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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CET

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the the, this is the, the news life from berlin domains, from cruises to victory in the iowa republican focuses. the former president is on track to take over 50 percent of the vote, and the fast nominates in contest of the us presidential campaign. but there's a tie tree is tripping up 1st, 2nd place also coming up. israel's defense minister says the military has concluded its intensive ground operations in the north of gaza and really soon and that phase of fighting in the south of this trip where you get the latest from our correspondence in jerusalem. and it's been red carpet time in los angeles as the us television industry olds. it's annual emmy awards succession starting brian cox has
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one best drama, as well as the emmy for best doctor and best actress in a drama series. the i'm british manager, welcome to the program we stopped in the us, but donald trump has bossed his 1st big test with republican voters to become that 2020 for presidential nominee. as expected, the former president has won the iowa caucuses by a huge margin. meanwhile, thought of the governor on desantis is peeping nikki haley to the run up spots as the final votes are accounted. speaking to support, as trump said, it's time for the party to unite. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal, or could says it is,
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it would be so nice if we could come together and straightened out the world and straightened out the problems and straightened out all of the depth and destruction that we're witnessing that's practically never been like this. it's just so important. and i want to make that a very big part of our mess, which we're going to come together. it's going to happen soon too. can i have uh, correspondent janelle doing on is on the ground in iowa. city for us, i asked earlier i want trump's victory means for his campaign going forward. well, it was more than 51 percent of the vote. this was certainly a decisive. we're in a for, for a trump telling us that at least an iowa, the republican party is still very much trumps party. now, whose campaign here in iowa was credited with some very strong organizing. the trunk campaign had a very strong ground ground game here. and even as the weather prompted fears along his campaign, that there would be a lower turnout and that his lead would not be as wide as initially projected those
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fears of clearly not materialized. trump is one step closer to that g o p nomination. he's one step closer to going head to head with joe biden in november. but of course we can't forget the circumstances at play here, we're talking about trump. this is somebody who denied the results of the 2020 election. this is someone who is facing multiple civil and, and criminal proceedings. he won iowa. he is on his way to become his parties, nor many an entirely democratically held the process. now this is going to be an election unlike any other, and we've just witnessed the start of it for us. it was a close race as well for 2nd. janelle, what does it mean for nikki haley and rhonda centers? and indeed, we've been talking about it all day. we have been saying that the most important aspect of this iowa caucus is the race for 2nd place. both nikki haley and ron
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decide this really needed strong. the 2nd place finishes in order to truly distinguish themselves as true contenders for trump and to get them some much needed the momentum for the primaries in the next states. now that didn't happen for either of them, but it's probably worse for desantis. who was really banking on iowa. he went all in on all you while he visited all 99 counties that he came in 2nd so far behind trump. and would such a small lead over haley showed that that strategy really did not work, and that his campaign truly might be in trouble here. and as for nikki haley, there were polls that came out ahead of you this caucus that pulled her ahead of desantis and india. and that might have raised expectations and hurt her and robbed her of some of that momentum that she might truly need going into new hampshire, next level of correspondence. and they'll do it on speaking to me earlier from
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iowa city. a quick look now at some headlines from around the world north korea's need to once the countries constitution to be changed to ensure south korea is designated as enemies states. number one, according to state media, came jungle and has told the following month of the government organizations managing relations with the south. we'd be abolished antiquity and traditions our shop. the deteriorated and recent months after came ramped up weapons demonstrations. you're on that evolutionary, god say they've lost me sized strikes the games for bass a is and he's very spy headquarters in the city of and been in northern iraq. additional thought of to say a several civilians work in the area and in many places it also struck targets in city, are going off to what it described as gatherings of antique 8 in 10, west groups of israel's defense minister says the military, it has concluded its intensive ground operations in the north of gods. i moved to
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an end to that phase of fighting in the south of this trip. pressure of what i see as far as mounting with conditions for civilians in the territory deteriorating, gaza as how mos on health ministry say is the bodies of at least a 132 people killed in is really me side attacks have been brought to hospitals in the past 24 of these around says it's ministry operation and guys are, is absolutely necessary to destroy from us, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the you for us and other countries. bailey, any buildings that's still standing in the central golf and neighborhood piles of rubble or shells out remains can be seen in every direction. so those who return, there's nothing to come back to the we were displaced doors to be able to reflect the 1st 2 schools then to the we returned to our home to just simply belongings is
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not due. there's no life at old. there's no house at all and there's nothing less high you said more than one point. 8000000 gallons have been forced from the home. submit the financing. but no, we are in the space here. civil defense teams, po, injured families and bodies from an air strikes next to a mosque. the union is again calling from us to free. it says riley hostages, and for an end to the violence, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the policy of young people. stephen said in a situation, garza is beyond words, no edge, and no one is safe. amid the constant threats of israel's attacks johnson's, it's a bad thing to find food. hundreds flocks to this a truck in the hopes of finding supplies.
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we need the most important goods, the 1st of which is flour, consecutive on for almost a month now we've been living without flour. we own eating rice. rice is not enough for a human being and it's causing health problems. we just want you to bring us flowers more to move us. european up to you know, are you the risk of famine and disease. and the enclave continues to rise with israel severely. restricting access to vice will supplies to gov. the age groups have repeatedly cool for a long spring ceasefire to leap more aid in and ease the suffering of gases civilians. and let's get more from the, the corresponding to back of it as we joins us from jerusalem. rebecca conditions have been dire for civilians and gaza for some time, but is running now say, is it going to be winding down intensive operations and does a what does that mean?
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as the defense minister yo have gone brush and yesterday in a, in a speech it yesterday late yesterday said that the impact in intensive fighting in the north of the gaza strip has now been successful and has come to an end that will be moving to the next phase, as they call it, of less intensive, more targeted operations there. and the, potentially, and soon i hope to also wind back those intensive operations in the hon. eunice area. the idea of has indicated that it would potentially move even further south in the street with its operations to include that rafa border area. but we haven't seen that happening yet. and we have heard previously from the military that the north, the northern operational bo price on the north had been successful yet we did say that fighting continue, you'll have gone again, reiterating yesterday that everything would be taken on a the operational basis would be taken on on conditions on the ground,
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so we'll have to see how that plays out in the south. but this is in keeping with, you know, statements we've been hearing from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who's been telling, particularly the english speaking international media. that things will be winding down and, and the operation will be moving into this so called less intensive next phase. and that's up to, you know, strong pressure. we've been saying in recent weeks, from the store to ally the us who have been really urging them to wind back to try to lessen the civilian casualties in the gaza strip, to wind down into a less intensive, more targeted phase of this more. rebecca, how much pressure is the is ready to government under to enter talks for us is 5 as well. that depends where you're looking at who you're asking. obviously we've been saying intense international pressure from the likes of civilians in countries pretty much across the globe calling for states. fine. we've been saying protests, people coming out in the straits,
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demanding that the say spot that does it say 5 in gaza. we've also been saying some leaders from various countries also calling on to say fine as you heard. and that report, international aid organizations also cooling for at least a limited say, slide to allow for aid to be able to be brought into this trip to prevent the dia, humanitarian catastrophe that we're seeing on the fold the. but when you look inside israel, there's less of a quote for phase 5. there is a lot of support for this, for at least 4 is route military aims, of course, destroying how masses, military capabilities and returning to hostages. when we talk about the hostages, that we all sing some pressure for a safe, 5 families of the hostages, becoming increasingly frustrated with the government's approach. saying that they were worried that they weren't say that hostages come out alive. and in fact, they are in danger from the continued bombardments and we live with the for the time being. but thanks so much for joining us today. the, the correspondent rebecca, to us talking to us from jerusalem. it is rarely
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football us. i gave you, has carol has left the key after being briefly detained by apologies for expressing solid data to you. it is rarely hostages. being held by him must be on tale asked, bought a play of flesh to bandage on his visit to photography during a game on sunday. it showed a style of david in the words 100 days and $710.00, a reference to hamas is october 7th attacks on israel. the 28 year old was taken into police custody after the match and accused of inciting hatred in public. he says he was calling for an end to the wall. the download this time little correspond to dorian jones told us mall. well, as he said, he was detained because accused the side of the public patriot. this is a catch will. a fence has been use meaning against opponents of the government. regime is a serious offense. it does carry several years in prison months. if config people found conflicted and people are building jail on that, this offense. now the pays right. the full police have gail family to 90 allegation
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site is nothing to do with the supporting the is really offensive into calls which are public prosecutors where i late and he said he was a gates for it. he said that this we chose to assign to cool for an end to the conflict of having, despite this participation, see investigation is continuing into the full pull up on the he's on to still to of left the country early this evening and his return back to israel and it's not expected that he will be coming back to the country. any time soon. daughter and jones as big drawers are there from east on board. a quick look now at more headlines from around the wild thoughts of 3 of the janetta and presented remain under water following credential rain for the weekend. at least 12 people died, but not the outskirts of the city where a non dated outside of to deploy thousands of industry personnel and emergency workers to help residents dealing with the aftermath of the flooding. so to them is also to organize a piece of it aimed at ending rush as ongoing was with ukraine. president, viola,
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i'm had was made the announcement during a visit by about 10 minutes a landscape to burn. the ukrainian president said all the countries respecting his country is 10. a total integrity would be invited. especially the also announced a new aid package for key enroll ukraine's military seriously to shut down the russians biplane anika monday across which i used to coordinate it's asking for your movements. one of the planes wasn't a 50 seen here in find for dates which can spot targets up to 650 kilometers away. shooting that down would be a significant boost to ukraine in its fight against russia. moscow has not confirmed the incidents and we spoke earlier with the restaurant and this william company who explained that the importance of the plans for moscow strategy. the hey, assess the the radar plane which has no privilege of the west called a wax airborne warning to control america. russian probably only has half
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a dozen of those. those are important for enabling russian fighter aircraft to see well beyond their own radar. our capabilities when the american f sixteens come in to ukraine, russia will want to rely on the a 50 aircraft to be able to see mt ukrainian control territory to see those essex to answer perhaps target them. so this is really a blow for russia. and then the other aircraft, the illusion $22.00, which is a man of the mansion of aircraft. and it helps control forces on a larger battlefield that's less expensive, as not fear. it was actually shut down as opposed to being damaged. so both of those are important aircraft for rashid. russia will probably affect the, the us page here for a long range air defense. this will ground launched or transmittal was responsible
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for shooting down the aircraft, the a 50 aircraft, and then perhaps the other one as well. the russians, the slides of the half a dozen or the cyber right. or the probably want to fly them a little further away from the front line of the route. but in doing that, this will make us the most effective, for example, odessa of 16. so they come down to your tray, so all of them be a little bit more careful why for behind the bell, but they still need to do that. but there's one that was there, frederick, proud for not be able to find the f sixteens are easily to russia. let's read them company. they're talking to us a while back now phones parliament is due to reconvene today. i'm it escalating political tensions, but i'm just a demo tasks newly formed. government has sparred with the incumbent. conservative president. andre is due to since taking office last month. one of the latest spots has been over to a former conservative officials convicted on corruption charges who the president
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is now trying to pod and the power struggle is testing bolan's democratic guardrails. don't a choice good on j do to represent 2 different versions of a deeply divided to poland. prime minister toast favors closer ties with the european union, while president, due to is seen as protecting traditional values due to supported by the nationalist, conservative light, injustice, or piece already. which one the most seats in october's parliamentary election. but at mid record turned out poles voted for change and gave a majority to the pro european progressive coalition. led by to us. as part of his duties as head of state president due to us were in his rival to us as the new prime minister in december. and pledge to cooperation will get by sizes up. if i can assure you that i will certainly not oppose anything that serves the good of
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the people and the republic of poland that you got when you have been to take a block over. but since then, the 2 have been at odds over many of the chose governments reforms. and due to as president still wields considerable constitutional powers, including the ability to veto legislation. the tools because accused president, due to have supporting conservatives efforts to destabilize the country at a memorial rally for a popular mayor stab to death. 5 years ago to us spoke of the need to overcome hate and division. g shaped started a day, our nation faces a crucial question goes, which path will we choose? all polls just will have to answer this important question on you. what the nationalist, conservative opposition has also been rallying. it's a supporters to observe. bruce, a tug of war between the president and parliament,
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could push poland into a constitutional crisis. let's get more on this now with mount chain, somebody else gave bullish political scientists from the think tank globe side. good morning, mr. somewhere else, gate right now in poland, you have a presidential traces has politics to the former ruling p. i s spotty and a prime minister who onto the recently was in the opposition. how walkable is this arrangement is what is the super difficult arrangement because the 2 men are coming from a completely different where else is not just a computation of people of different views, but a very different mindset. so you can imagine it's elizabeth like a, as if you had a computation between the trumpet and job. i've done. it will be extremely difficult, as you can imagine. still old mom, the 2 gentleman, matt, uh they,
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after they meeting they both issued a statement saying bed bound that there was a, which i agree. and the uh, mattress on which i disagree method was that they agree, concern impala and secure. right to the following up ours, uh, paula, as defense. obviously we are a default brenda for ukraine. so there are a workable arrangement between the 2 men is important, but it does agree on domestic offers. speaking of those domestic affairs, you have prime minister to his case, who's already facing pushback from president duda over devising contributions initially reforms from the previous government ease of poland in your view headed towards the constitutional crisis. perhaps i think there is a strong likelihood of but during the 8 years of the law and justice governments being in power, the rule of law system was essentially broken. so because the additional core supreme cards were staffed with political appointees and then the principle
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of to the show independent is what it was broken. now the current government is trying to reverse that goal. and of course, if it is a business or encounter and get pushed back from the president who sees visual visual system stopped with his own people as a guarantee of law and justice still yelled a considerable bowery to the country. so i think we are heading towards a more robust and self and moral the confrontation here. so while there is divisions at the top, that appears to also be divisions in bonus society in general, particularly when it comes to divisions between those who want to close a ties with the you and those who cling to traditional polish values. why do you think it's come to this? well, born has always been very divided society and then again, you had a, you had a 1st to few years of transition to democracy, transition to
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a free market economy. and during this time, you know about people who benefit from this process and then the benefits of less from this process. and those who have not been, if you did a substantially, uh now they have both to go representation and before mobile and just this party which is well organized. what a fine us has strong car is not the leader who worked on this. it pulls group presentation for, for it to something years. and as a result of that, we've had a, you have a very, very polarized set, top elizabeth, resembling an american set up. i don't think that the version of our country in, in europe would just be in societal terms as close to the united states as poland. you have conservatives, you have liberal, so we're leave it there for the timing, but thank you so much for joining us today. monitoring someone else k from global tech. thank is that. thank you. now after being postponed for
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months, emmys night finally arrived in los angeles on monday, dominating the 2023 awards was h. b o succession, which claimed it's todd best drama series of war. one of 6 guns for the drama series, which follows the battles of football for media family. also doing well, it was the bad which was named best comedy. was a road rage of drama, beef to best limited series. or if you've seen all 3 of those? no, it's not a surprise. if you watch succession and there you're an addict, like i am, i love succession. it was in its final season. it just did an incredible job to in the show. and so yes, it deserve the 6 awards that it one also of course winning was be 145 awards and it's and then you also have to be are winning 6 awards. so no, no one surprise i do think though that some people were surprised that they were putting their in the comedy category. uh, there's been
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a little contingent as to whether or not it's a real comedy more. it's more drama than comedy. but it have some funny aspects to it, so bantering back and forth tonight online about that, but definitely well deserved winning 6 awards. and no, i haven't seen any of the series, but the way you describe them, i don't see them. but any, any show highlights that stand out for you or oh, absolutely. first of all, the host anthony anderson decided to have his wing man be his mother. so we had a wing woman and she co hosted with him. it was really funny. he said he brought her to the show to interrupt all of the actors and actresses that are winning and are going to long with her acceptance speech. so that was quite funny. i loved that be. i loved the fact that they brought christina applegate out of many people may not be aware, but she's an actress. that about a year or 2. she probably came out and said she has multiple multiple sclerosis,
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so she will no longer be acting as she came on stage a to a standing ovation to reuse, maintaining was just wonderful to, to definitely see her there. and also some highlights with some historic winds. you know, you had alley long being the 1st asian american actress to win, best actress, so in the limited and the limited series. and then you also have printer brunson and also uh idaho from the bay are both winning, best supporting actress and best actress. and the comedy do oh and it's interesting because they're the 1st time the 2 black actresses have one, both a best supporting actress and best actress in the comedy series. so it was nice to see that on other outstanding more and perhaps some denied bucksta elton john winning. and amy does that full time in a special slaugh so thoughts? yes, he's a 90 person to now become when he got was it he got that means that he has an m. e
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. a grammy, an oscar, and a tony award from a being broadway, broadway musing. so yes, he is in a special category. unfortunately, he was not at the ceremony, so his partner was there to accept the award he's. i'm told he's recovering from knee surgery. so yes, elton john is now an e. got good your mouth here was n l a. thanks and have a. thank you. a quick reminder now of the top story via following for you at the base. donald trump has cruise to victory in the eye or water. public and bulk says, the former president took over 50 percent of the vote and the fast and nominated contest of the us presidential campaign. sort of the governor on the centers finished the best and 2nd i had a former you invested to me t k b and that's it from us for the moment coming up after the break is equal africa, which is looking at how conflicts between donna's farmers and headsman good,
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be resolved, and don't forget if there's more news on our website. and also from the media channels as well. i'm british manager in berlin. thanks so much for watching. the,
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the co africa coming in, donna, the, in some post escalating to the very high end of the problem resources. i'll be coming guess because of the time to change the initiative. now office guided mediation to find the around me to africa next on d. w. curtis men and women have fled from 8 on to the mountains of neighboring dog chance they are claiming for
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resistance. again, supposing to rod what is driving the dog, curtis resistance, teen ons. we seem to notice up in 45 minutes on d, w. the one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world. for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals
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with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it. on youtube dw documentary, the the climate of crisis is, are we shipping the world around us and making life much harder for many, but still people on communities often need to be persuaded that it is in the interest to take measures to make the planet sustainable. hello, and welcome to a new edition of equal africa. i am some drug of homes that we know video all the way from comp hello.


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