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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the of the news live from the land business and political leaders, the gathering. and deb also the 5412 economic form, ukrainian president. the modem is lensky is the trying to raise much needed support to his country's will. that will bring you live coverage of his speech. also coming off on the program. donald trump, cruises to victory in the iowa republican, focuses on the president tools that a very special nights off to taking over 50 percent of the votes. florida governor on desantis comes in 2nd place, head of the full, my un ambassador, nikki haley, and moving to the next phase of the games come off as rails defense minister says
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the military has concluded its intensive ground operations in the north of gaza and will soon wind down its campaign in the south with the string, the money, and welcome to the program. concerns with geo political tensions could damage and already shaky global economy. a dominating the stults of the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, ukrainian president. the modem is lensky is the trying to raise much needed support for his country's war effort. he's due to speak at the event or soon he's already held a series of meetings with diplomats and world leaders. and we're going across straight to death. o suero, a correspondent, ben physician is standing by for us. why that then? that would do to hear from lot of misery,
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lensky as any. and the men tell us what message he is going to be bringing with them today. he will be bringing another message of hope, hope that he can get those funds rolling because you crank the teak, is sitting in the counter offensive failed, and is, and you bought that has stolen the world's attention in israel. it's also one that's being highly debated here. in davos in switzerland. uh there was just a panel of a security lead as a part of it as does where you had stoughton, but the nato secretary general said that both sides in the home us as well. we'll need to stop by about the german farm, minnesota, lena bifocals. i pointed out that home us needs to lay down in order for a sustained ceasefire. of course, wasting rockets on a daily basis, being fined from gaza at civilian targets in israel, along the border region. wisconsin, so this uh you will, as i call it,
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is really taking away the attention of ukraine. and that's why mister zaleski is here in person as opposed to joining via video link as he did in the past sessions . he's also held as he owes for ukraine session this morning in which investors were being asked to provide funds to rebuild the country. another sign of hope that this world will soon come to an end, but still back pointing out once again in the session this morning that the russians should not be underestimated. okay, since the lensky desperately trying to pull the spotlight back to ukraine, you commission president. it was a fun to lie and she's already spoken the devil's today. and she used the opportunity to call for more support for you try and didn't see a sustained support throughout 2024. and beyond pointing out the importance of continuing to support with you are really leading the way in
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supporting ukraine in its defense against russia to drive the russians out. but again, leaders pointing out the needs to be and invest as well. uh, some sort of progress and we're really seeing a stalemate here of frozen war of types. what's the conditional also pointed out was that conflict isn't the big issue or climate when it comes to investments. and the invest is here in douglas, but raw, the artificial intelligence. it's such an important thing when it comes to missing information, this information and polarization. and it's what could drive so much this information in the future if europe doesn't get on top of that. she pleaded for europe to get ahead. the us is one of the leaders at the moment when it comes to a i having taken over from the chinese with chat g p t. the chinese,
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very keen to continue, will catch up. but for the line did point out in a veiled message to the chinese that it's a democracy that will be needed to ensure the businesses come together with governments to ensure that something like artificial intelligence and the framework . and the regulation is what we all made as people at china is tightening. grip on businesses is something in her opinion that will stifle innovation. but and just picking up there on your mention of a china, the chinese premier leech and young is the 1st thought leader from his country to attend the forum. since present gigi didn't paying was there in 2017. he's spoken already. can you tell us a bit about what he said today? he said the china still has a huge contribution and plays an important role in the wells. and that's true. but it is a diminishing role. we saw a $12000000000.00 in investment,
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pulled down by foreign companies from china. in the 3rd quarter of 2023 of the 1st net out flow in a generation. there are many companies concerned about spying allegations. a clap clamp down on the tech companies. a race and this is one thing that funded line also pointed out intellectual property rights. so important to a company in its development ending competition. something that is not respected in china, a level playing field also something that's not respected and access to its economy . so it's going to be interesting times we see a one have the chinese saying that they're open for business. the how open are they really, that's going to be the big question. going ahead then. thank you so much. we're going to come back to you off that we have heard that speech from the ukranian president, but for now,
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thanks so much. that's the believe you corresponded fences and in that kind of course will be bringing you a lot of minutes. lensky speech in douglas live here on the dw news, but sus, what's happening to the us? why donald trump has passed his 1st big test with republican voters in his quest to become that 2020 full presidential nominee? i left him. the president has won the iowa caucuses by a huge margin, edging out, florida governor on desantis, who finished a distance 2nd. and he came ahead of the former south carolina governor an ex you and i busted a nikki haley. drum sweep of the iowa caucuses is deep and white, taking more than 50 percent of the board and looking ever more likely to become the republican presidential nominee for 2024. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat,
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or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straightened out the problems and straight out all of the depth and destruction that we're witnessing. that's practically never been like this. i don't know what's the lowest and what i didn't get. what do i had to turn up to cost a board? meeting freezing, temperatures and treacherous conditions to reach hundreds of schools, churches and community centers withdrawn, securing victory on across iowa, including the conservative evangelical and moderate counties. it was all about duties for the 2nd place. governors on defensive, eventually picking that spot. but despite taking only 21 percent of the vote, he's optimistic people want to have hope for this country future. and that's what we represent. we represent
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a chance to reverse the mat this, that we've seen in this time 3 to reverse the decline of this country. and to give this country a new birth of freedom and a restoration and a sanity. that's what we're going to do. pointing to is behind both nicky healey, the former human investigator during the trump administration trumping by are both about 80 years old. trump, and by both put our country trillions of dollars deeper in debt and our kids will never forgive them for the trump invited bows. lack a vision for a country's future because both are consumed by the past. the result in iowa is significant, but the risk to become the republican presidential candidate is far from over jump, though it's one step closer to the rematch. he wants the president joe biden.
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catherine, see that ashbrook is a political analyst at the baffles on sunday. shouldn't st ton karen bell and i also really at whether this result and i own means that we all know heading for it from versus bite and re much in november. well, it certainly gives the former president momentum he needs iowa, hasn't a classically been the best way to predict the final republican nominee? in fact, they've gotten it wrong more than they've gotten it right. and then we just heard that it was very, very low voter turnout. in part because of the weather, but none the less, donald trump said, who is up against major lawsuits. in fact, he barely campaigns in iowa because he was battling a criminal lawsuit in the state of new york on his business dealings at still needed this when he needed it to be a sweep and it was a clean sweep. so if the election were tomorrow, yes, it would be a stand off again between these 2 elder statesman if you will. donald trump and joe,
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by us just have a closer look at those little suits that you were talking about. the trump faces 91 felony counts across 4 criminal cases, including trying to over time the, the 2020 election. and yet this clearly isn't a deal breaker for the republican votes. is, is that as well certainly wasn't a deal breaker for the republican voters in iowa. and in that way they do mirrors a country, 60 percent of donald trump's supporters and general republicans believe in fact, the big live that the 2020 election was stolen from donald trump. we are seeing an interesting numerical shift, at least in the surveys, is it? if he were indicted any of those lawsuits. and of course, right now, the supreme court is looking at 2 cases. one from donald trump about his immunity, particularly in the case out around january 6th. and then also looking at whether donald trump can remain on the ballot that case that occurred in,
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in colorado. so those kind of factors can still weigh and 39 percent. then of republicans say that they could very well imagine switching their boat way from a republican truck, a front runner named donald trump. and that's why it's interesting to watch the results between randa santas and nikki haley today. and the biggest news, in fact, out of that i own race, was it randa santas came in 2nd and not be expect a 3rd. and that gives him some interesting momentum going in to other ballad races . now in new hampshire and down the line. okay, so no guarantees and obviously will be watching closely in the coming months. but let's say from does become the republican nominee and then goes on to win a 2nd to give us your sense of what, you know, what would a re elected president from mean? america's democratic institutions as well. i'm like 2016. we know a lot more about this president's agenda and he's gotten
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a lot of help. more recently from the heritage foundation and other conservative think tank senior project 2025. well mapped out a manifest for a conservative leadership, and again, it becomes very clear in every single chapter that looked at every policy area relevant to the united states. that the number one thing this president wants to do is the ras and the, the deep state, which is to say, bring americans bureaucracy, american civil infrastructure into an ideological line. they've already recruited $5004.00, hundreds people to run top level jobs within the administration, which they didn't have in 2016. nobody wanted to join the trump administration because people were deeply, i'm sure where this was going. now there is a written out agenda and it's a radical agenda. it's a radical agenda for europe, specifically on foreign policy, on the strength of nato, on support for ukraine, on a continuation of support for israel, lots of questions on the foreign policy and, but also on trade on business. but fundamentally,
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the biggest concern is the change over the changes in the leaving out of the functionality of american democracy. everything becomes idealized and i, the largest, everything becomes focused around the decision maker in the white house. that is not what the founding fathers intended. catherine says, ask for it from the best of them on sundays, and thanks so much for your insights. last very welcome. let's take a quick look now at some of the other headlines making use around the world. and switzerland is also to organize a piece summit aimed at ending roches ongoing with ukraine. president, viola i'm had made the announcement during a visit by the load them is landscaping, ukrainian president to ben, he said, all countries respecting his country's territorial integrity would be invited. this with leader also announced a new aid package for keith. a british maritime agency says a u. s. o. in chicago ship has been struck by a missile, around 175,
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columbus as of the coast of human iran back to the rebels. the have been attacking ships that they claim to be linked to israel. the us and britain responded last week by striking who's the targets in yemen. and thoughts of rio de janeiro and brazil remain on the was the following to run for rain for the weekend. at least 12 people died when northern outskirts of the city went in on days. it was hard. he's deployed thousands of military personnel on emergency workers to help residents deal with the off them off of the flooding. now as well as defense minister says the military has concluded it's intensive ground operations, and then also have gone to and will soon be winding up it's offensive in the south of the strip alia is rails on the defense system. intercepted real kits, reportedly funded from within the goal is this trend. israel says it's a inside the territory is to destroy from us, which is designated as it's.


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