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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, the, the, the news live it from berlin tonight in pakistan, anger after and rainy and missile attack. iran says it targeted and a rainy and terrorist group in a region close to its border is lot of odd as reacted by recalling as on void from iran. also coming out of a shipment of medicine, making its way into gone. so this as the death toll continues to climb across the territory, israel says that it is pushing on with its war against per month. the
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brigade is good to have you with this on this wednesday. tensions rising between pakistan and iran after and a rainy an air strike on pakistani territory that killed it to children is on the ball and has recall, did sam baset or to iran? and it has expelled the reigning ambassador of this video from a local human rights organization is set to show the aftermath of the attack. according to a rainy and state media, the airs dry and targeted the headquarters of the militant group. joiner's, i'll do a run is accused the group of carrying out terrorist attacks on the rainy and soil by in the last few days, iran has watched a similar strikes against targets in iraq and syria. here's a runs for administer. speaking earlier today of the world economic form about the attack in pakistan or at she gets little settled is the discrete on the so called the judge of the iranian table,
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restrict con um they have taken shelter in some parts of the village is done. province of punk has done demo florida hall that we have talked to officials in august on the security forces there. several times system will still try to do the group has carried out operations in iran with best once in a police station where they killed all security personnel needle hall. yeah. and because on the model, they found out that the rest of them were earlier. i spoke with hans yackel should there he's with the counter extremism project. i asked him, does he agree with the assessment that these attacks or attempts bites a wrong to show it? randy is that the country is a major power in the region. so what i certainly this is primarily for domestic consumption, but i would also see that after these massive tire attack on the chrome m ration off, i got into my mind, these are getting a couple of weeks ago. i'm the so i'm to the public is under enormous pressure.
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this is a police state and a lot just higher tech in the history of the slot republic. there's never been more casualties that on that, that really puts all of the security forces in virus, them 1st of all and puts them into pressure to do something. and now what i see is that the rock that actually is out really none of the targets that iran has struck, has a clear connection to clear counter terrorism aims. it's more striking your usual suspects. good. you're starting to iraq gauges, targets in syria, some godforsaken place inside, practiced on 4 groups, that hockey has any alterations. and last couple of years judge a lot of formerly known as june to a lot. it really seems more a communication towards the insight that the state is still strong and the states can protect it. so that was on jack a vision or speaking with me earlier. a senior home us official says that a shipment of medicine intended for dozens of his reign, the hostages being held in gaza as arrived in the territory. the delivery comes after it guitar in france mediated an agreement between israel and the military
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group. it also calls for aid to be delivered to palestinian civilians inside cause of the situation there remains dying or israel has stated that it will not stop finding until it has destroyed him off, which is deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. white shrouds, calvert, the bodies of oregon from this killed in his rainy strikes. yes, i have one of them. a young girl named masa sees the home was hit in an open night attack. the easy unless we were sleep and then the b solves fell on us. we got up and could not see anything loud. we started checking on each of us and it had to go was monitored. has siblings where we did, but fine, go there. ok. my brother was wounded, his situation is difficult. well, the size of the strike had rough us and gas of south
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resistance here. say israel has previously saved this area. would be safe smith. and i mean the people were sleeping in that house is that because they told us to go south, we came here, but there's no safe place. it goes up, not in the north, the south or the middle of every. why was it risk of being hit? it's not just john's that is on the is raining fire presidents in the occupied with bank film. the aftermath of this is a strike on economy in nablus. israel claims the strength killed a terrorist leader who was planning an imminent attack. the you in the system must be a pathway to pace to stop the conflict, escalating through the globe, disturbing by the sci fi and it's mostly women, and children i q main bottom is forced from their homes and do not have access to
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meditative dates. i repeat my poll so i need me to to my dad. he and she's fighting gaza international negotiations have made some progress. a contact broker deal will allow desperately needed supplies into gaza, including me to send for is riley hostages. being held by come us. but there's no sign of an end to the slicing following how mazda is october, steven tara attack, which kills molden 1200 people is rails response has killed more than 24000 palestinians, according to hum us run helpful. thirty's as well. what is the current status of medical deliveries to go on? so i put the question to julia to bomb from the us agency for palestinian refugee. i've just returned from a golf on my cell phone. the situation is absolutely desperate, and there are
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a severe shortages in medicines, specifically those related to chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer and the subject also because of the pharmacies, the private pharmacies have been older but shots and since like for it, for after the 2 weeks after the war began and were not able to replenish supplies, i understand the head of your organization, definitely be a, as a randy just finished a tour of gaza. and in saying that he was shocked by the poor conditions. what did he tell you? how does he describe what he saw there? we were together um with the the commissioner and my silence. and we went around not only to the south of this time, but we also went to the middle areas where an area of it has witnessed a fresh wave of displacement following the evacuation or there was but where issued
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by the is really all sort, these adjusts before christmas, so it was freed with people, people were everywhere displaced, some of them where the space with the full time and wherever you look in the south, especially you have these um these structures that were covered with plastic see thing that became people's homes for, for for now, with very, very poor living conditions, including hygiene julia to me, they're speaking with us earlier. here's a look down. some of the other headlines from around the world trying this population is following for the 2nd year in a row, dropping by 2000000 people in 2023. the drop comes, have been record low birth rates and a wave of cobit 19 deaths following the end of the district locked down the government specifics. bureaus as the chinese total population now stands at
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$1400000000.00 and explosion at a fireworks factory. and central thailand is killed at least 23 people because of the blast as being investigated. local officials say that the factory was operating legally. the explosion comes less than a month before the chinese new year when fireworks are in high demand. a court in sierra leone is granted former president ernest by colonel my permission to travel abroad despite being charged with treason. promo was given permission to travel to nigeria for medical reasons as charge of stem from his alleged role. and they failed to get back in november that saw 20 people killed in can you? a court has ordered and alleged doomsday called leader to undergo mental health evaluations before he can be charged with murder. all mackenzie was arrested last year after hundreds of his followers were found in mass graves. he's a ledge to encourage them to starve themselves to death. in order to get to have
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the ukraine says at least 20 civilians have been injured in russian missile and drone attacks. on the cities of odessa and horse chief authorities, a rush of fired 2 missiles at heart chief during the night hitting apartment buildings and a medical center in the overnighted tack on their desktop, ukraine's as it shut down 19 of the 20 drones that were launched by russia to the residential building in odessa hit by the debris a for ron, you and me. drones used by russia. ukrainian authorities say they had to evacuate over a 100 residents from here after the building caught fire. a woman who lives here says she managed to escape the burning building. already it was of the entrance with burning. so me and my neighbor grabbed all the clothes and brown outside with which i put my boots and jacket on. when we were already outside
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. we just stood there, there was no way to go to a shelter. it's far away. then there was a 3rd head. we crouched behind the building, the thank god, nothing hit us. other say there on harmed by chance. this apartments resident was not at home. this is my apartment on the 2nd floor, the balcony. the drone headed directly on the local military administration accuses rushes deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure. the boy i'm will so certainly we're in a guest as downtown. as you can see, there are no military target and nearby. at least civilians here which leads us to the fact that the enemy keeps terrorizing the civilian population somewhere in car keys, which was also targeted by overnight strikes,
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cleanup is under way after work crimes investigators inspected the scene. it's only the latest of many attacks as ukrainian said, he suffer some of the worst bombardment campaigns since the start of russia's invasion in 2020, to wait inside. why should dozens of protesters have been arrested after classes with riot police in the central region of last quarter stock? thousands of people demonstrated thereafter, and environmental activist was sentenced to 4 years in prison for allegedly inciting ethnic hatred. his supporters say that he is facing persecution for his political needs. rare images from 2 days, russia, a country where even peaceful street protests are met with a harsh response. police dispersing to most traders in the town of, by mach with the help of tear gas and stone grenades. it all
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began after a judge sentenced a local activists to 4 years in prison. 5, i'll see enough was taken into custody of to the ruling season. my huge thanks to you. well, who came to support me? i will never forget this, but i do not plead guilty things. i have always been struggling for justice all for my people, for my republican is so god willing we will see each other again. and so, as the verdict was announced, hundreds of demonstrators who gathered outside began tempting slogans in his support. security forces into vans and italy. several arrests followed l. c. and it has been a permanent eco activist in the central russian region of bush carter stone. he has also complained for the protection of the regional bastere language and condemned russia's war in ukraine. he was sentenced for
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a common considered races by the authorities with which he says was miss translated to the ruling lead, not only to a street protests, but emotional, please, by his supporters on social media. yep. it is. i have so you can play. i'm quoting on a flight to some bus cool just on to leave the territory of ukraine and return to the regional to defend the land. and the people know what you like. while you are fighting for the ambitions of one person, still people are being beaten out by security forces. after the hours long stand off ride police finally dispersed the demonstrators. the rally in by mike has been one of the biggest protests in russia since the grambling began its war in ukraine . as the jailed activism begins to serve his sentence, it appears that some of his supporters may follow him. authorities have launched a criminal case and to mass riots,
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a crime with the punishment of up to 15 years in jail. you watch any of the news up next. the documentary, looking at how big cord is driving a digital gold rush and latin america. i'm for golf, i'll see you tomorrow. the do these do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums for the to the beat and what's the perfect kill for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channel the the.


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