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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, the cdw news line from berlin to 90 pack of stand anger after and a reading of missile attack say run, says that and targeted in a reading and terrorist group in a region close to with border is one of odd, has reacted in anger, re calling is on void from iran, also coming up, it's a night, a shipment of medicine makes its way to goss this . as the desk toll continues to climb across the territory as real says that it is pushing on with it's more against a moss plus the protesters clashing with why it police inside russia. thousands of
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taken to the snowy streets to demonstrate after a local environmental activist was sentenced to 4 years in prison. the library golf is good to have you with extensions tonight are rising between pakistan and iran. after intervening an air strike on pakistani territory that killed 2 children, as lombard has recalled it to him, bassett, or to iran, and his expelled the radiant and basset, or of this video from a local human rights organization is said to show the aftermath of the attack according to a rainy and state media of the air strike targeted the headquarters of the militant group, jaylish i'll do with your ron has accused the group of carrying out terrorist attacks on uranium soil in the last few days or on his watched similar strikes against
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targets in iraq and syria, here's iran for administer, talking about the attack today against that group in pakistan to add to your little settled is the discrete on the so called the judge of the iranian table, restrict con um they have taken shelter in some parts of the village is done, province of punk has done demo florida hall that we have talked to officials in august on the security forces there several times. some will try to do. the group has carried out operations in iran with best once in a police station where they killed all security personnel needle hall. yeah. and because on the model they found out that the rest of them, well, i just spoke with ali, but all the new job, these director of the center for middle east and global order. and i asked him if it runs narrative is believable that these attacks and syria, iraq in pakistan, that they are to defend itself against terrorism or well,
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i think we have to be extremely careful about the justifications that are on has provided when it comes to those that means sized strikes. it has connected those tribes to one the attacks in care mon, late last year, late last year, where the regime was very confused about whom to blame. there was, uh, the sonic stage was to claim responsibility then. it's not like a revolution guard, so you're running a state media has dismissed the, you know, rob allows you dismissed the possibility that the state was behind it. so instead of your own was pointing fingers that he as well. so when it comes to the justifications now you're wrong is also saying that there's a retaliating against those behind those tyra's attack speed. the running group mentioned in pakistan, or it's to those behind those tyra's attack speed. the a running group mentioned in pakistan or the group actually mex and mentioned in
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pocket stone or the stomach state or still most thought headquarters in the northern iraq. i think all of that is not really based on facts. it's a move uh, i believe that the truth may be more connected to the kind of honorary but it seems that the sum of republic over one sees him sadly, but also originally what does the timing of of this, these whitening of texts? what does this timing tell you as well? the timing and certainly the reasoning is quite worried about the impending march double elections for the parliament and the assembly of experts. so word fear is the reputation of and historically low voter turnout. so i believe that the calculation behind these are taxes to provoke, you know, some motor attacks directly against iran, which of the region could use for a rounding around the flanking fact. which in mind,
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you will not happen because of the bass gulf that exists between states and society and iran. and secondly, in terms of regional to other takes. there is also lots of dissatisfaction when it comes to of your run in responses to these relevant in either else or in gaza. so, um, uh, and in that, you know, in this context, the one you want to show strength, they're able to bashing out so, but they're not able to lashing out directly against the united states or as well. so i believe those are really, you know, strikes to show strength, you know, regionally, and those strikes are really not so precise and have lots of different magic and political fiasco actual for the strong republic. if you think, if you say that these are to provoke what is the likelihood in your opinion that we're going to see retaliations by syria on the rack or, or pakistan?
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that's what obviously, syria, you know, the government's a serial pressure, the citizen allied to iran. and i think in terms of reactions, you know, for instance, is why the united states are not going to be provoked by this, you know, directly attacking your wrong in terms of the reactions from your rock and pocket stone. i believe that those 2 will also refrain from military action, but it has lots, tre, diplomatic, and again, political crisis for the song republic. even the for administrator of the, of iraq during the world cannot make for him, has been, you know, quite critical. or these are the attack runs action, and his plans to bring the case between the a to the un security council. so it has been, it seems an a miscalculation from the iranian side and also shows to your loans and neighbors. even those were being considered right, the friends, a den foes like iraq and focused on that. the some good public is
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a deep the also the, the stabilizing and dangerous fact. uh for security in the region. i mean, i told the news on from the center for middle eastern global or do we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight? thank you. thank you. the united states has put the humans who the militants back on its list of terrorist organizations. it comes in the wake of numerous, who's the attacks on shipping in the red seat? the move slabs tough financial sanctions on. the radian back through the us and u. k. had struck through the targets inside the admin in a bid to stop the attacks on vessels in the red sea whose ease had failed to continue targeting ships until israel stops it's offensive in the gaza strip. the rebel group contains or controls territory where most of the admins population let's. as molly senior, her mazda visual says that a shipment of medicine intended for dozens of his really hostages being held in
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gaza is on its way to the territory. the delivery comes after guitar and france mediated at agreement between israel and the militant group. it also calls for age to be delivered to palestinian civilians in gauze up. and the situation inside the territory it remains dire. israel had stated that they will not stop sliding until it has destroyed them off, which is deemed a terrorist grew by multiple countries. white shrouds come with the bodies. oh, god forbid is killed in his reign the strikes? yes, i have one of them. a young girl named masa, this is the home was hit in an of the night attack. and i realized we were sleep and then the me solves fell on us because top and could not see anything. when we started checking on, each of the sort of had to go was much a siblings were we did,
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but thank god they're ok. my brother was wounded, his situation is difficult. well, the size of the strike had rough. uh and gas the south residents here say israel has previously saved this area, would be safe smith. and i mean the people were sleeping in the houses and not because they told us to go south. we came here but there's no safe place. it goes up, not in the north, the south or the middle of every why was it risk of being hit? it's not just guns, that is on the is raining fire presidents in the occupied with bank film. the aftermath of this is a strike on economy in nablus. this is rachel claims. the strong killed a terrorist leader who was planning an imminent attack. the you in the system must be a pump, the way to peace, to stop the conflict escalating through the duel disturbing by the si,
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fi and it's mostly women and children are killed. main bottom is forced from their homes and do not have access to meditative dates. i repeat my call, so i need me to too many teddy and she's fighting gaza international negotiations have made some progress. a contact broker deal will allow desperately needed supplies into gaza, including medicines for is riley hostages. being held by come us. but there's no sign of an end to the slicing following how mazda is october, steven tara attack, which kills more than 1200 people, is rails response has killed more than 24000 palestinians, according to come us run helpful. thirty's. what is the current status of medical deliveries to gosh, if i put the question to julia to, to my from the you went agency for palestinian refugee. i have just returned from
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gauze on my cell phone. the situation is absolutely desperate, and there are a severe shortages in medicines, specifically those related to chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer and the subject also because of the pharmacies the private pharmacies have been older but shots. and since um, like for it for after the 2 weeks after the war began and were not able to replenish supplies, i understand the head of your organization definitely be of as a really just finished a tour of gaza. and in saying that he was shocked by the poor conditions. what did he tell you? how does he describe what he saw there? we were together. um, with the, the commissioner, i'm my stylist and we went around not only to the sale so this time. but we also went to the middle areas where an area that has witnessed
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a fresh wave of displacement following the evacuation or the arrows. but where issued by the is really all sort, these adjusted before christmas. so it was fate with people. people were everywhere displaced, some of them where the space multiple times and wherever you look in the south, especially you have these um the structures that were covered with plastic see thing that became people's homes for, for, for now with very, very poor living conditions, including hygiene that was julia to move from the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees is a quick look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world and explosion at a fireworks factory and central thailand, skilled at least $23.00 people. the cause of the blast is being investigated. local officials say that the factory was operating legally. explosion comes less than
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a month before the chinese new year when fireworks are in high demand. a missile strike by russia on the ukrainian city of her chief has injured at least 17 people are keats may are said that 2 missiles hit a residential building in the city center. and that there was no military infrastructure nearby, enjoying the attack on tuesday night, also injured. 3 civilians have damaged residential buildings in the southern city of odessa. in russia and dozens of protesters have been arrested after classes with ryan police in the central region of bush court. a stand of thousands of people demonstrated in the town of bible after an environmental activist was sentenced to 4 years in prison for allegedly insult id. detroit, police use force and tear gas to disperse the protesters. several people were injured, which it has strict anti demonstration malls. protesters found guilty of what is known as mass rioting,
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could face up to 15 years in prison. the dw yuri rosetta in re good told me more about these protests. of people protested for 2 reasons, obviously the 1st 3 years. and it was obviously the punishment of a puppy on up to the environmental activist who could not only fold for the environment by the way, but also became got the kind of symbol of the fight against the arbitrary actions of the author. it is, and does that brings us to the 2nd reason, this is obviously about peoples accumulates and god, they are deceptive fiction with their own government because the not only loudly demanded because the, the lease of the inpatient activist, but also the resignation of the boss. get prime into stuff and slogans such as we are a free people and shame war attendant. and i have to say that the people of bus called a bus don, have
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a particularly strong sense of freedom as they've been protesting against the destruction of the environment that they are for. he isn't often with success. i have been dispatched, protest several times myself as a result and can say, is it? yes, this region has clearly a lot of potential full protest, missouri rosetta reporting. i'll be back in the top of the hour with more world news. i have to see you then the the gold smith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo smiles now make go stop bog. not the man who had to maintain him to use light to wagner was date. was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened january 27th on d w you,
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you know, wants to help both him and his talent. then the last 16 years old.


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