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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the the, this is the, the you news live from for land guitar in france, broker, a new, a deal for gaza guitar says that the agreement will see delivery of more humanitarian aid and medical supplies to people in the cause of stress, including, is rarely hostages. being held captive by how boss also coming up the united states as that of interest subsidies shipments of iranian weapons found for government and who the officials claimed another missile attack on a cargo ship in the red sea. plus civilians are killed as a ron fires, missiles into northern iraq, to iran, says that it has targeted and is where at least 5 based baghdad recalls with some
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bassett or the . i'm sorry, kelly, welcome to the program. guitar says that it has broken to deal between israel and homos for the delivery of humanitarian aid and medication to civilians inside gaza, including is rarely as being held captive by him. off the deal done in cooperation with france comes amid repeated international calls for a ceasefire. this rarely government says that it will maintain military pressure on him off to eliminate the group, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. but these really defense minister says the military will switch tactics and start scaling back its military operations in the south of the territory. as trucks of bead enters through gauze, the southern border with egypt smoke rises over rough residents and the
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border city spent the morning looking through rubble for ms. drake the night before . even as israel says, it will tell him down the intensity of its operations. there they say 12 of their neighbors died. a new tact isn't home enough of how would they at fault they were having dinner? we want peace. notable look at the destruction in the neighborhood. people were bombed by israeli strikes, well having dinner as the trails of destruction and gods expand the conditions for palestinians and the territory are deteriorating further. israel has signaled that the war and gauze is moving into new phase, but says it's main aim to eliminate him off still remains. the military for leasing these videos of continuing operations stated to be targeting him off militants killing fighters and taking down rocket launch sites. but people here say it's
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civilians war burying the brand. many of them children like 6 year old, safe. his father says his son died from trap, no injuries after miss. i'll hit close to a school in con eunice where he was playing the bottom of i ran out and i saw him on the ground. i called out safe, safe, but he didn't move. then i found a piece of shrapnel, it pierced his heart from one side, and then it came out of his back. they tried to resuscitate him, but there was no use. safe. died as well. that is real, are use that military pressure is the only way to secure the release of more than 100 hostages, still being held by him us. and despite renewed calls for ceasefire, the government says it won't stop. and when we use the new tactics to kill them, us leadership described as the head of the snake. as i
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am john's now 5 d, w special corresponded abraham, who was standing by in jerusalem. and what more can you tell us about this deal brokered by cause har and france to deliver she monetary and a to people and gaza and medicine to as really hostages. france i'm cuts are late tuesday announced that they have reached a new uh, deal with uh, between israel and how much to deliver medicine for over $100.00 hostages that are still believe to be held in the gaza strip around $45.00 of them. and this is an estimation, have suffer from chronic and illnesses are very, very old and have not had presumably little they've had presumably little access to medical help. and now it's been over a 100 days of captivity. they've also had no access to the red cross has not had
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any access to them during their time of captivity, to check on their medical state and to give their families and give them more clear picture. but what's going on with their loved ones. this issue of the red cross has also been very content contentious here in israel with many criticizing the red cross for not you know, well enough fulfilling its duty to a check on a captive regardless of the conflict. as the red cross is a neutral party and in conflict, and so this news i imagine, will be very, very welcome bye hostage families who have been worried sick about their loved ones since they have been taken. and they need this medicine. of course, the hospital we heard one hostage grandson said that this is, this is medication that they should have had from day one abraham in jerusalem.
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thank you. also in the region, the united states says that it has hit more who see military targets inside yemen. the us says the strikes were in retaliation for a missile, attacked by shoot. lucy forces on a greek owned cargo ship on tuesday. as a after the ron backed revel groups dropped to us on the ship off the coast of yemen. the who's the said that the attacks were aimed at supporting palestinians in israel's war and gaza. now, throughout the fire comes as the us announced, it had seized a ronnie of weapons intended for the rebels. u. s. navy seals rated a vessel near the coast of somalia last week, seizing weapons, including warheads, for medium range, ballistic missiles, an antique cruise missiles. washington says the intercepted shipment is proof that iran is still delivering advanced military aid to the louise who are using it to
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attack cargo vessels, traveling through the red sea, disrupting the level trade. in reality is a maritime security expert. we asked him whether the presence of the us lab mission in the red sea operation in prosperity garden has escalate attention to the region or calm things down, acting. how much of the presence of the emission has has done either, but the certain tax on the target seems signed or human has certainly would do an installation, but driving down the missiles in the early days of the operation, it was purely defensive and very clearly. so unfortunately, what has happened is once the missiles started hitting targets inside of human, the routing narrative that they were at or with the us and the u. k became more or less true. and so it has exacerbated an existing tension within the region. difficulties finding not only against the government of human and the wider west, but specifically the us in the u. k. and so we played into
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a narrative that has existed for quite a while and the rock has summons. the iranian baset are in baghdad to protest after tea round launched missile strikes into northern iraq tilling several civilians. baghdad called the strikes a blatant violation of its sovereignty and bowed to lodge a complaint with the un security council around the revolutionary guard, so that it fired missiles at what it said was in his release by headquarters in air bill, the seat of a rocks northern semi autonomous curtis region destroys heating up scale area near the u. s. consulate in air bill, the capital of new, the new rock, samuel tournaments, could if region they were claimed by iran, revolutionary gods, to in the ruins, iraq's national security advisor dismissed to ron's claims that the target to be the headquarters for is wally spies. and it's regarding the claims of it being a base for israel's massage. we have looked into the place and walked around every
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corner of this house and everything indicates that it is a family home for an i rocky businessman from abil. so the claim is false with the bother. what else? we do. politicians said the house belongs to a local real estate magnet and his family. they were killed. the prime minister or the rocks could just, i'm region must have a buzz. donnie described the attack as a crime against the code is people speaking on the side lines of the will. he cannot make for them the both bus on he said the wrong on spice center allegations . what baseless surprise, the discomfort left. we don't know why you're wrong is retaliating against civilians are just on, especially in that. i mean we have no animosity towards any of our neighbors, especially wrong. tyrone said the attack was in response to recent is really assassinations of the rain in come on. does it didn't say students had
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a legitimate right to do to what it cool national security swiss do. ronald's so strong targets in northern syria that it said were linked to these nomic states terrorist group. the group claimed responsibility for twins, suicide bombings with the cube governs as an official memorial event in iran. earlier this month, it runs a tax comments, a time of heightened tensions in the region and fee is of the widest spillover of the will between israel and ty runs, ally home us. here's a quick look at some other headlines around the world. or former us president donald trump has attended a hearing of a defamation lawsuit against him in new york. it stems from claims by columnist e jean carol that she sexually attacked her in the 19 ninety's. this lawsuit is to decide damages in connection with defamatory remarks. trump alleged against carol allegedly made against carol, excuse me, the less the leader of a doomsday,
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colton tonya, is to be charged with murder and terrorism on mackenzie's being prosecuted a long side more than 90 other cult members. they were arrested in april after hundreds of bodies were found in mass graves. survivors say that cult member stops themselves to death so that they could meet jesus. colin's part of parliament has reconvened following a political route over the imprisonment of 2 former ministers. lawmakers from the opposition lot injustice party chance of their names. as the session began, the 2 men who served in the former government were convicted in december of abuse power. their arrests last week triggered protest, a missile strife by russia on the ukrainian city. of course, chief has injured at least 70 people are heats. mayor said that 2 missiles hit a residential building in the city center. and there was no military infrastructure nearby. a drone attack on tuesday night, also into
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a 3 civilians and damaged residential buildings. in the southern city of odessa, you printing presidents, a load of new soleski, says that every russian muscles fired at his country contains components originating in the west, research by german public televisions backs up this claim. and at least one documented pace. a russian cruise missile included western parts, spicy international ban on weapons exports stay off the mouse of the russian and striking southern ukraine. several people were injured as the drone and dismiss all attack targeted departments and businesses. this ukranian army research team has uncovered evidence. the russian weaponry commonly includes 4 electronics, micro chips, cameras, antennas, and processes. set that just the fluid. so everything involving hype, precision technology that can you what the computing and high speed processing the
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saw, i'm and your friends, if it's all important fits with the state of california itself. supporters to import, that includes this white crumbs form a thought of a russian cruise missiles on board computer. it's mocked made in the usa. the serial number indicates it was supplied in september 2022 well off to the will began the us supply of why call did not respond to inquiries or explain how the pop came to be in russia. despite stringent export regulations. ukraine's florida minister once tried to restrictions on west and exports almost every may so russian me so that we should on, has a detail from produced into west. and so there are hundreds of myself being shot at us. and for ukraine, west in pots in high tech, russian weapons are
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a matter of life and death. it's a transition to a greener economy is a central theme at this year's world economic forum. us climate envoy, john terry kicked off the discussions on that front. kerry projected that the transition towards clean energy would not be interrupted regardless of who wins this year's us elections. he also praised china for the speed of its renewable energy rollout, and she said the world already have the knowledge needed to reach climate goals. we have to develop the technology to actually live up to our requirement by 2030. we're just not deploying it fast enough to tell you who is deploying it fast enough as a place called china, which is deploying more renewables and manufacturing more renewables than all the rest of the world put together. and i guarantee you that the amount of renewable
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they are now already deployed. we even though they may not have changed it publicly, is going to have an impact on the date that they pete faxed a dock sale and documentary following a bank are in move by. stay with us. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on business. so really indeed much now on youtube might be expecting me to have a video maybe like typically like.


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