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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from the land katasha. i'm from broker a new a good deal for garza katasha is the agreement we'll see delivery of more humanitarian aid and medical supplies to people in the gaza strip, including is really hostages being held captive by hum full. so coming up late in the usa and you were search by jim and reports as backs up ukraine's claim that the spice sanctions to many weston components are still making that way into the russian weapons that are causing devastation in new me blinking coals on
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israel to help facilitate a pathway to of palestinians states. speaking of the world economic forum, lincoln said, israel shred, help not him that the palestinian authority will get more from across from the other era minute this mckena good to have you with us. israel says it has eliminated what it calls a terror, a cell in an asteroid on the ballasa, a refugee camp in the occupied westbank. this message released by the is really minutes free shows the attack, which targets through the call moving through the comp in the says you have nobliss . i'm going to for says, posted on social media shows the vehicle on file is ralph as the leader of the palestinian terran, at what was inside that call. it claims the group was planning an imminent terrorist attack. meanwhile, katasha says it has broken
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a deal between israel and from us for the delivery if she monetary and aid on medication to civilians inside golf. and now this would include as riley's who are being held captive by hum us, which is considered as a terrorist organization. by many countries, the 1st supplies are expected to start arriving in gaza. today, i spoke earlier to shayna lo, who's from the norwegian refugee council, which operates and gaza, miles to how much of a difference this deal will make for palestinians. and this trip, as you know, the amount of assistance needed in da da is of such a great number that really i as much as we welcome this deal. and the fact that medical supplies and aid will be coming in, there needs to be a massive scaling up. this one off delivery is nowhere near enough to meet the basic needs of the population. people are starving. people are without shelter,
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it is cold and rainy here in, in the occupied pals demand territory. really we, we are happy to see that more able be coming in, but it is nowhere near enough. and the reality is that the systems for civilians living in gaza should not be negotiated to deal. this is a, this is a life saving assistance like the staining of them that's really necessary. um, an entry just and should just be allowed in without obstacles without negotiations because it is so desperately needed by people. and that was shiny low from the new weird refugee council talking to us the idea. we're going to take a quick look now, some of the headlines from around the world and pakistan says that iran has violated its space by launching an s strike on its territory. 2 children were killed as a result. iran says the attack in a board, a town in pakistan, talking to a militant group called josh idle pakistan is pulling the of radians, try cause violation of pakistan, sovereignty and has one of the consequences. and
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a missile stripe by russia on the credit in city of hockey, has injured at least 7 same people of hades may a said to marseilles has hit a residential building in the city center. and there was no military infrastructure nearby. during the attack on tuesday nights, also injured 3 civilians, some damage residential buildings in the southern city of odessa. a new cranium president load him is zalinski says that every russian messiah fired at ukraine contains components originating in the west and research by jim german public television backs up that claim. at least one documented case of russian cruise missile included western parts, and that is despite the international bond on wesson's, exports the aftermath of the russian and striking southern ukraine. several people were injured as the drone and miss all attack target to departments
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and businesses. this ukranian army research team has uncovered evidence. russian weaponry commonly includes 4 electronics, micro chips, cameras, antennas, and processes. set this just the fluid, so everything involving hype, precision technology, that can you what the computing for itself and high speed processing, the saw him and your friends, if it's all important fits with the state of california. so it's important important, and that includes this white crumbs form a thought of a russian cruise missiles on board computer it's mocked made in the usa, the serial number indicates it was supplied in september 2022 well off to the will began the us supply of why code did not respond to inquiries or explain how the pop came to be in russia despite stringent exploit regulations. ukraine, spar, and administer once tied to restrictions on west and exports. almost
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every may so rushing me so that we should down has a detail from produced into west and there are hundreds of me solves being shot at us. and for ukraine, west in pots in high tech, russian weapons are a matter of life and death. speaking of the world, economic forum and devil see us secretary of state's anthony blinking so that he cannot think of a time when that has been a grace, a multiplicity of challenges and a much anticipated interview. he described the conflicts in garza as got trenching and said that what is needed is a palestinian state that gives people what they want and works with israel to be effective. and also told about taiwan and said that despite differences with china, there are opportunities for corporation. we are convers,
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we engage with that partners, dw correspondent, ben. so susan is in dental, and i asked him of the, of some more about what the us x rate of state said as the shuttle diplomacy continues. and yeah, and it's diplomacy on numerous fronts, not just the china challenges, but also the real complex uh, played out in ukraine, trying to fend off the russians. and the guys are war. uh, so a very tricky time. high level meetings on old levels here in davos. but praise coming from blinking for the pray for each of you and aid workers in gaza. he said it's a troubled situation and certainly wasting on president of numbers of aid workers dying in this conflict. unprecedented numbers of medics journalists and palestinian civilians, the scots are going to be deep following this conflict. and following those promise terror attacks on october 7 on israel. lincoln said that a sustain solution is going to need a vision of
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a palestinian state. lincoln's also met with ukraine's lead uploaded missile and skate promising more funds. they were talking about the battlefield situation. the plans, the 2024, and the way ahead and the means to fulfill these needs. a lot of me, so let's keep said that he would increase cooperation and co production of weapons to try to decrease his country's reliance on part 8 at a time of fatigue. now, there is a, the base and devil's, isn't there about this idea of using frozen the russian assets to rebuild ukraine? can you tell us more about what's being discussed as well? ukraine says it can't wait for this war to stop to start rebuilding. it's con for you, i told you about a huge areas that have been completely destroyed, tied to rumble, not just housing at the infrastructure, but electricity grids as well. hospitals,
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schools. these all need to be rebuilt now. and it's why? lot of mr. lensky has been here in person this time, not just via video. think to try to drum up support for the reconstruction of ukraine, as well as weapons. and using these frozen brush and assets, we're talking about ukraine saying it needs full 100000000000 euros to rebuild the country. the us and e u. a say to of pros and at least 300000000000 euros in frozen russian state assets. and that money continues to grow low, its frozen, generating prophets of some 3000000000 years. now, germany belgium, easily and france a very cautious about using even those profits, let alone those frozen assets. it could set, they say a dangerous price that it could also cause financial instability. and there were legal questions that need to be answered. but it could also said a very,
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very important president when it comes to countries thinking about launching was now i was talking to a finance see a bill proud of just though the who once had the biggest foreign investment or was behind the biggest foreign investment in ross, or until he had to leave the country. he said there was a lot more money get stake here a lot more in frozen assets that could be used not only to rebuild ukraine, but also to supply it the weapons. it needs to end the war. and thanks so much for the update that's been submitted and reporting from that off for a nice x ray, general yen spartanburg has been in his post for almost a decade. now this is longer than usual and it's because his time has been extended several times with mesa is 75th anniversary coming up, which will be mount for the summit in washington. the consensus is but stilton book should pass on the boss and on that occasion. so the races on to find
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a new nato chief, but who can win the unanimous support that is needed? here's the double use. terry schultz with more funny. it's been one of the most popular guessing games in brussels for years. who will replace against oldenburg? the norwegian nato chief has been asked to stay on his head of the western military alliance, 4 times, once, even after he'd already accepted another job and it is time for nato leaders to find a good candidate. it's really important that a choice is made early enough and that it is the link from both the european union elections and the campaign for the united states elections. just why the alliance has been unable to find a suitable replacement is not exactly clear in part because there is no official procedure for doing so. there has been an unofficial list of desired qualities,
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experience as a head of state or government of a country with robust defense spending from a southern or eastern ally and preferably finally, a woman. many names have come up and gone down. currently let be in foreign minister, christiana is current. as tony and prime minister kind of goal is and outgoing does prime minister mark route you all want the job which is gradually emerged as the clear favorite. a c for choice with must goes more on ukraine, dominating the alliance agenda thursday. the sense that to having somebody from the baltic states to, to be at the state to be somehow got the productive short term for. and it's difficult to see what exactly then the problem is because the relations with russia are frozen at this point, in that case, mark, which is reportedly the only candidate who has been discussed by nato ambassadors.
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and while this all takes place behind the scenes, kind of call is, is making clear. she's notice that what used to be considered the desire qualities . and a new leader which she fulfills seem to have changed. take a look. it should definitely be from a country that has spent to 2 percent of the g, b on defense. it would be nice if it uh would be a woman. so it's logically smart for it that estonia is defense. spending will reach 3 percent of g d p. well, the netherlands won't quite hit nato's target of 2 percent. the nato dynamics are so closely watched that this exchange between include and call us at a european union summit, lead to suggestions. he may have been using the opportunity to build consensus for the job. on the other side of town. we asked, no, no, no, no, no, no. but it's not only european support, a new nato secretary general will need with us elections looming. there is still
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the question of picking someone who could adapt to a variety of possible outcomes in washington. and some of those outcomes could be very challenging, politically for europe. yes, stilton are under the title of the trump whisper. how? because you were so successful at manage. and then us presidents, distain for nato, and route to m a already have an advantage there. should it become necessary? we've become friends over the last couple of years and, but even though speculation has gone on for years inside or say it's still too early to predict the outcome, nothing is decided until everything is decided. the one thing that does seem certain is against oldenburg will finally get to leave the post as the 2nd longest serving nato secretary general. so far as you are up to date is coming up. next, we have an interview from devils with the full month british politician and diplomat, malik brown discussing how democracy must either come
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a breakdown of trust in the politics the crown. so that if you can, i'm on you can look into thanks so much for watching the world in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. d, w. d, w, so on pick. so we in fact every day the world wide web feel free to come all the world. we can take the different
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