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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin us republicans begin choosing their presidential nominee in the iowa caucuses with former president donald trump expected to cruise to victory. the big question is, who will come in 2nd, south carolina governor and nikki haley, our florida desantis pulse the when the program israel suffers the suspected car running attack authority say at least one person was killed and more than a dozen others injured. to bring you the latest, israel's defense minister says the intense military operation in the side casa, is nearing an end. despite this intense fighting and the gaza strip is continuing with the as well, i'm off for not having passed the 100 day mark. international pressure for
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a ceasefire is 19 the i'm how to whom a welcome to the program. we begin in the united states where the cat done to the 2024 presidential elections has officially begun. republicans are choosing their nominator run for president in the iowa caucuses on monday. former president donald trump is way ahead and opinion polls, but a close contrast for 2nd places expected. former south carolina governor nikki haley is attempting to stay ahead of florida governor on desantis. and our correspondent janelle jamalia on is joining us night in iowa city. so janelle, the comcast is about to start has just started what was actually happening right now. what can we expect as indeed, so i'm actually joining you now from one caucus precincts. so the caucus has to
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start fairly promptly at 7 pm local time here in iowa. so what we can expect is that so called caucus captain's will be there presenting their arguments for their preferred candidates, a last ditch effort to sway hearts and minds, so to speak. and then we will have the coffers folder, a cockers caucus goers excuse me, write down their choices on a secret ballot. and those secret ballots will be tallied by volunteers. and the results will be sent electronically to the island republican party. and at the end of the night, we should then know who island republicans have chosen to be their republic. and not many trump is leading in these pulls. that seems pretty likely that he's going to be the front runner. but it's going to be a pretty close race between nikki haley on rhonda scientists. right. they're both aiming for a 2nd place. yes. now never has the race for a silver metal been so coveted. so wrong desantis,
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it's worth noting he's really gone all in in iowa. he's visited all 9999 counties and it just really doesn't bode well for his cabinet to see if he doesn't come in at least 2nd. know nikki haley for her part. what she is hoping is that she finishes strong ahead of desantis. and in so doing the able to signal to voters that her campaign has momentum and that signal to voters and might help her cuts up trunk lead over her in new hampshire. taking us all the way to south carolina, her home state where she hopes to win the primaries. now she is not leading there all of that. so all of that is not certain. but if that does come to pass, then you can see that her past to republican nomination might not actually be impossible. but this is why the race for 2nd place is so closely watched here. i know i'm, i mean, iowa is the 1st congress to happen. this year, does it have a particularly big impact on the bigger picture as
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well. what's important to realize is that iowa really isn't the contest where the presidential nominee is turns out to being the one that is chosen india and, but it's useful to think of it as a mechanism for narrowing the playing field. so when we have the results in iowa, this could help candidates gardener, media attention. it could help them gain or lose momentum. it influence is fundraising. so basically what the iowa, the iowa caucus has help us determine in this time around is how much competition trump will have to expect. how strong that competition will be, and who will likely end up becoming irrelevant in this phrase. and doing all of that, we will then have a better picture in the end of who has which on to add to ending up in the white house in january 2025. all right, well we'll be sticking with you throughout the night as that story unfolds. dw
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correspondence and add them on thanks so much for joining us as always over to israel and i where a woman has been killed and what officials are describing as a staffing and car running attack near tell of eve. 17 others were injured in what officials called the suspect of terror attack in the city of wrong on a police say to boston and suspects were arrested. and i'll forward to you said a man had been working in israel with site permits. no organization has claimed responsibility and police said that they were searching the area for additional suspects. driven through a bus stop, as children were getting out of school. the. this was just one of several locations where the attack is run down pedestrians, and run a knock. i was standing here outside of restaurants, when i heard a loud schooling immediately and i ran here and i saw a car that had crashed into the bus stop. i saw a children running one limping on one leg,
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while others were lying on the ground floor. almost multiple caused a hijacked and used in the attack with the officials saying some victims were also stabbed. paramedics rushed the engines nearby hospitals with one women in his seventies like to died. israel's police chief praise the quick response by offices we manage to get our hands on the 2nd detector as well. the 2 attackers are related their residents of the west bank who arrived illegally. we're not going into detail beyond that because the matter is in the initial stages of the investigation. and also the law is rarely security services are interrogating the 2 pilots to be in men. but no group has yet come forward to claim responsibility for the attack. and gaza, they have most one health ministry says the bodies of at least a 132 people killed and is really miss all attacks have been brought to the
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territories. hospitals in the past 24 hours, according to administrative, more than 24000 people in gaza have been killed in the fighting so far. as real size is military operation and gaza is absolutely necessary to destroy a mouse which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. barely any buildings still standing in the central gulf of neighborhood. piles of rubble or shells out remains can be seen in every direction. sit on a server tune, there's nothing to come back to the we were displaced towards the people that were fled from the 1st 2 schools then to the we would turn to our home to just simply belongings is not do. there's no life at old. there's no house at all, and there's nothing less high you said more than one point. 8000000 gallons have been forced from the home, submit the financing, but nowhere is speed. here,
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civil defense teams poll, injured families and bodies from an air strikes next to a mosque. the union is again calling from us to free. it says riley hostages, and for an end to the violence. nothing can justify the collective punishment of the policy of young people. stephen said in a situation, guys that he's beyond words, no edge, and no one is safe. amid the constant threats of israel's attacks. johnson, so it's a bad thing to find food. hundreds flocks to this a truck in the hopes of finding supplies, the prod, you know, we need the most important goods. the 1st, which is flour, consecutive on almost a month now. we've been living without flour. we own eating rice. rice is not
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enough for a human being and it's causing health problems. we just want you to bring us flowers, water, european not to move. are you the risk of famine and disease? and the enclave continues to rise with israel severely restricting access. the vice will supplies to gov, the age groups have repeatedly cool for a long spring ceasefire to lead more age in and ease the suffering of gases civilians. more than a 130 people are still being held hostage and god after being abducted by him off and other groups after they october 7 terror attack dw has been speaking to a former hostage who was freed in november. and ross. and i mean, he was in berlin on monday, where she and other relatives of hostages met with the german president to press for their release. mrs. ben emmy's husband o hart is still being held in gaza. this has been, i mean you yourself were held by how much your husband is still being held as
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a hostage here in germany. what is your hope? what the german government can do for you? because we'll german citizens. now we help the gemini government will help us bring them back and make a little bit more pressure. are they doing very, very good job of helping us. and i hope they will continue. and maybe we can get all the german seizures out of guides. everyone, everyone, everyone out, we need them, everyone we need in their home with the families. we don't have time every day that is all for she's speaking and she said that she didn't get meals. she didn't get get what they can't stay there and she didn't get their medications. you're a sick person. everyone needs to come back now and we need german to help us. we want the help of gym. what is your biggest hope and your biggest fear at this
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moment? maybe that my biggest fear is 5th is time for them. the people who are sick, the people am on the ground. that was no, it was no, but we can breeze then no food, no medicine, no electric. there's no water to drink. i can tell i was there when i was there almost finish. so we don't have time. no time. we have to bring them back. thank you. very much mrs. been. i mean, thank you. i was for them or is really chapman hostage ross that i me and her daughter speaking to d, w. 's mckayla, could this is really football or so geez. yeah, yeah. has kyle, sorry, has left turkey after being briefly does haines by us? our teeth for expressing solidarity with is really hostages, after being held by him on the, until he asked for player slash to bondage on his wrist of photographers during a game on sunday that showed a star of david on the words a 100 days on $710.00
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a reference to how mazda is october, 7 attacks on israel. the 28 year old was taken into police custody after the match, and accused of inciting hatred in public. he says he was calling for an end to the war. dw, is this tom bill correspondent, doran jones told us more well, as you said, he was detained for security, so he was tied to the public hatred. this is a casual offense as being news media against opponents of the government regime is a serious offense. it does carry several years in prison months if convicted bill found convicted, and people are appealing jail of this offense. now the pays rarely for police have gail family to 90 allegations. haines is nothing to do with supporting the is really offensive into calls which are public prosecutor's, where i late and he said he wasn't gained score. and he said that this we chose to assign to cool for an end to the conflict. but having, despite this participation, see investigation is continuing into the full blip at t is on to so to have left the country early this evening and his return back to
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israel. and it's not expected that he will be coming back to the country any time soon. dw correspondent, doran jones, a quick look at some other headlines from around the world. ron's revolutionary guard said they've launched messiah strikes against what they say is, and is released by headquarters in the city of arable in northern iraq partition authorities. a several civilians were killed. the run in military says it also struck targets in syria going after what it described as gatherings of anti are running terrorist groups in chicago, parts of rio de janeiro and brazil remain under water following to range rainfall at the weekends. at least 12 people died when was their inundation at the northern iceberg outskirts of the city all 4 days to pluck size and military personnel and emergency workers to help residents deal with the effects of the flooding. and switzerland has offered to organize a piece summit aimed at ending rushes. ongoing war with ukraine. president view
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alarm there may be a night spent during your visit. 5, a lot of years will ask you to very be creating president said all countries respecting his country's territorial integrity would be invited. this was leader also a nice and you a package for you create and when the nfl wild card playoff match between the buffalo bills and the pittsburgh steelers kicks off on monday, it will be thanks to the funds heavy snow in upstate new york post the 4th the postponement of the game and boston, the po for funds to date this stadium. i even if everybody didn't follow the instructions on how to do that, the effort eventually paid off and the game is planned to go ahead. that really gives uh, braving the cold a whole lot her level that's all from us for nice. all right, so 2 and 3 series is up next. looking at their rush to bring crypto current. eat lots america. don't forget there's always more on our website and our social media
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channels. our handle is at dw news. hello from the whole team here in berlin. thanks so much for watching. take care and state you the fast fashion as an environmental 9. a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube the, the el salvador.


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