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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the dw news line from berlin tonight, pakistan and iran launching tit for tat air strikes against each other in pakistan says that attacked and it will just hide out in iran, in retaliation for a rainy and strikes within its borders just a day earlier. also coming up, medicine and aid arrived for the people of gosh, a shipment of supplies desperately needed, but there was no lit up in the finding. at least 16 people from one family were killed in an air strikes that destroyed their homes in rough. the
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ivory golf is good to help you with this on this thursday. we begin with the tit for tat air strikes between iran and pakistan. earlier today, pakistan hit alleged milton high belts inside iran in a series of retaliatory attacks is one of the boxes that had targeted bases of below g separate just inside iran. now all of this followed and a rainy and here strike targeting what t, ron says, our terrorist inside pakistan, both countries are accusing each other of harboring separatist fighters. villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the runs border region. your ran in state media say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed carried out the attacks. i this morning, focused on and it took
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a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision, military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and sis donald, but it was just on probing or feet on a number of terrorist or killed during the intelligence space to oppression. the strikes and the ran in border region offices done in baluchistan. our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down early this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens it, security us, history. it has as far as none of the nationals of the friendly and brotherly country. of fact, it's done with targeted by themselves and drones of iran. there is this group id on the so called gish out to here, which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces. but that inside pack is done as mental a tip i purchased on. how did you did the exchange of strikes has sparked
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a diplomatic crisis, islam about we called it some past so they were to run and stopped to use a rainy encounter part from returning to patches done by his town scared, ticket prime minister, and bar, all hot car cut shorts, his visit to the world economic forum and davos is advanced on fold. regional powers have ers to come from both sides. but give me that off as a sort of all region does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war in garza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. we sold this tension reflected in 11 on yeah, syria, iraq, young and the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today. and it said that you all can. that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's
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territory. there say an attack in nuclear armed pakistan would be dangerous for the whole world. earlier i spoke with michael kugal men from the wilson center in washington, dc. i asked him if this conflict has the potential to morph into a full fledged war as well. i certainly hope not. uh, but it's important not to be complacent about just how precarious the situation is right now. let's remember that packet is done as a country with nuclear weapons as the 1st thing to, to keep in mind. and if you look at what's happened over the last few days, a ron striking, the impact response counter strikes. both of those strikes. as i understand it involves civilian fatalities including small children being killed in both cases. this is not just the case of middleton's being taken out. so given that reality, i think it's going to be very difficult. and the immediate term for both sides to be willing to start talking about the escalation tensions, temperatures are, are very high right now. and that's very troubling. and when you pick up on this
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nuclear power point, i mean, why do you think you're wrong? the launch strikes against pakistan in the 1st place, knowing that it has nuclear weapons it's, it's very risky one, but i do. it's very reckless as well. i think that we have to see a ron's decision to strike guy in the broader context of what's happening in the middle east. and that entails a ron's proxies ramping up efforts to undermine is real and its allies. and this has put a run in an increasingly precarious, in vulnerable position at seeing more threats to a security. it suffered a terrible terrorist attack a just some days ago in iran. and this has made a run decide to hit out against what it proceeds to be its biggest threats around the broader region. and we saw it carry out some strikes and a rack in syria. and of course, in pakistan as well. and the group that it targeted is a group that as long worried around because it is carried out attacks and around in the task or on his long been worried that pakistan has not done enough to deal with this group. a former peg as to any foreign ministry told us earlier today that the
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country had no choice but to respond with force. do you agree, was that the only choice pakistan had as well? yeah, i think that um, it would have been difficult for pakistan not to respond. i think the main reason for that is that um it knows that 1st of all the strike that are on carried out was unprecedented. ron has carried out these types of cross border activities to target in to your on militants impact this done in the past, but not putting on the scale in terms of the type of weaponry involved and, and the casualties and so on. so i think that was one reason why bucks on had to respond. the more important reason why it had to respond was it, it had to restore to turns as quickly as possible. it knows that iran, as i was noting before, has been on the offensive, is clearly committed to act and kinetically to take out threats. and i think the dock has not had good reason to worry that if it didn't respond and respond quickly, it could, his face the prospect of another, a rainy and straight contact us 90. so we'd be furred from the united states
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calling for restraint. china has said that it could possibly mediate here, and i'm wondering what would shine to want out of these negotiations if it were to be the mediator. i can't think of any more logical mediator than china. it's got very strong relations with both pakistan not enter on both doc, this done in a right or tack strep countries that are dependent on china for economic support. so that means that beijing has leverage, and that could help us help it as a mediator. it looked, china doesn't want to see these 2 countries go to war. it had a significant investment interest in both of these countries. and obviously those interest would be imperiled in a big way if, if, if these 2 countries go to war. so i think the china has a lot to get out of putting itself out. there is a mediator not to mention it. so it's evergreen goal of trying to increase in the cloud and influence, particularly in in the middle east. worse than trying to make inroads. not too long ago, a mediator to deal with surprising deal between saudi arabia and iran. you know,
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it's a very good point to be, in your opinion, what needs to happen right now to, to help de escalate the situation as well. the fact is that he's in the radians need to start embracing diplomacy. um, you know, this is not a hostile relationship. they do have dialogue mechanism, is that they could resorts to, if they're willing to, and i think that's, that's the goal. the incentive structure has to change so that they turn away from the kinetic activities and focus more on talking to try to deescalate things. and that's where a 3rd party mediator, such as a china could be helpful to, to try to quietly trust the 2 sides to, to focus on lowering temperatures and lowering contentions. michael cooperman, south asia institute director from the wilson center mr. coleman. we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. a shipment of medicine has arrived and gaza intended for as rarely hostages held by her moss. it arrived long with fresh aid for the people of gossip guitar and france helped to arrange
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the deal between his real and the militant group from us. remember, moss has deemed a terrorist group by multiple countries. the homos run hills ministry and gaza says that news really airstrikes have killed dozens of people in the last 24 hours, including at least 16 people in one strength on a house in rough or that you in says guys is remaining. hospitals are overwhelmed by the number of casualties. i asked journalist sammy, circle in jerusalem to tell us what we know about the distribution of medicines for the hostages and the aid for palestinians inside. gotcha. yeah. well, we know that these uh trucks with medicines, they have entered the gaza strip and it has been handed over to the home us run and ministry of hands. and they have said that they will it distributed 1st to the hospitals in the gaza strip. i'm from these all us, but there's, there's supposed to go a also among other to the is there any hostages that are kept inside?
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now, according to how i'm us, it each box of medicine that was located for the hostages. the 1000 boxes for the, for the guys is as we know more than 50000 gallons that have been wounded and the medication is a highly necessity. and these are the hospitals that have been doing anesthesia. so doing a operations without the anesthesia and so forth. now is runs, the concern has been, is whether this, how mazda led the ministry will actually bring the medication to those hostages. and how would they know? so, according to a is the media today is cut. the has promised is read the day with the supply with the visual evidence of these hostages,
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and we're talking about 4 to 5. is there any hostages? who are i need for medication? and they would provide this visual evidence to show that they actually go through the medication is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke a while ago and take a listen to part of what he said yesterday. or there are 2 stages to the fighting. the 1st is drawing the how most regiments, those are the organized combat frameworks open till now 16 or 17 august 24th been destroyed. after that, the 2nd stage is clearing the territory of militants. the 1st action is usually short as the 2nd usually takes longer. so now when you're dealing with both of the same time as the governor, the sammy, when we hear that update is here, what is the status of the war against a mazda and garza? so it's, we're looking at the noise in the part of the gaza strip with the about the city of
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gaza. and that area. so is when over there, they say that they have already, the finished a phase one is that means that the, sorry, phase 2. and that is why they withdrew some of their forces from these areas. and the in the other areas of the gaza strip. that means in the central area of the gaza strip, the area of building by law and the refugee cam. so the z and then they'll say the age and so forth. and then canyon is they are spin in the earlier phase, which is a more intensive phase of the military campaign, or less sammy circle with alliance or not from jerusalem semi as always. thank you . a quick look. now some of the other headlines from around the world, the european parliament, has adopted a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire and gaza. but only on the condition that the palestinian
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militant group from off the dismantled lawmakers say all hostages must be released . the resolution also calls for renewed efforts to find a lasting political solution to the israeli, palestinian conflict. native has an al since biggest military exercise in decades. the alliances talk commander christopher could bully says the exercise will kick off next week and we'll evolve around 90000 forces from all nato members. it's supposed to be a rehearsal to test how the alliance would respond to a russian attack. us report into a school shooting last year and you've all the texas as found a major failures in the police response. the justice department review says that officers waited far too long to confront the government and repeatedly gave wrong information to the families. 19 children and 2 staff members were killed. the german parliament is passed legislation designed to speed up the deforestation of asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected. the law gives police
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greater powers in dealing with those people slated for deportation. the countries interior minister says that this will allow germany to focus on the refugees who need protection to post election and rest of the east african. i'm a nation of come, a ross has left at least one person dead. 25 wounded demonstrations began after incumbent president, as ali of sumani was declared the winner. the opposition is alleging fraud, calling for even larger protests. and finally, winter weather. here in germany, it has created chaos for travelers using planes, trains and cars. heavy, snowing ice and cause traffic jail and stretching for key load meters. rescue workers handed out hot drinks and blankets to those thousands of drivers who were called into congestion emergency services responding to dozens of accidents and schools and kindergartens for clubs. hundreds of flights and long distance trains
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have also been chance. watch dw news, relevancy and berlin, thanks for the company. we'll see you next time. the, the goldsmith. i'm not saying in the late seventy's shlomo slice, now mexico stuff bought the man who had to maintain him to use light to voc know was date, was it suicide? the evidence raised has done what really happened? january 27th on dw, the beauty, you know.


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