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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land katasha. i'm from the broker, a new a deal for garza gets also the agreement. we'll see the delivery of more humanitarian aid and the medical supplies to people in the gaza strip, including is really hostages being held captive by come off. also coming up on the program, recent slicing in man law has caused thousands of people to flee into india. all correspondent visits some of the 30000 refugees in the indian board of state. and these are um, well they welcomed by the local population. they have no legal status and they face
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daily hardship and anthony berlington coles on israel to help facilitate a pos way to a palestinian state. the us secretary of state speaks of the world economic forum will get more from our correspondence in depth of the money and welcome to the program. israel says it has eliminated what it calls a terrorist. so, in an asteroid on the ballasa refugee camp in the occupied westbank. now this message released by the is really military shows the attack, which target to the call moving through the camp in the city of novelist. i'm a to assess age posted on social media, shows the vehicle on file as well as the leader of the palestinian terror and that what was inside that call. it claims the group was planning an imminent terrorist
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attacks. meanwhile, katasha says it has broken a deal between israel and homos for the delivery of humanitarian aid and medication to civilians inside dogs. and now this includes, is riley's who are being held captive by him. us, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. the 1st supplies are expected to start arriving, arriving in gaza today. and some more we can bring in china low from the norwegian refugee council, which operates in gaza and she joins me now from jerusalem. thanks so much for your time. shayna. can you tell us how much of a difference will this deal make for palestinians and goals left? you know, the amount of assistance needed in god the is of such a great number that really i as much as we welcome to deal and the fact that medical supplies and aid will be coming in there needs to be
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a massive scaling up this one off delivery is nowhere near enough to meet the basic needs of the population. people are starving. people are without shelter, it is cold and rainy here in, in the occupied. tell us demand territory really we, we are happy to see that more able be coming in, but it, it is nowhere near enough. and the reality is that the systems for civilians living in gaza should not be negotiated to deal. this is a, this is a life saving assistance like the staining of system that's really necessary. um, an entry just and should just be allowed in without obstacles without negotiations because it is so desperately needed by people. what kind of a, what kind of medications do people need? most right now, or people need everything from, from medicines to manage chronic illnesses, diabetes,
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kidney disease. but also of course, medical supplies to, to treat those were still continuing to be wounded and is really airstrikes and, and, and as part of this problem defensive, i need anesthesia to be able to perform surgeries, where people were, where people now are, are undergoing c section surgeries without, without pain killers. i so really, every type of medicine is needed in gaza. supplies are running, low medical supplies are running low and, and, and everything needs to go. in right now, there's no specific uh thing that will be the ticket to resolving the humanitarian grades in garza because we need such a great influx of a medicine food. and i'm afraid we have lost shaina then that's we. we will try and get her back later. shayna low that was from the norwegian refugee refugee council. we're going
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to move on now with a look at some of the headlines making news around the world. and the united site says it has hit more who feet military targets inside e m in the us as strikes. what in retaliation for miss all attacked by who's the forces on a greek and called called o shit. on tuesday, a day off to the around the backed rebel group struck us own ship off the coast of human pakistan says iran has violated its space by launching an s strike on it's tara tree. 2 children were killed as a result. iran says the attack in the board, a town of times go and practice done. targeted a militant group called josh, i add all pack has done, has condemned the rainy and strike cooling it, a violation of pack us down sovereignty and has won this consequences. sign is population has full and so the 2nd via and the roof dropping by 2000000 people in
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2023. and a, this comes amid a record low birth rate and a wave of code 19 dash off to a strict, strict locked down ended. the government's statistics. bureau says china's total population stands at $1400000000.00. now thousands of me in law nationals from different ethnic minorities have been sling the country since the qu, that in 2021 wasn't fuzzy 1000 from man. most sion ethnic group have settled in north east and india, then mostly of christian minority from the border region. but for those who have fled to india, prospect on dia, then not recognized as refugees, and they've been left in the political limbo, w's auto bought, visited one of the refugee camps in the indian state of miss around where refugee is a living, a life of uncertainty on the edge of india's northern state of music from this that
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a future camp is home. hundreds of people from me in march in state sent, huddling at his family for that across the border of the me and my when got groups button down, get home and village joining the military. cool. in 2021. taking what they quote, detailed hundreds of mines on motorbike to for us on how i missed my home very much . i want to go back and send heading units for these farm lands. and the peaceful days before the cool part of the club house, when i saw that the village was bent down, i was heartbroken and i wept for days. i was very sad to know that i have no home or i can return anymore along with low income for months. he struggles to support his family and his wife, the health has suffered since being here. here my heart condition gets worse. and when i think of my religion, our situation,
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i've difficulty in breathing the telling me not to worry, but i know being refugees of a difficult. i know i'm only sitting holdings out looking for work. he visits this market, but once again, he has no luck today. let me see though they haven't got a job for me. they say i'm too old to work, and this is just one of the many refugee camps along music rooms border with me and mar each time lashes that are up between to wrap the groups and hold dr. oops, there is an influx of migrants. they are welcomed here because of shared ziplock bones, but once here, many displaced people find themselves in limbo and struggle to so why today most of the young music association and
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n g o r on the way to the cab to distribute food and other be essentially the main source of health for people arriving from me in march. okay, ma'am. the elite, a lot of things who lot and is the make door to door to visit, to check families who need assistance. the main reason local learn 0 is like ours. help them in that those people are brothers and we belong to the same ethnic tribes, especially those who live near the muse or i'm in mar borders. funny to for you. the gym. people who live in discount, a pre dominant, she christian. every sunday, the gathering this makes shift church to pray for the safety of the people and loved ones left behind the community gathering like this author. despite the fact that both on we already know that the country it will be
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a safe and peaceful place and that we will not be refugees. we will be able to return to a home. so i live in freedom pro is not a country, would it be a democracy in handling and others who are flooding in mar, no doubt until things change the contract on home, but they continue to hold. they will find a place where they belong. more on that story from credit, but pun ju, them who is the editor of the impel review and his compet, the conflicts in the region extensively product. welcome to the w, since the coo and me and ma, almost 3 years ago, several ethnic groups of fled the country. can you tell us why? but shouldn't people are leaving? oh, that's because of the conflict there and the fight has been going on for a long time. and the army as with attacking the groups which are existing. uh,
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the agenda with that is the basic reason why the people had to flee their home and they shall go ahead and say for places. okay, so the playing to india, you said that looking for safe places. the india doesn't recognize refugees. does it say? so what kind of security is on all for the, for the chan or cause it's that's again, another source of this kind of the circumstance where they didn't. goodman has not assigned to their physical isn't the agreement. and which is why they reduced or not recognize here. so the argument special status and it says that the but without any official kind of a, i said they are of the would be, you know, officially they live in india by sales, bigger and shelter, onto my thing down. and also, but many, many of the people who come across actually go to dairy with a list of says, with the u. n. c r. and there's a good that if you're just it is. and then the,
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i think the countries which should have been made is that if it is, but it's really unfortunate, very tragic, what's happening now. okay. and what about the, the, the political situation? i mean, it is the situation creating tension between india and me and the between the governments, the between the government is not so much because of the a big. ready move and uh, but uh, because uh china is old, interested in man, mar, india has was, uh, some of a lot of adjacent man might as well be active policy to connect with the east. but because of china, that is this opposition to try and uh, it has a strong presence and then need to have a strong presence there. and my, because they need to sorta sorta route that to do that, do the notion. otherwise, they would have to go by the mother distribute despite the weather before and, and drain a has a big stick there. and, and that was for, has the, has a prompted all the countries who have an interest in me and my not so much for me
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and my okay, for me, i'm not also, but also because i know that there's some of the big bar politics is that okay, a complicated situation, credit past due, but thanks so much for bringing us up to date. thank you very much. to the nato secretary general. he had it stolen book as being in his post for almost a decade due to multiple extensions of his tongue. with mesa is 75th anniversary coming up with for the month with the summit in washington. the consensus seems to be that the bass on it should be post on that occasion. so the race is on to replace starting. but who might win the unanimous support that's required. the double use. terry schultz has been looking into it. the police. it's been one of the most popular guessing games in brussels for years, who will replace again stilton burge?
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the norwegian nato chief, has been asked to stay on his head of the western military alliance, 4 times, once, even after he already accepted another job. it is time for nato leaders to find a good candidate. it's really important that a choice is made early enough and that it is the link from both the european union elections and the campaign for the united states elections. just why the alliance has been unable to find a suitable replacement is not exactly clear in part because there is no official procedure for doing so. there has been an unofficial list of desired qualities, experience as a head of state or government of a country with robust defense spending from a southern or eastern ally and preferably finally, a woman. many names have come up and gone down. currently let be in foreign
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minister christy on his current estonian prime minister kind of goal is and outgoing does prime minister mark route you all want the job which is gradually emerged as the clear favorite. a c for choice with must goes more on ukraine, dominating the alliance agenda. there is the sense that to having somebody from the baltic states to, to be at the state to be somehow got the productive short term for one. it's difficult to see what exactly then the problem is because the relations with russia are frozen at this point, in that case, mark, which is reportedly the only candidate who has been discussed by nato ambassadors. and while this all takes place behind the scenes, kind of call is, is making clear. she's notice that what used to be considered the desire qualities . and a new leader which she fulfills seem to have changed. take a look. it should definitely be from a country that has spend to 2 percent of the gdp on defense,
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and it would be nice if it would be a woman. so it's not like a smart for it that estonia is defense spending will reach 3 percent of g d p. well, the netherlands won't quite hit nato's target of 2 percent. the nato dynamics are so closely watched that this exchange between a good and call us at a european union summit lead to suggestions. he may have been using the opportunity to build consensus for the job. on the other side of town. we asked, no, no, no, no, no, no. but it's not only european support, a new nato secretary general will need with us elections looming. there is still the question of picking someone who could adapt to a variety of possible outcomes in washington. and some of those outcomes could be very challenging, politically for europe. yes, stilton are under the title of the trump whisper. how? because you were so successful at manage. and then us presidents, distain for nato,
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and route to m a already have an advantage there. should it become necessary? we've become friends over the last couple of years and, but even though speculation has gone on for years inside or say it's still too early to predict the outcome, nothing is decided until everything is decided. the one thing that does seem certain is against oldenburg will finally get to leave the post as the 2nd longest serving nato secretary general so far and dw correspondent terry shows who filed that report joins me now for mortgage. see terry? so still in the bugs tub has been extended 4 times. is it really so hard to find a suitable replacement for him? explained to us? evidently it is anya, because as i said they're in the report, he will be the 2nd longest serving in history. and there have been other times that
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they thought he would leave, and the alliance simply couldn't come up with someone to get enough countries behind it, which by the way, is every one to replace them. so it's not so surprising that his 1st term was renewed. he was a 1st, a pointed to the post in 2014, so 4 years later, think about it. you were getting into some, you know, dangerous territory there in the united states with the trump presidency and nobody wanted to rock the boat. so that wasn't so surprising then when it came up for renewal again, you had rushes were a new cream. and again, everyone thought, well, we don't really want to make any changes while we're in such a sensitive situation. and that simply has stretched into almost 10 years, but now it's definitely been decided that in washington at the 75th anniversary, stilton berg will hand over the baton. okay, the time has come to you suggest the process happens essentially behind closed doors. why isn't it more transparent or i wish i had
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a really good answer for that. i don't know why, because of course, when you look across town at the european union of elections for their highest leaders, everybody knows who the leading candidates are and here it's not even considered something you do that you announce your running. in fact, the way margaret to announce his intention to be considered was that on a local on a dutch language radio station, he said that he wouldn't mind seeking the job now kind of college has been much more forthcoming as has the latvian foreign minister. of course you on his car as both thing. yeah, i would, i would like that job. but again, as i mentioned in the report, they are not the front runners. and i think it's because so many of the discussions are about such sensitive information. you know, national security issues and no country really wants to show its hand and not support a candidate because again, you've got this issue of unity. everybody is going to have to get along and perhaps they would prefer that no one knows exactly which candidate they supported. yeah, so not an easy process. now you mentioned that the new secretary general would need
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to have a good relationship with the u. s. president and your report again, you know, the dynamic was donald trump and his last time does trumps when in the iowa caucuses, potentially change nato's calculations that will. so i think it, it basically propels the, the sort of dynamics we've already seen that they were very much looking at who can get along with trump. and this was even before that went in iowa, was already, we've been talking about it, you know, already for, for more than a year since it became clear that trump would likely be the leading republican candidate and mark where the day has been examined. and there is another situation which you didn't see in my report where trump said it would be fine if the us and the you did not get a trade agreement route to interrupt him and says, no, no, that would not be okay. we need an agreement. so he's been shown to both get along with trump. it also stand up to trump a bit. and i think that's with propelling
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a lot of this comfort level with mark or is it people aren't so sure how trump would react to a female nato secretary general. know when suggesting that would be the main reason you wouldn't pick a woman, but i can definitely say that it's playing into i would say the popularity of the outgoing, desperate minister pass. nice thing, dw correspondent terry schultz. sorry, thanks so much for your insights. the okay, here is some of the headlines making news around the world and a missile strike by russia on the ukrainian city of pocky has injured at least 17 people keeps may a said to me, so has a residential building in the city center. and there was no military infrastructure nearby. a drone attack on tuesday night, also injured 3 civilians and damaged residential buildings in the southern city of, of this, russian president vladimir putin has met with north korea's foreign minister in moscow. both sides hailed the deepening ties. mister pearson has accepted an invitation to visit young. yeah. and, but it's not yet clear when that will be the west suspects. north korea is
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providing russia with lessons for the war in ukraine. a gemini, so see 1000 people have taken to the straits of cologne to oppose the fall right and sent it to the germany political policy. the protest on tuesday evening followed reports that policy officials met with a group advocating that people with non german heritage be repacked created, protest as have called for the government to bind the policy. and staying in germany, heavy snow full and re in, in the center and south of the country have led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights and trains, icey roads. of course, several accidents. many schools and kindergarten has been closed for the day. now speaking at the world economic forum in doubles the us secretary of state anthony, blinking said he cannot think of a time when there's been a greater multiplicity of challenges and not trans dissipated interview. he
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described the conflict in gaza as got read changes and said what's needed is a palestinian state that gives people what they want and works with israel to be effective. what kind of deals i talked about taiwan and said that despite differences with china, that opportunities for co operation. conversely engage with that part. i was going across straight to the of us now to get more from a correspondent they've been, since they didn't. hi, ben, can you tell us more about what the us secretary of state said the shuttle diplomacy continues? and yeah, and it's diplomacy on numerous fronts, not just the china challenges, but also the real complex played out in ukraine, trying to fend off the russians and the gallons of war. uh, so a very tricky time. high level meetings, on old levels here in davos. but praise coming from blinking for the bravery of u. n. 8 workers in gaza. he said it's
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a troubled situation and certainly wasting on president of numbers of 8 workers dying in this conflict. unprecedented numbers of medics journalists and palestinian civilians. the scots are going to be deep following this conflict, and following those, how must hair attacks on october 7 on israel, blinking said that sustained solution is going to need a vision of a palestinian state blankets also match with ukraine's lead of loaded me so landscape promising more funds they were talking about the battlefield situation. the plans for 2024 and the way ahead and the means to fulfill these needs. a lot of me. so let's keep said that he would increase cooperation and co production of weapons to try to decrease his countries reliance on $4.00 and $8.00 at a time of fatigue. now there was at the base and that also isn't there about this idea of using frozen the russian assets to rebuild ukraine. can you tell us more about
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what's being discussed as well? ukraine says it can't wait for this war to stop to start rebuilding its country by talking about huge areas that have been completely destroyed, tied to rumble, not just housing and infrastructure, but electricity grids as well. hospitals, schools. these all need to be rebuilt now, and it's why blood of me savanski is being here in person this time, not just via video. think to try to drum up support for the reconstruction of ukraine as well as weapons and using these frozen russian assets. we're talking about ukraine saying it needs 400000000000 euros to rebuild the country. the us and e u. a set to of pros and at least 300000000000 euros in the frozen russian state assets. and that money continues to grow low, its frozen,
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generating prophets of some 3000000000 euros. now, germany belgium, easily in france, a very cautious about using even those profits, let alone those frozen assets. it could set, they say a dangerous place that it could also cause financial instability and they were legal questions that need to be answered. but it could also set a very, very important president when it comes to countries thinking about launching was now i was talking to a finance here bill proud of just though the who once had the biggest foreign investment or was behind the biggest foreign investment in ross or until we had to leave the country, he said there was a lot more money get steak here, a lot more in frozen assets that could be used not only to rebuild ukraine, but also to supply it the weapons it needs to end the war. and thanks so much for
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the update that's been submitted and reporting from that all. thanks, daniel. this is a quick reminder. i'll top story for you today. it's all on front so far could a new deal. so garza could tell us as the agreement, we'll see delivery of humanitarian aid and the medical supplies civilians. into this trend, you're watching the w needs, the,
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