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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the business, the, the news life from berlin, israel's lead publicly defies to yours over gaza prime minister benjamin netanyahu. bridget schools from the white house to scale down israel's war against a mazda and gaza, and rejects the idea of palestinian statehood in the future. plus tension. so between focused on an 8 or on in the wake of date for tat air strikes against each other. but just on say, is it detect minutes and timeouts in iran in retaliation for it in and strides within its folders. just today idea of the coming up echo wraps up. it's one on narco traffickers. so just rate the prison reported the rules by games and
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police arrest the suspected feel as if a prosecutor who was gunned down in his car the time that a spanish you welcome to the program, we stopped an easy way out of our prime minister benjamin netanyahu. has publicly rejected goals from the united states to scale back it's offensive and does and for postwar palestinian statehood internationally tell the advise address? nothing. yeah. who's that is around would not stop. it's 4 in the tennessee i'm from us. we just consider the tablets grew by ease around and the u. s. was destroyed as the hole in any arrangement of whether there isn't a code or not. these ready states must have security control over to have a tree west of the jordan river is a necessary condition, but that cost is with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter
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what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped this, the attempt to impose a reality on those that would hom is where it was security and it's ready probably minister. she'll be able to say no, even to our best friends know when necessary. yes, when possible. so let's get more now from the debit card of funding tanya kramer in the journals. i'm good morning, tanya. can you tell us a bit more about nathan? yeah. who is your box? well actually it's not the 1st time that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects the idea of a palestinian state. rese, been hearing him saying that before, but of course this comes now after the us secretary of state and new clinton was in the region to us last week talking about that that needs to be a pathway to a publishing and state. you also made remarks at the world economic forum. there was a wednesday and disregard. this is where i can not the chief genuine security without
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the pathway to a palestinian state. i think on the one hand, this is where the prime minister wants to assert that it's is right. who sets the tone which sets the tone for what was happening, garza after the war. and so it also, he's addressing, of course, his domestic audience here. there's not much talk about, you know, a piece with palestinians or a 2 state solution at the moment. the country is very much focused on the, uh, the uh, you know, releasing small hostages that are remaining and causes a lot of pressure on the government. uh, from uh the is rarely public and there's no too much talk about a posting and stating that we've got all the more questions about how the school but engine, whether at the goals that the government has said to remove from us from how actually be achieved but uh, this, however, what's the prime minister again at odds with the united states, which is also called for israel to scale back it's offensive and guns
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a of the opposite loosely. uh, there are several issues. uh where uh, both countries very close allies differ. um, one of them is uh, of course, the course of the war and has been repeated caused by the united states to scale down uh the, the war in garza, in light of the high desk told among the civilian population and gods would also do that in more 8, but also when it comes to post a war scenario. so it's been a lot of pressure on the is really government to actually a design of what a post for a guys will look like. and one of them is just a goal or a possibly a to a palestinian state state. as antony blinking has said it opened the region. he was here last week talking to lot of lead is also in the region saying that also the, our country is mainly he visited, also saudi arabia, which a country,
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it's what it has, no diplomatic relations with. but of course, saying that our countries would like to see it, we'd like to help with every construction of, of gaza. but also we'd like to see it possibly to a palestinian state to possibly re integrate. it's right in the region. really verified the timing. the thanks so much for joining us today, and tanya, from a, from 0 so i clicked up now and some other headlines from around the world of typed into us government shutdown has been invented congress back to been to keep operations funded into march. it passed by a wide margin in both the house and senate buying time for the 2 parties to find common ground. and this democrats once more aid for you, for invited republicans, one top of border security, having the number of ships allowed to cross the panama canal has been caught by more than a 3rd outside of the said that low want to levels due to a severe drought add force the reductions. the canal is one of the walls,
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keep trade routes with goods with around 250000000000 euros flowing through annually. if these 15 people, including 13 children, have died off the boat capsized in west and india. students are traveling to a school picnic when the accident took place on a lake, in which it all state local officials said around 27 people who are on the phone. at the time. tensions also are in the pink box on the wrong over it strikes both countries got it out on each of those category box responses and targeted bases of bellucci separatists inside it on following and evading. and s like targeting terrorists impact cost on both countries or choosing the other of competing separatist fighters. villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the rounds border region. iranian state,
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medias say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed, carried out the attacks this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision, military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and says donald, but it was just on probing of feet on number of total risk or killed during the intelligence based operation. the strikes in the ran in border region of sys, down in baluchistan, our a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down earlier this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens its security, us history, it as a spot, none of the nationals as a friendly and brotherly country of practice done with targeted by themselves and drones of iran. there is this group it on the so called gish out arrow, which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some
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provinces. but the inside pack is done as mental a tip i purchased on the exchange of strikes has sparked a diplomatic crisis. it's not my badge, we called it some fast. so there are 2 iran and stopped to use a rainy encounter. part from returning to pack is done by his down scared ticket. prime minister. unbar will, how car cut shorts, his visit to the world economic forum and davos is advanced on fold. regional powers have erst come from both sides, both humans at off as a sort of our region does not need more problems and conflicts. we see that the war in garza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. now we saw this tension reflected in lebanon. yeah, syria, iraq, yemen, the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today. and it said that you all
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can, that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's territory . they are saying attack in nuclear arm to pakistan would be dangerous for the whole world. and the result of buckets on the form of florida minutes taking note of bonnie khan and aust, whether she think spock is the right thing by using force to respond to it on strike. as such as you say you're asked to do the keys, stupid wrong thing. as far as i don't think by the time has been the options. i'm not gonna go, i'm gonna try it out and speak with me. i think when you do your walk by to establish the book under the umbrella of international the board. well, according to the center, there is some points, interest of energy and control over what you are, what is what you got to put the name. and now here's a new movies we with which we have 900 kilometers. i'm wondering,
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and i'm on the list, it is on the list or introduce the range bar including going to turn them does know, you know, are you doing uh for the completion of this was the ongoing, despite the fees and then the explanation given for that. so that's not a small into your godaddy. imagine from that being inside, you get it as a whole. we thought there was somebody over there and you'd like to limit all of our kids to children, but it is us protecting on us and security. it doesn't work that way of focused on your, on what's the concerns about what has been happening from the other side of the border. we have made those mechanisms rule, but we didn't already discussed but to find a solution for that. so me, i think what happened yesterday, it was a reaction to domestic combustion. this domestic demand for reaction, but you don't do what was happening, but in the wrong. unfortunately,
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iran decided dr. office on the, to the theater, which i hope is not the biggest fusion i see. and i think when we call the address 90 the slide under the form it says. and so do you think we just going to be and do we need to come back to the magic top? a large sounds from a foreign minister, he not a bunny car. speaking to us earlier back in ecuador to man have been arrested over the model for prosecute to tracking down in legal drug gangs. the prosecutor was investigating the storming of a tv station by narcotics traffic goes last week. drug cartels have been raging a bloody campaign of kidnappings and kings. the violins began, but under told he is gang lead to escape from prison, which is now being taken over by the military police into a major equal dorian prison, near the city of guy of quill, rounding up inmates,
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as government forces tried to crack down on rapidly escalating gang violence, it was from this prison, the gang golf adult for macias, also known as fetal escaped, sparking major violence across a quick door. the government prosecute is the license casualty. is us what is, was investigating the recent storming of a t v street or by the gang members. he was shot deed on wednesday to mean have been arrested over the killing. and his colleagues are appealing for more protection, a little further than organized crime groups, framing those temporaries will not stop our commitment to wake weather and society . we. we continue doing our board with more friends and more compromises. it must be clear to all these that pros chose act is
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a message to those who are working for just these in a quite or we call it on load enforcement to guarantee the security of those of us . we're feeding this mission number for the company, and so then that's, that's one. see on this the government blamed the situation on the growing reach of contain trafficking gangs. which of these stabilized waves of south america? president, daniel, no boy has declared a 60 day state of emergency. the gangs have sit back todd with kidnappings and killing, leaving many equip dorians in fear that the situation could spiral out of control. and from all that the talk to stuff on kids. now he's a journalist in echo those capital key to we asked him if the 60 days state of emergency would be enough time to make a real inroads and the fight against drug cartels as well. we've been under these kinds of states of emergencies and some former other, locally or nationally,
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since really since 2015. so it's, it's a very typical measure that governments have announced and what goes beyond the usual is the curfew that exists overnight from them in 9 to 5 in the morning. and also the new boy has declared a state of war. he followed up on the declaration of emergency with a state of war. and what we, we still lack is, is clarity on the depths of the mission. there are issues with the, the, as the for capacity, not just the police and military to re take control of prisons because this has been an issue since since 2021. but also because we don't know how we don't have this thing. mission statement. so we don't know whether emergency or homicide rate reduction is,
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is the major target for or what other measure of success will be there. that's it for the time being. but coming up after the break and interview with new care based, valencia come active has been proud of talking about how to use restaurants, present boba's, these assets, vacations an applicant. do they have good was i when i told me that they don't have violence. and we go say tulsa tissue today, because then they go to that who set up to, you know, medical people watch stuff was work hard, won the tenants otherwise. so not because the .


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