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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live in front of lin tonight in pakistan, anger after and a rainy and missile attack they run says it targeted and really a terrorist group in a region close to its border is lama vaughn has reacted in anger, recalling its own boy from tell you wrong. also coming up denied a shipment of medicine making its way to gauze this as the death toll continues to climb across the territory. israel says that it is pushing on with its war against the moss. and argentina is the president makes his debut at the world economic forum. in a passionate speech,
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javier malay underlines the benefits of capitalism and he wore into the world of the dangers of socialism. plus demonstrators clashing with ryan police in russia. protests after a local environmental activist sentenced to 4 years in prison. the library gone to our viewers watching on tv. as in the united states, into all of you around the world. welcome tensions are rising to night between pakistan and iran after and a reading of the air strike on pack us any territory? they killed 2 children as well. my bod, as we called in sam baset are to iran, and it has expelled the rainy and in bassett. or of this video from a local human rights organization said to show the aftermath of the attack. according to a rainy and state media, the are striking,
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targeted the headquarters of the militant group. giles, i'll do. iran has accused the group of carrying out terrorist attacks on arabian soil. in the last few days, iran has launched a similar strikes against targets in iraq and syria. here's iran for administer speaking today of the world economic form about this attack against the group impact to stay at to get cool. totally see if this group you don't need the so called joyce of the iranian terrorist group. com and they have taken shelter in some parts of the village is done, province of punk has done demo florida hall that we have talked to officials in august on the security forces there several times here. some will try to do the group has carried out operations in iraq with best once in a police station where they killed all security personnel needle hall. yeah. and because only a model,
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they found out that there is some down wherever they are. i spoke with ali, but the new job, these director of the center for middle east and global order. you told me more about why this is all happening now as well. the timing and certainly the resume is quite worried about the impending march double elections for the parliament and the assembly of experts. so word fear is the reputation of and historically low voter turnout. so i believe that the calculation behind these are taxes to provoke, you know, some motor attacks directly against iran, which of the region could use for a routing around the flanking fact. which in mind, you will not happen because of the best gulf that exists between states and society and iran. and secondly, in terms of regional to other takes. there is also lots of dissatisfaction when it comes to of your run in responses to these rel it in is or else or in gaza. so, um, uh, and in that, you know, in this context,
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the one you want to show strength, they're able to bashing out so, but they're not able to lashing out directly against the united states or as well. so i believe those are really, you know, strikes to show strength, you know, regionally, and those strikes are really not so pre size and have lots of diplomatic and political fiasco. actual for the strong republic where the united states has put humans everything diligence back on its list of terrorist organizations. it comes in the wake of numerous, who's the attacks on shipping and the red seat moves, laptop, financial sanctions on the uranium back through the us. and the u. k. has struck the targets in yemen and a bid to stop attacks on vessels in the red sea. the who these have failed to continue targeting ships until is real stops. it's offensive in the gaza strip. the
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rebel group controls territory where most of humans population lives. and hey, with allies of both israel and her boss. increasingly active in the middle east. fears are growing that the blood shed in gaza could ignite a wider region of or we have a look now at some of the latest developments of the reach. what started with an unprecedented terror attack on october, the 7th is quickly spilling out beyond the borders of israel and gauze, drawing in israel's traditional ally, the united states and the one side, and on the other a most back around. recent days of seem dozens of attacks throughout the region in the and then run back to the rebels are continuing their campaign to disrupt the international shipping lanes. that despite dozens of air strikes from the united states and others targeting who the military installations in iraq and syria taper on attack, several sites, including one of the claims was being used as an is really spy headquarters level
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known as also seeing several of these really airstrikes which the israel defense for says we're targeting homeless leaders that has belonged to that also which as world leaders gather in davos for the world economic forum, us national security advisor jake sullivan warned the world was on the path to an escalation of hospitality. is in the middle east. all right, i want to bring in now hon jacob schindler. he is with the counter extremism project. he joins me tonight from new york. mr. chandler, it's good to see you. let's talk about the possibility of optics here. i mean, do you agree with what we heard earlier that these attacks are attempts by t ron, to show it radians, that the country is an active player in the region, and they're doing this before double elections coming up in march to what i certainly this is primarily for domestic consumption, but i would also see that after these massive tire attack on the combination of i got into my mind these uh kidding. a couple of weeks ago on the 11th republic is
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under enormous pressure. this is a police state and a lot just higher tech in the history of the slot republic. there's never been more casualties than, than that. that really puts all of the security forces in virus. simple, 1st of all, and put them into pressure to do something. and now what i see is that the rock lashes out really none of the targets that iran has struck, has a clear connection to clear counter terrorism aims. it's more striking your usual suspects. good. you're starting to rock gauges, targets in syria. some godforsaken place inside park is done for a cruise that hotly has any alterations and last couple of years judge a lot of formerly known as june to a lot. it really seems more a communication towards the insight that the state is still strong and the states can protect it. so on the outside, these attacks really don't make a lot of sense, but for domestic consumers in iran. and this is going to show the average reiney
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and that the government has muscle where it counts is, is that the message? yes, i mean you've seen shortly after the attack, the rest of the 7000 individuals as the, as long as the popular always starts after terror attacks and never before headquarters. afterwards, they seem to know precisely wasn't goals. and this is part of this campaign to re gain credibility internally. i'm to say we are still a actual strong and powerful state. and we can act similar to what the americans can do. we can stripe targets abroad as well. and it run when you think about it, it controls the varying degrees, the major sources of violence that we're seeing right now in the middle east. i'm thinking about the, who's these hezbollah home us, and that we're seeing attacks on 3 other countries. pakistan being the latest taking all of this together. i mean, are we going to see a reaction being provoked here and if so, from who you know, i never, i, 10 situation and so far are leaving and separate,
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skilled, fully managed, most skillfully. then they entitled security, they have skilled, fully managed their proxies. how much is paula? as well as to who he's really or lease is tinkering on the edge of reach and calling to speak, but never yet crossing the crossing the line, right? so it's trying to get a role in order. this is really what yvonne seems to one more thing a by to reach a conflict with the tax on he rond itself, while at the same time getting a seat at the table down negotiations with our countries, egypt with got top with others on the future of jobs are the means that normally to be seen, so they're trying to muscle they way back into this process. and do you think we're likely to see even more interference coming from your rod? i mean, is their goal is to keep throwing something against the wall until it breaks, or absolutely, that's always being the mean strategy. that's what the access to offer. existence is therefore, the ultimate activation of his phone. i would only come if that would be a tax on
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a wrong itself, but you know, keeping the pressure high. if you just look at that with the situation that is really 0 to gain for the, with the movement in attacking the ships and quite a lot to lose yet, we're still doing it possibly self motivated, but also partially on be has to be around which ones to increase the pressure on israel, on the international company. how concerned are you, mr. chandler, that the united states is going to do you have to get more involved militarily on this? i mean, i know some people's eyebrows were, were raised this week when we got news that a u. s. ship had been hit in the gulf of 8. and i mean, i guess we're waiting for something for the next shoot default if you will. i mean, how concerned are you to yes, i mean, 1st of all, on the ship 0, the damage was caused. right. so this was really more on this and who the dot to yet they try it again. i'd like to point out that diversity of the rookie of tax
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has significantly reduced since the us as strikes. so something is working, but i doubt that the u. s. s. strikes is used to k, a, strikes a those 2 days where sufficient enough to ultimately do to, to have one that will do some try and asked me, i've discussed on this program earlier. um, what we really need to do is to keep the rate seat and the goals and the switch cannot open egypt because of 40 percent reduction income individuals cannot. that's dramatic for the children budget. just at the moment we will pay a key role in what ever happens in the future, gaza. so this is not only a really intense region situation. it's also a question of global supply chain and a global energy security that with the print to continue to rise. just let me ask you before we run out of time the world this week, now talking more than ever about donald trump possibly becoming you as president. yet again, that following of course of the iowa caucus, it talk to me about how you see this anticipation of a 2nd,
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trump presidency impacting what is going on right now in the middle east. is it going to make things more volatile? or, i mean is trump also a, a leverage for more possible peace maneuvering to what at the moment i would say. and 1st of what i would point out, it's not a done deal that donald trump is going to be the next us presidency is still the president fight and who will run against the most likely. um, of course in the next 6 months this, the impact of this potentially, of this potentiality of drums become president is going to be rather weak. um, once the prop election campaign has started and it gets trumping in spite, and then of course everyone individual head step, it's because they've managed unclear was going to be the next president. so at the moment i cannot really see its direct impact here by election or not in america. the question of what happens the day after in gaza is,
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is fundamental question. the military operations in gaza, the only by israel time, everything that destroy now can be rebuilt. if the is not the sustainable solution, if i must finance is i'm not attacked globally. and that's why we have is really global corp, if there is no sustainable stable solution for gallons up once the military operations, the over all of this is just fine. yes. but not more before, this is all being the building, whether it's calling itself, how much or some of the name that will be a new extreme is generation because i must have made sure to train enough children to hate is where it is and use to rebuild instruct chat soon on it. yeah, definitely the cycle will be repeating itself funds the auction there is always decision that we appreciate your time in your analysis. thank you. thank you so much. i the hey, senior homos official says that a shipment of medicine intended for dozens of his really hostages being held in
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gaza is on its way to the territory. the delivery comes after guitar and france mediated an agreement between israel and the militant group. it also calls for aid to be delivered, the palestinian civilians inside guards and other situation inside the territory it remains dire, is really the state that it will not stop fighting until it has destroyed him off, which is deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. white shrouds come with the bodies of oregon from this killed in his reign the strikes yes, i have one of them. a young girl named masa says the home was hit in an overnight attack and i realized we were sleep. and then the me solves, fell on us. we got up and could not see anything. why don't we start to checking on each of the would have had to go was not a siblings where we did,
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but thank god they're ok. my brother was wounded, his situation is difficult. well, the side of the strike had rough us and gallons of south residents here say israel has previously saved this area, would be safe enough. i mean the people were sleeping in that house is what they told us to go south. we came here, but there's no safe place. it goes up, not in the north, the south or the middle everywhere, always at risk of being hit. it's not just john's that is on the is raining fire presidents in the occupied with bank film. the aftermath of this is a strike on a con in nablus. this is randall claims the strong killed a terrorist leader who was planning an imminent attack. the you in the system must be a pump, the way to peace, to stop the conflict, escalating through the globe,
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disturbing by the si, fi and it's mostly women. and children i q main bottom is forced from their homes and do not have access to meditative dates. i repeat my call further, need me to to many, 10 gmc sliding gaza international negotiations have made some progress. a contact broker deal will allow desperately needed supplies into gaza, including me to simmons for is riley hostages being held by come us. but there's no sign of an end to the slicing following her mouse is october. stephen tara attack, which kills more than 1200 people, is rails response has killed more than 24000 palestinians according to hum us run helpful. thirty's. where's a quick look? now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world and explosion at a fireworks factory and central thailand has killed at least 23 people the cause of
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the blast as being investigated. local officials say that the factory was operating legally. the explosion comes less than a month before the chinese new year when fireworks are in high demand. a court in sierra leone is granted former president aaron is to buy a court on law. permission to travel abroad despite being charged with treason. colma was given permission to travel to nigeria for medical reasons, its charges stem from his alleged role and they failed to. in november that saul 20 people killed to hey, mrs. drawing fi, russia on the ukrainian city of hart chief, has injured at least 17 people or keeps may or said that 2 missiles did a residential building in the city center. and he said that there was no military infrastructure nearby. drone attack on tuesday night, also injured, 3 civilians in damaged residential buildings in the southern city of odessa.
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argentina is to be president. javier malay has joined the rich and powerful and the world economic for an in davos, switzerland. but it took a normal commercial flight to get there as a gesture towards his harsh economic program at home lay claimed on social media that the decision had saved argentinian tax payers. about 360000 europe, the right wing populist has launched a drastic financial stair ready campaign in his very heavily indebted country in davos, switzerland who doubled down on his plan. and he railed against quote, the parasites that live off of the state, but the good malay also warns his audience of business leads that the western capitalist model is in danger. oh yes, lee. i am here today to tell you that the west is in danger. isn't the injured because those who are supposed to defend the values of the west point find themselves co opted by a world view that didn't evidently lead to socialism and consequently next. so
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that's a positive sense to sleep more. and unfortunately, in recent decades, some motivated by conventional well meaning desires of wanting to help their fellow man and others about the desire to belong to a privilege because the main leaders of the western world have abandoned some model of freedom. so different versions of what we call collectivism, done, and the more they know nothing about a 1000. what are they think the hardest here to who will be some of what a tv more. all right, so morning i want to bring in the mural tulsa, the director of the finance division of sort of metacognitive the own, and the former argentinian under secretary of finance. it's good to have you with this tonight. i'm going to just start by getting your opinion, what grade would you give president and delay for his performance at the road economic for him in davos, switzerland so far. well, that's funny answer his question because as you may sure if it was measuring that
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and the report, if you read about typing price on of the most of the business leaders that went there a fire only they wearing a shock, surprise, because of the tone of the message obviously had been, relates to kind of eccentric need or do you think i'm either that these making, he's close. i previously seen these kind of forums on is an attraction in itself. but if you can see there are, let's tell you the 1st steps that until now he has been putting in placing archer and t. now you had to be very aware of the economic consequences that it may have been the for the single future. he has been called the argentinian trump is been compared to donald trump has been compared to j are both in otto in brazil. and is that a fair comparison? and do you think it, it puts him on par with other global leaders known for, you know, getting a reaction when they speak as well that that's an interesting compiler. assume that
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if you take it to go see the ration, for example, don't, i've tried for rebate, have variables to narrow the way they get into their 5 way. what's quite different off that i'd be able to relate to arrive on the internet by way. nature and tina have you had me late? remember that was on the corner of east, and that was the se sum in front of me. those has a lot of attention in the media. he has no political background, he has no public officer experience on the out of the blue can start to get to attraction, especially in social media. and then during the general election of him, either white, marvelous, or for madison, then it went on the presidency of function, tina. but if you see, let's say the general orientation of his 1st nature as i go down to say that these uh, with the compatible weight, uh, thrown on top or even the height adjustable. so now, you know, as under secretary of finance. um,
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you were partly responsible for argentina's finances in, in the past and before malay came to the power, he says that it is exactly people such as yourself in the past who have created what he says now is an economic disaster. what do you say when he points the finger at people like you and say it's your fault. it was, you know that that's a typical explanation for a new leader. now, right? another 51 of the so called in harry towns solely to blame on other people's before him. that if you take on or let's say more story can perspective, i would say that the downturn, no future in tina, has talked to you at least 10 years ago. when that your team has started to have problems of having their studied massage table and grow grace on at the same time, having more serious issues with inflation in 2019 when we took, i'll face,
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we had to face with the effect where we wearing the barge of the next day or not before, so i know so we have a failure or i or less program that personally been marked resigning. 2018. and on top of that, obviously yes, most of the countries and they want to have to fight the consequences for the march 2020 of the demick. and then in march 2022, the consequences that even now the worries facing way that russia new kenya and work. yeah. and he says that she is the man who's going to to fix the situation. i guess time will tell mr. charles, and we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. thank you. hi, k, it was a pleasure. as in russia, dozens of protesters have been arrested the after clashes with ryan police in the central region of bass quarter stand. thousands of people demonstrated there after
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an environmental activist was sentenced to 4 years in prison for allegedly inside the ethnic hatred. his supporters say that he is facing persecution for his political views. the rare images from 2 days russia, a country where even peaceful street protests are met with a harsh response. police disperse and demonstrators in the town of bye mark. with the help of tear gas and stone grenades. it all began after a judge sentenced a local activists to 4 years in prison. 5, i'll see enough was taken into custody after the ruling season. my huge, thanks to you. well, who came to support me? i will never forget this new, but i do not plead guilty things. i have always been struggling for justice on for my people, for my republican. so god willing, we will see each other again. and so far, as the verdict was announced,
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hundreds of demonstrators who gathered outside began tempting slogans and his support. security forces into vans and italy, several arrests followed l. c. and it has been a prominent eco activist in the central russian region of postcard has done. he has also campaign for the protection of the regional bhaskar language and condemned russia's war in ukraine. he was sentenced for a common consider it races by the authorities with which he says was miss translated. of the ruling lead, not only to a street protest, but emotional please by his supporters on social media. yup. it is a boy of super if i am holding on a fine to some bus cool, just on to leave the territory of ukraine and return to the regional to defend the land. and the people know what you like. while you are fighting for the ambitions
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of one person, still people are being beaten out by security forces, or after the hours long stand off ride police finally dispersed the demonstrators. the rally in by mike has been one of the biggest protests in russia since the grambling began its war in ukraine. as the jailed activism begins to serve his sentence, it appears that some of his supporters may follow him. authorities have launched a criminal case in 2 months, riots a crime with the punishment of up to 15 years in jail. and here's a reminder of the top stories this. our retentions are rising between pakistan and iran after entering an air strike on pakistani territory that killed 2 children. is one of odd has recalled it's in bassett or, and it has expelled. the radian ambassador guitar in francis brokered a new deal for guns. that guitar says the agreement was the delivery of humanitarian aid and medical supplies to civilians. in regards a territory,
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including those as railways, who are being held hostage by home of the dw news from berlin. after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day to night. russia's invasion of ukraine. is it becoming the frozen? or would you like that the
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and investigation concluded that it was suicide by the fire. give rise to don't really have to go see the january 27th on the russian invasion of ukraine is quickly approaching the 2 year mark. ukraine forces on the front lines are fighting through another winter, and they have little reason to expect that this will be their last at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, this year, just like last year, ukraine's presidential lensky deliberate, a request to allies last year. it was weapons to turn the war around this year. it's weapons before the war becomes frozen. i break off in berlin. this is the day the
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