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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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the one will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for the job it is found is still the best rates of violating false today. capping the wake of protests boxed by a threat to fuel subsidies and not the only ones i'm happy with the government at the moment. the 3 posit called ition, led by chance of an old life shown say it's facing a wave of why the discontent. that seems to run deeper than farmers, diesel prizes unfilled gail invalid. and this is the day the energy prices jobs integration,
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industries being destroyed in the pool just being sent everywhere. but not here. when you think about how other schools look, that's really sad. we professional hunters declare our solidarity with the farmers . we called co build a fence when the government needs to change thing, and most importantly the government needs to resign in order new elections because they're incompetent. also coming up on the day, what is the future for garza when the fighting is over? and so these meetings, i was also crystal clear, the palestinian civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow they must not be pressed to leave. god welcome to the day uh, we saw it here in bundling with thousands of tractors and trucks of converge down. the drum and capital was angry. farmers protest against cuts in agricultural
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subsidies and increasing regulation. monday's riley includes, concludes a week of protests, including the blockade of most of my own rooms across the country. the demonstrations of tapped into a groundswell of dissatisfaction with the cost of living increases in german society, trucks and tracked to zillow already been blocking the streets of berlin for more than a week. on monday, around $10000.00 farm is turned down, talking the vehicles in the center of the capital to draw our attention to the bonds. they want more financial help from the government. otherwise they say farming is on the threat. but for many protesters, this is about more of an agriculture and agri, plaza energy prices, jobs, immigration industry is being destroyed. we have to do something. it's no longer just about foam is and diesel. it's about everything the government has to go. so, you know, there's really both, don't just farmers who are joining in, it's almost
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a popular uprising the they keep them here. the government is not listening. and above all, it's not listening to the people in rural areas. if you wanted to be me and you could say this politics favors urban areas, well, rural areas are being left behind and we're protesting against things on the docket . and what is the india when the gym in finance managed to face the crowd, he said foam is had to make your contribution in difficult times. but he outlined his position that the government cannot help with more cash to subsidies, but agricultural diesel will not expire immediately. they will be reduced step by step over the coming years. i could promise you more state from the federal budget today. so we can fight together for you to enjoying more freedom and respect. feel work on the the is woods, did not go down. well,
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he was shouted down from his leaders called for the crowd to give the minister a hearing, but also restated the plan to keep protesting the install. if the government withdraws the plan to raise taxes, we will remove the tractors from the street so long. as long as they won't do that, we will continue to make use of our constitutional right to demonstrate these noisy protests, to becoming a problem for ourselves. as government, if they're not willing to roll back that costs the farm is likely to stay camped in billing for some time to come. well that result from the dw political correspondent assignment the young, who joins us now. a welcome assignment, so that the farm is that just the latest manifestation of unrest within germany. let's start with them. what do they want as well?
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so the, the government is withdrawing hundreds of millions of euro's worth of subsidies to agriculture. in particular, this is about the subsidies for the diesel for fall on those, but it's also, for instance, the governments have been with drawing and exemption on road taxes for agriculture vehicles. that they're also complaining about. some other things like bureaucracy and environmental and animal welfare standards for instance, which they say a 2 thirds of and make them uncompetitive. and they said a time way. farm is site is becoming more and more difficult to make a living. and many psalm is already site getting out of the base they so that you've got a pretty angry protest and get pharma say, unless all these, these plans with cox and the government do withdrawal and they're just going to go on protesting. so you've got a, a stay all night to think of the money. right. and that, but the government didn't make some concessions,
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but clearly not see enough for these phones or well they did. they've already said that they'll sort of smooth this over a bit to the, the diesel subsidies will be withdrawing over 3 years rather than immediately. and that might make it a little bit easier. the most i talked about introducing for us is a levy on the price of food to cover those kind of animal welfare standards. but it's hard to see how that really helps if it pushes out the price of food. the governments talked about introducing as reforms or changes to its plans by the some of that probably i think would be too late. now the coalition thought a party is, is saying they've got to get together and see if they can, you know, come up with something that will appease the farm, is even later this week. but you are given that the government has said, you know, this is about saving money. there's a big hole in the national budget at the moment, given the difficulties that it's hard to see how they can really, you know,
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give back to very much unless of course they say right. why will scrap the plans altogether? i'd start with a new negotiation, right? from the beginning, but they don't look set to do that the moment and tell us about these reports and rooms that many of these farmers, demonstrations opinion feel infiltrated by a jeremy's fall, right. as well that said the, the farm is a unit. a said he's very concerned to make sure that that isn't the case. they say foam is just exercising the democratic right to protest on show that is true in the overwhelming number of cases. having said that, as you saw in those clips, a lot of the people supporting these protest. uh, you know, a saying this goes beyond following really is about wider issues like the cost of living that's making life difficult for people across germany. it's about migration is about money being sent to support ukraine, that a lot of people are angry. it's easy to see how in that context for right policies
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can sort of speak to background. police say that they have picked up some coals by anti states and populist a far right groups there to, to sort of join these protests and get involved. and so that there's, there's concern definitely about that. ok, thank you for that assignment assignment or a dw political correspond to how serious is that? you haven't government's proposal to cut either cultural fuels, subsidies is called highlight and brock, who visited a dairy farm and not far from ballad to find that every machine. okay. the kinds farm in the hopper love district. yeah. berlin is powered by a diesel engine. you manage as a business with 1000 tech, there's a farmland and 170 dairy cows. when he refuse this 5 tractors, it gets expensive. this tractor has a full 180 liter tank. so far he has received around $0.21 per liter as
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a refund from the government. beautiful below 120. we use 820000 leaders of diesel per year. so to us, this is the refund was worth around $25000.00 bureaus from $20000.00 or it will start to but the subsidy was supposed to be gradually reduced and discontinued by 2026. what kind of a farmers don't want to accept that and not protesting nationwide, like here in the hospital and region and they've had some success. the government is signaling to meet some of their demands. although for many, it's not quite enough yet. honestly, that's not really the advice in our family how tough it is to keep our business running for me. and if you don't have additional income, it becomes increasingly difficult to go. if we lose the subsidy now, i really don't know how will make ends meet since maybe some financial you're gonna have to have on the younger generation is afraid. many are asking,
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will we even get a job later on if the law is implemented as planned? that's why i'm here to protest. and for some, the agriculture subsidies, a common place. germany farmers receive around $300.00 euros from the u budget per year. entech tar. the diesels subsidy is just a small part of it. and yet every penny counts, say farmers, they feel they won't be able to compete internationally. currently only 3, you countries have higher taxes on agricultural diesel than germany. but 18 countries have lower taxes driven farmers feel disadvantaged. you have for the t n ones that we produce our product, such as bright, we barley, winter, rape seat, ad world market levels. there is a world market price like and if we have a production disadvantage due to the lack of diesel reimbursement, we cannot compete anymore. not having them can you really come with and see to see
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and know future without us. that's what the farmer say. they're all around 250000 farms in germany. most of them have participated in the protests over the past few days. the israel's defense minister says these countries in tens ministry operations and 7 gaza are nearing an end. the ministry forces and 80 to secure the release of mole hostages is by your of glands was that's been that will assign the rest by to on the ground. these right and ministries release damages of its troops operating in a devastated gaza strip, holding a 100 things into this conflict. a globe of concerned about the civilian debt. so is still growing. how mass run, health ministry and gaza says more than 24000 people have been count as well. continues as ministry campaign diplomats have been discussing various
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scenarios for the territory future when the conflict is over. but this widespread disagreements, even within israel, about what the day after would look like the shuttle diplomacy, us secretary of state antony, blinking just spent a week in the middle east, hustling from capital to capital consulting with israel and other allies. he laid down some ground rules for a post war scenario. and so these readings i was also crystal clear, palestinian civilians must be able to return home as soon as the conditions allow. they must not be pressed to leave guys. not everyone in the is really government degrees too far. right. ministers have called for renewed settlements and gaza and for other countries to absorb palestinian refugees defense minister you have got loud, put forth his own vision. earlier this month. he said no is rarely civilians would be in gaza. golan said guys, our residents are a palestinian,
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and therefore palestinian bodies will be in charge with the condition that there will be no hostile actions or threats against the state of israel. he stressed that israel would maintain overall security control and gaza. that plan has not been backed by other members of the cabinet or by prime minister benjamin netanyahu for them to come up with so much disagreement. what does everyone actually want in postwar? garza is real one security from attacks and says there should be no role for him. us the us and saudi arabia want the palestinian authority which governs the west bank to also run gaza in the united palestinian government. the saudi say they want to normalize relations with israel, but that depends on the establishment of a palestinian state. the us and saudi proposals faced significant obstacles. one is the unpopularity of the p, a among palestinians. it's liter maximum that boss is extremely unpopular. recent posts, but hand at 11 percent, and
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a mazda is popularity has grown since the war started to. netanyahu has rejected a role for the p a as well. but he's agreed to one key us demand as well as no intentional, permanently occupying garza or displacing that civilian population as well as funding come us terrace, not the palestinian population. netanyahu has however repeatedly dismissed the possibility of palestinian statehood. well, let's look at future options with simon made by the who's professor of international politics that to england, lancaster university has a particular expertise in the middle east. welcome back to dw professor, so medium size. uh, what do you think post will garza is likely to look like as well? i think we will be seeing is a very, very long struggle to determine both the political nature of the post war
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states. but. ready just keep patient state perhaps, but we'll also be dealing with a very, very long term. rebuilding process of rebuilding the key institutions, the infrastructure, the, the necessary features of life and gaza. and these will go hand in hand, but they're going to be very, very complicated to go hand in hand and how one addresses one issue will directly affect the other the deep. ready politicized issues, and it's going to be a very, very, for very ted struggle to try and mitigate the concerns and ameliorate the worries of everyone. so even the day after the bombing stops the next months, possibly even years are still going to be miserable for people living in gaza. so yeah, so it's like, uh, let's go back to before october, the 7th, before those that was all full incidents. the terrorist attacks and israel,
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the devastating bombardment life and gaza was incredibly precarious. it was for what it was difficult. it was under an occupation. it was. ready under a blockade, it was very difficult to get the basics things into gaza that people needed for daily life. and right now your package just showed the 85 percent of dozens have been false from that hopes. a lot of those hopes have been demolished, have been destroyed and fighting. and so there's going to be a very difficult struggle to rebuild schools, homes, hospitals, the basic infrastructure that people need on top of the. ready ready vehicle issues that that we've been. ready talking about so let's look at political control, have mass growing in popularity. since all this happens, all of palestinians and gaza indicated that 90 percent of the palestinians, a one peasant mahmoud abbas to resign. so the,
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the us idea of the palestinian or far is it being a charge of, of gaza certainly sounds like a non stall to as yeah. i don't think they're all that many who are in favor of my screwed up us becoming the, the, the coast and drooling dollars a roll or at least responsible for taking the day to day decisions about. ready life and gaza. these riley certainly benjamin netanyahu was too keen on that idea. and there are many who bought like the dia of the p. i of the house to me. and i'll start taking control over life in gaza. books, much as we're seeing in the west bank a bus does not have the popular support that popular mandate. but previously this of the p a of the p l. ready which is yes that alpha had and thought is a big problem if there is a democratic legit deficit or legitimacy deficit that makes governing about mix politics incredibly difficult, final event on each rails by place in the middle east. as
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a result of everything that happened since october, the 7th, it's on tag a nice, it's biggest back of the us. it's upset that countries like saudi arabia in the region who's been looking to normalize relations. and of course, best a ron's facing that waiting for the west to happen. how do you, do you anticipate this conflict of having affected israel as a future position in the middle east? i think what we're seeing is that the, that has been an opening up of deep seated late had fish's deep schisms, but have been data across the middle east. is that the diplomats have been working incredibly hard to address to try and find some sort of resolution. so we see that with saturday and around that normalization we see it with the saudis and the who these we see with the israelis and the saudis. we see lots of diplomatic initiatives. ready in on but what's happened with auto but a 7th and this optima is but
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a lot of those frustrations that i can get those tensions of come to the for one small. now i do think normalization with the saudis will take place. i think there is a lot invested in not as a matter of time, but for now we are in a very precarious position with lots of different. ready ready thoughts, there's a lot of and a lot of frustration, i'm not means a lot of combustible elements. thank you for that professor assignment mavin from lancaster university. i. thank you. the here's president joe biden has congratulate you, douglas from all those new president on he's in organization, vice president. com. a harris also said she'll be hosting a bernardo auto auto valo in washington in the coming months. i present out of all the to pay out of office in gloss amount of $50.00. in the early hours of monday, the ceremony was delayed after last fits attempts by opponents to prevent him from
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taking office. the president, one is surprised election victory and the oldest running on an empty corruption ticket. they faced that numerous attempts to prevent him at taking office, including from public prosecutors were trying to over to the election. prison correspondent nicole reese joins us from guatemala, searching a welcome. nicole. so the us a quick to congratulate the new president, revise him to washington. a foreign policy in chief jose at burrell was at the ceremony. why does this new president enjoy so much? international support will feel this support actually went so far that back in december or whether it was when there was yet another intent of who data against at a little us decided to sanctions the sanction thousands of members of congress. the you, by the way, is at the moment, analyzing the same measures and basically for the us, it is a very important to keep good relations to what the, my, the indian it is
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a country that is very, very close to them. there's only mexico between that it's a country of proximity. u. s. is trying to avoid a more conflict and more in stability in the region after all, and you've got as well, for example, and as part of a low is seeing that the rising tensions and as rising in security. so for the us, this is sort of the back yard where they want to maintain peace. this is also a country with important routes of drug trafficking, drugs that end up in the u. s. and also a migration root, tens of thousands of what them i did go sleep folded years every year. so there is huge interest in maintaining good relationships to add a little who they consider it democratic president. this was the case before with uh, the now for the president on my face. and on the other high side of course, the u. u. n. d u. s. also have an interest to main influence in the region. after all, it could always happen that china takes influence. yeah. and that's what they wants
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to avoid. right. so water is plans now. he's got the job. he's got the job now is top plan is obviously tackling corruption, which is running deep here in public institutions overall. this is what the country is considering its biggest crisis. people and congressmen and women involved in these cases might see that as soon they are being banned from office. if i be able to succeed, this would be some sort of political death for them. then they would not be living the life that they have now. and then the next point is what he pointed out to me in an interview which i had a few days ago with him is the 1st action that he wants to take is getting the attorney general to resign. because this is a person who actually was part of an agenda of a coup d'etat against that evil of what you just mentioned. and i tried to know the electron results. and then what he said, let, yesterday in his speech, social justice is one big issue here that cannot be democracy without social justice. that is what people are saying. we're talking about
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a huge amount nutrition crisis in children here. more than half of like what the monthly cost of living here are living in poverty. so he wants to tackle these issues. but let's be honest, he doesn't have the majority in congress and he needs to grow his potential there. otherwise, it will be just an up we'll struggle like it has been in the past few months for him. we don't know what the magic potion is that he will apply, so we can actually succeed. but this huge hopes that he will actually teach a something in the country, of course. okay, so how important will support from the us and the e u. b, as present to add over the age to implementing those policies? both are crucial for uh, adding on the agenda after o d u and also the us of financing projects here. this goes to the money goes to social projects, but it also goes to slowing down migration in the case of the yes or defense. so you will look at to as partners over the you in the us and make sure that he kind
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of has selling points. he wants to get his country out of corruption crisis. he wants his country to get back on track, also economically and make sure that people, for example, don't leave the country and then go to the us. so this could be a huge selling point. we actually already visit to the us last year before you took over office and he's scheduled in also for german use unix security conference, which is coming up in a few years weeks. so we might see some deals going over the table there. right across him all his indigenous community that they play the key role in the street protests of in support of the new president, what they hope things are full from him. well, when i talk to a representative of the indigenous community, there's obviously a lot of joy, a lot of expectations and holes. one thing that they hope for is to be included in public institutions. so in governments, we don't see that reflect that as for now in the actual cabinet. but that could be
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more of the like jobs that they take over or take over office and other ends in institutions. once the base is clear, really, this could be something um, the other thing is obviously they have been living in disadvantage for years, if not decades because of the corruption that is running through the country because of the money that was not invested in the regions. and in their children and in their hopes. so this is basically the expectation that they have and that keeping it very high because they have supported audi, bundle all the way long. okay, thank you for that. nicole. nicole rates and gloss amount of 6 the when the nfl while called the playoff match between the buffalo bills and the pittsburgh steve, this kicks off on monday. it will be sent to the funds have is known in upstate new york, forced to postpone minutes of the game and brought to the appeal for funds to take the stadium out. even if everybody didn't follow the instructions on how to do that,
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the data eventually pay off of the game is scheduled to go ahead to and that was the day you can follow a sound social media platforms. ok, d, w, use the course is always the w dot com have a good day the
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it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april . it's hard not to feel that something really is happening here. what is happening is degrees in size. a team of climate research has a store and on task to put in place the into the ice. in 15 minutes on the w, when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part of choice. it was stigmatized my generation,
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the the is it the, the use life from pilot? and today's the 1st, the metro phase off between donald trump and his rivals for the 2024 republican presidential candidacy. but for the website of purpose overall, this might be the coldest caucus in history, this minus 30 degrees celsius. the big question is, how will this affect the tournament also on the program. israel stuff as i suspected, caught running, attack all thoughts or say at least one person was killed more than a dozen. others in general bring you to make these rounds defense ministers as the
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intense management operation in the south.


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