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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the island, donald trump, cruises to victory in the iowa republican courses. the former president tools at a special nights of to taking over 50 percent of the votes. florida governor around defenses comes in 2nd place at a full not you and on both of the. the key techniques also coming up on the program is rails defense minister says the military has concluded it's intensive ground operations in the north of gaza and will soon wind down. it's come pain in the south of the strip. ok. the laces from our correspondence interest is north korean
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leader, kim jong, and nerves, to stop cooperation with south korea, accusing it of wanting to bring about the end of the hi. my name is mccain and welcome to the program. we saw us in the us, what donald trump has passed his 1st big test with republican services in his quest to become the 2020 full presidential nominees. the former president has won the iowa caucuses by a huge margin. edging out, florida governor on desantis, who came in at a distance 2nd, had a full month south carolina governor and ex you in a box of the nicki heavy drums sweep of the iowa caucuses is deep and white. a, taking more than 50 percent of the board and looking ever more likely to become the
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republican presidential nominees for 2024. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straightened out the problems and straighten out all of the depth and destruction that we're witnessing. that's practically never been like us. don't know what's the lowest and what our ticket would have had to turn up to cost a board meeting freezing, temperatures and treacherous conditions to reach hundreds of schools, churches and community centers withdrawn. securing victory on across iowa, including the conservative evangelical and moderate counties. it was all about duties for the 2nd place, governors on defensive, eventually picking that spot. but despite taking only 21 percent of the vote,
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he's optimistic. people want to have hope for this country future. and that's what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the mat this, that we've seen in this time 3 to reverse the decline of this country. and to give this country a new birth of freedom and arrest the race. that a sanity, that's what we're going to do pointing to is behind boost nicky healey deform. are you an investigator during the trump administration? trump environment or both about 80 years old. trump invited both put our country trillions of dollars deeper in debt and our kids will never forgive them for the trump invited those lack of vision for our country's future because both are consumed by the past
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. the result in iowa is significant, but the risk to become the republican presidential candidate is far from mobile. trump though it's one step closer to the v match he wants, but president joe biden. and symbol on this, i'm joined now by catherine. see the ashbrook. she's a political and the list of the battles, ma'am. foundation st. tank here in bell, and welcome to dw, thanks for your time today. now there are of course, still a few months to go in the primary election season, but there's this big win in iowa. mean that 2024 is likely to be a trump bite and re much well, it certainly gives the former president momentum he needs iowa, hasn't a classically been the best way to predict the final republican nominee? in fact, they've gotten it wrong more than they've gotten it right. and we just heard that it was very, very low voter turnout and in part because of the weather. but none the less, donald trump, that who is up against major lawsuits. in fact,
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he barely campaigns in iowa because he was battling a criminal lawsuit in the state of new york on his business dealings at still needed this when he needed it to be a sweep and it was a clean sweep. so if the election were tomorrow, yes, it would be a stand off again between these 2 elder statesman if you will, donald trump and job, i have a place to look at those little suits that you were talking about. the trump faces 91 selling the accounts across for criminal cases, including trying to overtime the the 2020 election. and yet this clearly isn't a deal breaker for the republican votes is, is it, she well certainly wasn't a deal breaker for the republican voters in iowa. and in that way they do mirrors the country, 60 percent of donald trump's supporters and general republicans believe in fact, the big live that the 2020 election was stolen from donald trump. but we are seeing
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an interesting numerical shift, at least in the surveys. is it if he were indicted any of those lawsuits? and of course, right now the supreme court is looking at 2 cases. one from donald trump, about his immunity, particularly in the case around january 6th. and then also looking at whether donald trump can remain on the ballot that case that occurred in colorado. so those kind of factors can still weigh in 39 percent. then of republicans say that they could very well imagine switching their the way from a republican truck, a front runner named donald trump. and that's why it's interesting to watch the results between randa santas and nikki haley today. and the biggest news, in fact, out of that i own race, was that randa santas came in 2nd and not be expect a 3rd. and that gives him some interesting momentum going in to other ballad races . now in new hampshire and down the line. okay, so no guarantees and obviously will be watching closely in the coming months. but let's say trump does become the republican nominee and then goes on to win a,
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a 2nd to give us you will sense of what, you know, what would a re elected president from mean america's democratic institutions as well. i'm like 2016. we know a lot more about this president's agenda and he's gotten a lot of help more recently from the heritage foundation and other conservative think tank senior project 2025. well mapped out a manifest for a conservative leadership. and the unit, it becomes very clear in every single chapter that looked at every policy area relevant to the united states. that the number one thing this president wants to do is the ras and the, the deep state. which is to say, bring americans bureaucracy, american civil infrastructure into an ideological line. they've already recruited $5004.00, hundreds people to run top level jobs within the administration, which they didn't have in 2016. nobody wanted to join the trump administration
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because people were deeply unsure of where this was going. now there is a written out agenda and it's a radical agenda. it's a radical agenda for europe, specifically on foreign policy, on the strength of nato, on support for ukraine, on a continuation of support for israel, lots of questions on the foreign policy and, but also on trade on business. but fundamentally, the biggest concern is the change over the changes in the leaving out of the functionality of american democracy. everything becomes idealized and i the largest, everything becomes focused around the decision maker in the white house. that is not what the founding fathers intended. catherine sees ask for it from the best of them on sundays, and thanks so much for your insights that you're welcome. let's take a quick look now. some of the other headlines from around the world and the british maritime agency says the us own condo ship has been struck by miss sile around
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a 175. columbus is off the coast of human iran back who's the rebels that has been attacking ships. they claim to be linked to israel, the us and breast and responded last week by striking who's the targets in yemen. the hearts of ranchers is just janera in brazil, remain on the was the following to wrench full rain for the weekend. at least 12 people died when northern outskirts of the city will in on day. he says, well, sorry to use deployed thousands of military personnel and emergency workers to help residents deal with the off them off of the flooding. now as well as defense minister says the military has concluded it's intensive ground operations in the north of gaza and will soon be winding off. it's offensive in the south of the strip earlier as rails and don't defense system intercepted rockets reportedly fired from within the goal is a strip. israel says it's aim inside. the territory is to destroy some of which is
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designated as a terrorist organization by the u. the u, the u. s. and several other countries. now the time us run the health authority and goza says move in $24000.00 palestinians have now been killed since the starts of israel's military campaign, a belly, any buildings still standing in the central golf and neighborhood piles of rubble or shells out remains can be seen in every direction. so those who return, there's nothing to come back to the we were displaced towards the people that were fled for the 1st 2 schools then today and we returned to our home to fetch simpler belongings is not due. there's no life at all. there's no house at all, and there's nothing less high. you says more than one point. 8000000 gallons have been forced from the home, submit the financing. but no,
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we are in the space here. civil defense teams post injured families and bodies from an air strikes next to a mosque. the union is again calling from us to free. it says riley hostages, and for an end to the violence, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the policy of young people. stephen said in a situation, garza is beyond words, no edge, and no one is safe. amid the constant threats of israel's attacks, gallagher is the best thing to find food. hundreds flocks to this a truck in the hopes of finding supplies. prod you no, we need the most important goods. the 1st which is flour consecutive on for almost a month. now we've been living without flour. we own eating rice. rice is not
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enough for a human being and it's causing health problems. we just want you to bring us flowers more to european not to know why you the risk of famine and disease. and the enclave continues to rise with israel severely restricting access. the vice will supplies to gov. the aid groups have repeatedly cool for a long spring ceasefire to leap more aid in and ease the suffering of gases. civilians, dw corresponded rebecca rich has joins us now from jerusalem. hi, rebecca, and we're seeing the conditions of obviously been increasingly dod civilians in gauze. how much profit is the, is there any government on the to wrap up it? so for ations the or well it has come under quite some pressure and that pressure is increasing. anya, for the last few weeks, even almost a month now we've been hearing from the us. one of his rounds,
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of course is everyone will be very well aware of now, one of israel's strongest key allies. and they have been trying to urge israel to not, not for a complete, say, saw the saying that israel is right. and it's aims and can carry out the i, the military aims that who sit out to do, namely, to destroy a master's military capabilities. and of course, to try and return to hostages, who was still inside garza but it wants israel to roll back those military operations to seize the major ground operation that's on currently ongoing. and also the quite significant aerial bombardment. they want to try and reduce the civilian cat casualties. u. s. has been urging israel saying that it is losing popular opinion and we certainly seeing that across the globe is people take to the street to protest for a safe spot with in israel. a safe spot is not quite as popular, but in fact there is a lot of support for israel as military ams and for the ongoing continuing role.
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although we are hearing from hostage families, families of, of met, remaining officers inside guns, a cooling for at least a limited se, fine. in fact, it was there on the weekend as i mocked a 100 days. and some people told me they were willing to almost give up anything to is riley, in order to get the family members home. so you're saying calls from different sides, but the us putting a lot of pressure for israel to roll back its military operations. now as we've been reporting, israel is saying that it will be winding down it's intensive operations. in scholars. i can explain to us what that means exactly. or well, it's difficult to definitively say, but what we are hearing from the defense minister, you have a lot. he has said that in the north they have managed to carry out of the field most of their aims, and they will be rolling back as per the us urgings of that. they will be rolling back that major ground operation and potentially slowing down that aerial bombardment as well. they say that by then hope to progress and slowly do that in
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the hon. eunice area in the southern gaza strip. or the idea of has previously said that it may continue for the south into that rafa border region. so we'll have to see what happens there. but it does appear that israel, for all intents and purposes, is looking to follow that urging from the u. s. to try and meet a deadline to us, we're looking for sometime this month or towards the end of this month. so israel to be rolling back into stop saying this, a visual civilian a death told at least if not completely stopped, but at least be somewhat contained that definitely looking for israel to roll back and it does appear that they are at least intending to do so. that but they do reiterate that conditions on the ground will dictate a military operation. rebecca, thanks so much. that's the don't use rebecca versus reporting from jerusalem. now it runs revolutionary. god say that they have launch missile strikes against an alleged is re lease by headquarters in the city of air bill in northern iraq with
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our seas in the semi autonomous kurdish region say, several civilians have been killed. the rocky government has condemned the aggression and recalled it's ambassador to tyrone. so consultations. meanwhile, the rainy and military says it is also struck targets in syria, attacking what it describes as gatherings of antique rainy and terrorist groups and across to the rainy and capital. now and speak to a man as lucky who is the deputy spirit chief of the a s p news agency that and then i thanks for your time. and what's the latest information that you have about the strikes oh, there's not much information so far. beyond that has been announced, the be announced easier strikes the emissions types and date in the evening last night actually like 20 after midnight and they hit start gets in europe in
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syria. so obviously, as you mentioned, one of the talk is that the, it allows you to be used by center mean to the woodside agency. you. these are the intelligence. of course, we are not aware of all we, we don't know if there are actually use or use size there, but this is according to the r g c statement that was the east that i wanted to tell you. actually, i wanted to ask you about the actual evidence that there is, that is really spies all based that i don't think we have any tons of evidence that effects on this is only a report in 5 a i or do you see on here on here the saying that they have the target and the, the i s 5 center belonging to the is really intelligence agency is always that. but so we don't know anything part of the forces target has not confirmed any
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presidency our software. okay, so not the can also be we don't know. okay, and at the same time as close around says, but it struck is lubbock state targets in syria. what do you make of this double strike? so you're, you're wrong as like, as you know, of course there have been a, there's a lot of rising region as an engine says that history and how much more and on your own has been seems according to analysis and experts, the savings has been under pressure because of many of the are drawn aligned groups and the reason has been targeted and these are the time they are targeted and their, their planes on the site and also uh your, on such as most one of it. so i seen your iris use the command was in december, the german attacks that happened, the suicide pulling that happens. and so you on earlier this month and the was,
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was cleaned by the state group, but it was not a general sense. you read any of the officials have suggested that it was part of it. so for us is really lot. mm hm. so, so yeah, you on has come under, have been, has been a bit under pressure to start responding to these uh to these attacks. and so the they just decided to do take yes it all right, man zaki, from the a s p news agency into around thank you so much for that matter. thank you. 7, north korean leader, kim jong, and once the country's constitution to be changed to ensure that south korea is designated as in the me state number one, state media told kim said kim told will make, has the key government organizations managing relations with the south will be a boldest can said that reunification with young young's southern neva was no
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longer possible. and he accused south korea of wanting to bring about the end of his governments now into korean relations of shop please. this area said in recent months off the kim ramps up lessons demonstrations so we can get more now from freelance journalist frank semester joins us from so good. see you, frank. tell us how people in south korea feel about this announcement. you know that the country should be considered, and then the number one by the neighbors in the north. a lot of people here and so it's cree, are pretty complacent about this. the 2 careers have been separated now for, for 70 years or so. and there has been kind of a pendulum of increasing and waning tension on the korean peninsula, at least for the past couple of decades. if you're on the left, you're disappointed by what's going on now. a little bit frustrated. in 2018, we had inter korean summits between north green leader, kim jong and at the time,
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so screen president movie and then we had the election of a human. so he all and in coming to office in may of 2222. and then bringing a hard line with him. so we haven't seen this kind of tension on the korean peninsula really in several years. okay. and let's talk about timing. i mean, why did can make this announcement now, i mean, given the, you know, into korean relations, haven't been great for a while for a long time. well, i think there are a couple of things here. i think kim john, in north 3 really want to send a message to south korea in the us. they're both heading into elections. and so 3 of parliamentary elections in, in the us, of course, the presidential election. they want to be on the agenda. i don't believe most analysts have trouble figure out whether they're, you know, the so called provocations are aimed at, at boosting the, you know,
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opportunity or the chances of the laughter, the right and in those cases. but just to get on the agenda, i think uh, you know, most analysts think that the north korea wants to show it serious about it's, it's missile, a nuclear development and perhaps get to negotiations from the position of strength . no korea recently tested a new hypersonic miss sile, obviously we've seen missile tests like this before, but is that a real risk now of escalation as well? i think we're in a different place now. on january 5th and 7th, we had the firing of artillery into disputed maritime border region, the same region almost at the same time. hundreds of artillery fired there. i went to a press briefing of young mood, jen from the university of north korea studies here in soul. and he said the korean peninsula was on the brink on thursday. the nuclear invoice of south korea,
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japan in the us, are going to meet here in sol for talks about how to deal with north korea and minneapolis suggests. what we need to do is get north korea to some type of negotiations and perhaps offer them some type of incentives along the lines of suspension or relief from some of the united nations security council sanctions that it's under. but that's going to be unpopular hearing in salisbury and perhaps in the us, but certainly many people want to see some negotiations take place again involving appealing yang. frank fremont. thank so much for your analysis. let's frank smith, freelance, journalist and sole south korea for many of the wells business leaders all gathered in the small winter sports result of devil since with switzerland this week for the 54th weld economic for him to united states is today include b and you commission president of left on the line. i'm the ukranian president. the
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lot of me so lensky earlier earlier, the chinese premier lee can may be case that his country, his speech in doubles comes as many western economies are moving to de risk from china, moving investment out of the country and into other markets. so it has to be less dependent on aging. to lee is the most senior chinese official and devil since 2017. when the president sees in ping attended before, and dw correspondent ben say, who didn't was the following chinese. the chinese premier is speech in douglas for us. he is going to be trying to boot investors. china is in a very tricky position right now. he's just been saying to the dallas crowd that china has a huge contribution and an important role to play with the fact is tighter is playing a smaller and smaller role in the world. economy. sure is still just one china.
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that's what the business leaders have told me time. and again, even during the pandemic when china closed off, but back in 2017, when president eugene ping said, don't lock yourself in a dock room talking about protectionism. i don't know if he was talking from experience as far as china's experiences go, but certainly that has been the biggest problem for invest is that china has locked itself off from the world as far as taking in it takes in invest is money, but it wants to be in control, and it's this line between private and public that is starting to disappear. and as it disappears, as there were rates on the corporate sector, arrests made and spying cases, companies are pulling out for an invest as a pulling out. $12000000000.00 were pulled out of china. in the 3rd quarter of 2023 . the 1st net out the flow of capital in a generation. and that's
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a wiring thing for china. and that's why the premier is here to try to drum up support. and that was all correspondent in davos, then to 0. and speaking to us, audio is a quick reminder of the top stories for you today. donald trump has won the victory in the iowa republicans corpus. it's the phone of president, so it goes up 50 percent of the votes. florida governor on desantis claimed 2nd place ahead of the full my us about the death hazy and israel is defense minister says the military has concluded its intensive ground operations in the north of gaza and will soon and that phase of slicing in the south of the street, the light is on, we touched or we have time full coming up. next i'll health magazine is in good shape. takes a look at the best way of giving babies
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