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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 4:30am-4:49am CET

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i didn't tell you a little surprised. i am shop now and i am ready to dive into the house of germany to us. you finally have you have a one does not delete this or port. this card via included in the, on the vehicle. this process and the, and expect the size of the life enjoy the, [000:00:00;00] the, the dish of the young uranium kurdish women g. now masa, i mean, the tree good. an unprecedented wave of protests in iran. she was arrested by the morality police intent on in september 2022, so electrically wearing
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a poorly fitting. zale, the uprising shook the regime, which responded with violent repression. to escape the repression many and rainy incurred to fled to the autonomous curtis region of a rock the passage to disastrous mountain and same view of the arabian buddha, talis is a common escape route for the cubs who fed to iraq in recent years around $10000.00 according to germany's un refugee age, the situation at the border is very tense. while filming the rainy and control towers, we will briefly arrested and interrogated by the secret service of the could you show thirty's in those in iraq? on september the 19th 2023, a deadline set by
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a ron expired. it stated that by the states the rocky government and the cutty, shall socrates in a rock must disarm the rainy into additional position groups and transfer them to locations fall from the border with a ron. these groups include the democratic party if it rainy and cuz i just, um the d p. k i. every year, dozens of young people join the policies, ministry forces, the push mega, the young codes and to go tough, military training. since the mine and protests, the arabian regime is spelt even most residents by this resistance. good. we must agree because push maga living in the mountains in a secret d p. k. i can say hi to you from possible miss island drone to tax. remember on all that they are among them is funds on last year. if everyone's but she's been here for full years and serves as
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a kind of role model for new young female fights has 19 year old, rosy, not only left iran a few months ago. the bloody demonstrations in the fall of 2022 left. a deep impression on her. she still has the footage on her side on the spot. on the side the the oh ok. so we took this photo during a visit to the cemetery of the murder shadow, easily show who remind could, will that go home? demolished? i hate to count on how many of the people pictures here were all tortured during the g. no revolution? uh, i mean uh of also lot no fish on the amazon, they lost many friends at the rallies in the kurdish region, severe on the co with them now. it came with the best one of my best friends fell
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as a murder. and the last of them at the time i was afraid that they would arrest and torture me and the courage to stay on how does the sudden can, can you because of my gender. and my belief is the west side of the villas, if you can, how we can some of what i wasn't afraid of death. i'm not within the the so we can push through the just that it's true. is it with far away from our families and the sister's pay, but she were all very close to each other. we sleep and eat together. we do everything together. oh, how, but she gave me a while. i sold a diner. she helps us to live. i guess it's fucking belmont i certainly saw my family suspected that i would leave one day, but i didn't tell them when the bell, i'm pim looks been selected that on. oh,
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the 2nd one day is that and when they were sleep and i looked at them one and left, so i found that goes, but it will ask me about it sounded kids know how to my dad in a mom now is little good to come and i wanted to become a push meg. okay. i'm trying to, to get with the duty to protect my people in my countries and of it. there's a lot of people, a lot of godaddy now hockey, coca cola canyon. i'll go ahead the here a few days ago with that on the way back to the base, i led the way at the front of the uh, british museums. and as i say, the phrase, human life freedom originated using code of stone. calico decided spread from the code restrictions to the cities of iran and then all as of the world like kind of a bladder, there's very still a lot like on elected. and these would show that women can make a difference in it. that's why i nibbled this nice and last several gods,
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and one of the none of this would have been possible without women. yeah, the cause that daddy book a many iranian women risk the lives in the protests which the regime suppressed with armed force, women costing of the hat i've seen here at the funeral of those killed became a symbol of women's rights and protest against the oppressive regime the i'd love to have here like yours, because each page mega in iran, a being trained to fly to soldiers against attack studies. and i'm a republic sense despite tatum's ultimatum that by september 2023. the rocky government in baghdad. and the code is, shall, thirty's, in nose and
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a rock should completely disarm the opposition groups and move them far away since buddha pick up or driven into a corner like this. the only option for the p k i force is, was to retreats into the mountains since then, they've been hiding from a rainy and surveillance in small groups. most of them have no news of the family and we're not bad for the protests that should be around. unlike regina, who witnessed them 1st hand uh, a split to own the can tell us about the impression during the protests, and as you go my list a lot, no hold fish on done on a dot com. they, in fact, the demonstrators with extreme brutality, the trade show up, a lot of how can, to the i'm in the i saw my friend is out for a home as a martyr, but i need to on a rainy night, a shaped ashate. i was like the same 40 look so many people were injured professional and done
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a kind of stuff. i take care and comes on somebody in the 1st as an exception regina and had come rates put down their weapons tonight. when they sit together, the conversations often revolve around what's happening in that home country looks pretty short of what happened to gina was the trigger for people who drove people onto the streets where they at least their anger against the regime and not i was glad to find the problem for the whole of, of the con, unfortunately, there are people who believe that this revolution is only about the way we dress to the customer to give a house, but it's about much more. so again, my name and it's about freedom of expression rights, is fun, you, matthew, for monday to master the wrong. so if the codes to jenny, let me call over with everything i've experienced of them to you they give will
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offer gig of i think that from now one women will 5 old in justices will no longer remain silent. and i'd like to avoid that because then i went to the district of ed, i just hit the button the, the goods moves inconstancy or if we need to tax play around. at the end of 2022, dozens of a rainy in ms tiles and kamikaze drones hit the d p. k. i bases civilian refugee comes. we also have dozens of people died in the us de camp not far from the town of course. and jack traces of the arabian attacks can still be seen. 29 year old sonya is
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a former passion maga. on september the 28th 2022, he was seriously injured by a miss sile. his wife died. she was 8 months pregnant to shield which i was that the missile hit just a few meters away from me. and the woman who was next to me was killed as of the always level code, very close to death. always shading the advocate and i was thrown really far, which i've gotten and just came to me if at all. and i said when i came to what i did, i immediately saw it with my wife. look at the how to move the stuff home to the home stuff. uh, hold on to for that go to i got out to run to her. so city comes ticket. i wanted to know if she can hurt the above. i forget how does your new go? i want it to help her, but i keep us in the project so it looks like you've been at the doesn't. we did mission. he said, i'm gonna just sonya found his wife in front of the house, her stomach and back riddled with shrapnel, talked to them because she held my hand and said i was on you,
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i was in good. then she lost consciousness. oh it could there be no, it isn't any wish list. as the result of the iranian machines, missile strength does it have been, which has 150 meters away from here and anything else? uh, 50000000000 dollar bu. but how far baby was in her room and the cushion the baby was born in hospital with long injuries, and the day will and didn't survive. i'm much too. i'm so sick i need the top. i was double every day a friend comes by and to keeps on your company. we can buy his physical and mental trauma. he tries to carry on living
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all he has left of his deceased twice on memories. this with this and you know that i have to go back to the doctor the day after tomorrow. have it all loaded difficult for me? probably did it fly that i'm having a 2nd operation. know a little bit more than i have such a bad headache. so it was of interview, i'd like to go to her grades this afternoon as i've had all of it. to most of it, i of the the confidence rents from the rainy and government and the growing pressure of them. the curtis troops are of great concern to them. they. so don't want that. i'm fine with that that quoted them on time. they italy mccaul at all. beautiful how you type z a collaborative to the state will satellite novel. yes. deals with those stories on, you know, about the protocol. no file is television by how does it all the extra large of a shot? well, that's been done by cyber book on, on mobile chandra,
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who's cyber volume cat, a team. how you know, is that room if it has seemed to be named to e sign is set up, it's sort of of an junction. are they on? i've uh, set bestbuy as on one touch me. and maybe i'm in the demo somebody a week. i'd rather stay in the camp then go out, but i'm where the iranian regime couldn't murder me at any moment, but she was a jeweler, 70 delicate. several policy members were recently much admitted that homes, the d. p. k. i says iranian agents are behind this in a big the capital of the autonomous curtis region and knows the new route. the growing influence of a run can be felt. the future of the autonomous region seems answer the
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uranium ultimatum to disarm the opposition groups has amplified the tension. among the push maga, entrenched and remote locations. they observed every movement in the sky, the 21 year old a v to come full years ago. she and her units change their location every day to avoid being targeted by strikes from the iranian regime. a limited run to the wrong one is good. i spent the night you can leave the hotel. i did listen them, but there's always too much sun in the morning of the monday or the movie channel. i did. yeah. and you m as in minus question,
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we take the blankets with this we i solution and lack of means within the group. make logistics difficult to come right to the announced his arrival. let's see what it was. hello, how are you, motel, or we're waiting for you tomorrow. that'd be brought the material and we were waiting for it. then the patient mega a fighting for the survival of that policy in exile. the d p. k. i is popular among codes in iran, but has any limited results is still says enough to supply its voices despite having no heavy weapons in and take home rates of trying to arm themselves against possible ground to tax
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it. oh but god so hard to him about matters academy across the board to release into um themselves against possible ground a tax id . oh because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks. eh. oh but god so hard to him about metals are coming across the board. really going to um, themselves against possible ground a tax at school because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks.
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eh oh because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks. eh. oh because i had to him about metal academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks. eh. oh, because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks. eh. oh, because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks.
4:48 am
eh. oh, because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks. eh. oh, because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release him to arm themselves against possible ground attacks. eh. oh, because i had to him about met his academy across the board to release into um themselves against possible ground attacks eh. oh, because i had to him about metal academy across the board to release him to um, themselves against possible ground attacks.


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