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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news life from berlin. israel lead publicly defies to us over because a permanent stuff in the i mean it on yahoo business calls from the wife has to scale down is there is more games from us and rejects the idea of palestinian statehood in the future. less the us and its allies consider a bold move to fund ukraine's waterford. they filled up the idea of stuffing into something. $300000000.00 of russian assets are frozen since inversion began
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and in india, hyper on the opening of picking boot camp both. it's a jobs for prime minister, and that is a multi dis for some major political points for the possibly the risk of sidelining . really just my knowledge of the, i'm sorry, i'm going to expand as you are welcome to the program. we stopped the program with the wind guard, so where israel is pressing on with the defensive and the territories solve after rejecting calls from the united states to scale back. and if anybody's address, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said is, rand would not stop fighting and guns off onto that has destroyed him. us, which is considered a ted risk drove by israel. and the us, nathan know also rejected goals by the us to facilitate a post for palestinian stays as as the fighting and gaza reduced on
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israel's increasingly at odds with its closest ally. the war in gaza is still backed by the united states. but the intensity of operations has come under us scrutiny. israel says it won't cave to american pressure. prime minister benjamin netanyahu stresses israel won't scale back and appear to reject the idea of creating a palestinian state. the whole in any arrangement, whether there isn't a quote or not, these ready states must have security control over to have a tree west of the jordan river is a necessary condition. but that cautious with the principle of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped this, the attempt to impose a reality on those. that would hom is where it was security. and it's ready. prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no. when necessary. yes,
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when possible. and what the us has reiterated palestinian statehood is the only path to lasting piece. this will be, we do believe that this conflict is all conflicts. the will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of a palestinian state. that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, rings, aspirations of palestine, people. but it is also, and this is critical the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people. and it's not just the us trying to push the israeli government in a different direction until a v. protesters accuse the government of pursuing aggressive policies. we as bring people to live in the jewish people, the city and people, these liberal, many fear and out, right? the rejection of palestinian statehood. now we're only worse and regional tensions
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and trap israel and, and less conflict. and earlier i us a long time corresponding tonya cramer in jerusalem. the dentist mode about prime minister netanyahu has remarks. well actually it's not the 1st time that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects the idea of a palestinian state. rese been hearing him saying that before, but of course this comes now after the us secretary of state antony blinking was in the region just last week talking about that that needs to be a pathway to posting and state your ultimate remarks at the most economic form there was a wednesday in this regard, that is where i cannot achieve genuine security without the pathway to a palestinian state. i think on the one hand, this is where the prime minister wants to assert that it's is rather who sets the tone which sets the tone for what would happen then goes to offset the war ends with also he's addressing, of course, is the domestic audience here there's not much talk about, you know,
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a piece with palestinians or a 2 state solution at the moment. the countries very much focused on the, uh, the, you know, releasing small hostages that are remaining and gives us a lot of pressure. and the government from the is really public and there's not so much talk about a posting and stating that we've got was a more questions about how this will end, whether at the goals that the government has said to remove from us, some power will actually be achieved correspondent in jerusalem, tanya came a talking to me earlier. meanwhile, europe is also pushing israel to agree on terms for post for a future that you're looking for. the month has adopted a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire box. the resolution contains the stipulation that from us designated as a terrace group by the you must be fast, dismantled, and that only is very hostages. get that by mazda and gift drove a 7 instead of attacks on the southern east bell must be released. the resolution
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also called so renewed efforts to find a lost and political solution to the conflict. let's get more now from brussels. indeed, i'm new across an impressive dw brussels correspondent, jack paddic jack, sorry for missing that intro ap. but how significant is this resolution by the european parliament calling for a gaza sees file a yeah, it's pretty significant is symbolically but practically illegally. not very significant. a tool. the, the 312, i mean piece of the 705 in new york in parliament voted in favor. there were a number of extensions and also a number of no shows as well. so it's not like a massively overwhelming majority. and like i say, it doesn't legally binding the european union, this is an overall e u position. this is not a vote by the governments of the european union. and as you mentioned, the stipulations,
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the sense of rights politicians within the european parliament insisted on which was the quotes of the dismantling of the hamas terrorist organization and the release of hostages. those conditions to get the vote over the line, which meant the many of them voted in favor what, what the israelis were basically saying that they could accept this, but they would want to permanency spy. we've heard that from the is really un mission to the european union. they said that this phone basically pulls in line that they want to permanency spot is how much does this month old, on the, if all of the hostages are released, so truck, this was the resolution of the u parliament. but does that mean the member states are also united on this issue? it's not really no, that's why we're seeing real divisions. the european parliament, the, the robust, the a number of people fighting against it in, in the parliament as well. but the e u countries. so to 27 countries of the european union divided within countries like ireland and belgium, for instance,
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who are very keen for sci fi. i've also considered backing south africa's claim for the look into accusations of israel, of genocide by israel in gaza at the international court of justice that case taking place last week of the countries. for instance, germany a much closer in line with this way, the position of the right to self defense, old country save israel has the right to defend itself, but others are putting i'm, for instance, island to belgium and putting significant pressure on the european union to put pressure on these radius to, to bring it by sci fi. i mean, you did call this as a nurse and significant, but how much influence does that you really have with isabel right now, given that we've just seen, is that a publicly defined it's closest and most powerful ally of the united states? i don't think there's any delusions here in brussels or in this sort of court. there was a power in the european union, the, the real power. and the real influence on these riley governments comes from the
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united states. but they don't want to step back from this issue because they fuss the have, you know, strong ties. there is a strong sentiment among you citizens on this issue as well. so they don't want to stay disengaged. they didn't want to look like that. this engaging in any way, while they're aware of probably the resolutions like this on really going to put too much influence on the, is ready to go from the which, which of i say is, is really looking to the strongest support and strongest satellite in the united states jack product, but leave it there, but thanks so much for the context. a quick look now at some other headlines from around the world beginning in north korea, from where a raffle judge has surfaced, which shows 2 teenage boys being sentenced to 12 years of hard labor from watching television dramas from south korea. the 16 year old boys was sentenced in front of hundreds of students as an adult stadium. entertainment from south 3 i,
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including popular tv shows, known as k dramas, a band, and the not was, it was from a a right. i thought i to president united both or not, or had a full just go with 19 vaccination certificate. that's according to the findings of a police investigation officer was uncovered evidence that both of nato was aware of the fraudulent entries in the health ministry vaccination records. they say these enabled him and his the name, you know, suckled to dodge, spend the restrictions and japan has really is a computer generated images of simulated lunar landing. it's moving slight permission is set to land for real on friday. if all goes well, a robot will then disembark and explore the lunar surface. japan is aiming to become the 5th country to put a spacecraft on the moon to to germany next by multiple tests rejecting, followed by politics unexpected in the country. on friday, tens of thousands of people have already turned out this week across the country
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for marches against the firelight alternative for germany party or if the for shot which has risen in popularity over recent years. the demonstrations with trick ad, by the reports that a of the party members and others met to discuss defaulting millions of funding. those and german citizens with an immigrant background barrow and hate the f d. that was the chance those thousands made their voices haired under the lights of the city halls, the latest show of force against the rise of the far right in germany. we hit today because there's a shift to the, to a more i, we approach and politics in germany and that's a horrifying goal. i think it is the duty of all of us to be hit today against the if the against hatred and rabble rousing hits the am. unless, of course we know that the f
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d is already quite popular nationwide in gemini. and it's important to stand up against fascism against anti democratic ideas, against nazi ideas or protest to rob to dr. richard madge. the alternative for jam, many members, a neo nazis met to discuss plans through the port millions of people with migration routes, including german citizens. the distance themselves from a so called re migration plan one and for germans has on migration background, invalid. the story has brought to mind the doctor's chapter in german history. when not sees deported and murdered millions of people. it's not right to do it. it's not right for they as a nation. yes, every see ha, associates of me. it sucks me that people have not learned from history. miss clarence, how this works is they me, cuz that's really why do we migration is the worst you can hear, especially in
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a country that one's lived through that history. i love that gives us the community good, which we got to explain to people who were born here with the migration background should also leave is thereby too hard to but because you see germany overland is your home and it's all very difficult. i don't usually let racism get to me like that, but it did. it didn't make me aggressive. do you think? what's all this crap most? the focus know times to the parties position in the german parliament where the debate is whether they should be fund entirely a new, clear option for all with legal, hard those. and let me help, rather than hinder the far right. some updates now about the war in ukraine and a potential new source of funding for keeps defense efforts the united states, as your fortunately looking into the possibility of seizing some $300000000.00 in
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frozen russian assets. the biden administration is exploring the idea as future us funding remain score top and a domestic budget dispute. but any such move to claim russian funds could come at a cost with russia wanting washington april, respond in kind several weeks after these images announced rushes invasion of ukraine to the world. the us and the you retaliated by freezing around $300000000000.00 worth of russian state assets of the, but nearly 2 years old. and with no end in sight to the war, washington and its allies. and i'm talking about taking the more radical step of not just freezing the russian assets, but confiscating them kids is keen for this to happen. to move in to 2024, one of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation in
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the west towards ukrainian recovery in the united states. the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue. you don't with the ukrainian president, florida. mister lensky has been pushing for this for a while as a way of punishing russia and also financing the will of it at the time when result seems to be fracturing in some places. i will begin. ok. but most go say it's a us and its allies go ahead. it will respond by seizing weston assets and has already drawn out a list. a spokesman for the kremlin also said such a move would not just violate international law, but on the mind of the nations by casting doubts and the in viability of property trim. you know, general no, such a theory can be legal. it can only be pseudo legal, and most importantly, it will be
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a significant blow to the foundations of the international economy. but as a walgreens on, suppose, if the scheme say seizing such a large sum of russian money could change the course of the conflict by strengthening keeps position. not just any torques, but also on the battlefield. to nigel goes, davies is with the international institute for strategic studies. i optimize. yeah . if using frozen russian assets to finance the ukranian waterford has become more likely. i think it definitely has to be seen a distinct direction of travel in the debates of a recent weeks and months. and as you know, to the, the, we have this spring situation where around $300000000000.00 of russian centrally, bank assets were frozen. the western jurisdictions at the beginning of the war,
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and yet they've been lying that essentially doing nothing on serving. no, you useful purpose ever since we have a situation now where the west is providing, growing up may look free. so bought financing and equipment to ukraine, yet it hasn't been prepared to take russian money to help support you provided and relieves the uh, the button on weston tax payers. and we've seen specific initiatives now. the canadians have been the pioneers in drafting legislation that would make this move possible. and the big news in recent weeks is that the administration has apparently backed up bills in congress designed to achieve the same purpose, to find a legal way of up on picking this law and making those assets available to you crates. the real big question now is what europe does. uh,
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america cost is the most important state, the biggest economy. but most of the russian money is believed to live in europe. so all eyes now on brussels, i would say, can you talk to us a bit about the legality of such a move? would this even be legal when it comes to international financial law? for instance, as this is a question of calls that international lawyers have been looking at playfully and i believe. and there are some very, very thoughtful legal minds out there to take the view that the doc for the established international legal doc for of state the account to measure state count demetria would provide a secure basis for making such a seizure legal and this stipulates. but in the event of a grave violation of international law, which clearly russia has committed, unprovoked contagion of ukraine, and such a response would be justified. now clearly,
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it's important to set the ball high. you wouldn't on countries using us as a president all the time. but if the const, if the president is constructed right, then i believe there was a strong, legitimate case. and it's, it's a little ironic to say the least that in russia complains about that this would bother international more when it's russia's own, a violent and unprovoked attack. and it's with the security practice that presented to europe for legal invasion. those created the situation in the 1st place, but being that as it may include rush, i use the same financial legal precedent to retaliate in kind to these kinds of seizures. because apparently roger has drawn up on this, the western assets it would seize. do you think this is manny upfront? are a very likely possibility as well. so a 2.0, a 3rd state. russia is not in a position to make an analogous
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a response because countries don't keep other countries. western countries don't keep the assets in russian. a banking systems, but the 2nd point is if one of the private assets, this is the focus potential russian retaliation. the wisdom private companies have assets and rocks are constantly nationalized. rupture has already begun to do that . the number of cases, it is now simply seizing western assets, and in many cases, giving them to people who are close to the criminal. and this has happened to unit is how the calls, but it is happening to other companies as well. so it's not a theoretical possibility of retaliation. russia is pretty preemptively seizing assets. and in that way to showing its content for private property, i'm afraid seizing assets in the west. and bob has anything like this being done before but it's important to make the point to this, these on private assets. we, we, there's
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a separate debate about whether until once extend weston authority should go off the oligarchy. yachts only got owned apartments and houses and son will not pull up private property. these are the assets of the russian state itself. again, lawyers talk you about this. there are some limited precedents, but even if they're wrong, the pointed international law regularly involves a and it's important to look at the situation that we face now in the round. and if they're not strong presidents then create one of because we've got a situation now where you russia presents an existential threat to ukraine and by extension to europe. how can it be the best can provide weapons to ukraine to kill russian soldiers yet cannot allow itself to seize right,
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the russian government money and use that for the same purposes. we live with the, with the timing. the thanks so much for joining us today. and i didn't go davis of the international institute for strategic studies in london. thanks so much i to to in the next way into worship as a pulling into the northern city of vallejo care for the opening of the rom temple . built on the grounds where a mosque stood for centuries. it's an event that's being portrayed as along the way to victory by prime minister and that ends remotely and is ruling hindu nationalist . b j. p. b, the correspondent alden pods travels to uh, you'll be able to speak with both him. those analysts comes and found the city. right. and it just politics have some feeling triumphant and others left out. the thousands of people who deal with these make their way to the wrong sampling now you'll get the city is brimming with excitement head office
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in operation. 6 you know. c the one is the good, feels like divinely. i'm ecstatic, unhappy, and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around the place where in the somebody raises occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the rome temple is the beginning of the hindu nation. it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is, was up of all the what town flags up the routing, faulty elected along side inmates of the candidate, the rom some messages. this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp. yes. and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns, local bgp problem, interior and loosing and his party workers are busy cleaning all the temple,
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grounds and eat. i'm doing the prime minister multi is government to have, wants have done all the for you with the to 40 lad. he explains, i own the every house the now you're j is a temple and we need to believe in this year. the project is central to move these re election bid is these levels and can do so the majority in this country, it is their culture that will prevail and almost, and demolishing the mosque was the right thing to do on it brought to an end, a debatable that had been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of tensions between those and muslims. for decades. 1992 in the fund, i meant the list to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said. it was basically mostly recruiters on the ruins of the ramp temple,
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which they believe to be the place of the indo bought spots writing to of the country all, most of the people in the field. the 16 in white been dismissed with neighbors to people who witnessed those events still be at the most in scott's college. gone with fios the upcoming riley's around the no obligation clicked on. wait a minute. me see sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you know, i did speak no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there was no one to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992. until today if we didn't, we'll hit this hot button with us. okay. for the do you want these web calendar on the speak to at least cool evening this celebration as a pre owned or not about politics? the top,
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the city give out sweets and rejoice. a event next week promised to be even grand, but with the temples to me under construction could see movies. rusty, not with the temper is calling about the upcoming election and political games to real ones and teenage tennis sensors and the media and revised impressive. run of the australian open in melbourne just got along to the 16 year old. got off to a shaky stopped and that's had done. magic is frances diane perry. she lost the 1st set but then running to the 2nd to level the match on 3 of the fondest of 5 games. the one down and facing a match point in the deciding set up, she beckoned back from the brink to win 7 games to 6. she now progressed as to the full time equaling her best friends. then performing
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the to that's all for the moment, but coming up next off of the break and interview, you wouldn't want to be steam, sebastian interviews, most of about who the secretary general of the pilots and international initiative on going to fix on. that's it. from me here in berlin up nice, my colleague, salik any piece of the back?
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the answer is the conflicts with tim sebastian, the israel. how much more moved briefly to an open quote, to be the hey, how the city is welcome to move into the my guess we stuff about booty and the westbank who has the policy, the national initiative, we've never been in such a difficult situation. so how will the more and, and can garza ever be rebuilt? conflict next on d,
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w to the point strong, the physician international perspectives. the american and british forces got it out and they have been human in response to the who, the attacks on commotion, ships, insur, etc. on to the point we are discussing the attacks on global trade in the middle east conflict escalated to the point in 60 minutes on d w. the . so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my saw on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky,
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irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to indicate it's time to, to us. and then when generations class this week on d. w. the israel, how about us was moved briefly to an open courtroom with the hague, as the international court of justice hud accusations that as well had committed genocide, gaza palestinians, welcome to move, including my guest, who stuff about booty, the westbank, who heads the policy, the national initiative was the one from the court immediately to allow me or is the same that there is no suspicion of genocide and to give as an add on or death to stop those popular to close violence against all civilians. but he was
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a special condemnation. israel. so how will the war and how will the hatred of


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