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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 3:02am-3:31am CET

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is given him an absolute majority of his rivals for the republican nomination for the presidency. but does that mean he's a show and to face off against president joe biden in november? i'm feel gale in brandon. this is the day. the severe expression and it will have a good time together. i'm going to support my candidate, which i'm not going to tell you who it is, but don't read my ass. i don't understand people without for every want against us . i think he said, good, faithful family, man. thank you. i. well, we're going to continue on. we're going to make you proud and we're off to new hampshire. this is going to be, we know that also coming up your crime in president of a lot of them is that landscape times the world economic forum and makes
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a play for support from well leaders while acknowledging some difficult questions when we're on the war and he's the sword world war possible, is it time to negotiate with sports and welcome to the day we saw in the us when a donald trump has passed his 1st big test with republican vote just in his quest to become that 2024 presidential nominee. the former president says one, the iowa caucuses by huge margin, had a florida governor of on desantis, came in a distant 2nd and the former us ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley. okay. iowa is the 1st of the state by state contest wherever the public confession is got to pick that candidates for the white house. the drum sweep of the iowa caucuses is deep and white. taking more than 50 percent of the
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board. and looking, ever more likely to become the republican president to nominate for 2024. and i really think this is time now for everybody in our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straightened out the problems and straighten out all of the depth and destruction that we're witnessing. that's practically never been like because i don't know what's the lowest and what i didn't get. what do i had to turn up to cost a board, meeting freezing, temperatures and treacherous conditions to reach hundreds of schools, churches and community centers withdrawn, securing victory all across iowa. including the conservative evangelical and moderate counties. it was all about duties for the 2nd place. governors on defensive,
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eventually picking that spot. but despite taking only 21 percent of the vote, he's optimistic. people want to have hope for this country future. and that's what we represent. we represent a chance to reverse the mat this, that we've seen in this time 3 to reverse the decline of this country. and to give this country a new birth of freedom and a restoration and a sanity. that's what we're going to do. pointing to is behind boost nicky healey. the former human investigator doing the trump administration. trump inviting are both about 80 years old. trump, and by both put our country trillions of dollars deeper in debt and our kids will never forgive them for the trump invited bows. lack a vision for
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a country's future because both are consumed by the power. the result in iowa is significant, but the risk to become the republican presidential candidate is far from over. jump though it's one step closer to the rematch. he once bit president joe biden has found the law as a political analyst and come, pains, strategist is that just got to back from the court because he was on the phone, the president back up on was that campaign a change? welcome back to d w. so this time victory, widely expected, but that we learned anything from the result. i think we've learned a couple of things. and 1st and foremost, i think the former president has a strong grip on his base. and on the republican party, there's an extra bold been done that 60 percent said they are mag of people on so make america great again, movement folks. and so i think he has basically replaced the republican party with
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the mag and movement. i mean, it is an ios specific, got a phenomenal because it's easy to just tom be the across the country kind of well i guess we'll find out with new hampshire coming up in one week. but iowa was trump country and they even put that on all the placards and the on some of the yard sides. this has got jump country. and i mean, you're looking at the exit polls and more importantly, the de moines register, pull that came out a couple of days earlier where it was sitting at 48 percent. of course. now he's been out there by 3 percent. so again, i think there is a vast majority of republicans or saying trump is our guy. yes, we kind of would like to see someone new but even from a policy perspective, listening to rhonda sent us out on that stump on the campaign trail. i mean, she was basically preaching a lot of the trump narrative and chart vocabulary. so i think most of the candidates have adopted best portions of what trump has been say. so what is desantis and highly now has to do. they just have to do the same, but honda,
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i mean, obviously it hasn't worked so far. now you can say, of course i was not certainly the best demographic for nikki haley. she's going to be facing a different type of electorate in new hampshire, given the fact that independent voters are allowed to vote in the republican primary. so i think she's got a leg up there, but still trump is leading the pole with 12 or 12 percent in new hampshire, where they have to do. i think nikki haley tried in her, in her concession speech last night. she tried to attack donald trump and she tried to consolidate and try to make sure that people understand she is the alternative. so saying if you're not happy with john trump, you can go for rhonda santas, i am the only real clear alternative. but if i look at the polling and not just the polling, and now i was in new hampshire in south carolina all across the republican primary electric people saying we want trump. she was also a binding. the space message comes a bite and trumping by and trumping by and these at least a 2 year old is that's called landing because it's obvious that it's not just her
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2nd grass. i think there's a very big difference between calling joe biden and 80 year old and calling donald trump an ideal. they seem very different. i mean, i'm sure most of us see it on tv. it's true. you know, joe biden appears to be fragile at times. donald trump and again us on multiple times last week. he's funny, he's engaging and i'm not hyping donald trump here on your program. but he is funny . he's engaging. he's got great energy and that translates and the republican base, it was a poll being done. who is most excited and where is the excitement the highest people are excited about donald trump and i saw it out there. they share my they fire him up and he gets that energy. so i don't think it works, but i'll just call them roles. and so what then, all the risks for the republican party can have a candidate for such a strong personal funding because we're talking about trump, the loyalists, rosalyn republic composites are forces or what's the big challenge or risk?
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um, i'd say 91 indictments. yeah. they're coming down the to very fast, you know, charles could start in march. and so i think that is the whole calculus of the republican and the trump campaign to say, we gotta wrap this thing up. we gotta consolidate the base. we wanna push and there's going to be massive pressure coming at. rhonda sanderson, nikki haley to force him out. he wants to consolidate the whole thing by super tuesday early march because he also understands that the child's of starting to heat up. and you know, now he's going to be concerned about how it's going to look like if actual indictments and charles was starting coming down. pike. okay. i will from countries, right. new hampshire and next week, different sort of base to talk us through how those votes as a different well again 1st and foremost, independent voters. so people who don't sign up to be republicans are allowed to vote in the new hampshire primary. and those people usually and again,
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i'm stereotyping, but they're a little bit more monitored, but they consider them physically conservative, but on some social issues they a little bit more liberal. for example, on abortion. so i think nikki haley has a chance to at least get into that pocket and pull a couple of those folders. again in the end, it's going to be a question about movement to who has the excitement on their side, who's got the momentum. and donald trump clearly has the momentum. here's what nikki haley would have had to have done, so she would have had to perform much better. yesterday in the i will cox's to take that momentum into new hampshire. she would have had to win new hampshire and she still can to then take it to south carolina. this was her homestead. she used to be the governor of south carolina to then beach trump in her own home state. and then she would have had to have it shot at actually closing the nomination and making a case for being the republican nominee. but again, at this point, i don't see how you go forward unless you win a couple of contents in the next 2 states. let's just finish with
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a quick. what about what was your experience yesterday? a buyer and the crowds that the, the trump loyalist who appeared not to be visiting us. we have lied loons that often appear on tv. i'm much more nuanced crowd. well, i'd say there's a vast spectrum. um you have some of the movies who go shortlist and stay in line and are just maga all the way. but you have some folks who just say, you know, i'm concerned about the future of our country. i'm concerned with the runaway spending, i'm concerned with the was that happening? i heard a lot of people talking about world war 3 and saying that there is just may have under joe biden. and shop is the only one who can pull this earth back together. at least that's what i heard in the line. so again, i think e can't just say all trump motors are crazy. that's just not the case. good talking to i thank you so much for coming in to join us. you this of on. the thanks for having me
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is rather says it will push on with his mother's account paid in gaza just by growing international calls for a cease fire. the government says it must maintain ministry pressure to eliminate how mass a group considered as a terrorist organization by many countries. but the countries, the defense minister, satisfied ministry, will switch tactics and start scanning back. it's been a shelf relations in the south of the territory. as trucks of a entered through gauze, the southern border with egypt smoke rises over rafa. residents and the border city spent the morning looking through rubble from a strike the night before. even as israel says it will tone down the intensity of its operations. there. they say 12 of their neighbors died a new tact or is the home and doesn't how would they at fault they were having dinner. we want peace. notable look at the destruction in the neighborhood. people
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were bombed by israeli strikes while having dinner as the trails of destruction and gods expand the conditions for palestinians and the territory are deteriorating. further. israel has signaled that the war and gods as moving into new phase, but says it's main aim to eliminate him off still remains the military releasing these videos of continuing operations stated to be targeting him off militants killing fighters and taking down rocket launch sites. but people here say it's civilians war burying the brand. many of them children like 6 year old, safe. his father says his son died from shrapnel injuries after miss. i'll hit close to a school in con eunice where he was playing to look at the bottom of i ran out and i saw him on the ground. i pulled out safe, safe, but he didn't move. then i found
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a piece of shrapnel. it pierced his heart from one side and then it came out of his back. they tried to resuscitate him, but there was no use. safe. died as well. who is real, are use that military pressure, is the only way to secure the release of more than $100.00 hostages, still being held by him us and despite renewed calls for cease fire, the government says it won't stop. and when we use the new tactics to kill them, us leadership described as the head of the snake or the you are paying the union has added the political lead of how mass and gaza to its terrorist list. yeah, just say new i seen here and file footage is accused of overstaying the october 7th . the tax on israel, i mean asset bessie, any assets that he holds within the, in you will not be frozen. the citizens of boss from conducting financial
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transactions within the us in law has been on the us as most wanted list since 2015 jack power care and brussels can tell us more. welcome jack. so i'm who is that? ya, ya cinema. as your well, he is the leader of how much in the gaza strip. so he's a really significant improvement in the sake of right now he's, he's rails most wanted mine and that's why it was relatively easy for the european union to get him on that. tara was that tara list was, as you said, submits him to an asset freeze. he's known as the book of con units. he's been in for decades involved in how much he was in, in, in his rating prison for 22 years, no less until he was released in a prison. this one is ready. the soldier was swamped for a size and palestinians who were imprisoned in israel in 2011. and then he moved to become the leader of how much in gaza in 2017. this is a, you know,
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a relatively prominent figure is the most prominent sega, i need someone to the, the, is way these are desperate to try and find, he's believe, to still be in gaza, of, to be in the most in mind of the october 7th attack so why wait till now to put him on the a you tighter list. it's been an interesting one. how much has been designated as however, as the organization by the european union since 2003 and back in december, they put 2 of the people's names who a significant figures in how much organization on the tire list. essentially what the european union is doing is procedural. that's fine to get a set of restrictive measures with this specific legal backing to target. how much to try and prevent any international funding, especially from the european side, which is obviously where they have the most control. but in the meantime, what they wanted to do is make sure that they can get his name on the list and, and that's what we've seen. that's what we've seen today, right? and so what changes and as a result of this measure,
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society not very much as a symbolic, let's be realistic. he hasn't gotten millions of yours in the european and kind of that and i being phrased and, and prevented from him accessing them. but we have heard from israel gods, who is the foreign minister of israel. he treated saying that the thing came to european union and cooled this adjust on a moral decision and said that it was part of israel, diplomatic efforts to try and do this. so it certainly carried favor and with these ratings from the european perspective, as europe continues to find itself relatively divided the $1227.00 countries of the european union. i started sort of diverging on that positions on what should happen in the middle east. yeah, yes in want is, as i said, the most wanted 9, we know that the is ready. these are desperately trying to find him. they accuse him of holding the hostages. that with he can on october, the 7th around him so that he's more difficult to find and that they can sort of strike it, you know,
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in certain places in case they kill some of those hostages alongside him. and we also know indeed that the united states is very keen that he is find as well as we headed in the report earlier. he's really considered the sort of head of the snake, the real senior leadership of how much that they want to take. i think of jack jack power in brussels. i've allow them is that landscape wasn't the opening of the world economic forum and dive austin switzerland today with a strong warning to the wells, political and business leaders. almost 2 years since russian launched its full scale invasion of his country as the landscaping and kind in the president told the latest that his country wasn't the only one in russia. strides sites. if anyone thinks this is only about us, this is only bows you cream on the or off on demands land, mistaken possible directions. and even time line offering you rushing the grass and
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be on your brain, become more and more all bills. let me ask, where are you on this last week? here, p a nation today can provide a comb, but ready are me on par with ours holding back russia and how many men and women are your nation is ready to send to defend and not as deep and all that. and now the nation. and if one must fight against sports and together in the years ahead, isn't it better to put an end to him? and he's war strategy now, while our brave man and the women are already doing it, they are the world's chance. they have had a crime to okay, as a member of the ukrainian problem is big full of all domains and then skis, 7th of the people policy
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a. welcome to the w. what does ukraine want to see from athens? atlanta's case of visit to demo's as um, as for some you know, any other visit so thats presence of landscape uh does abroad. she builds up um, you know, strengths and up the coalition of western countries. they do value democracy and do not want to see the welsh um based order. you know that the based on, uh, international law uh, following the parts. um, so as you progress hertz during his speech, your presence, the last speech in douglas, his transcend uh that, uh which is not gonna stop. he is trying to find a weakness. and mon democracy, someone with western countries. uh, actually nice house that uh, restaurants had been sent in in december and january that somebody's uh you
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pregnancy to you. i am late with the western component. so we have to be tough on sections finding this will close that still exist. and of course, you know, make sure that you can get so need it military assistance and presents that landscape open this page for some difficult questions, including how long the wall would last and whether it is time to negotiate it with vitamin post. and it is, it's time to talk to the russian president as uh, as my to you, um, you know, so, uh, president of outcomes really. uh, so say he's present, but whatever the political later of russian says, ration legitimate. which if she said that she's not going to, um, you know, go away from the occupied territories. and actually she mentioned that they see russia sees asylum. um, you know,
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a danger for russians be good citizens in baltic states a in, you know, lutheran. yeah. and last year and this join. yeah. and actually when i took my creeks from these simple to say, so you know, you remember. so the problem is they, especially in private talk say clearly say we on next, a few crane pools. so um, you know, uh if, uh its uh, we see a negotiation just uh, giving up for you credit in touch. right. and um, well, we are pleasing, very aggressive so he can plan on uh, the steps. uh then i don't really think we would like it and we'll, we'll like the, well, we'll wake up in price. okay. so no time now is no time to talk to russia. so when would you talk to russia? under what circumstances when x this one actually uh,
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puts it understands that uh, the western countries will not break uh that the pressure upstate just wouldn't be really pressure sanctions that she's economy's no longer run in. and she's out of money to pay the pension for, for his function years. and of course, understanding that she has to wave the international rules and that the borders of that state is something that has to be uh, you know, valid. and you cannot just come and take a chunk of all the countries apart and, and together with people occupying the, putting them in presenting to basements, detaining them, stealing kids, and everything on the time this understand it is not that them, you know, difficult to talk. i, i appreciate your giving us your time, but you, you will appreciate that those conditions. you laid out the western countries not
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blinking. i rush, i run the hours of, of money and finally, a bank international law and order. you know, that's a long, long time away and rushes pockets a day for the new cranes at the moment as well. that's, let's find reasons why they are deeper. why countries tell by the oil and gas means russian economy is uh, in the, you know, amount is the economy of state of texas in the united states. so let's north, over exaggerate and about the, you know, the times, the gloomy and you know, we don't like the situation. we just had the speech of a prime minister of christ grades and it was just so knock ends when i was listening to it was that there was a very good detail. he said in 1942 in great britain. it also didn't look too good . you know, he was still strong here was, you know, occupying
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a big part of europe. but bruce didn't give up and many ways people around the world didn't give up. and that's, you know, i, i see the, the way for us we will not give up. okay, you a polling shows continuing support for ukraine here in europe. i wonder though, if you're concerned that the supply of us weapons could dry up as it goes into election mode, especially with republicans turning away from a support for you. great. as well for what i hear from my sources in the american establishment, it's not actually this negotiation process. it's not actually about what's wanted to support ukraine. it actually is about the internal questions about the border by the immigration policy, which is you know, the task force to, to solve that. they have a lot of discussions on that. uh besides, majority of, um,
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both republicans and democrats, austin, for ukraine. and um, as we heard the news that president, by the way to the leaders, both from the senate and the house of reps for both parties um into the negotiation and discussion will help that in the coming weeks. we'll see the results of these discussions if it's been tough, what was the boating in the package? understood? thank you so much for joining us. you've had the clock joke. uh no, i pleasure. thank you, bye. and that was the day you can also are, you can follow us on the social media platforms. as the w news is always dw, don't come have a good day. the
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china climate perpetrator of climate pioneers, one of the world's largest solar power plants is being built in montgomery as almost a said if the countries electricity supply comes from renewables. and yes, china is investing more than ever in coal based pallets on that home. the environment, isn't that a contradiction global on next? on d, w eco africa come in conflict
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in donna, in summer, post escalated to a very high end of the problem. resources i'll be coming guess because of the time to change the initiative. now office guided mediation to find the nico africa team, 60 minutes on d, w. the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. do i just want to pursue what sets my so on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable,
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all stuff i want to in the clouds. it's time to, to us. and then when generations class this week on d. w, the living rules, single pools, green facades, how to heat the exploited workforce race and brazil's coffee conversations. the sense of trouble brewing how climate change is impacting the cultivation of all things, but comp, the coffee, the world's 2nd most consumed beverage. and so ingrained in our lives that it's
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made into pop culture.


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