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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. israel's need to publicly defies the us over gaza prime minister benjamin netanyahu resist goals from the white house to scale down israel's water gain from us and rejects the idea of palestinian statehood in the future. thus, for us and its allies consider a bold road to funding new plans, waterford they floated the idea of tapping into some $300000000000.00 of russian assets are frozen since the inversion began the
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i'm finished manager. thank you so much for joining us. we start in east, around where a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has publicly rejected goals from the united states to scale, but it's offensive in gaza and for postwar palestinian statehood in a nationally televised address. there's an yeah. who said he's van would not stop. it's for the type of tray on 10 it has destroyed from us, which is considered a 10 risk group by east rel. i'm the us in the hole in any arrangement. whether there was an accord or not. these ready states must have security control over time . it true west of the jordan river is a necessary condition, but that cost is with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped this, the attempt to impose a reality on those that would hom is where it was security and it's ready. prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no,
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when necessary. yes, we, when possible. a natalie i asked uh long term corresponding tanya cream. i in jerusalem to tell us more about prime minister netanyahu is from ox. well actually it's not the 1st time that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects the idea of a palestinian state. rese, been hearing him saying that before, but of course this comes now after the us secretary of state and new blink and was in the region just last week talking about that that needs to be a pathway to posting and state. you also made remarks at the words economic form. there was a wednesday and disregard. that is where i cannot achieve genuine security without that pathway to a palestinian state. i think on the one hand, this is where the prime minister wants to assert that it's israel, who sets the tone which sets the tone for what would happen in garza after the war ends with also he is addressing, of course,
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his domestic audience here. that's not much talk about, you know, a piece with palestinians or a 2 state solution at the moment. the country is very much focused on the, uh, the uh, you know, releasing small hostages that are remaining and causes a lot of pressure on the government. uh, from uh, the is rarely public and there's not too much talk about a posting and state in that regard. was to a more questions about how this will end, whether at the goal that the government has said to remove from us from power will actually be achieved. but uh, this however puts the prime minister again at odds with the united states, which is also called for israel to scale back it's offensive and gaza. what absolutely. uh, there are several issues uh where uh, both countries very close allies differ. um, one of them is, of course, the course of the war that has been repeated caused by the united states to scale
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down uh the, the war in garza, in light of the hi best toll among the civilian population. gods would also do that in more age. but also when it comes to post a war scenario, so it's been a lot of pressure on the is really government to actually design a what a post for a causes will look like. and one of them is just a goal or a possibly a to a palestinian state state as antony blinking instead of us in the region. he was here last week talking to lot of leaders also in the region saying that also the, our country is mainly he visited, also saudi arabia, which a country is sort of, has no diplomatic relations with. so it's of course saying that our companies would like to see it, we'd like to help with every construction of of casa, but also we'd like to see it possibly to a palestinian state to possibly re integrate. it's right in the region. we need to
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verify the timing. the thanks so much for joining us today. and tanya, from a, from 0 sum let's take a very quick look now at some other headlines making news around the world, the beginning, but the autopay and fall a month, which has adopted a resolution calling for the following and seized by in gaza. but only on the condition that the palestinian militant from mazda is dismantled. lawmakers say all the hostages must be released. the resolution also calls for renewed efforts to find a lost in political solution to the conflict. at least 15 people, including 13 children, have died off the boat capsized invest in india. students for traveling to a school big thing from the accident took place on the lake, included all the state. local officials said around 27 people who are on board. at the time. japan has released the computer generated images of a simulated lunar landing. it's moving this night. mission is set to 9 for real on friday. if all goes well,
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a robot will then this and bach and explore the lunar surface. japan is aiming to become the 5th country and to put a spacecraft on the moon and rifle to adjust surface from north korea. i would chose 2 teenage boys being sentenced to 12 years of hard name for watching television dramas. from south korea, the 16 year old boys were sentenced in front of hundreds of students, adult stadium, entertainment from south korea, including popular tv shows, known as k drama. as a band in the north, nathan has announced its biggest industry excise and decades the lines and stuck them under kristof can only accept the exercise will kick off next week and, and load around or to assign 2000 forces from only 2 members. now, it's supposed to be a rehearsal of the test, how the alliance would respond to a russian or my turnkey, that be strategic foresight analysis. from that to the ukraine war and a potential new source of funding for teams defensive in the united states. these
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are fortunately looking into the possibility of seizing some $300000000.00 in frozen russian assets. the biden administration is exploring the idea as future us funding remains gold top in a domestic bunch of dispute. but any such move to claim russian funds could come at a cost with russia wanting washington if would respond in kind several weeks, up to these images announced rushes invasion of ukraine to the world. the us and the you retaliated by freezing around $300000000000.00 worth of russian state assets. but nearly 2 years on and with no engine site to the war, washington and its allies. and i'm talking about taking the more radical step of not just freezing the russian assets, but confiscating them kids is keen for this to happen.
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to move in to 2024, one of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation in the west towards ukrainian recovery and see the united states the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue. so with the ukranian president brought to mr. lensky has been pushing for this for a while as a way of punishing russia and also financing the will. if it is a time when result seems to be fracturing in some places, i will begin. ok, but most go say it's a us and its allies go ahead. it will respond by seizing weston assets and has already drawn out a list. a spokesman for the kremlin also said such a move would not just violate international law, but on the mind of the nations, by casting doubts on the in viability of property trim. you know, general no, such
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a theory can be legal. it can only be pseudo legal, and most importantly, it will be a significant blow to the foundations of the international economy. but as a walgreens on, suppose, if the scheme say seizing such a large sum of russian money could change the course of the conflict by strengthening keeps position. not just any torques, but also on the battlefield. nigel, good davies is a senior fellow for rush on your race tribe international institute for strategic studies. i often find out if using frozen russian assets to finance and ukrainian war i filed has now become more likely i think it definitely has. we've seen a distinct direction of travel in the debates over recent weeks and months. and as you know, to the, the, we have this strange situation where around $300000000000.00 of russian cent for
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a bank. assets were frozen the western drawers fictions at the beginning of the war, and yet they've been lying that essentially doing nothing on serving. no, you useful purpose ever since we have a situation now where the west is providing, growing up may look free. so bought financing and equipment to ukraine, yet it hasn't been prepared to take russian money to help support you provided and relieve the the button on weston tax payers. i'm receive specific initiatives. now, the canadians, being the pioneers in drafting legislation that would make this move possible. and the big news in recent weeks isn't the administration has apparently backed up bills in congress designed to achieve the same purpose, to find a legal way of, uh,
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on picking this lock and making those assets available to you crate. the real big question now is what europe does. uh, america cost is the most important state, the biggest economy. but most of the russian money is believe to live in europe. so all eyes now on brussels, i would say to that was nigel gould. dave is from the international institute for strategic studies, moving on to a germany non what is shipping up to be a very big and important story. more protests rejecting, followed by politics unexpected shot in the country. on friday, tens of thousands of people have already turned out this week and multiple protests against the thought i'd alternative for germany potty or the if the it has grown in popularity reaching 2nd place in national polls. i'm sorry, but demonstrations what triggered by reports that a of tea party members and others match to discuss, deporting millions of foreigners and german citizens with an immigrant background.
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bella and hate the f d. that was the tron says thousands meet the voices haired under the lights of the city hall, the latest show of force against the rise of the far right in germany. we hit today because there's a shift to the, to a more i, we approach and politics in germany and that's a horrifying goal. i think it is the duty of all of us to be hit today against the if the against hatreds and rabble rousing hits the most of those. we know that the f d is already quite popular nationwide in germany, and it's important to stand up against fascism against anti democratic ideas, against nazi ideas or protest to rep to dr. richard madge. the alternative for jam, many members, a neo nazis met to discuss plans through the port millions of people with migration
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routes, including german citizens. the, the sd have distance themselves from a so called re migration plan. one and for germans has a migration background. invalid, the story has brought to mind the doctor's chapter in german history. when not sees the poor to then murder millions of people. it's not the right to do it. it's not right for the nation. yes, it reads because associated with me it sucks me that people have not learned from history miss clear. and how this works is they me cuz that's why do we migration is the worst you can hear, especially in a country that one's live through that history. i mazda gives us the beauty girl. we got to explain to people who were born here with the migration background should also leave 0. but i had to hard to go to bed because you see gemini, o berlin is your home,
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and it's all very difficult. i don't usually let racism get to me like that, but it did. it didn't make me aggressive. do you think? what so this crap most the focus no times to the parties position and the german parliament where the debates is whether they should be fund entirely a new, clear option for all with legal hard those. and that may help rather than hinder the far right. something entirely different now. tech is fast. astronaut has been launched into space. he's now headed to the international space station after blasting off in front of the border space that struck it along with the suite. and i need tell him the 3rd prior to invited by nasa, they will spend 2 weeks performing experiments chatting to school children. and so thing in the views of the quoted dining home. and it's costing, each of the 3 countries involved, $55000000.00 every separated from the folk and rock at the dragon top sewage reached the space station on saturday,
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separated from the 2nd stage of pretty cool. and that does it for the moment, but coming up next off of the break nutrition plan. stand out exactly to your party that's coming up in that documentary and finish manage it in by the end. thanks so much for watching this on the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on so really indeed much now on youtube, my.


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