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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin, color and france broker. a new, a deal for gossip guitar says that the agreement for the delivery of more humanitarian aid and medical supplies to people in the gaza strip, including is really hostages being held captive by him off. also coming up the united states as that had intercepted a shipment of iranian weapons, found for young men and who the officials claimed another missile attack on a cargo ship in the red sea, plus reef and fighting. and the armoire has caused thousands of people to flee to india. our correspondent visits some of the 30000 refugees in the indian border
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states of miss around. although welcomed by the local population, they have no legal status and face daily hardship the . i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. guitar says that it has brokerage a deal between israel and tomas for the delivery of humanitarian aid and medicines to civilians outside does that, including israel is being held captive by him. off of this deal done with cooperation with france comes amid repeated international calls for a cease fire is really government says that it will maintain military pressure on him, off to eliminate the group, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. but these really defense minister says that the military will switch tactics and start scaling back its military
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operations in the south of the territory. as trucks of aid enters through gaza, southern border with egypt, smoke rises over rafa. residents and the border city spent the morning looking through rubble from a strike the night before. even as israel says it will tell him down the intensity of its operations. there they say 12 of their neighbors died. a new tact is the nothing. how would they at fault they were having dinner? we want peace. notable look at the destruction in the neighborhood. people were bombed by israeli strikes, well having dinner as the trails of destruction and gods expand the conditions for palestinians and the territory are deteriorating. further. israel has signaled that the war and gauze is moving into new phase, but says it's main aim to eliminate him off still remains. the military releasing
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these videos of continuing operations stated to be targeting him off militants killing fighters and taking down rocket launch sites. but people here say it's civilians war bearing the brunt. many of them children like 6 year old, safe. his father says his son died from shrapnel injuries after miss. i'll hit close to a school in con eunice where he was playing to look at the bottom of i ran out and i saw him on the ground. i called out safe, safe, but he didn't move. then i found a piece of shrapnel. it pissed his heart from one side and then it came out of his back. they tried to resuscitate him, but there was no use. safe. died as well as real, are use that military pressure is the only way to secure the release of more than 100 hostages still being held by homos. and despite renewed calls for sees fire,
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the government says it won't stop. and when we use the new tactics to kill them, us leadership described as the head of the snake will special corresponds. and abraham is in jerusalem where she has more insight on the deal to help people in gaza with medical aid to france. i'm caught our late tuesday announced that they have reached a new uh deal with uh, between israel and how much to deliver medicine for the over $100.00 hostages that are still believe to be held in the gaza strip around $45.00 of them. but this is an estimation, have suffer from chronic and illnesses are very, very old and have not had presumably little they've had presumably little access to medical help. and now it's been over
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a 100 days of captivity. they've also had no access to the red cross has not had any access to them during their time of captivity, to check on their medical state and to give their families and give them more clear picture about what's going on with their loved ones. this issue of the red cross is also been very content contentious here in israel with many criticizing the red cross for not a, you know, while enough fulfilling its duty to a check on a captive regardless of the conflict. as the red cross is a neutral party and in, in conflict. and so this news i imagine, will be very, very welcome bye hostage families who have been worried sick about their loved ones since they have been taken. and they need this medicine. of course, the hospital we heard one hostage grandson said that this has,
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this has medication that they should have had from day one abraham interest alone. thank you. of the meantime, the united states says that it has hit more who is the military targets inside government? the u. s. as the strikes were in retaliation for a missile attack by who's the forces on a greek owned cargo ship. on tuesday, the day after the ron backed revel group struck a us on the ship off the coast of government. the who fees said that the attacks were in debt supporting palestinians in israel's foreign casa that rocket fire comes as the us announced. it has seized iranian weapons intended for the rebels. u. s. navy seals rated a vessel near the coast of somalia last week. seizing weapons, including warheads for medium range, ballistic missiles, and antique cruise missiles. washington says that the intercepted shipment is proof
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that iran is still delivering advanced military aid to the who sees who are using it to attack cargo vessels, traveling through the red sea, disrupting global trade. and i asked the shipping analyst and founder of the consult and see if a suit you maritime lars, against and how big a threat this most recent escalation is to key shipping lines and the red sea. it is a clear escalation compared to what we have seen over the past months and not so much of the attack on the greek ship yesterday. that was still in the red sea. but we've seen a couple of attacks now in the gulf of aidan in recent days. that is an escalation because it jeopardizes not only the route up to the east west canal which has been disrupted for more than a months. it also jeopardizes the route that goes into the food sheet, which serves $100000000.00 people in ethiopia. so there's a clear escalation in reason days, patios see the potential for the near term economic impact. how might consumers be impacted? the consumers are going to be impacted,
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not as much as you might think. this is going to lead to delays and supply change, obviously. but he's not going to mean we have one in stock out and you're going to see must have into shields. the inflationary pressure i think, is somewhat overrated. we are seeing freight rates escalate rapidly. of course, but they are actually nowhere near what we saw on june dependent. so what, 10 companies then do to navigate the security crisis in the red sea. how. how would you be advising them with all of that in mind? you know, for you borders, especially in say your up east toes us, everyone does impacted by not go through. so as the easy answer right now is planned for the long hold, assume services will go around africa likely for months. then you could be pleasantly surprised if this de escalate. but for now, that has to be the baseline planning. what's your reaction meantime to this new red c security task force, or these international patrol emissions going to be enough to protect merchant
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vessels? in short, no, what we have seen is there are a couple of vessels that are being as quoted by both friends and you as navies. but overall, even with the tax from the the us in recent days, we have seen absolutely no de escalation. and i would not expect this to have any short term results. shipping analysts large, dense and putting that into context for us. we appreciate it. and a rock has some in the around in ambassador in baghdad in protest after t, ron launched missile strikes into northern iraq, killing several civilians. baghdad called the strikes a blatant violation of its sovereignty and vowed to lodge a complaint with the un security council around the revolutionary guard, so that if fire the missiles that what it says was, isn't a and is released by headquarters in air bill. the seat of a rocks northern semi autonomous curtis region, or destroyed season of scale area near the u. s. consulate in air bill,
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the capital of new, the new rock semi autonomous could if region they were playing by iran, revolutionary jobs to in the ruins, iraq's national security advisor dismissed a ron's claims that the target to be the headquarters for is way the spies and it's regarding the claims of it being a base phase where else massage we have looked into the place and walked around every corner of this house. and every thing indicates that it is a family home for an i rocky businessman from abil. so the claim that is false with the, by the regional politician, said the house belongs to a local real estate magnet. and to his family, they were killed. the prime minister or the rocks could have done region must have a buzz. donnie described the attack as a crime against the code is people speaking on the side lines of the will. he cannot make for them the both bus on he said it runs by center allegations. what
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baseless surprising iran is retaliating against civilians are just on, especially in that we have no animosity towards any of our neighbors especially wrong. tyrone said the attack was in response to recent is really assassinations of the rain in come on. does it didn't say students had a legitimate right to do to what it cool national security threats do. ronald's so strong targets in northern syria that it said were linked to these nomic states terrorist group. the group claimed responsibility for twins, suicide bombings with the cube governs as an official memorial event in iran earlier this month. as well as the tax comments, a time of heightened tensions in the region and see is of a wide display of, of the wall between israel and tie, runs, ally home us. and here now are some other stories making news around the world.
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pakistan says that ron has violated its air space by launching an air strike on his territory that killed 2 children around says that the attack in the border town of palm gore impact of san targeted militant group. josh ida pakistan has condemned the ronnie and strikes calling it a violation of pakistan's sovereignty and want of consequences. in germany, 30000 people have taken to the streets of cologne to oppose the far right alternative for germany political party. the protest on tuesday evening followed reports that party officials met with a group advocating people with non german heritage bi repatriated. protesters have called for the government to ban the party. a missile strike of by russia on the ukrainian city of car keys has injured at least 17 people. the cities may or said the 2 missiles hit a residential building in the city center. and there was no military infrastructure
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nearby. a drone attack on tuesday night, also injured 3 civilians and damaged residential buildings and the southern city of odessa. the recent outbreak of fighting between the on mars military and revel groups near the india myanmar border has led to thousands of myanmar nationals fling into india. the north eastern indian state of middle rom, this hosting more than 30000 people from the 10 ethnic group from the on more. but their prospects are dire as they are left in political limbo. and india does not recognize refugees. w corresponded idea, but visited one of the refugee camps of the state were refugees are living a life of uncertainty or on the edge of india's northern state of music. from this, the future kept his home. hundreds of people from me in march in state since huddling
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and his family flitted across the border of the me and my conduct groups burned down the home and village joining the military. cool in 2021. taking what they quote, detailed hundreds of mines on more to bike to for us on how i missed my home. very much. i want to go back on some hunting young's for his farm lands and the peaceful days before the cool part of the club house, when i saw that the village was bent down, i was heartbroken and i wept for days. i was very sad to know that i have no home or i can return any more with low income for months, he struggles to support his family and his wife. her health has suffered since being here, why he and my heart condition gets worse. and when i think of my religion, our situation, i've difficulty in breathing the telling me not to worry, but i know being
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a refugee is very difficult. i know i'm only sitting holdings out looking for work. he visits this market, but once again, he has no luck today. let me see though they haven't got a job for me. they say i'm too old to work. this is just one of the many refugee camps along music rams border with me and mar each time. lashes are up between general groups and whole dr. oops. there's an influx of migrants. a big deal. well, come here because i've shared ziplock bones. but once here, many displaced people find themselves in limbo and struggle to so why today most of the young mizo association and n g o r on their way to the cab to distribute food and other di,
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essentially the main source of health for people arriving from me in march. okay ma'am. the lead a lot of things, the end is make door to door visits to check families who need assistance. ah, they may have reason low color in zeros like ours help them and that those people are brothers and we belong to the same ethnic tribes, especially those who lived near the muse on main mark borders on it for you. the jim people who live in this camp, predominantly christian every sunday, big gathering this mixture of church to pray for the safety of the people and loved ones left behind the community gathering like this author. despite those types of both on we already that the country, it will be a safe and peaceful place and that's we will not be a refugee. we will be able to return to
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a home. so i live in freedom. our prayers mother country will be a democracy in handling and others who are letting me in mar, no doubt onto things change the contract on home. but the continued to hold the will to find a place where they belong. and let's get more we are joins now by harsh funds from the observer research foundation. think tank in delhi. thank you so much for your time. several ethnic groups from the armoire are seeing intense fighting and lack of security. we know about the ro hinge of, for example, post a little bit more about the situation for the 10 ethnic group. i think cuz you know, the situation is getting worse because the fighting is getting worse than we have seen. how the, the board of the guys and on india and my board to find the,
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the, to democracy, munitions, and the, did this, the government motus and the ministry government. and they're both fighting a vicious lot and in some, in some of these, it's some places. gosh, lots of those funded areas and then the government finishes have been able to push back the memories. and so there is, there is a long distance lack of confidence that just now for beads, nice part of this part of the end. therefore, it follows is anonymous challenge just because traditionally, the jacob new quote was suggesting have those linkages between the 2 sides of the board. and people have been moving freely across the board because of the executive encourages, and the board has not pushed a lot of these people into, into a dire situation and the absorption of yeah, it's a good idea that also puts pressure on the indian state. so these are on for the exam given the started for the pictures and it became pictures, have been able to absolve
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a lot of things. but it also creates local problems there. so i think it's, it's, as you guys situation that you have a look at it and you're using the term refugees. um, but ultimately india is not recognizing them as such. local governments, however, in move around, they don't seem to mind them. however, crossing the border so can you tell us a little bit more about, you know, the, the safety for these individuals who are fleeing from the armoire. once they get to india? i think they to me but he said primarily because uh the united states, a community we really have being absolved and, and to visit leaders to do the vision. disagree. the youth in this body do trying to respond to it and, and, and an extension of the community. so in that sense, i don't think they have any problem with that security. yeah. but i think the broadest challenge, the means that given in, yes, one of the position on the fusions and, and that the challenge ahead increasingly,
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if the patient continues, then the demographics and the resource constraints mean that there, there is going to be a lot of participation around in this area among various communities at the moment it is that it should be stable and they have been absolved the use of helping them with india. but i think it's also a fraction of what happens is all dump, what happens you belong to liability of these people. and i think the problem is not uh, you know, i saw him in the box that it seems to be getting worse. and then i think because the, the, the, the expectation that it'd be more, but if you'd use that, that probably becomes even worse. harsh font and delhi, thank you. as in other news, nato secretary general leon stilton burke has been in the posts for almost a decade. due to his multiple extensions of his term, that was made a 75th anniversary coming up to be marked with
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a summit in washington. the consensus is that the baton should be passed on that occasion. so the race off is on to replace stoughton berg, but who can win? the unanimous support required to use terry schultz reports. for me, it's been one of the most popular guessing games in brussels for years, who will replace again. stilton burge? the norwegian nato chief has been asked to stay on his head of the western military alliance, 4 times, once, even after he'd already accepted another job and it is time for nato leaders to find a good candidate. it's really important that a choice is made early enough and that it is the link from both the european union elections and the campaign for the united states elections. just why the alliance has been unable to find a suitable replacement is not exactly clear in part because there is no official
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procedure for doing so. there has been an unofficial list of desired qualities, experienced as a head of state or government of a country with robust defense spending from a southern or eastern ally and preferably finally, a woman. many names have come up and gone down. currently let be in for administer, christy on his current estonian, prime minister kaya gomez, and outgoing dutch prime minister mark route. you all want the job, which it has gradually emerged as the clear favorite a see for choice with most goes more on ukraine dominating the alliance. agenda thursday, the sense that i'm having somebody from the baltic states to, to be at the state, so would be somehow caught the productive short term for one. it's difficult to see what exactly done. the problem is because the relations with russia are frozen at this point. in any case,
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mark which is reported leave the only candidate who has been discussed by nato ambassadors. and while this all takes place behind the scenes, kind of call is, is making clear. she's notice that what used to be considered the desired qualities . and a new leader which she fulfills seem to have changed. take a look. it should definitely be from a country that has spend to 2 percent of the gdp on defense, and it would be nice if it would be a woman. so it's logically smarter than a stone use. defense spending will reach 3 percent of g d p. well, the netherlands won't quite hit nato's target of 2 percent. the nato dynamics are so closely watched that this exchange between a huge and call us at a european union summit lead to suggestions. he may have been using the opportunity to build consensus for the job on the other side of town. we asked. no, no, no, no, no, no. but it's not only european support,
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a new nato secretary general will need with us elections looming. there is still the question of picking someone who could adapt to a variety of possible outcomes in washington. and some of those outcomes could be very challenging, politically for europe. yeah, stilton bank are into the title of the trump whisper. how? because you were so successful at manage and then us presidents, distain for nato, and route to m a already have an advantage there. should it become necessary? we've become friends over the last couple of years. and, but even though speculation has gone on for years inside or say it's still too early to predict the outcome, nothing is decided until everything is decided. the one thing that does seem certain is against oldenburg will finally get to leave the post as the 2nd longest serving nato secretary general. so far as, as here are some other headlines from around the world. russian president vladimir
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putin has met with north korea's foreign minister in moscow. both sides held their deepening ties, pretend, has accepted an invitation to visit p on. yeah, but it's not clear when that will be the west suspects. north korea is providing russia with weapons for the war and ukraine. china as population, has fallen for the 2nd year in a row, dropping by 2000000 people in 2023. the drop comes in mid records, low birth rates, and the wave of coping 19 deaths after strict lock downs ended. the government statistics bureau says that china's total population now stands at $1400000000.00. the transition to a greener economy is a central theme at this year's world economic forum. u. s. climate envoy, john kerry kicked off the discussions on that front. he predicted that the transition toward clean energy would not be interrupted regardless of who wins. this year's us elections. he also praised china for the speed of its renewable
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energy roll out. he said the world already has the knowledge needed to reach climate goals. we today have to developing technology to actually live up to our requirement by 2030. we're just not deploying it fast enough to tell you who is deploying it fast enough as a place called china, which is deploying more renewables and manufacturing more renewables and all the rest of the world put together. and i guarantee you that the amount of renewable they are now already deployed. we, even though they may not have changed it publicly, is going to have an impact on the date that they pete. a quick reminder of the top stories that we are following for you guitar in france brokerage a new deal for casa guitar, says the agreement will see delivery of humanitarian aid and medical supplies to civilians into because of strep, including those as rarely as being held captive by him of the united states,
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as it has intercepted a shipment of iranian weapons, found for young men of who's the officials have claimed another missile, a task on a cargo shift in the red sea up next to this eco india. there with this you can, thanks for watching the
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india project. time goes $1050.00. the animal rights activists in madhya pradesh. take a holistic approach. it's not that that goes on more important than to the birds or the monkeys, or don't mind tigers. they come up on ridge or look on vision efforts. can we focus to benefit all forest dwellers, eco, india. next on d,
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