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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the the, this is due to the news line from berlin tonight in pakistan, anger. after entering the initial attack, he runs as it targeted and a rainy and terrorist group in a region close to which border islam of odd has reacted and named are recalling its own void from the wrong. also coming up to not a shipment of medicine making its way to gauze this as the death toll continues to climb across the territory. and israel says it is pushing on with, it's more against a moss and then you crane russia launching new missile. and drone attacks,
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authority say at least 20 people were injured in strength on the desk to enforce the cheapest accusing moscow and targeting apartment buildings and a medical center plus demonstrators clashing with riot police inside russia. protest after a local environmental activists is sentenced to 4 years in prison. the breed golf is good to have you with those tensions tonight are rising between pakistan and iran after and a rainy an air strike on pakistani territory killed. 2 children, as lombard, has recalled it's in bassett or to iran and has expelled the radiant ambassador of this video from a local human rights organization is said to show the aftermath of the attack. according to a rainy and state media, the air strike targeted the headquarters of the militant group, j use
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a do. your run has accused the group of carrying out terrorist attacks long and rainy and soil. this is the last few days. iran has launched simular strikes against targets in iraq and syria. here's iran for administer on the attack against the group in pakistan at ticket. cool. totally see it. this group on the so called joyce of the iranian terrorist group. com. and they have taken shelter in some parts of the village is done, province of punk has done demo florida hall that we have talked to officials in august on the security forces there several times to assemble physical cavities. the group has carried out operations in iran with best once in a police station where they killed all security personnel. needle hall. yeah. and as on the model this, what that the resume down. all right, i'm going to bring, you know, ali, i told the new john, director of the center for middle east and global order to help us dig deeper here
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into this story. it's good to have you with this. iran has attacked syrian the rack and now pakistan within the last 48 hours a legend lead to defend itself against terrorism. is this a believable story for you as well? i think we have to be extremely careful about the justifications that are on has provided when it comes to those admin sized strikes. it has connected those strikes to one the attacks and came on late last year, late last year, where the regime was very confused about whom to blame. there was the sonic states was to claim responsibility then. it's not like a revolution guard, so you're running a state media has dismissed the, you know, rob allows you dismissed the possibility that the state was behind it. so instead of your own was pointing fingers that he as well. so when it comes that the
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justifications now iran is also saying that it is retaliating against those behind those terrorist attacks. be the running group mentioned in pakistan or the group actually mex and mentioned in pocket stone or the stomach stage or still most thought headquarters in the northern iraq. i think all of that is not really based on facts. it's a move uh, i believe that the truth may be more connected to the kind of on a bit, but it seems that the some of republic over here on sees him sadly, but also originally witnessed the timing of, of this, these whitening attacks. what does this timing tell you as well? the timing and certainly the reasoning is quite worried about the impending, much double elections for the parliament in the assembly of experts. so word fear is the reputation of an historically low voter turnout. so i believe that the
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calculation behind these attacks is to provoke, you know, some motor attacks directed against iran, which of the region could use for a routing around the flank. in fact, which in mind you will not happen because of the bass gulf that exists between states and society and iran. and secondly, in terms of regional to politics. there is also lots of dissatisfaction when it comes to um your run in responses to uh, these rarely in either else or in gaza. so um, uh, and in that, uh, you know, in this context the one you want to show strength. they're able to bashing out so, but they're not able to lashing out directly against the united states or as well. so i believe those are really, you know, it strikes to show strength, you know, regionally, and those strikes are really not so pre size and have lots of different magic and political, a fiasco actual for the strong republic. if you think if you say that,
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and these are to provoke what is the likelihood in your opinion that we're going to see retaliations by syria, iraq, or, or pakistan. it's obviously serial. you know, the government's a serial pressure of the citizen allied to iran. and i think in terms of reactions, you know, for instance, easily in the united states are not going to be provoked by this, you know, directly attacking your wrong in terms of the reactions from your rock and pocket ste on. i believe that those 2 will also refrain from military action, but it has lots to a diplomatic and again, political crisis for the song republic. even the for administrator of the, of iraq during the world economic forum has been, you know, quite critical. or these are the, a transaction in this class to bring the case between the a to the un security council. so it has been,
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it seems an miscalculation from the iranians. so i didn't also shows to your ons neighbors, even those where being considered draw the friends a den foes like your rock in pa, cust on that the song that public is a deep actually the stabilizing and dangerous fact. uh, uh, for security in the region. i mean, that's all the news on from the center for middle east and global or do we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight? thank you. thank you. the united states has put humans who the militants back on its list of terrorist organizations that following their attacks on shipping in the red sea move slabs truck financial sanctions on the uranium back through the us and u. k. had struck with the targets in yemen and a bit to stop their attacks on vessels in the red sea who these invalid to continue targeting ships until is real stops it defensive. in the gaza strip, the rebel group controls territory where most of humans population lifts. as
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a senior her last officials as a shipment of medicine intended for dozens of his really hostages being held in gaza is on its way to the territory. the delivery comes after guitar in france mediated. the 1st agreement between israel and the militant group. the agreement will also see 8 arriving in gaza for palestinian civilians. the situation inside the territory remains dire. israel have stated that it will not stop fighting until it has destroyed him off, which is deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. white shrouds come with the bodies. oh god forbid is killed in his reign the strikes yes, i have one of them. a young girl named masa, this is the home was hit in an overnight attack. and then i realized we were asleep
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and then the me solves, fell on us because top and could not see anything. when we started checking on each of us would have had to go was not a siblings where we did, but thank god they're ok. my brother was wounded, his situation is difficult. well the, the strike had rough us and gallons of south residents here say israel has previously saved this area. would be safe. smith. and i mean the people were sleeping in that house is that because they told us to go south, we came here, but there's no safe place, a garza not in the north, the south or the middle everywhere. always at risk of being hit. it's not just guns that is on the is raining via president sidney occupied with bank film. the aftermath of this is a strike on a con in nablus. this is randall claims the strong killed a 10 were risk leader who was planning an imminent attack. the you in the system
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must be a pump, the way to pace to stop. the conflict is glazing through the globe, disturbing by the si fi, and it's mostly women. and children i q main bottom is forced from their homes and do not have access to meditative dates. i repeat my cold, so i needed to many teddy and she's fighting gaza international negotiations have made some progress. a contact broker deal will allow desperately needed supplies into gaza, including me to simmons for is riley hostages, being held by come us. but there's no sign of an end to the slicing following how mazda is october, stevens, tara attack, which kills more than 1200 people. is rails response has killed more than $24000.00 palestinians, according to come us run helpful. thirty's. i went across now to jerusalem. and
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bringing julia to my from the humans agency for palestinian refugees. it's good to have you with this. what can you tell us about the current status of medical deliveries to goss? as i have just found, returned from gauze on my cellphone, the situation is absolutely desperate. and there are a severe shortages in medicines, specifically those related to chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer and the subject also because of the pharmacies, the private pharmacies have been ordered by shots. and since um, like for it, for after the 2 weeks after the war began and were not able to replenish supplies, i understand the head of your organization. definitely be a that's a really just finished a tour of gaza and saying that he was shocked by the poor conditions. what did he tell you? how does he describe what he saw there?
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but we were gone south together with the commissioner and my silence. and we went around not only to the south of this time, but we also went to the middle areas where an area of it has witnessed a fresh wave of displacement following the evacuation. or there was but where it should by the is really all sort, these adjusted before christmas. so it was freed with people. people were everywhere. it displays some of them where the space multiple times and wherever you look in the south, especially you have these these structures that were covered with plastic see thing that became people's homes for, for, for now with very, very poor living conditions, including hygiene. earlier today, palestine investment fund chairman mohammed mustafah said at the world economic
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forum, and i'm quoting him, that more people are in gaza or likely to die of hunger and famine than war. so what is being done right now to make sure that that does not happen? it is only a matter of time that um the siege is uh, going to 2 key people in garza, in fact of the siege is the silent killer of people. this is primarily the older people who are not able to get medicare or medicine. its also um children with special needs uh, also due to the lack of medicine. um, but it's also imagine someone having a heart attack and cannot get to the hospitality also because of the re occuring cups in telecommunications. i mean, when i was the, it was impossible to place a phone call on the mobile phone and the internet was extremely punchy. and this is
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the situation for the vast majority of people in dallas uh completely cut out of the world. so indeed the siege is the simon's killer of people in dogs. and soon enough people aren't going to start dying off diseases and of hunger and starvation . julia to, to move press officer for the united nations relief in words, agency for palestine. refugees, we appreciate your time to night. thank you. sorry. here's a quick look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world and explosion at a fireworks factory. and central thailand has killed at least 23 people. the cause of the blast is being investigated. local officials said the factory was operating legally. the explosion comes less than a month before chinese new year when fireworks are in high demand. it can you a court as ordered in the ledge doomsday co leader to undergo mental health checks before he can be charged with murder. hall mckenzie was arrested last year after
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hundreds of his followers were found in mass grades. these alleged with encourage them to starve themselves to death in order to get to have frances president, emmanuel macro on, has said that he wants to boost the french birth rate limit children screen time and correct down on criminal games. the plans are part of a raft. policy goals, macro, and his announce for his last 3 years in office and he said they come as the far right nationalist. national rally party continues to rise and opinion polls in france. it's wonderful, but just to ukraine says at least 20 civilians have been injured in russian missile and drove the tax on the cities of odessa and her chief authorities. a rush of fired 2 missiles at her chief during the night and hitting apartment buildings, as well as a medical center in the overnight the tackle new desa. ukraine says it shut down 19 of the 20 drones that were launched by moscow. the residential building in odessa
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hit by the debris. ronnie and me drones used by russia. ukrainian authorities say they had to evacuate over a 100 residents from here after the building caught fire. a woman who lives here says she managed to escape the burning building. see the deals of the entrance with burning. so just me and my neighbor grabbed all the clothes and brown outside with which i put my boots and jacket on. when we were already outside. we just stood there. there was no way to go to a shelter. it's far away, then there was a 3rd head. we crouched behind the buildings, but thank god, nothing hit us. other say there on harmed by chance. this apartments resident was not at home. this is my apartment on the 2nd floor, the balcony. the drone hit it directly on the local military
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administration accuses rush of deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure with the boy am will. so certainly we're in a guest as downtown, as you can see there are no military target and nearby at least civilians here. which leads us to the fact that the enemy keeps terrorizing the civilian population somewhere in car keys, which was also targeted by overnight strikes. cleanup is under way after work crimes investigators inspected the scene. it's only the latest of many attacks as ukrainian said, he suffer some of the worst bombardment campaigns since the start of russia's invasion in 2022 or in russians. dozens of purchasers have been arrested after classes with ryan police in the central region of bush court. a
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stand of thousands of people demonstrated to the town to find marks after an environmental activist was sentenced to 40 years in prison for allegedly inside the detroit police used force and tear gas to disperse the par. just several people were injured. russia has strict anti demonstration laws. protesters found guilty of what is known as mass rioting could face up to 15 years in prison. all right, i want to go now to the very re shadow. he joins is now from reagan in lafayette rehab courses, where our bureau is, following the enclosure of our office in rush out yury these protests they, they ended up just a few hours ago. what made so many people take to the streets? i think brand people protested for 2 reasons. obviously, the 1st reason was obviously the punishment of a puppy on option the environmental activist who could not only fold for the
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environment by the way, but also became job kind of symbol of the fight against the arbitrary actions of the author. it is, and does that brings us to the 2nd reason, this is obviously about peoples accumulates and god, they are deceptive fiction with their own government because they not only loudly demand that the release of the in present activist, but also the resignation of the boss. get prime, it is that, and slogans such as we are free people and shame was cancelled. and i have to say that the people of last caught this don, have a particularly strong sense of freedom as they've been protesting against the destruction of the environment that they are for. he isn't often with success. i've been dispatched, protest several times myself as a result, and can say that yes, this region has clearly a lot of potential protest in here. what do we know about this environmental?
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i'm active. this volume is i'll send off and, and why are thousands of people willing to take to the streets to demonstrate for his freedom as well. the file also knows is a very well known person. is that a public off bus caught this done until recently she had the n n g o? is it come paid for bus called left on independence from russia? of course the vis andrew was banned and the classified, meanwhile, as extremist. and the reason why the police are now after using all see enough on inciting s, and the k trip was a statement she made during the environmental protest in april this year. beg then if she's speech he referred to for an migraines, is the region from the coal cause as black people? that alone was enough for the story just now to sanction for the reason for 4 years . does it protest there was holloway, however, i did protest as to day. believe that the real easy was the silence of the best.
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and old activist, someone who has always expressed is there will be just as their demands and does their dissatisfaction with fidelity and power. in other words, from the people's point of view, the real reason is to restrict to the freedom of expression. and how is this your replay in the wider picture? and i'm thinking of politics in russia. i'm thinking of letting me approach ins, grip on power. i mean, there, there is an election coming up. are absolutely brand speaking generally involved to the russians politics. now, i mean 2 days demonstration is certainly a so, or need put in side as the people from that age. and the, somewhere behind the euros are sending a signal to moscow that they are able to protest, regardless of whether they are doing so intentionally or not. and this, despite the fact that russia now has a very strict, i think the most trace of the laws. you can go to the take to the street in russia,
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you with the a m, to piece of paper and b, r. s. that in exactly 2 months you said that a president will be collected in russia. 14 wants to be re elected. and clearly with the over whelming majority, and it doesn't go so well is that there are those who say differently, even though they are protested, was not directly against putting up. however, it is dangerous for those in power for the gramlin, because it quickly turned into a political protest with fundamental demands. the protest was crushed. house harshly with t a guest and sticks with several a rest and also criminal charges. these reactions clearly shows that they're asking or assorted just at least taking it very seriously. yeah, the, the optics have a lot of meaning. we know for vladimir putin user riga. you're a chief, you are even shadow yuri as always. thank you. in nigeria,
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at least 2 people have died and more than 70 been injured in an explosion in one of the country's biggest cities. the blast damaged more than 20 buildings in a residential area of the south western city of eva. don't officials said that a man involved in the legal minding and start piled exclusions inside the house, the explosions and panic residents fleeing from their homes in what is normally a peaceful city. the w correspondence will reach you, but he has been following the story for us. now all we can see here is just the massive scale of destruction i see cause see behind me. this house here has been completely destroyed. likewise, about 20 or the houses estates cars as well. and according to official reports about 7 to 7 people have been enjoyed on 2 people level unfortunately lost their lives. according to the local authorities, the house containing the explosives was owned by and you may go might not who was storing it there. this is a residential as states. so it really did come as a shop
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a fox for the entire city of e by don't. which is usually it's very quiet, a quiet town. we have lots of aged people, people come here to retire. we also have a very huge academic community here because of the university of if i don't reach us assessed and invest the established teenage area. if i don't, he's also decided most popular to be nigeria. so again, like i said, this is coming as a shock to a lot of people here in nigeria as 3 or 4 to continue to bring you more updates where she find you, they are reporting from nigeria. here's another look at it. stories that are making headlines this hour around the world trying this population has fallen for the 2nd year in a row. dropping by 2000000 people in 2023. the drop. com is a mid record, low birth rates and a wave of coping 19 deaths after strict locked down in the government statistics bureaus as a china is total population stands at 1400000000 in germany. 30000
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people have taken to the streets of the city of cologne to oppose the far right alternative for germany. political party purchased on tuesday evening, followed reports that party officials met with a group advocating people with no one german heritage. b repatriate protesters have called for the government to ban the part to stay here in germany. freezing rain and heavy snow is or causing chaos across several parts of the country of severe winter weather hits, northern europe, southern germany, particularly affected by the icey conditions. you see that right there is easy to fall down, hundreds of flights cancelled in frankfurt in munich. as a result, many trains of also been delayed or cancer, and school children in the states of tessa and bavaria. they had their lessons cancel because of the treacherous conditions. snowing conditions in norway even shut down all those airport for several. oh dw joshua baber,
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give us an update from the snowy town of bonn, germany on the road suite. see these eyes and slippery streets, causing a lot of accidents on the railways. we had a lot of delays in particular in between of powers and uh frank foot and stuff got disconnect and was interrupted and uh, talking about frankfurt. of course, the airports a software lot because a lot of flights have been canceled, for example, in munich. and the biggest german airport in frankfort has no outgoing flights anymore. and it's likely that there will be also no incoming flights anymore in the afternoon. as spokes person of the frankfurt airport said, and this situation will go on until tomorrow, they predict that they said so there will be a lot of waiting time for passengers traveling to germany or from germany. we expect more heavy snowfall during today tonight and tomorrow morning. but the good news is starting from tomorrow afternoon, the situation that will be better,
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as it is winter of next day documentary on the controversial subject of cannabis legalization. i'll be back at the top of the hour with mobile news. i have to see that the,
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when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part of choice, it was stigmatized my generation, these cannabis as a part of our culture. no, we're not doing bad v as a marijuana accrued strongly conflicts, but sometimes unexpected reasons. the new young generations want to change our region lucky, older generation rejected legalization. and then with generations class next
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on dw, the dancing despite the 16 year old and you know, aspires to become a stop to live his dream. he sees his native ukraine to germany. can you just keep on dogs? an international body competition puts his skills to the test in 45 minutes on d w. the about why does that mess? because now i'm lisa and the new host.
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join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between moses a video and audio production by d w. i hope video will tune in the it's not my choice when it comes to candidates because i am not a kind of a person i smelt because i want to, you know, we're not doing that. my mom sees drugs specifically in one hand and then hand cups in the other the
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