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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, basically the, the news life from berlin, dawning from cruises to victory in the iowa republican corpus is the former president is on track to take over 50 percent of the vote in the 1st nominating contest of the us presidential campaign. but there's a part tray of shipping up for 2nd place. what's coming up is around say is it's intensive. beneficial pollution in the south of gaza is building and pressure for us. he's 5 is nonsense with conditions for civilians growing more desperate by the end. it's being a red carpet time in los angeles. as the us television industry holds its annual emmy awards succession starting brian cox has one best drama,
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as well as the emmy for best actor and best actress in a drama series. we talked to a correspondence and for more on the award winners the i'm british manager, welcome to the program. we stopped in the us where donald trump has bossed his 1st big test with republican voters to become that 2020 for presidential law. many as expected. the former president has won the iowa caucuses by a huge margin. meanwhile, flooded the governor on dissenters is beeping nikki haley to the run it up spot. as the final votes are counted. speaking to us about us, trump said it's time for the party tonight. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together,
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whether it's republican or democrat, or a liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straightened out the world and straightened out the problems and straightened out all of the depth and destruction that we're witnessing. that's practically never been like us. it's just so important. and i want to make that a very big part of our mess, which we're going to come together. it's going to happen soon to can i have correspond to janelle doing on is on the ground in iowa city for us. i us to earlier. what trump victory means, but his campaign going forward well, was more than 51 percent of the vote. this was certainly a decisive when a for, for a trump telling us that at least an iowa, the republican party is still very much trumps party. now his campaign here in iowa was credited with some very strong organizing. the trunk con, paid had a very strong ground ground game here. and even as the weather prompted fears along his campaign, that there would be
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a lower turnout and that his lead would not be as wide as initially projected those fears of clearly not materialized. trump is one step closer to that g o p nomination, keys one step closer to going head to head with joe biden in november. but of course we can't forget the circumstances at play. here, we're talking about trump. this is somebody who denied the results of the 2020 election. this is someone who is facing multiple civil and, and criminal proceedings. he won iowa. he is on his way to become his parties, nor many an entirely democratically held the process. now this is going to be an election unlike any other, and we've just witnessed the start of it for us. it was a close race as well for 2nd. janelle, what does it mean for nikki haley and run the centers? as indeed we've been talking about it all day. we
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have been saying that the most important aspect of this iowa caucus is the race for a 2nd place. both nikki haley and rhonda scientists really needed strong. the 2nd place finishes in order to truly distinguish themselves as true contenders for trump and to get them some much needed the momentum for the primaries in the next states. now that didn't happen for either of them, but it's probably worse for desantis. who was really banking on iowa. he went all in on all you while he visited all 99 counties that he came and 2nd so far behind trump and would such a small lead over haley showed that that strategy really did not work and that his campaign truly might be in trouble here and as for nikki haley, there were polls that came out how to do this caucus that pulled her ahead of desantis and india. and that might have raised expectations and hurt her. and rather of some of that momentum that she might truly need going into new hampshire next. and that was the w correspondent janelle,
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doing on speaking to me. i live from iowa city. a quick look now at some headlines from around the world. north korea's lead wants to countries constitution to be changed to control south korea is designated as any states. number one, according to states we the i came down on has told the bottom 115 government organizations managing relations with the south. would it be abolished into coding invitations? our shop, the deteriorated in recent months after came ramped up weapons demonstrations. ron's of evolutionary god say they have lots to me side strikes against what they say is and he's very spy headquarters in the city of in a been in northern iraq. go to show how did they say several civilians were killed . dated and ministry says it also struck targets in syria going off the what it described as gatherings of antique and intent risk groups that we could have for one person has been killed and 17 others injured. and bought officials are
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describing as a stabbing and called rhyming a tuck near tel aviv israel. police are going to incident in the city of ra, a not a terrorist attack. and evidence to, to palestinians suspects is there is also saying it's intensive ministry alteration in the south of gaza is nearing an end pressure of what i see as far as mounting with conditions for civilians in the gaza strip deteriorating. but i'm also an has ministry say as the bodies of at least a 132 people killed is rarely me sign attacks have been brought to the territories . hospitals in the past 24 hours is what i would say is it's miniature operation and goes are, is absolutely necessary to destroy a moss, which is designated as a tent rest organization by the in the us and other countries. barely any buildings that's still standing in the central golf and neighborhood piles of rubble or shells out remains can be seen in every direction. so those who
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retain, there's nothing to come back to the we were displaced towards the people that were for the 1st 2 schools, then to the we would turn to our home to just simply belongings, which i do with. there's no life at old. there's no house at all. there's nothing less high uses more than one point. 8000000 gallons have been forced from the home, submit the financing, but nowhere is spades. here, civil defense teams poll, injured families and bodies from an s strikes next to a mosque. the union is again calling for home us to free. it says riley hostages, and for an end to the violence, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the policy of young people. stephen said in a situation, guys, that is beyond words, nowhere and no one is safe. amid the constant threats of israel's
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attacks, gallagher is the best thing to find food. hundreds flocks to this a truck in the hopes of finding supplies. we need the most important goods, the 1st, which is flour, consecutive on for almost a month. now we've been living without flour. we own eating rice. rice is not enough for a human being and it's causing health problems. we just want you to bring us flowers more to move us. european not to move, are you the risk of famine and disease. and the enclave continues to rise with israel severely. restricting access to vice will supplies to gov. the aid groups have repeatedly cool for a long spring ceasefire to leap more aid in and ease the suffering of gases,
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civilians. and from all, it's just bringing the, the correspondence rebecca of it as a john just now from jerusalem. rebecca, good morning. conditions have been dire for civilians in gaza for some time but is reading now says it's going to be winding down operations in a part of the tetra tree. what more can you tell us? so yeah, that's right version. we've heard that from the defense minister yesterday saying that the operations in the know those intensive bombardments and ground operation in the north of the street will be winding down will be so being pulled back. and that's in keeping with statements that we've had some appointments to benjamin netanyahu in particularly the english or international media. interestingly, not so much in behavior, the local media here, but statement saying that the, these operations, this intense bombardment will be, want wound down slowly and that they will be moving to what the u. s. has been urging for, for some time, which is what they call in the next phase of this war,
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a less intensive phase that would say the aerial bombardment. so certainly a certainly wound down is not completely stopped and would say, a troops pulls out of this ground operation, not completely, but it move towards more targeted uh, operations that would be still in keeping with israel is military. i'm trying to round out have mass and finish it as, as a threat to israel, as well as also trying to rescue the more than 130 hostages, that still remain inside the strip spots we have heard in the past that these intensive operations in the north were quite successful already and where they were being run down. and we've seen that that hasn't happened and they've continued. so whether or not this happens, this time around remains to be seeing the rush. there's been criticism from a, it's still on july the united states, but how much pressure is there really on the, is rarely a government to end a ceasefire talks as well. it really depends on where you're looking or who you're
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listening to. obviously we're seeing a lot of international pressure, not a protest, internationally full, you know, a permanent se fi within coals, even from some leaders now from some other governments cooling for an international, say, spa, you heard, and that report to aid groups also looking for some kind of ceasefire, at least, to be able to allow more aid into district to be able to prevent a catastrophic humanitarian situation that we're seeing unfolding the. but when you look domestically inside israel, wishing less calls for a say 5, this, the wall still has incredible support among is riley's who really want to say is around carry out what it is said that it will carry out. as i mentioned, of course, of completely finishing her mouse as a threat to israel and bringing home the hostages. but we have seen more and more pressure for at least a limited se sign from the families of the hostages. who want to say they loved ones. uh, you know, obviously brought out a live and they see that these heavy bombardments will make that almost impossible . rebecca is really military has also expressed cold, grave concern over the video,
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released by a mazda football team to show 2 dead hostages. do we have any more details on that as well? this video that was released last night was the 3rd in 3 videos that were released from sunday. the 1st one showing in fact, all 3 hosted is still alive, cooling for a safe 5 saying that they feed for their lives. we've been so and now the video kind of a threatening question mark video saying, you know what will happen. we'll let you know tonight, and then they released this 3rd video of one female hostage, live saying, but the other 2 captives had in fact been killed. now have mass released the statement or said that the made a statement saying that they were killed by his riley bombardment. that something that the, as writing military have denied the spokes person. a daniel had got a saying that they were not killed by is ready fire the some of the details were released about one particular hostage. it was confirmed that he had been killed,
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but the details of the other hostage remained withheld as part of the family's request. so the ami saying, but this is just more a mass psychological wolf and they've asked is randy media not to play any of the videos and we haven't been able we haven't seen them on any is riley media is so obviously a really high risk situation for the families of those loved ones who were already worried about the face of the other family members still in gaza. and now this psychological warfare is that it's being cool by israel slightly bang drip fed out showing that potentially 2 hostages have been killed. they never called us one to back out. it was reporting from 0 to them. thanks so much more than a 130 people are still being held hostage. and guys are following that abduction by him boss and other groups. after the october 710, i attacked the w as be speaking to one former captive who was freed in november. and how's it been? i mean, it wasn't valid on monday where she and other relatives of hostages met with the
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gentleman president, to price for the overlays. now this has been, i mean, you yourself were held by how much your husband is still being held as a hostage. here in germany, what is your hope, what the german government can do for you? because well, german and citizens now we help the gemini government will help us bring them back and make you little bit more pressure. are they doing very, very good job of helping us? and i hope they will continue. and maybe we can get all the gym and seizures out of guides. everyone is the one everyone out. we need them. everyone we need in their home. we've done to families, we don't have time every day that is all for she's speaking and she said that she didn't get meals. she didn't get get what they can't stay them. she didn't get their medications, you're a sick person. everyone needs to come back now and we need german to help us. we
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want the help of gym or what is your biggest hope in your biggest fear at this moment? maybe that my biggest fear is 5th is time for them. the people is sick. the people am on the ground. that was no, it was no, but we can breeze then no food, no medicine, no electric. there's no water to drink. i can tell i was there when i was that almost finish. so we don't have time. no time. we have to bring them back. thank you very much. was, and i mean thank you to that was pharma is really german hosta draws. been i me and her daughter speaking with the the moves the cadillac here. now, i look now at more headlines from around the road, british maritime agencies. those are us old cargo ship has been struck by a ms side around a 175 kilometers off the coast of human iran,
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back to the rebels that i've been talking ships, they claim to be linked to ease around the us and britain responded last week by striking who if he targets in the given spots of really jeanetta and presented remain on the water following torrential rain for the weekend. at least. charles people died when northern, the outskirts of the city. what you know, i'm dated, was all of these deployed thousands of ministry personnel and emergency workers to help residents deal with the aftermath of the flooding. and so to lend his offer to organize a piece on the team, the ending rush shows on going well with your brain. president, viola, i'm her, they made the announcement during a visit by one of the major dimansky to band that you create in president said all the countries respecting his country instead of total integrity would be invited. especially the also announced a new a package. ok. meanwhile, you prince bigotry says it has shut down our russians biplane. and the commander croft, which are used to coordinate it's back in 3 movements. one of the planes was an a
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50 seen here in find filters which can spot targets up to 650 kilometers away. shooting that down would be a significant boost to ukraine and its fight against russia. moscow has not confirmed the incidents and we spoke earlier with the restaurant unless william got me to explain the importance of the plans for moscow strategy. the hey, assess the the radar plane which has no privilege of the west called a wax airborne warning to control america. russian probably only has half a dozen of those. those are important for enabling russian fighter aircraft to see well beyond their own radar. our capabilities now when the american f sixteens come in to ukraine, russia will want to rely on the a 50 aircraft to be able to see mt ukrainian control territory to see those ethics answer perhaps target them. so this is really
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a blow for russia. and then the other aircraft, the illusion $22.00, which is a man of the mansion aircraft. and it helps control forces on a larger battlefield that's less expensive, as not fear. it was actually shut down as opposed to being damaged. so both of those are important aircraft for rashid, russia will probably affect the, the us page here for a long ridge or defense missile ground launched or transmittal was responsible for shooting down the aircraft the a 50 here aircraft. and perhaps the other one as well. the russians the sides of the half a dozen or the cyber. right. or perhaps the probably want to fly them a little further away from the front line of the route. but in doing that, this will make us aircraft most effective. for example, guess f 16. so they come down to your tray, so all of them be
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a little bit more careful for behind the wind, but they still need to do that because that was their federal problem for not being able to find the f sixteens are easily the pressure on list william companies speaking to us and i live there now after being postponed for months. amy nights. i mean, emmy's night, i'm sorry. have finally arrived in los angeles. on monday nights. dominating the 2023. i was was hbo succession. which claimed it's todd best drama series of or one of 6 gongs for the drama series, which follows the bottles of a fall for media family. also doing well, it was the bed which was named best comedy, while road. rage, drama, beef to best limited, series, hospitality. from all of this, i'm joined by entertainment. john, let's get your matthews from los angeles, k. j succession. the bed and beef. the big windows, is that a surprise? if you've seen all 3 of those?
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no, it's not a surprise. if you watch succession and there you're out, it's like i am, i love succession. it was in its final season. it just did an incredible job to in the show and so yes, it deserve the 6 awards, but it one also of course winning was be 145 awards and it's and then you also have to be are winning 6 award so no, no one surprise i do think though, that some people were surprised that they were putting the there in the comedy category. there's been a little contingent as to whether or not it's a real comedy. more is more drama than comedy, but it have some funny aspects to it. so bantering back and forth tonight online about that, but definitely well deserve winning 6 awards. and no, i haven't seen any of the series, but the way you describe that one might of and see them. but any, any show highlights that stand out for you. oh, absolutely. first of all,
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the host anthony anderson decided to have his wing man be his mother. so we had a wing woman and she co hosted with him. it was really funny. he said she brought her to the show to interrupt all of the actors and actresses that are winning and are going to long with their acceptance speech. so that was quite funny. i loved that bit. i loved the fact that they brought christina applegate out of many people may not be aware, but she's an actress. that's about a year or 2. she publicly came out and said she has multiple multiple sclerosis, so she will no longer be acting on she came on stage a to a standing ovation to reuse, maintaining was just wonderful to, to definitely see her there. and also some highlights with some historic wins. you know, you had alley long being the 1st asian american actress to win best actress and the limited and the limited series. and then you also had put into brunson and also uh
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i oh, from the bay are both winning, best supporting actress and best actress. and the comedy do oh and it's interesting because they're the 1st time that to black actresses have one both a best supporting actress and best actress in a comedy series. so it was nice to see that on other outstanding more and perhaps some denied pump stuff. elton john winning and amy does that full time in a special slaugh so thoughts? yes, he's a 90 person to now become when he got was it he got that means that he has an m. e . a grammy, an oscar and a tony award from a being broadway broadway musing. so yes he is in a special category. unfortunately, he was not at the ceremony. so his partner was there to accept the award he's. i'm told he's recovering from knee surgery. so yes, elton john is now an e got to get their math zeros in l. a. science of a. thank you. now here in
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germany or week of nation by protest by farmers has ended with thousands of agriculture, where it goes and that track those dissenting on the capital in the demonstration started off as a reaction to the government's decision to go to farmers fuels subsidies, trucks and tracked to zillow already been blocking the streets of the land for more than a week. on monday, around $10000.00 farm is turned down, talking the vehicles in the center of the capital to draw our attention to the bonds. they want more financial help from the government, otherwise they say farming is on the threat. but for many protesters, this is about more than agriculture. and agri, plaza energy prices, jobs, immigration industry is being destroyed. we have to do something new and it's no longer just about foam is and diesel. it's about everything the government has to go. so, you know, there's really both,
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don't just farmers who are joining in. it's almost a popular uprising. the they keep them here. the government is not listening and above all, it's not listening to the people in rural areas. if you wanted to be me and you could say this politics favors urban areas. well, rural areas are being left behind and we're protesting against things on docket. and what is the india when the gym in finance managed to face the crowd, he said foam is had to make your contribution in difficult times. but he outlined his position that the government cannot help with more cash to subsidies, but agricultural diesel will not expire immediately. they will be reduced step by step over the coming years. a hi code from a few more state a from the federal budget today. so we can fight together for you to enjoying more freedom and respect. feel work on the the is woods, did not go down. well,
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he was shouting down from his leaders called for the crowd to give the minister a hearing, but also restated the plan to keep protesting the install. if the government withdraws the plan to raise taxes, we will remove detractors from the street so long. as long as they won't do that, we will continue to make use of that constitutional right to demonstrate these noisy protests are becoming a problem for ourselves as government. if they're not willing to roll back that costs the farm is likely to stay camped in berlin for some time to come. and the quicker mind to know about the stories of this donald trump cruises to victory in the i republican court because it was the former president is on track to take over 50 percent of the vote in the 1st nominating comes test of the us presidential campaign. but there's a tie trees. shipping out for 2nd place. they've been started that governor for on
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desantis and former un invested nicky healey projections from iowa is republican presidential. the coal cause is right there for you. is really a part of the say a woman has been killed and more than a 1000 people injured in a suspected stepping and call running into north of teller. be police are describing the incident in the city of atlanta as a call, jackie to palestinians were reported to be taken into custody. and don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the apple app store that gives you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news. that's it for the moment. coming up after the break doc film, which looks at the generational flash over the use of cannabis,
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and don't forget there's more on our website and our various social media channel is i'm british kind of a pain ability and thanks so much for watching. we'll see you soon for by the
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when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part of choice, it was stigmatized my generation, the cannabis as a part of our culture. no, we're not doing that. he is a marijuana co, strongly conflict, but sometimes for unexpected reasons. we the new younger generations want to change our region of the lucky, older generation rejected legalization. and then when generations class next on dw, the co applicants coming in
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from post, escalating to a very higher level. the problem resources i'll be coming guess because of the time to change the initiative. now office guided mediation to find the romito africa team. 60 minutes on d w. the faithful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's, former concentration comes in my general, most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stump bog, known as the beast of sleep or shame on you. tell the truth to use nature. wagner was dead, an investigation concluded that it was suicide by the fire. give rise to don't
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really have to go see the january 27th on the it's not my choice when it comes to kind of it's because i am not a kind of is person i smoke because i want to, you know, we're not doing that. my mom sees drugs specifically in one hand and then hand cups and the other the .


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