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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life member let the united states strikes more. here's the military targets inside government. washington says it also intercepted of shipments of iranian weapons bind for you. i'm in the latest us right. come after who's the officials claim yet another miss, i'll attack on a cargo ship and the red. meanwhile, civilians are killed as a ron fires missiles into northern iraq. tehran says it's targeting and is released by base fact that recalls it's talking about the
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amount of him all welcome to the program, the united states as it has had more. here's the military targets inside gammon. us says the strikes were in rec, retaliation for a missile attack by who's the force is on a greek on cargo ship one tuesday. a day after the ron backed, rebel group struck a u. s. o and shit off the coast of yemen. the who sees that the attacks were aimed at supporting palestinians. and israel's war in gaza. with a rocket. fire comes as the us and noticed it had seized iranian weapons intended for the rebels. u. s. navy seals rated a vessel near the coast of somalia last week, seizing weapons, including warheads, for medium range, ballistic missiles, and anti cruise missiles. washington says, the interest that fits shipment is proof that iran is still delivering advanced military age to the who these who are using it to attack cargo vessels, traveling through the red sea, disrupting global trade as well. for now i'm joined 5,
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you know ali khan. she's a young man and persian gulf researcher in new york city. welcome to the program. how effective has the us actually been and it's attempts to de escalate the situation in the region? i think it's pretty clear that certified the us has been extremely effective in the escalating the situation in the region right already the keep these hostile to retaliate to american strikes, which they already have. they find ballistic missile out to us continue to ship and yesterday, which will say prevent the us retaliation on them. and today will say news has just recently come out of the us will soon we designate defeat the rebels in human as especially designate to global terrace. i think chrome safe so far exceed the response has been quite to you to it. but i don't doubt that the group disappearing out amongst themselves. how best to be tiny 8. i think the thing to do to keep these will shy away from a huge, disruptive the schools in the near future. i think the us and if you these will
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continue to engage in this kind of tit for tat attacks which only makes the situation more dangerous. as it furthers the possibility of miscalculation which full, so it could bring additional houses active into the fray. for example, the heat, these could end up getting american ministry personnel, they were ready both the target us impressive to translate into a talking us a basis in the region. it sounds like there's something going on in the background . there are no worries and exactly the here. these are exactly known for showing away from this kind of a situation. now they do say that they're attacking ships in the red sea as a sign of their support for the palestinians. i mean, how much can we take that to actually be true? is that really their main concern? it means that you, these have a wave seen themselves as term shooting the pedestal, in closing costs. this isn't something exclusive to, to keep these young. he is on, you know, much would be our wildest and that's, it was the kind of sending cause i'm think of best because it's also a great way,
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but it is the gain to dismiss the payment. also in the vision would also get the help desk support base and it will say recruitment process. and i think often use of centering much of the rhetoric around the kind of thing in the pools. you know, this presents a perfect opportunity to see for the feed these, you know, when the company can go, the sausage, the fees, and a way to not have a choice, but to react if they did nothing but supports us with a question. the very foundations of which the movements around its narrative, you know, the goals of crisis in itself has really ton to treat these into an excess of resistance icon, which has done wonders for the popularity domestically. mm hm. an app, in your opinion going forward. i mean, can something actually be done realistically to de escalate the situation there? right now? i think safe to stop the us needs to pace pressure on israel to stop this so ongoing as a, as
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a program already mentioned. the red sea is not the only reason why pensions are rising. there's those escalations and syria and olson at all. i think in the short term this would definitely still keep the attacks, but unfortunately, you know this way or rather, kate, the problem to keep these august really confident about that capabilities as they should be. now they knew how to exert that control in the red sea whenever they want. so right now we'd like to have a good on. so for house miners this focus on, i think that's commonly hardly any traffic in the website. nobody knows what to do . so, you know, there really isn't any good description right now, but i think the sauces would be still paying the soul. some garza, you know, i like on am an on person golf researcher in new york city. thank you so much for all of your insights on the program today. thank you for having me or that the tire size it has broke, or to deal between israel on him, off for the delivery of humanitarian aid and medication to civilians inside casa, including israel is being held captive by him. off video done incorporation with
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friends comes and made repeated international calls for a ceasefire is really government says it will maintain military pressure on him, off to eliminate the group, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. but these really defense minister says the military will switch tactics and start scaling back as military operations in the service of the territory. as trucks of aide enters through gaza, southern border with egypt, smoke rises over rafa. residents and the border city spent the morning looking through rubble for mr. drake, the night before. even as israel says, it will tell him down the intensity of its operations. there they say 12 of their neighbors died. a new tact isn't home enough of how would they at fault they were having dinner? we want peace. notable look at the destruction in the neighborhood. people were bombed by israeli strikes while having dinner as the trails of destruction and gods
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expand the conditions for palestinians and the territory are deteriorating. further . israel has signaled that the war and gods as moving into new phase, but says it's main aim to eliminate him off still remains the military releasing these videos of continuing operations stated to be targeting him off militants killing fighters and taking down rocket launch sites. but people here say it's civilians war burying the brand. many of them children like 6 year old, safe. his father says his son died from trap, no injuries after miss. i'll hit close to a school in con eunice where he was playing. so i looked at the bottom of i ran out and i saw him on the ground. i called out safe, safe, but he didn't move. then i found a piece of shrapnel. it pierced his heart from one side and then it came out of his
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back. they tried to resuscitate him, but there was no use. safe. died as well. who is real argues that military pressure is the only way to secure the release of more than 100 hostages, still being held by him us. and despite renewed calls for cease fire, the government says it won't stop. and when we use the new tactics to kill them, us leadership described as the head of the snake. when we asked the w correspondent tanya kramer, well this scale but is really operation in southern gaza could actually look like to well, for the moment, i mean we've been hearing now for a sub for quite some time. the from the is where the army that they're changing into a new phase, that they're changing combat tactics as they put it. that concerns mainly the northern part of the because a strip as they have said. so we,
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it remains to be seen what it means exactly. human to terry own is talking about more pin pointed operations and also some of the divisions and reserve units are being withdrawn from the areas that we've seen in the past 24 hours in the past days. in the southern part of the gaza strip. heavy fighting a continuing also in the middle areas in the center of the goals and streets and in the 2nd largest city in con units there's a lot of concentration of the fighting there also with a casualties of reported. and of course the international uh there is a lot of international pressure given the grave situation for civilians in gaza and the high desk told to lower the intensity. we've also been hearing of from the is really army. and that is certainly also for domestic audience that this more a will continue as long as it takes and for
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a several months to come was dw is tanya kramer in jerusalem. let's take a quick look not at some other headlines from around the world. former us president donald trump has attended a hearing of a defamation lawsuit against him in new york. it stems from claims by columnist, aging carol that he's actually attacks her and the 19 ninety's as low as it is to decide damages in connection with defamatory remarks. trump allegedly made against carol the flooding there's the landscape, has appealed to world leaders to present a united front in the face of russia's aggression. speaking of the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. so you can't, in president said the war and ukraine must not become a frozen conflict and urged the west to provide more military age online. and russian president vladimir page and has met with north korea's foreign minister in moscow. both sides health are deepening ties. mister patient has accepted an invitation to visit young. yeah, but it's not yet clear when that will be the west suspects. north korea is providing russia with weapons for the war and ukraine and the number of adult
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tobacco users is dropping worldwide. the world health organization says that in 2022, but one in 5 adults were smokers are consumed. other tobacco products, compared to one and 3 in 2000 about the w h o ones. the tobacco industry is working hard to attract to young people through e cigarettes and bates now iraq has summer and the iranian um boss that are in back died in protest. dr. t. ron launched missile strikes into northern iraq, killing several civilians. baghdad called the strikes a blazing violation of its suffering, t invited to lodge a complaint with the un security council. iran revolutionary guard said it filed fired, sorry, the missiles at what it said was in his really spy headquarters, an air bill to see to the rocks northern semi autonomous curtis region, to destroy might see it an upscale area near the us consulate in air bill, the capital of new, the new rock, samuel tournaments,
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could if region they were claimed by iran, revolutionary jobs to in the ruins, iraq's national security advisor dismissed to ron's claims. the target to be the headquarters for is wally spies. and it's regarding the claims of it being a base for israel's massage. we have looked into the place and walked around every corner of this house and everything indicates that it is a family home for an i rocky businessman from abil. so the claim is, falls. c, 4 with the by the regional politician said the house belongs to a local real estate magnet and his family, they were killed. the prime minister would be rocks could just, um, region must, will buzz dani. describe the attack is a crime against the code. is people speaking on the side lines of the will? he cannot make for them the both bus on he said the wrong and spice center allegations. what baseless surprising did this come from that we don't know why
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you're wrong is because of using against civilians are just on, especially in that we have no animosity towards any of our neighbors especially wrong. tyrone said the attack was in response to recent his riley assassination. so the rain in come on, does it didn't say students had a legitimate right to do to what it cool national security threats. iran will says drop targets in northern syria, that it said were linked to these nomic states. terrorist group. the group claimed responsibility for twins, suicide bombings, with cute devons, as an official memorial event in iran. earlier this month, you were on the tags comments, a time of height and tensions in the region and see is of a wide display of, of the will between israel and tie rod's ally hum us. and the transition to a greener economy is a central theme of this year's world. this year's world economic forum us climate
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and by john kerry kicked off the discussions. kerry predicted that the transition towards clean energy would not be interrupted regardless of who wins this year. is us elections? he also praise china, so the speed of its renewable energy will light and he said the world's already has the knowledge needed to reach climate goals. we have to develop the technology to actually live up to our requirement by 2030. we're just not deploying it fast enough to tell you who is deploying it fast enough as a place called china, which is deploying more renewables and manufacturing more renewables than all the rest of the world put together. and i guarantee you that the amount of renewable they are now already deployed. we, even though they may not have changed it publicly, is going to have an impact on the date that they pete and that's you all up to date. up next choices made simone by banker hoping to quit his jobs to become a stand up comedian, west of watch. i'm out of here. well,
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thanks so much for watching and don't forget there's always more on our website on our social media channels. our handle is at dw news featured and taking the can you see what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on business. so really indeed much now on youtube. my face expecting me to have a lady like typically likes.


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