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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the news live from bell in pakistan, launches, tips, attack strikes on iran is one about says it attacks terrorist targets in retaliation. so earlier around noon strikes within, practiced on each side claims the other is offering set persist. millison also coming up from the program, thousands guys a here in the land to protest against the rise of the fall of rights. there are growing cools for a ban on the alternative for germany policy, which is now the 2nd most populous nation, the
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hello there i menu, because making them thank so much for joining us. pakistan has hit alleged militant hide out inside of ron, in a series of retaliated, treat strikes is on the about says that target is basis of below cheese that persists. iran had earlier attacked what it called terrorist targets and practiced on each side is accusing the other of hovering separate system sizes. the attacks have res, tensions between pack a stone and its neighbor iran, the villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the rounds border region. your ran in state media say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed it carried out the attacks i this morning focused on and it took
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a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision, military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and says donald, but it was just on probing of feet on a number of terrace were killed during the intelligence based operation. the strikes in the ran in border region offices down in baluchistan. our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down early this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens it, security, a history, it has a spot, none of the nationals of the friendly and brotherly country of practice done with targeted by themselves and drones of iran. there is this group id on the so called gish out of which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces. but that inside pack is done as mental a tip i purchased on. how did you did the exchange of strikes has sparked
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a diplomatic crisis, islam about we called it some past so they were to run and stopped to use a rainy encounter part from returning to practice, done by his town scared, ticket prime minister, and bar, all hot cut car, cut shorts, his visit to the world economic forum and davos is advanced on fold. regional powers have ers to come from both sides. both gave me that off as a sort of all region does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war in garza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. we saw this tension reflected in 11 on yeah, syria, iraq, young and the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today. and it said that you all can. that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's
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territory. there say an attack in nuclear arms buck is done. would be dangerous for the whole world. they are. i spoke to pakistan's full. i'm a foreign minister, a he never a bonnie har and i also with the c things pack us down to the right thing and responding to the wrong strike. or i just suddenly say around they just put the keys, stupid wrong thing. as far as i don't think by the time has been the options, i'm not gonna go, i'm gonna try to talk and speak with me. i think when you do your walk by and establish law, we look under the international. the board was, according to the finish out to this concept of civility and control or what you are, what is what you got to put the name. now here's a neighbor basically with which we have $900.00. normally just the one right and the list is on the list of introduce the range parts including going to turn them
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does know, you know, if the you doing uh for the completion and all of this was the ongoing of despite the fees. and then the explanation given, so that's a, that's not a small into your godaddy. imagine from a guy being inside you. okay. and so, you know, we thought there was somebody over there and you'd like to limit all of our kids to children. but it is us protecting our nation's security. it doesn't work that way of focus on your, on what's the concerns about what has been happening from the other side of the border. we have mechanisms rule, but we didn't normally discuss but to find a solution for that to me. i think what happened yesterday, it was a reaction to domestic combustion, this domestic dom on for reaction, but you're on to what was happening, but in the wrong. unfortunately, iran decided dr. office on the to the th, which i hope is not the biggest fusion i see. and i think when we call the address
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90 the slide under the form it says. and so do you think we just going to be on the we need to come back to the magic thoughts as he say there is cooperation between practiced on air in the wrong day on neighbors and iran carried out the striking practice done just hours off of the rainy and foreign minister met packet stones. can i take a prime minister in dev us? what does the say about the level of trust between the 2 countries? as you know, i think the creator of distrust that has been created by this computer unprecedented . the good interest to strive, but you're on is going to be or on the big one and a some are a member of the buckets on people's body. another part to use the vision and others uses and by the son who has invested dp in, in, in the building trust between focused on and the wrong to be able to look at the support of terrorism as a former trip. and be able to do some of it with
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a bomb and strategy. and this distrust is going to be very, very deep and, and yet, so i'm sorry, i'm sorry to interrupt, but i did want to been sending me the a radians a cold for action to be taken against millicent groups or pricing on the border for years. why didn't practiced on take action as the icon give you the notice of action that the sun has deepened, as i can only give you the wrong mr. vice. and that you're wrong, perhaps, and not the going to be, but not just on debrief. and on the high adults, they done these things. going to happen on the under counterterrorism diagnose something you're getting some success. sometimes you get some something you take. so right. we have insured them and we have that during the months we always go to the department stuff. i pretty much just on the box and came up with the robot method as i'm with the foot board a b as each other concerns. and this mechanism was indeed,
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i don't give you the details of that, but what time does nothing uh to the nation, the radius of dr. defeats coming to that i, i just think that under the, if these are really dense relations between the sun, perhaps not justified what part of the understand this is the time. as you mentioned, it says apartments, the on demand for the pond together, or branding is through a process on that seem did mention nothing about the concerns of i told us about there is nothing but nothing before that student before the battle. so it's rather unique. it's unique and unexplainable as to why this would suddenly something to see it. and this one president didn't this much of the possibility of severely percussion. me why? so we have a fire and that was the form of foreign minister of pocket's. done, he,
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narrow by the har spacing speaking to me earlier. now here in germany, tens of thousands of turned out to protest against the rise of the fall rights. the alternatives, the dodge land policy has grown in popularity. the 2nd place in the national polls, the demonstrations would tribute by reports, the f d and others want to deport millions of foreigners and germans with the migration background barrow and hate the f d. that was the chance has thousands made their voices haired under the lights of the city halls, the latest show of force, against the rise of the fall rights in germany. we hit today because there's a shift to the, to a more i, we approach and politics in germany and that's a horrifying goal. i think it is the duty of all of us to be hit today against the have the against hatred and rabble rousing hits the most of us. we know that the f
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d is already quite popular nationwide in germany. and it's important to stand up against fascism against anti democratic ideas against nazi ideas or protest to rob did after which a marriage that alternative for jam, many members, a neo nazis met to discuss plans through the port. millions of people with migration routes, including german citizens, the distance themselves from a so called re migration plan, one and for germans has on migration background. invalid the story has brought to mind the doctor's chapter in german history. when not sees the poor to then murder millions of people. it's not the right to do it. it's not right. for the i the nation. yes it read. see associates of me. it sucks me that people have not learned from history miss clear. and how this
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works is they me, cuz that's why do we migration is the worst you can hear, especially in a country that once lived through that history, i. mazda gets just the beauty girl. we got to explain to people who were born here with the migration background should also leave 0. but i had to hard to go to bed because you see gemini, o berlin is your home and it's all very difficult. i don't usually let racism get to me like that, but it did. it didn't make me aggressive. do you think? what so this crap again. so most the focus no times to the parties position and the german parliament where the debate is whether they should be fund entirely a new, clear option for all with legal hard those. and that may help, rather than hinder the far right. we can get more on this from our political correspondence, simon young, simon, we think thousands of people protesting against the a f,
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the and yet the policy is doing really well in the polls. can you explain to us why that is as well, in terms of the protests against them? i think it's, it's clear that for many years the people have been warning about the rise of the populace. paul writes and the, the furniture, the gemini policy in particular saying it's essentially a sort of a neo fascist, a front organization and represents a threat to democracy. the supporters of the a f d though of course say well, you know, we, we have genuine concerns and this is the policy that we think is addressing. that is clear that there is a lot of frustration at the moment with the current coalition government, which is very unpopular. many people think that it's not getting a great on the big issues in particular migration, which is the issue that the if the is put in the center of its campaigns. but also
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a range of other things and seen at the protests from farm is for. it says that recently, and there been many of the things that people have been demonstrating about. and i know under, i'm happy about they feel that in many parts of germany, it's time for a change. and that's, i think it is. the main thing that explains how to search and support for this fall right group and calls to bind the eye of the policy though all guessing loud from people who are against the a. if the can you explain to us why people who are m. c, a, f, d. why did these people? well, the policy by um, completely well, i think, as i mentioned, you know, many people are characterizing the, a, f, d, a known as a real democratic political policy. they have used the democratic electoral process to get themselves elected here to the parliament, uh, to jam and a zip buddhist talk. but they say they're not really democrats, they, for instance,
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have links to on the phone rights organizations. that's the revelation that is made in may by it's journalists in recent size, that is going to be one very alarm that i think is ready to adopt the temperature in this debate. saying that, you know, these people want to be pulled large numbers of foreigners back to other countries . that smacks of a sudden at near furniture stick idea and, and people are very worried about what it means for society. so an attempt to band the policy, of course, it's very controversial likely to take a long time and may well allow them to paint themselves as victims of that sort of mainstream policy. conspiracy. political correspondence, simon young, simon, might so much to not tell you has a quick reminder about top story for you today. pack hassan is carried out as strikes against the alleged millison, tight out in iran is lemme bob says it attacks the low chief sizes in retaliation.
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so early it radian strikes in practice done each side is accusing the list of hovering, separate separatists, listen. and that is all we have time for coming up next, the dw documentary stick around so that if you can, i'm on you could, thanks so much for watching the my name is the calls back saved. now. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. as would have been nosy bay, like good, everyone to king. check out the award winning called called the called back. the beauty you know, wants to help both him and his talent then the last 16 years old.


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