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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. the united states strikes moore, who is the military targets inside. yeah. man, washington says that it also intercepted a shipment of a ronnie and weapons bound for you. i'm in the latest us strikes. come after who's the officials claim to get another missile attack on a cargo ship and the red sea also coming up guitar and france pro for a new, a deal from gaza. the agreements will see delivery of march humanitarian aid and medical supplies to people in the gaza strip, including as well as hostages held by him off. and the rop recalls it's invested or
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from a ron for consultations. the move following in iranian missile attack in northern iraq killed several civilians. iran says it's targeted and is really 5 base the . i'm sarah kelly, welcome to the program. the united states says that it has hit more who a few military targets inside them in the us says the strikes were in retaliation for a missile attack by who the forces on a greek owned cargo ship. on tuesday, a day after the ron backed revel group struck us on the ship off the coast of the i'm in the who these said that the attacks were aimed at supporting palestinians in israel's war and gaza. now that rocket fire comes as the us announced it has seized
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a ronnie and weapons intended for the rebels. u. s. navy seals rated a vessel near the coast of somalia last week. seizing weapons, including warheads, for medium range, ballistic missiles, an antique cruise missiles. washington says the intercepted shipment is proof that iran is still delivering advanced military aid to the who fees who are using it to attack cargo vessels, traveling through the red sea, disrupting global trade. while i asked the shipping analyst and founder of the consultancy, this poochie maritime lars jensen, how big a threat this most recent escalation is to to shipping lines in the red sea. it is a clear escalation compared to what we have seen over the past months. and not so much of the attack on the greek ship yesterday that we're still in the red sea. but we've seen a couple of attacks now in the gulf of aiden in recent days. that is an escalation because it jeopardizes not only the route up to the swiss canal which has been
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disrupted for more than a months. it also jeopardizes the route that goes into due booty, which serves $100000000.00 people in ethiopia. so there's a clear escalation in recent days. how do you see the potential for the near term economic impact? how might consumers be impacted the consumers going to be impacted? not as much as you might think. this is going to lead to delays and supply change. obviously, but it's not going to mean we have one in stock out and you're going to see you must have into sales. the inflationary pressure, i think, is somewhat overrated. we're seeing freight rates escalate rapidly, of course. but they are actually nowhere near what we saw joined dependent. so what 10 companies then do to navigate the security crisis in the red sea. how. how would you be advising them with all of that in mind? yeah, for you borders, especially in say your up east toes us, everyone does impacted by not going through. so i guess the easy answer right now is plan for the long hold. assume services will go around africa,
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likely for months, then you could be pleasantly surprised if there's di escalates, but for now that has to be the baseline planning. what's your reaction meantime to this new red sea security task force, or these international patrol emissions going to be enough to protect merchant vessels? in short, no, what we have seen is there are a couple of vessels that are being, is quoted by both friends and us movies. but overall, even with the tax from the, the us in recent days, we have seen absolutely no de escalation. and i would not expect this to have any short term results. shipping analysts, lars, down. so i'm putting that into context for us. we appreciate it. and israel says it has eliminated what it calls a terrorist cell in an air strike on the body plot the refugee camp in the occupied westbank. this footage, released by the is really military shows the attack which targeted a car moving through the cap of a city of novelist. israel says that the leader of
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a palestinian tara network was inside the vehicle. it claims the group was planning an imminent terrorist attack. meanwhile, guitar says that it has the broker to deal between israel and her boss for the delivery of humanitarian aid and medication to civilians. inside garza, it includes as well as being held cop captive by him off which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. special corresponded abraham has more of what it means for the is really hostages. now it's been over a 100 days of captivity. they've also had no access to the red cross has not had any access to them during their time of captivity, to check on their medical state and to give their families, you know, more clear picture, but what's going on with their loved ones. this issue of the red cross has also been a very content contentious here in israel with many criticizing the red cross for
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not you know, well enough fulfilling its duty to a check on a captive regardless of the conflict. as the red cross is a neutral party and in, in conflict. and so this news i imagine, will be very, very welcome bye hostage families have been worried sick about their loved ones since they have been taken. and they need this medicine. of course, the hospital we heard one hostage grandson said that this has this has medication that they should have had from day one. and that was dw special, corresponding abraham in jerusalem to pakistan says that a ron has violated pakistan's, aerospace by launching an air strikes on his territory that killed 2 children. according to the iranian stave, media, the attack on the border town of encore in pakistan, targeted headquarters of the militant group. josh, i'll do
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a ron has accused the group of launching terrorist attacks on iranian soil. pakistan has condemned to the iranian strikes, calling it a violation of pakistan's sovereignty, and as more of consequences. meanwhile, a rock has summons the around in invested are in fact that in protest, after 2 round launched missile strikes into northern iraq, killing several civilians. baghdad called the strikes a blatant violation of its sovereignty, and vowed to lodge a complaint with the un security council around the revolutionary guard said that it fired the missiles at what it said wasn't, is released by headquarters in air bill, the seat of a rock northern semi autonomous curtis region to destroy seat an upscale area near the u. s. consulate in air bill, the capital of new, the new rock, samuel tournaments, could if region they were playing by iran. revolutionary jobs to in the ruins,
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iraq's national security advisor dismissed to ron's claims. that the target to be the headquarters for is wally spies. and it's regarding the claims of it being a base for israel from a side. we have looked into the place and walked around every corner of this house . and every thing indicates that it is a family home for an i rocky, businessman from abil. so the claim that is false with the bother, what else? we do. politicians said the house belongs to a local real estate magnet and his family. they were killed. the prime minister or the rocks could just, i'm region must have a buzz. donnie described the attack as a crime against the code. is people speaking on the side lines of the will. he cannot make for them the both bus on he said the wrong on spice center allegations . what baseless surprise, the discomfort left, we don't know why you're wrong is because of using against civilians are just on,
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especially in that. i mean, we have no animosity towards any of our neighbors wrong. tyrone said the attack was in response to recent his riley assassinations of the rain in come on, does it didn't say students had a legitimate right to do to what it cool, national security threats. iran also struck targets in northern syria that it said were linked to these nomic states terrorist group. the group claimed responsibility for twins, suicide bombings with the cube governs as an official memorial event in iran. earlier this month, it runs a tax comments, a time of heightened tensions in the region and see is of a wide display of, of the wall between israel and ty, runs, ally home us a quick look. now at some other headlines from around the world, the china is population has fallen for the 2nd year in a row, dropping by 2000000 people in 2023. the drop comes a mid record, low birth rates,
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and a wave of cope is 19 deaths after strict lock downs and then the government statistics . bureau says that china's total population stands at $1400000000.00 in germany. 30000 people have taken to the streets of cologne, to oppose the far right alternative for germany political party. the protest on tuesday evening followed reports that party officials met with a group advocating people with non german heritage the repatriated protesters have called for the government to ban party. a missile strife by russia on the ukrainian city of car key has injured at least 17 people park cheese. mayor says 2 missiles hit a residential building in the city center, and there was no military infrastructure nearby. a drone attack on tuesday night, also injured 3 civilians and damaged residential buildings in the southern city of odessa. when our president will load them as
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a landscape says every russian missile fired at ukraine contains components originating in the west. research by german public television backs up this claim and at least one documented pace. a russian cruise missile included western parts, despite the international ban on weapons, exports. the aftermath of the russian and striking southern ukraine. several people were injured as the drone and miss all attack target to departments and businesses. this ukranian army research team has uncovered evidence. russian weaponry commonly includes 4 electronics, micro chips, cameras, antennas, and processes. the step is just to say it's a list of everything involving high precision technology, picking you up the computing for itself and high speed processing. the saw him and your premiums, if it's all important fits with the state of california. so it's important important, and that includes this white crumbs form a thought of
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a russian cruise missiles on board computer it's mocked made in the usa. the serial number indicates it was supplied in september 2022 well off to the will began. the us supply of why call did not respond to inquiries or explain how the pop came to be in russia. despite stringent export regulations. ukraine's foreign minister once tied to restrictions on west and exports almost every may. so rushing me so that we should don, has a detail from produced into west. and there are hundreds of me solves being shot at us. and for ukraine, west in pots in high tech, russian weapons, are a matter of life and death. the transition to a greener economy is
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a central theme at this year's world economic forum. us climate envoy, john kerry predicted that the transition toward clean energy would not be interrupted regardless of who wins this year as us selection. he also praised china for the speed of its renewable energy rollout. and he said that the world already has the knowledge needed to reach climate goals. we have to develop the technology to actually live up to our requirement by 2030. we're just not deploying it fast enough a day. who is the appliance as sonata as a place called china, which is deploying more renewables and manufacturing more renewables than all the rest of the world put together. and i guarantee you that the amount of renewable they are now already deployed. we, even though they may not have changed it publicly, is going to have an impact on the date that they pete out of an extra public and primary in new hampshire. a former president donald trump, was back in front of
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a new york court to determine whether he will have to pay more damages to e. jean carol for defamation. last year, trump was ordered to pay the journalist $5000000.00 for sexually assaulting carol in 1996. and for denying that it happened, carol is seeking an additional $10000000.00 in damages. will the slightest trial affect trump's front runner status in the race for the republican nomination? we put that to lose shaka and american political analyst who worked for the obamacare pains a more than a dozens of other ones. i think unfortunately for the simple, probably not the 1st one, it seems of the reaction seemed to be a long political lines. the less feels more curious again a trial and the right says look here is being persecuted once again. i do think
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that the republicans are under counting a kind of middle of the road female base that will not take kindly to this, but i don't see it having super long reaching consequences for trump much past the primary season. smith, that you're up to date on dw this. thank you so much for watching. take care the. the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smile. now i meant to go step bog. now, the man who had to maintain him to use light to wagner, what state was it, suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened january 27th on the w the el salvador.


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