as a de facto executive omaha, most of the latest victory only the language between these 2 countries. but it has to be to say at this point is growing more was between the 2 countries. a trade between them has boomed and in fact, according to local media or pulse. since the thoughts of the conflict trade between turkey and the israel has increased by over 30 percent and including the turkey is the main supply. and so while of to israel from uh, delivery well from somebody's young. and despite closing companies like iran to end that took a step on the sleeve. refuse is a great deal of pragmatism here as well behind the war. what seeing the countries trade still continues now takes form into stock, compete on site that's totally normal. and it is see that
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a sewing the possibly talkies looking beyond benjamin netanyahu, and they don't want to settle all ties between turkey and israel over this conflict . gordon jones then reporting from istanbul. thank you very much story. as have a look now at some of the other headlines from around the world, a british maritime agency says a us own cargo ship has been struck by a mix up around 175 kilometers off the coast of u. m. and the round backs, who's the rebels that have been attacking ships, they say are linked to israel. the us and britain responded last week by striking who's the targets in yet, or at least one person has died. as tropical psych loan be allows struck francis or even new island authorities on the indian ocean islet issue. the highest weather related until the storm paused. they formed residents to stay at home due to profit
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winds and rains. in his optima, thousands of migrants have been rescued by spanish authorities off the coast of the academy islands in the atlantic. spain says that last year, well over 39000 people from west africa reach the on and hoping to start the new life in your according to experts more than 6000 people died last year while attempting this dangerous crossing. the german economy strength last year. that's according to government data released on monday. it's mainly due to rise in energy prices and high interest rates. also cooling for in demand for machines and other products. took that toll on your ups leading export medicine. sauces of stock doesn't trucks have converged on the german capital as reforms protests against costs and cultural subsidies, and increased regular regulation driven finance minister cosell in the address the
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crowd, which was funded with bows and whistles. monday's riley concludes a week of protests including the blockade of motor away on, right. so across germany, demonstrations have top to, to a ground swell up to satisfaction of the cost of living rises. in a german society. the energy prices, jobs, integration, industries being destroyed. we have to go and demonstrate is most about farm is indeed everything the government coalition has to go. it's about everything. for example, the wage tax. you go to work and you can think stephen, people seem to view in things and that kind of go on to just being sent everywhere. but not here. when you think about how i was schools look, that's really sad because i came here to demonstrate because i don't know how i can go on. i'm waiting on my mind how i can continue. we can't cope,
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we will depends when the government needs to change. so people are still hungry despite the government roll back, at least of some of the measures. so why is this move? not enough. a question for the w. matthew moore. m, you mentioned it finance minister, crushed on level one of the heads of there's 3 posse correlations. in berlin, me to some was unusual decision to, to speak to the farmers today. i know you got a very false the response, the basically period and i completely and he was, were soon he couldn't really make himself had yet to show at some point. at one point the head of the farm is associations intervene to ask people to let them speak. but judging from the certainty of the, in the response and the reception, if you go, i don't think that people are ready to compromise and not swore the government here since the farmers live. you have to make a compromise. these are difficult times in germany. we're in a recession and felicia, there's still a global problem on. yep. for the best. and it was for the fall,
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the chevy snowfield, for years they've had their living situation with big wash. if you liked the sun that they've had to do within the bureaucracy has only gotten what was their income was really stagnated. and so i don't. yeah, i just don't think that that is going to cost it for the farmers that we spoke to today. mfc more than reporting to type on now, which is losing one of his few remaining diplomatic allies, the government of no small pacific island staples. he is still full straight. it says it is switching diplomatic recognition from taiwan to china. they j as well come to decision. now ro flag has now been removed from the diplomats, of course, and ty pay, it comes those days off to taiwan is elected a new president. china claims the self governing audit as its own territory and has refused to establish ties with countries that recognize taiwan. only a dozen countries now do so. things try to do this correspondent in taipei that
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i often early um, if taiwan losing another, allied hints at a more diplomatically isolated future for the country as well. first of all, just to emphasize the timing of this decision from now or this decision has been taken just days off to tie one, re elected the routing policy, the democratic progressive policy for the historic, so time on saturday. and now in the 1st working day back off to the election, we've had bought secession of diplomatic ties. this is a policy that the p p. the paging despises it openly, refuses to communicate with it. and i think, well this demonstrates is the strategy that we're seeing from china over applying diplomatic pressure to taiwan over the last 8 years is going to continue under the new administration under the current president time when we see a tie, one of these tenant diplomats who catalyze, but at the same time it has been able to expand its international ties of unofficial palm, is like the us, europe and japan. we are in
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a press conference with high one step c for a minister. he said that china had specifically use his time directly off the election to tie when he's election to make a point to tie one's people. but he also said that time one's democratic opponents would likely see through distrust to you from china, and that they would come continued to support a tie one's democratic future. now, what is paging hoping to gain from this? what is important to remember that the strategy, as i mentioned is nothing. can you from badging as a, as i mentioned, this is to, to not take a strategy of squeezing tie one's international space has been something they've applied over the last 8 years with lang, awaits high ones diplomatic allies. but it's just one of really a suite of cost as much as amazing applies to taiwan, which includes economic function sometimes on time when he's exports to china. but also in the ministry sphere. of course, obviously, chinese will tightens and things are ones that defense identifications aren't on
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a daily basis. and more recently, chinese balloons flying directly over time ones. main island, the important points to make here is of course if that if the strategy, if the aim of the strategy from badging is in post time when he starts is away from the routing policy of the d p. p which they despise. then the election that we've just seen over the last few days as evidence of that strategy isn't working. and that has really important representations to help aging decides to go forward from here. now, a delegation from the u. s. has already arrived in taiwan. what message does the u . s. one to send for this unofficial visit? washington has been very clear to to emphasize the unofficial nature of this visit . but the, the, the, for the official was happening. tie one events and size that to us supports for us to tie one isn't broke solid and that's why one enjoys bipartisan support. and that's what i think that's high when his government will be looking to emphasize despite this loss of a diplomatic kind of eye. because they recognize that when it comes to the private,
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precise thing. so i want silver and seeing the future against a potential chinese invasion. that if these are the official relationships that they enjoy. but the us, europe and japan, which are really going to guarantee that future growth bonding. james, i'd say to the reporting from type a st. jude terms to iceland now mass, or to say love from of ok knows that erupt it early on sunday appears to have a slightly the flow of molten rock destroyed several homes and the small fishing town of green, the vic as well as its electricity on towards the water supply, excavators have been tearing the main road off the lava flowed over its a. tom was evacuated on saturday, so there was no immediate danger to lie. screen to bake is some 40 kilometers south west of the capitol, right cubic molten lava continue to spew into grin to big over nice. it's a natural size of stunning beauty,
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but also one that is threatening the town's future. going to vic lies above a fault line, that geologist had long known about what had been inactive for hundreds of years. then the last november earthquake started hitting the area which is sometimes a warning of an impending volcanic corruption. this mountain lift all his life and bring to vic watching events on folds in his hometown has left him wondering whether he will ever return. it's tough in many ways, but i am optimistic by nature and i've tried to maintain optimistic. but you know, this is, this is big, this is serious, is basically as bad as can possibly get last december or far as he's decided to evacuate, printed x 5000 residents. as a precaution, they also began constructing huge earth and barriers to guide lava around underway
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from the town green to vick escape to live at that time. but part of this latest event was inside the protective barriers and just destroyed houses. iceland government says it would provide more support to green vics residence but with multiple life and now within the towns perimeter, it's unlikely they will be going home soon. you while watching i dw news from berlin here as a reminder of our top story. starlight man as killed at least one moment wounded, at least a 1000 other people, and suspected stabbing and call running attack, and essential is rate city of rod non votes. this could have been a con jackie simmons, a message from the interesting phenomena. my colleagues feel good and we'll have it world news update for you at the top of the hour. don't go away. now. global us, it is coming up next with the look at how climate change is affecting your morning
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