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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land, iran that launches a missile strike on pakistan. and as i'm about react, signed release of the real kids and recalls. it's on vote you from iran. tyrone says it was targeting and in rainy and terrorist group in a region close to it's for that. also coming up on the program, a shipment of medicine makes its way to gauze, or as part of a could tell immediate to deal between israel and from the this as the death toll continues to climb across the street, the icon to arrive soon enough, the civilians course in the crossfire as israel pushed his own with its full again from the
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menu is good to have you with us. tensions are rising between pakistan and iran officer and a rainy and astro icon. pakistani territory killed 2 children, karate recalled at some boss of the to iran on wednesday, and his expelled the rainy. and i'm busted a, according to a rainy in state media. the strike targets has the headquarters of the militant group, j or idle iran has accused the group of carrying out terrorist attacks on iranian soil. let's take a listen to what local authorities impacts don. have to say. it's unacceptable. i told her as i'm as bucks on the phone now office has put it is a regional challenge and bucks on has all of this sort cooperation from all the countries of region including it on to convey terrorism. bucks on is
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a victim of terrorism. is ras gallery is a gen list in colorado change. you tell me more about the dryer, shall auto group that was targeted in this attack, or is it just the is missing talk space, which you don't says is based out of the pollution on problems in pockets. pas is looking for us to note, is the timing of this attack on a suppose this is such a suggestion of them. it is interesting to note that the box on prime minister and almost match with high ranking gearing and additional i'm you wrong and focus on what canning our joint metric drugs at the same time. so this attack later in the d a is very visas high along in the area because another product in the region has opened up a sparks. i mean, you're wrong. i'm now in a calm batch of state. we do know that box on has record. it's impossible, we don't want to know. they're also entering an investigator who is in town at the moment, not to come back to pocket stop. and we are also,
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i'm just basically showing that this is the 1st step of focused on reaction. so to see. so there is more to come in this fresh bought off recently, dynamics thing out india. so we should mention that iran has also carried out the tax against potential enemy groups in iraq and syria in the last 48 hours. why is list happening now? do we know the timing is very, very interesting to know. especially these would be focused on because we're heading into the general elections on the defensive and i'm with another front opening up with yet helping me. but we are not getting the best of terms with our neighbors in a bonus bond and in india, and with another power little front open enough to be drawn. and interesting dynamics may come into play which make in fact, the fate of the general elections in the reset. now, there has been some cooperation between pakistan and iran in the fight against
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terrorism. due relations between the 2 countries have a chance of improving again. what do you think this might, this attack might damage them permanently? i do believe that the situation this time is a little low on charge. so to say the off you already know quarters, demanding action by box palm and yourself doing action by boxed on. we also hearing this can not be allowed to continue by any one off on the boat. and that's what i do see focused on reaction stream this time around. but how this equation will play off and the also head wants to talk to we watch. okay. now we know the packet sounds for administer has said his country reserves the right to respond. we've spoken about the fact that we're karachi, has recall that some boss of the, to iran. is that any other retaliation you think that might be like say from blackstone, one is g r. a one cannot conform at the moment,
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but we all hearing this is the 1st step. so to speak of the cons consequences or you know, on the face as a result of this attack. so one does need to wait and watch and see how the situation develops. but clearly, a time of turmoil in division as fox on hits to the children and actions weeks from now to and let's just try a scarring from colorado. k. thanks so much for your time. as a senior official says that a shipment of medicine intended to dozens of his randy hostages being held in gaza is on its way to the territory. the delivery comes off the cattail in front media to the 1st agreement between israel and the militants. group the agreement will also see 8 arriving and goes up for the palestinian civilians. the situation in the strait remains, dia, israel has stated it will not stop slicing until it has destroyed hom us, which is deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. white shrouds,
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calvert, the bodies of oregon from this killed in is randy strikes. yes, i have one of them. a young girl named masa sees the home was hit in an overnight attack and i realized we were sleep. and then the me solves, fell on us because top and could not see anything loud. we started checking on each of us and it had to go was monitored. has siblings where we did, but fine, go there. ok. my brother was wounded, his situation is difficult. well, the side of the strike had rough us and gallons of south residents here say israel has previously saved this area, would be safe enough. i mean the people were sleeping in that house is what they told us to go south. we came here, but there's no safe place. it goes up,
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not in the north, the south or the middle everywhere, always at risk of being hit. it's not just because that is under is raining via presidents in the occupied with bank film. the aftermath of this is a strike on economy in nablus. this is rachel claims. the strong killed a terrorist leader who was planning an imminent attack. the you in the system must be a pump, the way to pace to stop the conflict. escalating through the globe, disturbing by the c v, and it's mostly women and children i q main bottom is forced from their homes and do not have access to meditative dates. i repeat my call, so i needed to many 10 gmc site in gaza. international negotiations have made some progress. a contact broker deal will allow desperately needed supplies into gaza,
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including medicines for is riley hostages being held by some us. but there's no sign of an end to the slicing following how mazda is october, stevens, tara attack, which kills more than 1200 people. is rails response has killed more than $24000.00 palestinians, according to him, us run helpful. thirty's. shane low is from the norwegian refugee council, which operates in gaza. i also how much of a difference the could top ro could aid deal will make for palestinians in the strip, as you know, the amount of assistance needed in da da is of such a great number that really i as much as we welcome to deal and the fact that medical supplies and aid will be coming in there needs to be a massive scaling up. this one off delivery is nowhere near enough to meet the
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basic needs of the population. people are starving. people are without shelter, it is cold and rainy here in, in the occupied. tell us demand territory really we, we are happy to see that more able be coming in, but it is nowhere near enough. and the reality is that the systems for civilians living in gaza should not be negotiated to deal. this is a, this is a life saving assistance like the staining of them that's really necessary. um, an entry just and should just be allowed in without obstacles without negotiations because it is so desperately needed by people shayna lo from then a way to recreate counsel. this is a quick look at some of the headlines from around the world and the united states. says it has hit more who feet military targets inside the m and the u. s. as the strikes were in retaliation for a missile attack by who's the forces on agree coding to cargo ship on tuesday. that
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was a day off to the around back. trouble groups struck a us own shit off the coast of human for an explosion of fireworks. that freedom central thailand has killed at least 23 people. the cause of loss is being investigated. local officials said the factory was a phrasing. legally, explosion comes less than a month before chinese new year. when fi works are in high demand. in kenya, the court has ordered and alleged doomsday cult leader to undergo mental health checks before he can. he can be charged with murder for mackenzie was arrested last year of to hundreds of his followers were found in mass graves. he alleged to have encouraged them to stop to death, to get into heaven. the gaining of an environmental activist to spunk, protests and central russia. thousands rallied in the small town of by max, after a quote that i gave the local eco activist for years in prison for allegedly incisive hatreds. several people were injured off to police used,
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forced to discuss the crown and ukraine says that at least 20 civilians have been injured in russian missile. and during the tax on the cities of a desa and hockey's authorities say russia sides 2 missiles at hockey. during the nights, his in apartment buildings and the medical center and the open ice attack on a desktop ukraine says it shut down 19 of the 20 drones that will launch by moscow to the residential building in odessa. hit by the debris, a for bonnie and me drones used by russia. ukrainian authorities say they had to evacuate over a 100 residents from here. after the building caught fire. a woman who lives here says she managed to escape the burning building. already it was of the entrance when burning, so me and my neighbor grabbed all the clothes and brown outside. i put my boots and
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jacket on when we were already outside. we just stood there. there was no way to go to shelter. it's far away. then there was a 3rd head. we crouched behind the buildings, the thank god, nothing hit us. other say there on harmed by chance. this apartments resident was not at home. this is my apartment on the 2nd floor, the balcony. the drone headed directly on the local military administration accuses rush of deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure with the boy am will says, so we're not just as downtown as you can see. there are no military target and nearby, only civilians here which leads us to the fact that the enemy keeps terrorizing the civilian population. somewhere in car keys,
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which was also targeted by overnight strikes, cleanup is underway. after work crimes investigators inspected the scene. it's only the latest of many attacks as ukrainians that he's suffer some of the worst bombardment campaigns since the start of russia's invasion in 2022 up here in germany. freezing rain and heavy snow causing tales across several parts of the country. southern germany is particularly affected by the icey conditions, with hundreds of flights cancelled in front for us and munich. many trains of also being delayed or council of school children in the states of hassle and the various had the lessons cancelled because of beat treacherous conditions. the w easier for the but gave us an update from snow. we bone in the west of germany on the traffic hills and least by the weather on the road suite. see these eyes and slippery streets, causing a lot of accidents on the railways. we had
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a lot of delays in particular in between of powers and frank foot and stuff got disconnect and was interrupted and uh, talking about frankfurt of course, the airports a software lot because a lot of flights have been canceled, for example, in munich. and the biggest german airport in frankfort has no outgoing flights anymore. and it's likely that there will be also no incoming sites anymore in the afternoon. as spokes person of the frankfurt airport said. and this situation will go on until tomorrow. they predict that they said so there will be a lot of waiting time for passengers traveling to germany or from germany. we expect more heavy snowfall drink today tonight and tomorrow morning. but the good news is starting from tomorrow afternoon, the situation that will be better and with that you are up to date. but stay with us if you can. we have a documentary coming up next. looking at how big coin is driving the digital gold
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rush in latin america by monday through mccain. and thanks so much for joining us here on the domain in the fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded fashion watch now on youtube the the.


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