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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the is the, the, the news line from the united states. it strikes small hosting, managing targets inside the us, as it also intercepted a shipment of evading in west coast bound for you. i'm a licensed us drives, come mazda, who is the officials plan, yet another mist 5 attack on the call go ship in the red sea also on the program. volume is an onscreen makes a hot cold play of the world economic forum on the 1st full day of the global canada and the source time. and that also you created president appeals for most of the course of this country. ties to this house rushes war of aggression. donald
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trump cruisers to victoria in the iowa caucuses, mobile 50 percent, the voters back, the former president to run for the white house, the guy, florida government run desantis came the bunch. ok, welcome to the program. the united states, as it has had more who is the military targets inside the yemen? us as a strides further in retaliation for a miss out attack by who's the forces on the greek own call go shift on tuesday. they have to, they struck, i us own ship off the coast, different gammon? i've heard they say it'd be attacks. i'm just supporting palestinians in israel's war and gaza. this rock is 5, comes as the usaa announced, if it saves divine and weapons intended for the rebels. u. s. navy sales writers, a vessel they have a coast of somalia law,
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just wait seized weapons include the warheads, full medium range, ballistic missiles, an antique cruise, marseilles washington claims intercepted the shipment is proof that iran is still deliberate, advanced ministry, a to the host of use that to, to attack international shipping. in the red sea of the us national security advisor jake sullivan, told the world economic forum that via us is not seeking to escalate tensions in the middle east. we are not looking for regional conflict for from through a combination of steady deterrence and steadfast diplomacy. we seek to stop the spread of conflict and to create the conditions for de escalation. our approach is and remains focused on moving towards greater integration and stability in the region. well, in reality is amount of time security experts and i asked him whether the presence of a us led mission in the red sea. none of this operation, prosperity, god,
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you have escalated tensions in the region or com, things down. how much of the presence of the emission has has done either. but the certain attacks on the target seems signed or human has certainly would do an installation, but guiding down the missiles in the early days of the operation. it was purely defensive and very clearly. so unfortunately, what has happened is once the missiles started hitting targets inside of human, the routing narrative that they were at what were the us on the k became more or less true. and so it has exacerbated an existing tension within the region. difficulties finding not only against the government of human and the wider west, but specifically the us and the u. k. and so we played into a narrative that has existed for quite a while. of course, it's also a style to determine who these from attacking ships in the region. oh, absolutely. so the insurance is a very good concept and what would determine year you is very different than what difference they're going to use. they've been at work for a long time,
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and if you watch how they responded the force in the past, this was a very foreseeable consequences of these strikes. there was no chance that the hitting targets inside government was going to really be escalating either the, the overall tension or to turn them from continuing. because for the 1st time, by attacking shipping, the relevance in global attention that they've never happened. so they want more of that and they are going to continue a pace. and let's be honest, it doesn't take a whole lot to disrupt shipping. and so they've been very successful, not only using the heavy machinery and where are you do they, they've been getting from around over the years. but they have the capacity to be uh, thrown in the side of shipping indefinitely because of a low tech version of this could be a very disruptive approach. they have a history of that and we are likely in for a longer term problem. if we do not change our approach, because as well as systems start decides are negative about about this whole thing . but as well as a box, that seems quite a bad. we have the fact, but shipping companies and looking at the situations, i would, you know what,
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we'd rather not sail through a was we will go around the long way, even though it's more expensive. so the whole point of the, of this, the whole exercise just seems pointless as well. i, i'm not sure it is entirely pointless, but it certainly isn't having the effect that we want. the shipping companies are in a tough position. on one hand, it is the quickest route by a long way to go through the red sea and the suez canal to get through the mediterranean europe in north america. the problem is that if you are putting c 1st lives in danger, is really irresponsible in so many of them have chosen the more responsible approach, which is to serve navigating continent of africa. add a lot of time to the, the journey and ultimately add a lot of cost and logistics to the overall supply chain dynamics. and that's going to start being sold all around the world soon. we're already starting to notice prices taking up challenges, a rising in terms of supply chains, getting into places on time. and that's only going to get worse. the problem is that right now you use an off which is not like that. you just go back through the
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red sea again tomorrow because a lot of routes have been changed. and so we're in a period of probably longer term challenge because we haven't been able to deal with this quickly enough. and the presence of the operation will be needed to continue if the strikes do continue for the few ships that are going through. so it is a very challenging position and there's not a whole lot of good news at the moment, but there are things we can be doing. ok, let's, let's look at that because, you know, when we get that, it's complicated. so what would have worked back? so do you think, what would have been a better tactics of being as well? let's start with where we are rather than the wish for a different outcome from, from where we should've gone. let's say that right now, the best thing to do is to try to start some of 40 other states in terms of states who could have an effect on the situation. those include egypt, saudi arabia, and also the government of janet and the government of human is probably the number one focus and it should be on everybody's mind right now because they are the
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sovereign government of the many people and the will. these have been a thorn in their sorry for the last decade, fighting against them. so they were battle tested in fighting against the these terrace. and we need to be able to support the part of that requires labeling that the duties as a foreign terrace organization. and supporting the government of young and e in reading the agent and seeking back some of the areas that are being controlled by these and allowing them to, to watch these attacks. so the government of human play them particularly important role. the other thing is that the other states in the region need to be reassured that this is not about israel and gaza. unfortunately, duties have stolen that narrative and their capitalizing on it. but until we divorce the narrative of what is going on in yemen from what is going on in gaza, we are going to get the support of other regional actors. and so the key to this is making it very clear. the difficulties don't care about the palestinians, they're caring only about the quality equities. and those equities are right now at all. cool maritime commerce and the betterment of the entire world. because not
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only are we talking about the profits of shipping companies or shippers, but we're looking at delivery of critical goods, food, clothes, shelter requirements for people all over the world, including are good areas that need a mandatory need. and right now they can't get their fast nice packages here analysis amount of time. i'm gonna stay in raleigh. thank you. i thank you so much . katasha as it has broken a deal between israel and her mouth. rachel, st. humanitarian aid and medicaid, and medication delivered to civilians in casa, completing, is ready to kept her as being held by her mouth. the dale done in co operation with friends comes and made repeated international calls for cx. 5 is right, the government says it will maintain another depression on her mouse to eliminate the group, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. but these writing defense minister says the ministry will switch tactics and start scanning back it's minutes ago. relations in the south of the territory as trucks of aid entered through gauze,
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the southern border with egypt smoke rises over rafa. residents and the border city spent the morning looking through rubble from a strike the night before. even as israel says, it will tell him down the intensity of its operations. there they say, 12 of their neighbors died. a new tact is then home enough in how would they at fault they were having dinner. we want peace. notable look at the destruction in the neighborhood. people were bombed by israeli strikes while having dinner as the trails of destruction and gods expand. the conditions for palestinians and the territory are deteriorating. further of israel has signaled that the war in gauze as moving into a new phase that says it's main aim to eliminate him off still remains the military for leasing these videos of continuing operations stated to be targeting
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him off militants killing fighters and taking down rocket launch sites, but people here say it's civilians war bearing the brand. many of them children like 6 year old, safe. his father says his son died from shrapnel injuries after miss style hit close to a school in con eunice where he was playing the i ran out and i saw him on the ground. i called out safe, safe, but he didn't move. then i found a piece of shrapnel, it pierced his heart from one side, and then it came out his back. they tried to resuscitate him, but there was no use. safe. died as well as real, are use that military pressure is the only way to secure the release of more than $100.00 hostages, still being held by him us and despite renewed calls for cease fire, the government says it won't stop. and when we use the new tactics to kill them,
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us leadership described as the head of the snake. as we look at the small headlines around the world, as the union has added a political leader of hamas and gas it to its terrace list. yeah, yas and washing here and file footage is accused of maximizing the october 7 attacks on these rail. and the assets that he holds within the you will not be frozen. as being on the us is most wanted less since 2015 russian president vladimir putin has met with north korea's foreign minister in moscow. both sides. how that deepening ties. mister posing has accepted an invitation to visit p on young, but it's not clear when that will be west suspects. north korea is providing russia with the weapons for it's for in ukraine the number of i don't tobacco use this is dropping world wide. world health organization says that in 2022 about one and 5. i
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don't. so what was smoke? because so consumed of a tobacco products a compared to $1.32 w. i chose bomb the tobacco industry is working hard to attract to young people through a cigarettes and vibes of a lot of mean savanski is appealed to the what will lead us to present a united front and it supports a full ukraine against russia. speaking to global business and political leaders of the world, economic form in switzerland, the premium presidents fence the west for its ministry supports in coal. so know there's a lot against the russians. invasion must not become a frozen conflict. and he delivered a warning about russian president vladimir putin, whose hatred he said that in more than just you cry, put in is trying to normalize what you would have and did in the 20th century. mess you bird d. since see it is and will adjust the raise to the ground and the terrifying
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feeling that the war may never end. in fact, split 10 employees more. we all know that he is the sole reason why barry is wars and conflicts there seized. and by all attempts to restore peace, have field a well dw correspondent, nick connelly. and keith tells me more about the training and the president hopes to achieve in davos. think this is about money. first of all, it has to be said that we hear a lot about western weapons being delayed and not coming in volumes promised that it was so she was question of cash. lots of the money has been promised to keep your brains, government pay, paying wages, paying pensions that has been delayed, whereas in the beginning of the will, we saw lots of smaller transfers. we're now seeing few, a bigger one. so if one of those gets late, that is a real problem and really has ministers here, scratch me a has how to meet the bills. and i think this is also about trying to just give the
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west a cold shower and say this hasn't gone away. yes, you might now be getting bored of ukraine. the 2nd anniversary of the source invasion is nearing, but this hasn't gone away. and actually we're doing you a favor. this is not about you helping us for all say this is about you doing this because it's actually cheaper and a lot less dangerous for you if we stopped flooding recruiting where he is right now and ukraine and stopped him attacking nature. and the bolt excites. i think that was something that they really felt was important to as to bring to the west. that's when you were told people hearing key of something that the noise people that perception that ukraine is a, is a burden or something to be somehow tolerated. and maybe that's sort of less than a year ago. i think people are realistic that yes, people have their own domestic concerns. yes, israel palestine doesn't churches. that is an issue that is occupying the media attention. but still, this is something that it is on your stools that this is a 1000 also come with this from bullying and it's not going away. so there's a real sense that there was a need now to just cool or what's needed is to get that focus back in to try and
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make sure that these deliveries happen in a way that allows you quite another need to hold the territory. it's still controls, but also to regain control, at least of some of its territory, overview on what they have right now. state of new cars from an economy in cave. well, the transition to green the economy is a central frame of issues. world economic uh for us climate envoy, john kennedy kicked off discussions, he predicted that this transition towards clean energy would not be interrupted regardless of who wins. the issue is that us elections. they also praise china for the speed of its renewable energy rollers. and you said the world already has the knowledge needed to bring to climate goals. we have good available technology to actually live up to our requirement by 2030. we're just not deploying it fast enough to tell you who is deploying it fast enough as a place called china, which is deploying more renewables and manufacturing more renewables than all the
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rest of the world put together. and i guarantee you that the amount of renewable they are now already deployed. we, even though they may not have changed it publicly, is going to have an impact on the date that they pete ok. well, i don't think i've also had state department of technology infrastructure and industrial development that'd be sent to it, so you wouldn't be in politics. welcome to the w. uh, we just had that john kelly about signing brother onto mistake all we know seeing business objectives aligning with climate goals. as i say this a beautiful castle, let me know the mission, 2nd dollars chips in the future. and you say something like in you grow certain, seem to me for instance, by a large and cost of using the effects of yeah. to commodities emerging over time. but we definitely need to go to the cheese, is something like a level playing. see all the information in terms of use. like steve, i'm
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a media and the key to this i can say is something back into the design with talk between the west and economies. and emerging economies, 1st is china, the minimum standard, this is here to pricing, to invest and coming to the boss, to keep some extended technologies. and also to engage in technology corporation for instance. and for the cheese. my. com catch on you're going to hydrogen in order to explore these huge potential in competitive matter. as clear, the climate change is already upon us. what is likely to main for economies in the years ahead? i think there are various negative conventions of the business community should be aware of a medium term. i should expect the most recent terrorism see where the bins like storms in class. i'm supposed to supply chains to global transfer chains, potential leading to higher transport costs and ensure higher commodity prices
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adding to inflation and repression. and of course, we should also the trends in the temperature a higher and rejected show room fly. and we'll see because of draw some sort of you just a real chance. he also with the sign in their productivity as we start to ration waves, potentially setting up the stability of society. so think they have various di, sectionals. this is community you should be aware of, not artificial intelligence is very much at, in the doubt also be she and what can i do to support green industries? i think there are various promising complementarity between a and i'm a 1st as a by doing the change tricity about a few teams so that i'm not, i've seen energy assistance based on a lot of time and using sources that to the integrating them into several ways to
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dr. systems and the volume to be the sushi seize. using this system cos, and the terms you could be the use of a i, in the exploration of the resources. like if we ever use your which are needed for kids and all of these sites that can be chosen a wind turbines, which also can you stop at the moment in a desperately need. and so i've seen but being the potential that these choose jackets that are all used together we'll potential in june. uh we can initiate something like a new digital and dream rose phase. ok, thanks so much for joining us. andre. involved from the center for your opinion. of politics and apologies for some of the sound crunchy at joining not to be united states. what donald trump this past is past the big test with the public and focused. and he's quest to become that 2020 full presidential
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nominee. the former president says that when the iowa caucuses by huge margin defeating florida, government run desantis became a distant 2nd. drum sweep of the iowa caucuses is deep and white. taking more than 50 percent of the board and looking ever more likely to become the republican presidential nominees for 2024. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straightened out the problems and straighten out all of that in depth and destruction that we're witnessing. that's practically never been like this. i don't know what's the lowest and what our ticket would have had to turn up to cost a board meeting freezing, temperatures and treacherous conditions to reach hundreds of schools, churches,
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and community cent of withdrawn. securing victory on across iowa, including the conservative evangelical and moderate counties. it was all about duties for the 2nd place. governors on defensive, eventually picking that spot. but despite taking only 21 percent of the vote, he's optimistic. people want to have hope for this country future, and that's what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the mat this, that we've seen in this time 3 to reverse the decline of this country. and to give this country a new birth of freedom and a restoration of sanity, that's what we're going to do. pointing to is behind boost nicky healey. the former you an investigator during the trump administration, trump environment or both about 80 years old. trump invited
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both put our country trillions of dollars deeper in debt and our kids will never forgive them for the trump invited those lack of vision for our country's future because both are consumed by the past . the result in iowa is significant, but the risk to become the republican presidential candidate is far from mobile. trump, though it's one step closer to the v match he wants, but president joe biden. let's pick this up with that. let's show caches are us political on the list here as well on the a bomb and a campaign. so welcome back to dw. it is early in this sequence of races, but realistically speaking, run desantis and hear hear me finished. now they are nice. if we actually look at the results that came out of yesterday,
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the 3 candidates and that is a lot right below trump did secure the other half of the vote. they have the same number of delegates combined that trump does. the question is how will they cool less after this 1st result from iowa? the back room swami has already announced he's supporting trump. so in theory his, his delegates go to trump. but out haley and the san has absolutely have a shot, but he's going to be very strategic. how they play it is they're going to keep seeing or printers. so what do they need to do? they need to come together and figure out how did they get the rest of the vote. trump always takes up a very vocal portion, but he didn't have the popular vote in 2016. and he probably included now before being able enough campaign, actually co last against him to, to form a base. but we require them both putting the party about themselves as well as
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making the campbell. will my voters stick with me or was all day go over to trump rice? it seemed all just to hear donald trump and the clip that we played talking about to everybody coming together asked back to iowa victory. what do you think was behind that? uncharacteristically conciliatory to i think gives us all we can. so a tory, if you consider who he's talking to, when he's saying everybody i do think he's signaling to the other primary contenders that are waiting horse come with me and. and he already showed that the 3rd, the 4th place conductor has already dropped out the doors 10. so i think he's looking to enter the primary sooner rather than later. nobody likes going into the general with a hotly contested primary. and he can eliminate his, his work as well as yes, it is opponents as well. we'll make them become supporters quicker. he can shift his focus. fine. so as a after about victory,
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mr. compass it was back in court to determine the compensation in his defamation case, both against him. i by the us, call them this the elizabeth gene title. she accused him of sexual assault back in 96. is this new trial likely to hurt mr. trump politically? hey, more than the dozens of other ones. i think unfortunately for be cynical, probably not the 1st one. it seems that the reaction seemed to be a long political lines. the less feels more curious again the trial and the right says look here is being persecuted once again. i do think the republicans are under counting a kind of middle of the road female base, but it will not take kindly to this, but i don't see it having super long reaching consequences for trump much past the primary season. just a quick final word on how trump victory might
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affect women in the country. a country is divided as the us is not, especially with things like abortion of rights. where does that go? whether there was arguments, go, how women in a trump a 2nd, trump to, or should trump, when it would be very significant to when he was just up on stage, saying it's 50 years. i reverse real the way it will last up there. i think if we look at blueprint from some of the southern states, texas is currently persecute prosecuting a woman who's started working out of state. and they said they would charge any doctor to help her in the state of texas. it is a issue that seems to do well with a portion of his base, and i think he will absolutely go after it. and i don't think it's the end of the worship discussion if the truck gets elected. thank you so much for joining us to
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talk us through that. the political analyst at least show. okay. thank you. i'll set you up to date. i'll have some more on that. they got a chunk of x ray and the i will quote because it's a just a moment as i told you through some of the bigger stories of the day in the day. that's in just a moment here on the date of the
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kurdish men and women have fled from it on to the mountains of neighboring dog. and hence, they are claiming for resistance against police seem to run what is driving the dogs. curtis resistance to, you know, as we seem to know, stopped in 45 minutes on d. w, the,
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the, the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smile. now make go stop, bog. not the man who had to maintain him to use like to wagner. was date, was it suicide? the evidence raised has done. what really happened? january 27th. on the double you come have a page of this out. take the highlights you every week in your inbox. subscribe. now. they cases an applicant? do they have the web? i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, can we go say colson tissue,
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today's because when they go to that we set up for us. love a new meal with caldwell, i'm a tenant, although i so not because the the former us president donald trump has taken an impressive 1st step towards getting his old job back. the iowa caucuses delivered him an absolute majority of his rivals for the republican nomination. for the presidency, but does that mean he's a show and to face off against president joe biden in november? i'm feel gale in brandon. this is the day. the severe expected and it will have a good time together. i'm going to support my candidate which i'm not going to tell
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you who it is, but don't read my ass. i'd.


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