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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the news life from berlin, israel's lead up politics, it defies to us over does a prime minister benjamin netanyahu resists calls from the white house to scale
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down these roads forward against from us and rejects the idea of palestinian statehood in the future. plus tension. so between park hassan and iran in the wake of tit for tat. it strikes against each other focused on so easy to tax, but it's entire delta neutron and determination for any and strides within each photos yesterday. i'm also coming up in india. hyper, on the opening of a hindu temple, it's a job for 5 minutes under the movie to score some major political points, but possibly at the risk of alienating the new just might not change. and ecuador ramp soft. it's war or knock or traffic goes, sol. joe's ready to present reports if need to invite the drug guns and police arrest the suspect of ken as of a prosecutor who has gone down and it's got the
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managed manager. welcome to the program. we stopped in east railroad prime minister benjamin netanyahu as publicly rejected goals from the united states. the scales back it's offensive in gaza and for post war palestinian statehood in a maximum of 10 devices address. bethany, who said, isabel would not stop. it's born in the tennessee and it has destroyed him, us. we just considered a diverse group by israel and the us to the quote in any arrangement, whether there was an accord or not. these ready states must have security control of old, which have a true west of the jordan river, is a necessary condition. but that cautious with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say maybe i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped the attempt to impose a reality on those that would hom israel security and is ready, prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no, when necessary. yes,
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when possible. and i also correspond tanya kramer and jerusalem to tell us more about prime minister nathan. yeah. whose remarks? well actually it's not the 1st time that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects the idea of a palestinian state. rese, been hearing him saying that before, but of course this comes now after the us secretary of state and to think and was in the region just last week talking about that that needs to be a pathway to publishing and state your ultimate remarks at the world's economic form, there was a wednesday in this regard, that is where i can not achieve genuine security without the pathway to a palestinian state. i think on the one hand, this is where the prime minister wants to assert that it's is rather who sets the tone which sets the tone for what was happening. garza after the war ends, but also he's addressing, of course, is the domestic audience here. it's not much talk about, you know, a piece with palestinians or
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a 2 state solution at the moment. the country is very much focused on the, uh, the uh, you know, releasing small hostages that are remaining and gauze is a lot of pressure on the government. uh, from uh the is where the public and there's not too much talk about a posting and stating that we've got all the more questions about how this war with engine, whether at the goals that the government has said to remove from us. some power will actually be achieved, but this however, puts the prime minister again at odds with the united states, which is also called for israel to scale back it's offensive and guns a what oxy? loosely, uh, there are several issues. uh where uh, both countries very close allies differ. um, one of them is, of course, the course of the war that has been repeated caused by the united states to scale down uh the, the war in garza,
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in light of the high desk toll among the civilian population, gods would also do that in more aid but also when it comes to post a war scenario, so it's been a lot of pressure on the is really government to actually design a what a post for a thousands will look like. and one of them is this a goal of a possibly a to a palestinian state state as antonio blinking has said it also in the region. he was here last week talking to a lot of lead is also in the region saying that also the, our country is mainly he visited, also saudi arabia, which a country, it's what it has, no diplomatic relations with. but of course, saying that our companies would like to see it, we'd like to help with every construction of, of gaza. but also we'd like to see it possibly to a palestinian state to possibly re integrate. it's right in the region. we'll leave it there for the timing. the thanks so much for joining us today. atanya from a,
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from 0 some a quick look now at some other headlines from around the europe in bottom and has adopted the resolution calling for the problem and then cease 5 and gaza, but only on the condition that the ballasting in minutes and group, a mazda is dismantled, lawmakers say all the hostages must be released. the resolution also calls for renewed efforts to find a last in political solution to the conflict. nato has announced its biggest military exercise in decades. the alliance has stopped them under christopher kev only. so the exercise will kick off next week and involve round 90000 forces. from all natal members, it's supposed to be every household to test how the alliance would respond to a russian attack. so the 1st side of madison. at least 15 people, including 13 children, have died the opposite of both capsized in west and india students for traveling to a school picnic. when the accident took place on the lake and put it on stage. no, for an official send it on the 27th people wrote on board at the time as tensions of sorting the green box as on an iran over and strikes both countries got it out
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on each of those tetra tree. but just on say, is it targeted bases of but not you separatists inside it on following and either any and asked dr. targeting terrorists in focused on both countries are accusing the other poverty, separatist fighters, villagers assessing the damage. this footage appears to show the aftermath of the pakistani strike on the runs border region. your ran in state media say at least 9 people were killed there on thursday. is lama, but has confirmed it carried out the attacks this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision. military strikes against terrorist holly high adults and says donald, but it was just on probing of feet on a number of terrace, or killed during the intelligence based operation. the strikes and they ran in
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border region offices, done and baluchistan, are a response to a runs attacks inside pac is down earlier this week. take run, said he to separate his group, which threatens it, security us, history. it has x box, none of the nationals of the friendly and brotherly country of packets done with targeted by themselves and drones of the wrong. there is this group beat on the so called gish out o here, which is an iranian terrorist group ticket and they have taken shelter in some provinces. but that inside pack is done as mental a tip i purchased on the exchange of strikes has sparked a diplomatic crisis, is slow, i'm about, we called it some fast so they were to run and stopped to use a rainy encounter part from returning to pakistan by his down scared ticket prime minister on the bar. well, how took car cut shorts? his visit to the world economic forum and tablets as events unfold. regional powers
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have erst come from both sides. both game is it off as a sort of all region does not need more problems and conflicts. now we see that the war in gaza unfortunately escalates regional tensions. we saw this tension reflected in 11 on yeah, syria, iraq, yemen, the persian gulf and of the red sea. in addition to all this, unfortunately, we have been closely following developments between pakistan and iran over the last 2 days with consent approval. i get it submitted today, and it said that you all can, that's how it can be viewed as well. officials trade accusations protests or is have taken to the streets of islam about to denounce the strikes on pakistan's territory. they are saying attack in nuclear arm to pakistan would be dangerous for the whole world. and earlier we spoke to box dunce promo folder and administer he know to buy a new card and asked whether she things bug assigned to the right thing or using
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force to respond to it on strike. as such as you say you're asked to do the keys, stupid wrong thing. as far as i don't think by the time has been the options. i'm not and go right out and speak with me. i think when you know, we all walk by and establish rudolf, we look under the umbrella of international the board. well, according to the bench out to the points, interest of energy and control, or what you are, what is what you got to put the name. and now here's a new movies with which we have 900 kilometers a border and i'm on the list. it is on the list or introduce the range bar, including going to turn them does know, you know, are you doing uh for the completion of this wasn't that ongoing, despite the fees and then the explanation given for that. so that's not a small into your godaddy. imagine from that being inside, you get it as a whole. we thought there was somebody over there and you'd like to limit all of
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our kids to children, but it is us protecting on us and security. it doesn't work that way of focused on your, on what's the concerns about what has been happening from the other side of the border. we have mechanisms rule, but we didn't already discussed but to find solutions for that. so me, i think what happened yesterday, it was a reaction to domestic combustion. this domestic demand for reaction, but you don't do what was happening, but in the wrong. unfortunately, iran decided dr. boss has done to the theater, which i hope is not the biggest fusion i see. and i think what we call the dress 90 . the slide under the form it says. and so do you think we're just going to be on the we need to come back to the magic pulse a, a foreign minister, a fuck is on here. not a bunny kind of speaking to us. and yeah, in, in the him, do devotees,
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a porting into the northern city of iowa for the opening of the rom temple, it's an event that's being portrayed as along the way to victory. by pragmatist on that end or multi, i needed the ruling him do. nation is b, j, p. the temple was built on grounds where a mosque stood for centuries, bought in 1992. that building was thrown down, triggering of religious strides. dw correspondent i've been part travelers. do are you here to speak with both hindus and wisdom and found the city right? and it just politics have some feeling, crime, front and others left out? the problem so can do, do is make your way to the wrong template. now you will get the city is brimming with the excitement head office in operation. 6 you know. c the one is the good, feels like divinely. i'm ecstatic, unhappy,
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and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around the place where in the somebody raises occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the room temple is the beginning of the hindu nation. it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is, was up of all the what town flags up the routing faulty selected along side images of the drum. the messages this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp e s and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns, local bgp problem, interior and loosing and his party workers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds . so you don, your prime minister, monique is governmental, how wants have done all that for you with the holy land. he explains that
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every house the now yo jay is a temple and we need to believe in this the project is central to move these re election bid. is this liberals and can do so the majority in this country, it is their culture that will prevail and almost, and demolishing the mosque was the right thing to do on it. brought to an end, a debatable that had been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of tensions between hindus and muslims for decades in 1992 and the fundamental is to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said. it was built by most of the rulers on the ruins of the rump temple, which they believe to be the place of the candle guard. spock writing to of the country. all most of the people killed the 16 in white
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been dismissed with neighbors to people who witnessed the rents still be at the motion. scott called gum with fios the upcoming rallies around the north variation clicked on one of your bag. i'll see sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you know, and to speak, no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there is no one to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992 until today if we will hit the button with us. okay. for the do you want these web calendar on the speak to at least cool evening? just celebration as a pre owned or not about politics? you don't have a lot talk to city, give out sweets and rejoice a few minutes. next, we promised to be really grand,
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but with the temples to me under construction could see movies. rusty, not with the temper, is calling about the upcoming election of the most. indeed, on the correspondent the oven by 2 is not in deli. then why is the prime minister mold in august 18 a half finished temple? some ration itself tre, key political act. so somehow which is linked to the elections in the coming months . so as we know for the be me the wrong, the temple has been a long standing promise for election campaigns. it was part of the election manifesto was asked about. so this temple is always be tied to the gpc can do nothing, just agenda. and for them, it's at the hospital, the re election campaign this year. so by nominating this unfinished temple, i can move these clearly projecting himself as a leader of the majority, a man who was his promises and in the process, he's also consolidate. think of social base,
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but it's also interesting to say that you know, that some can do the reset reduced and the way thing that he know the ration of on the construct example is like in his pictures. and in the run up to the inauguration from this, the movie is himself been visiting temples across the country, particularly the south of the country and thinking bought in various religious ceremonies as well. why has it been doing that? so i think it's clear election strategy. so this plan to visiting temples is in continuity today. nobody's prompt apple and salt. this is all links to election on the one side, the rob temple is already consolidating voltage in the built in northern india and the resistance of northern states. like on the for the asian can lot. i bought the mobilization campaign why they don't have a strong code or a skill base we can say, oh, they believe that like a side vision of samples will built into support base and so the media. so this is
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kind of like just feeling to really just sentiments, people for political gains. and we also know that could be reported that right. mr . moody is sleeping on the, on the floor. i just don't live in the past from around the temple integration. and his drinking only coconut to water. so the prime minister of the country and his be there, be potty both heavily involved and promoting the inauguration of a hindu temple in motive. and they just india. what is the message that the government is sending? it's so british, i think political message is clear here, you know, with the entire bought the invested in the knob ration. they want to send a clear message. and that, that message is that this country belongs to the him doors, and they are the custodians of the blue reason, the boston culture. some file i think by promoting the expand alteration, it's also about the re cleanings in the box. this is the somehow, somehow,
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you know, seen by many experience as a move towards degree in india, is that in the rush i think, which is the blow to this school. it's pretty simple credentials also, you know, really pulled you must have seemed to compete as a way to just be falling into and hopefully mobilizing in temples. you know, using these good cleaning drive campaigns. try to convince voters that i missed, embody, you know, who was responsible for building disassembled and by him do it after you. i'll just, i mean, in the nation. but where does, in this political opposition stand on this other? so the motion sees it as a political to make because of the timing of the operation of british i think we need to understand that the opposition was also you should be struggling to put forward a clear stand on this issue and do what struck me for weeks and you smell recently that the opposition came out to say that they move by caught the normalization because they see it as a political stand or a political project, they say and a b,
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c. well, the government flip sideways, but at the site they should not baffle is to benefit template totally in the coming election. and they also saying the statement that the for them religion is a personal matter, right? but to what he means to be seen, absence of, i'll put some political parties, will lead to many waters in a spit to defeat, be in the upcoming 2024 elections. although the bottom dollar with never beth, thanks so much. i to in ecuador to man, have you noticed it over the mother of a prosecutor tracking down illegal drug gangs? the prosecutor was investigating the invasion of a tv station by narcotics traffic goes last week and dropped off. sales have been raising a bloody campaign of kidnappings. and kings, the violence began with a notorious gang, the, the escape from prison, which has not been taken over by the military police into
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a major equal dorian prison, near the city of guy of quill, rounding up inmates as government forces tried to crack down on rapidly escalating gang violence, it was from this prison, the gang, both adults or macias, also known as fetal escaped, sparking major violence across a quick door. the government prosecuted a is the licensed casualty, is a swat is, was investigating the recent storming of a t v studio by the gang members. he was shot data on wednesday to mean have been arrested over the killing and his colleagues are appealing for more protection. a little further than organized type groups, framing, those temporaries will not stop our commitment to wake weather and society. we. we continue doing our board with more friends and more compromises. it must be clear
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to all these of pros chose act is a message to those who are working for just the same a quite or we call it or nolan forestman to guarantee the security of those of us. we're feeding this mission number for the company. and so then that's the best policy on this. the government claims the situation on the growing reach of contain trafficking gangs. which of these stabilized waves of south america? president, daniel, no boy has declared a 60 day state of emergency. the gangs have sit back todd with kidnappings and killing, leaving many equip dorians in fear that the situation could spiral out of control. a quick look now at more headlines from around the world. because it was from a thought right? the president united both denado had to forge cove and 19 vaccination certificate.
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that's according to the findings of a police investigation officer, was uncovered evidence that both sonata was aware of the funding and in phase and the health industry vaccination records. they say these enabled him and his email cycle to dodge pandemic restrictions. and the german follow him and his boss legislation designed to speed up the default asian of asylums. he goes whose applications have been rejected. the little gifts for these great, a pause in dealing with those staging for deportation. they do, their minister says it will allow germany to focus on refugees who need protection because expense and health staying and germany, tens of thousands turned out this week and multiple protests against the 5. i'd alternative for dodge don to potty or f d for short. it has grown in popularity between the 2nd place in national polls, the demonstrations which triggered by reports that a of the party members and others, met to discuss defaulting millions of foreigners and german citizens with an e mail crunch background. the bear had hit the
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f d. that was the tron says thousands made their voices haired under the lights of the city halls. the latest show of force against the rise of the fall, right in germany. we hit today because there's a shift to the, to a more i, we approach and politics in germany and that's a horrifying goal. i think it is the duty of all of us to be here today against the have the against hatred and rabble rousing hits the am unless others we know that the f d is already quite popular nationwide in germany and it's important to stand up against fascism against anti democratic ideas, against nazi ideas or protest to rob did after which a marriage that alternative for jam, many members a neo nazis meant to discuss plans to the port. millions of people with migration
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routes, including german citizens. the f. d. have distance themselves from a so called we migration plan one and for germans has on migration background, invalid. the story has brought to mind the doctor's chapter in german history. when not sees deported and murdered millions of people. it's not right to do it. it's not right for the nation. yes, it reads because associated with me it sucks me that people have not learned from history miss clear. and how this works is they me cuz that's why do we migration is to watch. you can hear, especially in a country that one's slipped through that history. let's i. mazda gives us the beauty girl. we got to explain to people who were born here with the migration background should also leave please 0. but i had to hard to go to bed because you see gemini, o, belinda is your home and it's all very difficult. i don't usually let racism get to me like that, but it did not have because it didn't make me aggressive. do you think?
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what so this crap again, so most the focus no times to the parties position in the german parliament where the debates is whether they should be funded entirely a nuclear option for all with legal hard goals. and that may help rather than hinder the far right darkies 1st astronaut has been launched into space, is now headed to the international space station after blasting off from sort of the about a space, x struck it along with the swedes. and anytime in the 3rd private cru invited by mazda, they will spend 2 weeks performing experiments chatting to school children and soaking in the views of, of the tiny homes. it's costing each of the seats on each of the 3 countries involved. i'm sorry, $55000000.00. i've been separated from the product and dropped that dragon steps
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you should reach the space station on. on saturday, x 3 crew back to earth in just about 2 weeks. the. that's all for the time being. but coming up next after the break, i look at, but we'll see, rebels are trying to achieve when that tags in the right see that is coming up on to the point and don't forget that is more on our website and our social media channels in case you would like to access them,
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i'm british manager invalid to see. so if i the, to the point strong and clear position international perspective, the american and british falso scott and out and raising him in response to the who,
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the attacks on commotion, ships entered, etc. on to the point we are discussing, the attack on global trait is the middle east conflict escalator. to the point the next. on d w. the mirrors will tell here. we are happy, the boxing was a story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 60 minutes on d w, the dw show on 6 on the inside every day,
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the world wide web feel free to leave the, the timeline because we can take the different w call, the world unpack, pulse out your info is and all the input u. v. w story. now, onto the the whole, these a docking commotion ships end in nancy. this is kendra foundation for the war. and guys who are the, who gets and wanted to go and religious rebel group from yemen, backed by, you know, for you or somebody ok have for these attacks, the direct threat to international call us. and by the time security they have responded by jointly cutting out strikes on who the targets in him and germany and


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