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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm CET

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the doctor. so in the clouds it, it's time to to us. and then when generations class this week, d, w, the ultimate small portion i turned 60. they went to go multiple cop. our dies inside one months old. and the thrilling fault of spinning in south africa right now are as the pollution i'm 11, going strong, even off to 16 alone is a call between bodies here, emotions and causes hops to be fun, which i'm not shape is a ball,
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but the dna is still the same 60 is without compromises. if you leave your product in your teenage deleting your sol did not. you don't change for anything but you keep improving it. 60 years of time this style, my father was always loyal to the newest model that rolled off the line. the best car is the latest one. an icon to 60 is sorry, portia and 2 sons created the 1st 911 in 1963. it became the spokes call around the welts wash. it was the quintessential sports car. just like you who is synonymous with glue. portia is the race car itself. that's the sun. that's the driving pleasure. because the fan, i can always convert the available power into speed because it's an object of desire will. i mean this means the freedom to go wherever you want to go. whatever
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speed you want to go, you need to call it, its own pound dies us. the poolside say is very small portion cost as women. and i have a vote as a 5 multicultural. it's all about friendship and driving that you're bringing together. and obviously it's all about the people without the people, they're all no stories. the people create the stories, the character, the passion of the dna that makes the calls memorable and makes the calls remarkable. magnus looks as of speech come, freak from an essential is. he's putting the money he made from his fashion and pie into one of the largest portion, 911 collections in the us. the
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he's convinced that bullshit doesn't sell cars. instead they sell a lifestyle. you know, this is what i call the key to happiness. the push a key. when you have this in your pocket, you're really, really happy push. it covers all the senses. you know it's intoxicated and looks good. feels good, smells good, sounds good. have porsha my drug of choice, my religion. the cold said the portion 911. the decreed that shaped magnets will cause life from an early age. i wrote a letter to portion when i was 10 years old, plus 40 years ago. i said that i want a design fee and they wrote a letter back and said, a call is one year old. now, 40 years later, my dream came true and that i will always follow passion of like minded fortune sewage us. a like fellow in susie asked her to attend some side from thailand's.
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c 2 is a prime example of the district comp. brands marketing, also the push, the customer is not to rational as an emotional feel system, filmmaker from bang code, cuz connect to choose for she feels gosh, to he's living maybe within 72 full way surrounds himself with his facebook costs. i see cause it's hard for me. it's like a you know, for the vision. ok, you can look at it, you can drive it can feel it, you can smell it. it's it's, um, yeah, it's like, uh, it's like a inspiration for me. so i tried to keep it well, so like many wake up, i can see it 1st thing in the morning and change it whenever i want. that's the 1st thing we do become. i always have a coffee and we look at it. just like in the morning and um, maybe one more time before i go to bed. this exploration
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is loves to the 911 in spite of organizing events, cold discussion gym, and for the meeting in bangkok in 2016, it since become the largest push it gathering in southeast asia. once again, 911 funds from all over the world's converge here to share their experiences and to bones that passion. what are the most um, beautiful thing about what you're used to executive community, right? you could make lots of friends, so everybody have a story to tell about because i thought, you know, maybe we can have like a day where everybody come together. they're all different types of people. um, even some of the guy that i noted that they like no original crazy. that's what fave pockets diversity in hudson and south of london, the trans women antonia boat shed doesn't have any portion. 9 eleven's in her living room. it instead popped all around to house a state,
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the collection of the co come from every east poplar, all my children. so i give all my cars and they, the green one is quote, the whole because it, it's lovely and green. but it's a bit of amongst the gt to pull the pulse because it is the best because it's the the biggest and the most powerful collie my smoke house collection. so that's me. the young boy, the she bowed to assess portion 911 when she was a man named anthony belcher. the good of my 1st full show. then the real estate manager decided to embrace his true identity 20 years ago under going gender reassignment surgery to transition from a mind to a woman. the portion 911 played
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a significant role in antonia's pasta, her authentic self for me, being up there and getting my old portion as to the full. so i'd say is very gen the, maybe i'm multiple but just the most cost i think is the system says you want to do something that like may be informed to be through, you know, you uh, that is the system says keep, getting, keep getting refining and improving and getting the, the very portia built the 1st as a portion 911 in the 19 sixty's with his sons, alexander, and low sky. the ferdinand alexander was responsible for the design of
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the com the shape to create change became a milestone automotive design history. now you go back and forth. this is yes, i think it's simply minimal pieces as timeless. honest, this is a alicia. there's nothing on it that it doesn't need. does he any state person state? last may, it is as a vicki subsidies for v of omni, we were never a company that followed trend mode thinking. sullens is dead. we approach things logically locations for, for a number of the thing. add on, get gone in 60 years ago, there was massive media heights when the portia that then both the 91 project name was presented at the international. and they show in frankfort in september 1963,
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the 911. whose basic dna has remained virtually unchanged for 60 years. is it unique success story? so course, the scope of countries, i don't think you can plan something like, right? you can't play, it just happens. and then you have to nurture small steps. it's fine and then the, the pollution 911 has to unmistakable traits. the 1st, the simple to pay like shape, the biggest biased by the, the famous ball house principle. the form follows function principles, here for she was not about revolution in the car, but evolution and aside from the design of the 911, has always been modernized, advance, but never really changed. and that shows how timeless, sharp speaking,
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as the youth today would say, how awesome what it's designed. nice science. second, there's a unique technology behind the great design was also being a fundamental part of the 911260 is, is the 6 cylinder books. the engine in the rear of the call to time well championed by to good has had a nice long experience with this young lady in the 911 changed my life because i never believed i'd take up the motor sports professionally. and when i drove 5 events in the past was then of course in 911, it was the 1st time i'd sat in such a car. busy and i was all alone in front of the pack, but not as usual. 10 seconds after i was 30 seconds faster than everyone else did i . and then during the roundly, i thought to myself, if it's so simple to be faster than the establish drivers of the world,
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then let me try and see if i'm the best driver in the world. and that's when i really began competitive rally. i'd be foreigners to be, don't from the, with the engine directly above the redirect. so the 911 brings, it's how it to the road in a unique way, but at the same time has a tendency to dangerously see. the fascinating thing about the 911 is the incredible traction from the car. the fact that i can always convert the available power into space because the weight distribution of the 911 is more on the rear axle. so that 60 percent is that the back 40 percent at the front, which was difficult to do with the old chassis without electronics. so in the hands of an expert, the 911 was a superior car back then the bottom you had to drive better than the average driver to all the to out this, this out. if i'm just going to be the person to go with the for the 911 legend,
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just because the time to make his thoughts which has a lot to do with icons like by to who was and funny would stuff like steve mcqueen, who k start with the call in the 1971 film nemo, the 911 height is also taken over the internet with dozens of websites and social media pages, celebrating the iconic. com. one of the most exciting platforms to push iphones that wells over to converge and discuss the passion is $911.00 that it never died. the gentleman funds philip cohen kind of found the dates in switching my platform, try to connect the community all around, develop this, this was the, the intention and the item you behind it. if you are from canada, from japan,
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that most of the people have the passion from the father or even grandfather s, and the cars to sing which connects to people. philip cohen tenant has built bridges between europe and asia. and i've been a big fan of him since i actually, he didn't get them and um, you know, those, those kind of platform, it's great. and because you can that the show people different, different car culture from different countries, including in europe and the us. and 911 is a global phenomenon that brings people to get we'll speak for sure. it doesn't matter whether you speak english, german or japanese. we speak for sure. lots that come on from the brings everyone together. now $911.00 stands across the globe as celebrating the 60 is 1st day of the cause, a unique machine who's also most you've dna has remained unchanged for more than
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half a century. and is still in production and to so they've run 1000000 units around the world. and they're all hoping that despite the changing face of mobility, the portion $911.00 will continue to suffice and surprise what you're gonna need. maybe, you know better. i do repeatedly to replace the $911.00 with a newer model is whenever they tried it. and the company teetered on the brink of bank renaissance for, for the flight to stopping the production from 911. so it's like losing your head and more than you had your heart to 911. there's simply nothing else. 9 kids, a unique call that works exactly the way it was built. i think that i live in should be always have a flat fix, a combustion type of driving, serious type of soul. because a for me, it has to remain combustion engine. in my lifetime the car has been a means to freedom and that only works if it's got a combustion engine on this,
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continue that meeting, somebody, not the bosses. that bullshit have already decided to produce a synthetic, a fuel that would make combustion engines more environmentally friendly. for ways to keep the $911.00 running on the few advise the $911.00 is the portion icon and you can rely on it for a long time to come and with a combustion. incidence model is government. sorry, we missed your call speaking aloud. then porsha move start. building an electric 111 on the long term. i think the $911.00 probably would also survive the switch to an electric call. whether it's quieter, we're allowed to whether it's combustion engines. the true fans of this cult call wish for just one thing that the 911
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drives on forever. i think it would be lovely if it could. yeah. maybe gold drives and 911. the most conscious advice will be 74 show was convinced of that when he built the 911. remember really about driving pleasure and hopefully will be for the next 68, the cars, car, a car other phenomenon with millions of unique stories. that could be in a german coffin. we need you guys wherever you are. however, up here, right? but the question is now, where should we go? right to wherever you sent us, your stories and your crazy car into the let's catch up soon on the
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imagine having thousands of the world's most valuable and significant car as your own home. that's exactly what indian automotive historian and journalist, other jobs that are kind of while i have managed the over the course of decades, i though has painstakingly curated an incredible collection of automotive scale models. i think this level will help those in that on that as even what freedoms pull up that and then they're not enough about about 7000 plus more than the list of you know, back then kept in my other house as someone fully immersed in the automotive scene i know has seen and done it all, these even cross this, a har on that very kinetic honda for,
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at the automotive session kicks in early and simply never less. in fact, to tracy to scale model of the session all the way just child that was again, like child fantasy. i've not been growing up in that sense, so to speak even today. it's only when i in the ninety's that are traveling, since i've got inviting the nations more and more and more, i started getting the cause, which i've read so much about mothers, so much about the and his passion for automotive scales, ties into his love for racing, just because the motor sport that i've done everything i love to get back to having some of the gentleman cut off because of the 1913. there was a pinnacle of this for this god which is supposed to be the most popular property. god ever big. this w 125 of 1937 to the specific spot
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and the performance of the scott was not beaten bills. that global area of the 90 need is exhaustive. selection extends from formula one cars to every car to ever have one. the eye clinic, 24 hours of the mall, to group b riley cars and the cars at the air swell, maharaja of india tumbler fee. it's an impass of doors. the cars that go to india motoring haven't been overlooked. neither has the countries talked favorite motorcycle. the royal and field classic captured and one is to 3 scale. but add those collection isn't just about models. he has the phone, this car, he also documents, india is achievement. on the global stakes tyran turned up and the rain cars of cans, limo, and formula one car is also the type right of place here. plus these even god custom made still models that marginalize in era of indian motor sports and dangerous being forgotten. the human value was the fullest,
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even put in the global motor sports. man. i've taught that you must have something offer or even to be present in my collections. so then they said, why don't we try to get these motors or the cars which address to you? and we develop the liberty for most of the models which we have been in cause in the commodity in very naturally the weird and wonderful find space in his collection to take for instance, this scale model of the west, german manufactured empty car. but those got stringent criteria in place to select a model for his collection, whether it's a road going or a racing machine, it needs to be historically or technologically significant in some way. so you will not find me having been models of the volkswagen beetle in different colors, but you'd find me having the 15 forgive me for the the when the poor here 917 of
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the video speeds because each address is a veritable power dice. video also enthusiast tucked away in one man, so the south africans ford has been driving fast in circles while doing stunts in one's car. the city is somewhat similar to drifting. it's traditionally more entertainment than sport. the spinners are performers whose tires reading and take certain loved by the crowd. so for me it's just one of those things we, i feel like i'm breaking barriers. i mean male dominated the works of that just to throw in that run. i mean on the day on the pit, sometimes i'm afraid within that time i felt that i can do it. i can do it, i can do it and then i see myself doing it.
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the my name is madeline simple. i am originally from maryland in, so it, so i am a female spend that for me. it's about so a woman that you can do whatever it is that you want to do, your age shouldn't be a limit. your agenda shouldn't be a limit. the kind of your incidents, the limits you should just go at the end of your dreams and do whatever it is that you want to do. so that's, that's what it is all about for me, the, this is austin. nice. and we're here today. yeah. be what what i'm capable of the yeah. in the spinning well the spinning life. my name is ben. keep that me. i don't know if i should say i've got a whole lot of adrenalin running in my veins or requests to say that i'm phyllis.
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the you come around. yeah. and the crowd was so happy to see it used to be 100 percent male dominated. we've got a lot of females getting into the sport now. and i'm very happy to see that there are more and more women getting into the spinning industry every week. but it is popular because it's part of the culture here in south africa. um, it just became a part of a rebellious thing with the parts or government. and then if it came with anything that's fed becomes rebellious, which becomes popular to you the spring from. so it's so, and this is way spinning sided from, as i said, i mean there's not a day that will go past without you seeing or hearing one of these babies driving past. so you already know the found of, they quoted a professor. so i mean for me it was just one of those things. my brother,
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my life brother, he wasn't to floss cause he wasn't through all of that. so for me it was just a natural thing. and i started by getting myself this cough painted red because it was a different color. i struggled a lot with the engine until i made my mechanic and his name is poison. and he said to me, for a girl, i suggest to get an engine called a multi valve, which is what i have now inside there, it's converted to an east $36.00 engine and it's a 3 to 8 beams avenue. i'm east 30 model, lot of power. i'm a mom i with i'm in human resource development at one of the insurance companies here in south africa. and i'm also a student. i'm doing my video at the university of northwest in a time. so it's more just saddling more than anything. is this saddling everything
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while i'm doing my books? my son is kind of like doing his homework as well. you know, it's, it, it really isn't easy at all, but i have been managing my name is believe someone it. i am the son of donkey dudley's. i. i think it's awesome that, that sees printing. i am very proud. i'm pretty excited and my mom says that you can spin at any age i so so would lots of piece of a female you know how to spin or help them out if they come into the industry with the things that i struggled with. so i'd like to hold somebody's hand and say this is what you do, this is how you do it. and when you get to a place, this is how it works. because with me, i had no one. and i assembled and assembled until i made my team and i got it right . with the advent of sponsorship, spinning is rapidly growing in popularity,
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both as a form of interest payment and as a competitive sport. opening up avenue for more adventurous people lives. thank you, darling. the ad will have more current benches next time on. read the
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the, the, the political in this great for investor, the theme, the fees. everyone here just wants to get into bitcoin because they are known as the queen, arrows, digital, gold, diggers. investors from all over are moving to latin america in search of bitcoin treasure. nowhere is the crypto currency bounded more highly than here. but for many, the frenzy ends in ruins. in 15 minutes, on the w. wonders of the ocean. these 2 highly specialized creatures and highly sought after raw materials,
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deep sea mining is still in its infancy and is still completely unregulated. how is it threatening eco system? tomorrow today? in 90 minutes on d w, the shannon the award winning offer is available language has never been some type of thoughtful encounter in the late 19 seventy's former concentration camp inmate slow, most miles not met the man who had to maintain him. go stop bog now. the 2 years
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later, bog now was dead. was it suicide? rise to down. what really have the goldsmith banassi starts january 27th on d. w. the cases an applicant? do they have the web? i, when i told me that they don't have to do this, can we go say colson tissue today? because when they go to that, who set up? he has not been on medical people on the sidewalk with car bama tenants. so not because the the,
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this is the, the, the news line from the and then if a lot of them is a landscape, makes it hot so clear the world economic forum on the 1st full day of the global gathering. and this was kind of that boston who probably needs present appeals for more support, as soon as country tries to repel the rushes more of aggression. also on the program, donald trump cruise is to victory in the iowa public and coal cause is more than 50 percent of votes has passed, the former president to run for the white house. the guides florida governor von desantis came in 2nd. the.


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