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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. i can go in focused on a military response into iran. you some about launch is vitalia, treat strikes into it on 2 days off to get on to tech support. each called an earring and temporary screw inside pocket start. also coming up a shipment of medicine arrives in gauze. i spent 4 days barely hostages and give it to you there. and for palestinians desperate for 8. 10 to call in germany to find a growing political body. thousands gathered berlin against the bought. i bought a known as the alternative for germany.
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the dish manager, welcome to the program. but this dawn has conducted overnight. military attacks inside your on 2 days off that your on conduct that strikes inside pocket. sonya tree is all about safety and target to bases of separate this below 2 minutes just across the board. up in the media side of the face time people are looking this up to is on cut it out. strikes on tuesday, i guess what? it's called terrorist dog. it's just inside focused on we do it from a human rights group of both. the 3 shows the often mazda of that attack was set to have killed video from a human rights group of 4 to 3 shows. the aftermath of that attack was set to have killed 2 children long, but focused on foreign ministry called it strikes in iran and intelligence based on petition against the wrist and added the box. hassan has coat,
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great respect for being and people as this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence of impending large scale terrorist activities against focused on by these territories. the section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all twits. the successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the armed forces of focused on. and i are strongly shelves from dw a chef of motor about these boxes on the strikes, and more importantly, why they have taken place. this was this uh that is an issue has been um, happening along the val just on boxed on the border for a very long time for years. almost. i think over a decade of why this is happening now. i must say that you must try to understand
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the gravity of the issue. it's very, it's a very serious matter. in the fall, we saw the snow above rusted under, under the carpet. do want to do a friend you're wrong because it's not the 1st to strike that you don't get it out on box studies or in the button the boss to be sold at some of the ignored search search takes this time. it's been so that shows the seriousness on the matter of why this is happening now. i think the oldest is on a wrong because we see in increasing your, i mean the aggression in the regions in the middle east goes to yamma. so now we see you didn't focused on, on the strikes in iraq that you're on get it out. so we see that here on is becoming increasingly aggressive in the region. and this, i believe is the one of the manifestations. directly. integration is interesting.
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what you said charmaine, that part hassan would brush these kinds of attacks on instead of treat from it on under the carpet earlier. but this time chose to respond. why the biggest august on thieves threaded focused on has a very serious issue and about song related to a separate isn't and this has been happening for such a long time. i think it is becoming increasingly difficult for the box on the minute re establishment to it and all those. and there are also issues, domestic issues, wherever we see that below just on septic is movement of supporters of being a big problem for, for, for the state, for the government. so if the ministry and all want to get on did the drawing a tax on box on the story. i don't think that the focus on the validity good have a lot such a big speaking about the administrative administrative part. hassan has been
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criticized recently for the suppression of the political position. do these s tribes provide it with new found legitimacy among the people? i think it was, but it depends on how things on for if this situation escalates. i think the politics of both for the. busy i mean, will agree, will increase if so let's say nothing happens much and uh, there may be a diplomatic solution to the crisis. if china gets involved, i think then it won't happen. but i believe that this will definitely provide a lot of the estimates you do the box on the music tree, which is facing quite enough position from buffalo to be bought to use inside the box. yes, we'll leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us for their child, the child's some did other issue friends were having me as the united states
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settlement stereotype attacked 14 midsize that below to be fired from german. it was the 4th day of us strikes and less than a week on a run back to 2 minutes who had been attacking matching ships in the red sea. according to the us central command adjoining, launched by the whole thing, rebels had struck us owned vessel, ship tracking sides show that the boat then turned back towards the suez canal. the who's the attacks and response from the us follow the outbreak of fighting and does a between israel and homos which the us and others classify as a terrorist group. which tensions rising in the middle east that are concerns. that the why the regional conflict could develop is really bombs dry con, units in the gaza strip. after more than $100.00 days are finding despite claims of the wars entering the new things. there's been little sign of a light up in
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a conflict which the last one held from the screen guns assess, has cost over 23000 posted in the lives of these really side. almost 1500 have been lost. what started with an unprecedented terror attack on october, the 7th is quickly spilling out beyond the borders of israel and gaza, drawing in israel's traditional allies, the united states, and the one side, and on the other a most back around. recent days of seem, dozens of attacks throughout the region in the run back to the rebels are continuing their campaign to disrupt the international shipping lanes. that despite dozens of air strikes from the united states and others targeting who the military installations in iraq and syria paper on the tech, several sites including one of the claims was being used as an is really spy headquarters. level known as also seen. several is really airstrikes which the israel defense for says we're targeting homeless leaders that has a lot. and i'll come to that also which as
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a leaders gather novels for the world economic forum, us national security advisor jake sullivan warned the world was on the path to an escalation of hospitality is in the middle east and escalation that could see the bloody conflict that began on october, the 7th spreading to the wider region might of dawn shine as from the international crisis group. i asked what's tensions rising in places from the red sea took it off and boxed on. if this is the region wide war, many have been warning against. i think it's fair to say that we are in a region or, um, i, you know, it's not in all that were there's degrees, and i think where i'm standing in israel, you know, if there was an all out war with lebanon, but please, by le, would look quite different where i'm sitting in tennessee, so there's obviously they could get a lot worse. but as far as really are concerned, they're fighting on several friends. and i think as far as, um, you know, some analysts would argue, and i probably would agree that of,
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in some ways us and is, are, are now it were with the red in, in various ways of speaking about it on because it on does appear to be heavily involved, whether it's a, with the whole, if he's in human, all his belie in lebanon on many shows and it all can syria one does it on one. right, well i'm not an expert on the run, but i can tell you that this is a we're seeing after october 7th, kind of the culmination of years of the build up of power that iran has directly funded. and in different indirect ways. it's built up as well, and we're seeing it now in action. and so i think that is something that is both directly and indirectly a product of a buy rating and strategy to, to build up power and projected against israel and the us. and we're seeing it now take effect, and that doesn't mean that iran is necessarily a directing. what's happening. i think the, who these are, you know, somewhat economists and not always co operative, chrisala, has its own interest in lebanon. you know, it's while it's
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a very difficult and failing state right now, it's still a state and in, you know, from us, for example, the purpose of the packets. it's quite likely that the ron didn't know about it, even though it works, intuit strategy of keeping up pressure and attacking israel. so i think what we're seeing is a combination of years and years of building up of power and strategy. given this build up, do you think that the future of how this moves forward depends on how the east around home oswell tons out order of things now being set in motion that independent of the outcome of that bull, or it's a very good question and it's one that i'm also grappling with, but i think it's pretty clear, especially from the short pause that we had in late november and the israel guys of war. that if there was a full ceasefire in guys that we would see a station of possibilities on most of those friends. if not all of those friends, that doesn't mean that those don't have their own nature that they could, you know, spiral out of control. but i think what we've learned since october 7th is that the
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entire regional stability of the middle east depends in large part on what's happening and israel and palestine. and so absolutely, the 1st thing to do would be to immediately call for an implement the ceasefire. here and then hope that that would start to calm the situation in the escalate across the region. and then of course, you would have to turn to diplomacy. how likely are we? and realistically, you might of to get a c's 5 at this stage. unfortunately, it does not look good. uh there's even a fight within the war cabinet in israel and amongst the families of the hostages, who would very much like to see the association of the war right now in order to secure the release of the hostages. that's something that they're pressuring the government on. the prime minister has set out right that he refuses, he has his own political and domestic reasons to do that as well. but he also claims that the goal of deteriorating destroying,
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dismantling whatever you want to call it, or from us still something that he believes israel will achieve. and he wants a lot of time to do that. i think the way to get to a cease fire is for the us to pressure israel to agree to one and it has not done that so far. what can you especially i actually walk on. he's run. i mean it's the us has been trying to pressure, he's well, for a number of weeks now we have had deliberations, the ones to go to, to council as well. but israel continues with it's operation and gaza. in fact, it is binding it down. but the operation does continue, how much influence doesn't us really have on israel? or the us has a lot of leverage. it could condition it's military uh, weaponry and armament of, of israel. the israel relies on it could condition aid things that have been floated now by certain progressive democrats. something that has become quite has been quite taboo in the us, but it's now becoming a little bit more accepted. and that would be the leverage. the us has the power it has chosen not to use it. i think bite in has really tried to to go along with
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israel's war effort and to try and navigate israel into a more strategic place. but it is real clearly isn't going in that direction in the us also has, has decided with this role in this war. so it would require a lot of political will and capital from the bided administration when months are now entering an election year. so it would be something by then would have to really go all out for when the but the timing, the thanks so much for all the context might of sunshine from the international crisis group. thanks so much. thank you. now in a gauze a shipment of medicines has arrived, which is intended for schools, or is there any hostages being held in the territory as well as for the desperate population? the unusual delivery comes off the cup out and from media to the day in between is very limited to the group from us, which is deemed that that is true by multiple countries. it is the 1st agreement between east i'm us since
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a week long cease file in november. clicks up now. it's some other headlines from around the world. at least 23 people had been killed in a fireworks factory explosion in thailand. the factory about 95 kilometers northwest of the capital in bangkok, easy and an isolated location. there were no reports of survivors demanded for 5 bucks is rising as the separation of luna, new york in early february approaches soonest or to send a prosecutor in ecuador has been shot dead in the city of y. i key while driving his car. he had been investigating an attack on a tv station by drug gangs last week. eco door has been rocked by a series of attacks and the week of a notorious gang leaders about him to escape from prison. i had in germany thousands braves, sub 0 temperatures in the capital of berlin to protest against the far right party
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alternative for germany, also known as the f. d. the demonstrators called for the policy that is a fully 2nd emission wide surveys to be banned. even, i mean, i'm good by the default stuff if the senior members discussed moss deforestation of german residents or on an outage in the body. denies that such plans are part of their policy. this is the least wave of protest and german cities against the evening since the reports came out last week. previous riley's every defended by japanese jobs, the old off salts and foreign minister on the la not bearable mikaela case that is chief political, the editor. i asked her what exactly is going on in the streets in germany with the baltic gaming and the polls. white people are also gathering to raise their voices against it as well. it all changed last week when an investigation showed that there was a conference meeting nibbling in november in the attendance of some key figures
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of the far right a if the policy and one of those key figures is a close advise of at least by the co leader of the party, and under that meeting, there were plans is thrown up for essentially mass they pull patients, including them and citizens which the, these people who are clearly from the extreme right. and stuff is categorizing in terms of who has a migratory background and know it's now this send this talk way through the debate . and it changed the debate of full political policies here, which had been asking themselves, how can we stop the rise of the far right if the is pulling very high nationally, but also protecting eastern states that are going to the polls. they said this year and, and the debate has now changed with many people taking to the streets pretty spontaneously now protesting against the fall, right? if the, particularly in the light of these revelations that the clearly happen it talks
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conference is going on here in germany. once again, often these not the pos, discussing on how to essentially get rid of people, how to add the ports people alpha as to how many don't fit of what is essentially a racist view of who should be to them and, and to send them. and that's why we're seeing demonstrations last night here, but less than 200 people were expected more than 2000 attended or some 5 will. we're expecting more than a 100, more demonstrations this coming weekend. not only against the a f d, but particularly about against a right wing extremists in germany. this is happening at the same time as the fall, right? if the is also polling pretty high nationally, protecting those eastern states, going to the polls. they said to make sure that what is new on the investigation that spock these protests, essentially the probe into the meeting of extremists and politicians on the, on those plans to do for millions of migrants from germany is we still move
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revelations last night. and they also refer to martin zayna, who is a well known vice when the extremist and from austria association with him actually got a bill. yes, kind of, it's a full my leading to go the far right a if the actually expelled from his own policy. so clearly the, if the will want to put some distance between itself and those revelations, that particular some of these people that and identities were revealed, this will make life very difficult for people now being thrown into the public eye . and we lun so which was why the intriguing, the kind of james bond methods used by callback teeth of these done this to get hold of footage and also of the information of what was being discussed. we. so what is that was allegedly used to record images and there was a sona boat pox on the lake nearby to film this gathering. and we also
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learned that clearly somebody who attended this meeting is part of the this planning of potential deputations must have told the done list of what was said within close door. so intriguing revelations. but the very fact that this meeting took place is what's fucking into debates here in germany, canada, and also more or more calls to band the air t faulty. is this debate getting more heated or yes it is. and we will see parliament debate today. and the is situation of the fall, right? if the but also the political situation overall in the light of these revelations, of this conference at their very split opinions on this uh, some arguing they all know too strong a political force. that all the political policies, the democratic political policies need to be able to reduce their importance by convincing voters at the same time or seeing an argument come of for instance,
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from the vice chancellor who bought habit from the greens whose saying is that a bond should be looked at very closely because if they all violation of the constitution, the state must act. we'll leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for joining us to that you want to continue to make sure that you're in russia dozens of for the testers have been arrested dr. clashes, but the ride police in the central region of bush called those done. thousands of people demonstrated very often an environmental activist was sentenced to 4 years in prison. for allegedly insight in hatred is simple to say he's facing persecution for his political views. the rare images from 2 days russia, a country where even peaceful street protests are met with a harsh response. police dispersing to most traders in the town of by mach with the help of tear gas and stone grenades. it all began after
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a judge sentence, the local active is to 4 years in prison. 5, i'll see enough was taken into custody of to the ruling. susan is my huge thanks to you. well, who came to support me? i will never forget this me, but i do not plead guilty things. i have always been struggling for justice all for my people, for my republican is. so god willing we will see each other again. and so, as the verdict was announced, hundreds of demonstrators who gathered outside began tempting slogans and his support. security forces into vans and italy, several arrests followed l. c. and it has been a prominent eco activist in the central russian region of the bus card has done. he has also complained for the protection of the regional bhaskar language and condemned russia's war in ukraine. he was sentenced for a common considered races by the authorities with which he says was miss translated
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. the ruling, let not only to a street protest, but emotional please, by his supporters on social media. yep. it is a boy of super. if i am holding on a fine to some bus, quote, just on to leave the territory of ukraine and return to the regional to defend by land that people know what you like. while you are fighting for the ambitions of one person, you will, people are being beaten out by security forces. after the hours long stand off ride police finally dispersed the demonstrators. the rally in by mike has been one of the biggest protests in russia since the grambling began its war in ukraine. as the jail active is begins to serve his sentence, it appears that some of his supporters may follow him. authorities have launched a criminal case in 2 months, riots a crime with the punishment of up to 15 years in jail. some business now an
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apple is pulling the blood oxygen toward, from its watches, sold in the us to avoid a possible band. a federal appeals court rejected apples requests to pause a ban on apple series 9, and i'll try to watches over the rights to the health feature american medical device make a mass email. it says apple infringed, it's peyton's related to the sensor to measure people's blood oxygen levels. seemed bentley from the the businesses. yeah. for more steven, everyone. what's going on here? yeah, i mean, this is ultimately a patent dispute. and patent disputes are not uncommon in the tech world, but this was interesting for several reasons. one, this is the world's most valuable company, apple, and one of its key products. the apple watch. to that, it's gotten this far at all, and 3 is some of the details that of really come out during this core case. really
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shut a light or pull back the curtain on how cut throat the competition is between these tact developers. so as you mentioned, this is about a company named massimo, and most of all has been around for 3 decades. it's in the medical and health technology branch and it creates things like advanced baby monitors. um, you know, health sensors, things like the measure, poles, oxygen, the measure, pulse rate, things like that. it also has its own wearable device that measures those things. now as early as 2013, my simone apple begin talking about a possible collaboration. this was before the 1st apple watch. nothing came out of it. but then later apple began poaching some of their employees. and then in 2020, it came out with an apple watch with this feature most most said, you've taken our property here and they sued. apple has counter suits saying you're damaging a reputation. this is, i'm just curious as to why this case has gotten so far because you said it's a dispute over patton's and patterns should be fairly easy to argue, right?
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i mean, the case dropped a bucket this fall. i think 1st of all of the voice, let's back up from the paths themselves. this speaks to how valuable and how lucrative this health wearables market is. if you look just at the wearables division in apple, they don't break it down further. $9000000000.00 in the last quarter. that's pretty big. the biggest money maker there is the apple watch. now if you look at health wearables, that's a huge industry lately in the past decade, perhaps companies like fit big companies like garmen. these are products that appeal to a cross section of very lucrative segments from baby boomers. they want to count their steps every day to fitness box who wants to accounts to track their blood ox levels. so the older people who need to have something as monitoring their basic vital signs. so i think that shows that this has been valuable and it will be valuable in the future. but also this court case, the fact is gotten as far speaks to the tenacity of both companies, most most a much smaller company and it spent billions pursuing this legal case. it believes that apple has produced an inferior product and then wanted to take most of those
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technology. apple denies all that, of course, and they're going to keep doing it out. are you going to has that a guess as to who's going to win? no, i'm not, i'm not that dumb and i don't know the legal ins and outs as well as those were closely closely following this. what i will say is that the fact that most of all has gotten this far is pretty remarkable in of itself. the ceo has said that he is willing to settle with apple actually said that publicly, but there has been no approach from apple according to him. so the fact is reached, this low is remarkable, that we're seeing it in the market right now. again, a very lucrative segments. apple is facing other legal challenges from anti trust issues. 2 things involving it's, it's app store. so how far is it willing to go with this? how far is mass? no, willing to go. it's going to be interesting. thanks for explaining that to me particularly . i think something really from the top of the business. thanks a lot. thanks for us. i had a quick reminder of the top story of the fair following at these pockets on has conducted overnight, military strikes against iran is solve, i'd say,
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is it targeted the substances palo chee militants, this introductory ition for any and strikes and tuesday, i guess what that on polls, terrorist targets just inside bucket and with that you are up to date. but coming up after the break eco, india with stories on boosting in dallas, tiger population, and on future proofing stuff for and production that's off of the brake and british frontage. invalid. thanks for watching the
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towel india project. time goes tens, 50. the animal rights activists embody up for a dish. take a holistic approach. it's, it's not that bad goes on more important than the birds or the monkeys, or don't like tigers become a pivot on which all the conversion efforts can we focus to benefit full force
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eco india. next on d, w, it may have been decommissioned but the new to power plant in mole belgium is busy as an ada. this is a re radio new science or produce cancer research and treatment to mon road vine is a numerous. does clients need more power? focus on europe in 60 minutes on dw the trash as an environmental 9 me a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial
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nations no longer need and lightest textile ways get stranded here. all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry, the fast fashion watch now on youtube. the lot save our for that it, if not from the goodness of our heart and our foresight in this, then let's just do it for our own selfish needs. hello and welcome. i'm father got the body and you are watching iq window. the connection between the wireless, the fox planners and our own well being is more direct than meet and to be nice. the ip easy. it has also said the c. so in today is episode,
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