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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:17pm CET

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and the, this is the w news live from the land. the around the launch is a missile strike on pakistan is not a bad react angrily to the rockets and recalled it's on boy from iran. terror on says it was target sing on a rainy and terrorist group in a region close to it's for this. also coming up on the program katasha on from the broker a new a deal. so garza katasha says the agreement will allow the delivery of more humanitarian aid and medical supplies to people in the gaza strip, including is randy hostages being held captive by some of the
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many groups mckinnon. a very well welcome to the program. tensions arising between pakistan and iran officer and a rainy and asked strike on pack a sony tower tree killed 2 children, karachi recalled. it's on both of those who are ronald wednesday and has expelled the rainy and i'm positive. now, according to rainy and state media, the strike targets hit the head courses of the millison to group j or adult. iran has accused the group of carrying out terrorist attacks on a rainy and soil. let's take a listen to what local authorities impacts don't have say, i guess i'm acceptable terrorism as bucks on sort of my office has put it is a regional challenge. and bucks on has all of his saw cooperation from all the countries of region including it on to convey terrorism. bucks on is
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a victim of terrorism. we're joined now by a gen, let's just read a scary, who is in karachi use rep. can you tell us more about this group, josh eligible, which was the target and this attack? joshua is illusion, talks based which heat on says based out of the pollution on problems in fox pas. as a bonus to note is the timing of this attack on the suppose is set up a suggestion of them. it is interesting to note the box on time and is turned off last match with a high ranking, gearing and official, and you run and focus on what counting up joint metric drugs of the same time. so this attack later in the d a is very recent high along in the area because a lot of products in the region has opened up a sparks. i mean you wrong, i'm now in a combat you state. we do know that box on has record. it's impossible, you don't want to know. they're also entering an investigator who is in town at the
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moment, not to come back to block this time. and we are also, i'm just basically showing that this is the positive or focused on the reaction. so to see. so that is more to come in this pressure about all recently dynamics being out in the so we had mentioned that iran has also carried out the attacks against potential enemy groups in iraq and syria in the last 48 hours. why is list happening now? do we know the timing is very, very interesting to know. especially these will be focused on because we're heading into the general elections on the fender and i'm with another front opening off with yet helping me. but we are not getting the best of terms with our neighbors in a one is fine. and in india, with another far, lou front opening up in a ron, an interesting dynamic may come into play which make in fact, the face of the general elections. in the we said. now that has been some
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cooperation between pakistan and iran in the fight against terrorism. due relations between the 2 countries have a chance of improving again or do you think this might, this attack might damage them permanently? i do believe that the situation this time is a little low on charge. so to say the off you already know can cause is demanding action by box pond or just watching action by boxed on. we also hearing this can not be allowed to continue by anyone else on the boat. and that's what i do see focused on the reaction stream this time around. but how this equation will play off and the also head one have to we watch. okay, now we know the packet sounds for administer has said his country reserves the right to respond. we've spoken about the fact that we're karachi, has recalled it some boss of the to iran. is that any other retaliation you think
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that might be like say from like a stone one is gallery, one cannot confirm at the moment would be all here. this is a 1st step. so to say all the coins, consequences if you don't move face as a result of this attack. so one does need to wait and watch and see how the situation develops. but clearly, a time of turmoil in the vision, a sparks on hits to the children and next phones weeks from now. 10 less just for us gallery from colorado to you. thanks so much for your time. i are now senior, i'm also social says the shipment of medicine intended for thousands of his riley hostages being held in gauze that is on its way to the territory. the delivery comes off that gets ha, i'm from mediation. the 1st agreement between israel and the millicent group, which will also see 8 arriving in garza for palestinian civilians. but the situation in the strip remains, dia, israel has stated it will not stop slicing until it has destroyed hum us,
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which has deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries white shrouds killed at the bodies, all kinds of is killed in his riley strikes. yes, i have one of them, a young girl named masa says the home was hit in an open night attack. and i realized we were sleep and then the me solves fell on us. we got top and could not see anything loud. we started checking on each of us would have had to go was monitored, has siblings where we did, but thank god they're ok. my brother was wounded, his situation is difficult. well, the side of the strike had rough us and gas of south resistance here. say israel has previously said this area would be safe
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enough. i mean the people were sleeping in that house is what they told us to go south. we came here, but there's no safe place. it goes up, not in the north, the south or the middle everywhere is at risk of being hit. it's not just guns that is on the is raining via president sidney occupied with bank film. the aftermath of this is a strike on a con in nablus. this is randall claims, the strong killed a terrorist leader who was planning an imminent attack. the you in the system must be a pump, the way to pace, to stop the conflict, escalating through the globe, disturbing by the sci fi and it's mostly women and children are killed. main bottom is forced from their homes and do not have access to meditative dates. i repeat my call sort of need me to to many, 10 gmc siding, gaza international negotiations have made some progress. a contact broker deal
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will allow desperately needed supplies into gaza, including me to simmons for is riley hostages being held by come us. but there's no sign of an end to the slicing following how mazda is october, stevens, tara attack, which kills more than 1200 people. is rails response has killed mold in 24000 palestinians, according to her master and helpful thirty's. shayna. lo is from the norwegian refugee council, which operates in garza. i also how much of a difference this could top row could a deal will make for palestinians and the strip as well. any amount of mandatory need, any increase in humanitarian aid is needed. the however, i think that the scope of what of the, of the needs in guys that people are in need of food, shelter, clean water medications, medical supplies, the same things we've been demanding for the last 3 months. we need
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a huge increase of major scaling up of 8 in order to really make a dent in the, in the tremendous needs that, that there are 2 things about this deal that i think are important to note. the 1st is that we really need to, to not be linking humanitarian aid to political agreements, is where all of the occupying power has a responsibility to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, $2300000.00 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like for survival in gaza. and we, we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, $2300000.00 in the, on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the
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provision of assistance to innocent civilians, $2300000.00 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians. 2.3000000 in the, on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for sustaining life, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, 2300000 in the on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for, for sustaining life, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, 2300000 in the on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for sustaining life,
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for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, $2300000.00 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians. 2.3000000 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians. 2.3000000 in the on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, $2300000.00 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining like for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the
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provision of assistance to innocent civilians. 2.3000000 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining life, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, 2300000 in the on the ability to provide the necessities for, for sustaining life, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians. 2.3000000 in the, on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for, for sustaining life, for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, 2300000 in the on the ability to, to provide the necessities for, for sustaining life,
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for survival in gaza. and we shouldn't be tying these the provision of assistance to innocent civilians, 2300000 in uh from germany. we expect more heavy snowfall during today tonight and tomorrow morning. but the good news is starting from tomorrow afternoon, the situation that will be better. so i guess the advice would be wrap up woman, thanks nice to home. yes. have a thank you so much and stay we'll and with that you all up to date made in germany is coming up next and it keeps mckenneth thanks so much for watching. dw, the
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