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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel's leader publicly defies the us to over god, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was this called from the white house to scale down israel's war against boston. and rejects the idea of how to me in states. so in future also coming up in the us and its allies, consider a bold move to the fund ukraine's war effort. they have floated the idea of tapping into some $300000000000.00 of russian assets are frozen since the invasion began. as in india hype around the opening of a hindu temple, if a chance for prime minister in the rental, moti to sports of major political point. but possibility of possibly at the risk of
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sidelining religious minority, the sarah kelly, welcome to the program. we begin with the war in gaza, where israel is pressing on with it's offensive in the territory south, after rejecting calls from the united states to scale back in a televised address, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that israel would not stop fighting and gaza until it has destroyed him off, which is considered a terrorist group by israel and the us. now netanyahu also rejected calls by the us to facilitate a post war palestinian state as as the fighting and gaza reduced on israel's increasingly at odds with its closest ally. the war and gaza is
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still backed by the united states, but the intensity of operations has come under us scrutiny. israel says it won't cave to american pressure. prime minister benjamin netanyahu stresses israel won't scale back and appear to reject the idea of creating a palestinian state. the whole in any arrangement. whether there was an accord or not. these ready states must have security control of old, which have it true west of the jordan river is a necessary condition. but that crushes with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped in the attempt to impose a reality on those that would home is where it was security and it's ready. prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no. when necessary. yes we, when possible here from the end we what the us has reiterated palestinian statehood
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is the only past to lasting peace. and this will be, we do believe it is conflict as all conflicts. it will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of the palestinian state. that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, dreams, aspirations of past so many people. but it is also, and this is critical the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people. and it's not just the us trying to push to is really government in a different direction. until of the protestors accused the government of pursuing aggressive policies. we as bring people to live in the jewish people, sending people piece liberty as many fear and out right? the rejection of palestinian statehood. now we're only worse and regional tensions and trap israel and, and less conflict. and let's get more from london with us. the mecklenburg he is
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with the middle east and north africa program at the think tank. cha them how so welcome to the program and thank you for joining us. this seems to be the further study netanyahu has gone in rejecting a 2 state solution publicly. how much of this is him playing to his domestic audience? and how much is he sending a message to, you know, allies and beyond abroad? so it's a really good question. it goes to christian, but because nathaniel officials, for many years, according to political needs, mandy is on the political. ready st paul and. ready so guys, in about any fee sensitive and moving, and these are these against the policy and the state. that's exactly what well and what the sides wind flowing since he, he talked about an expression of balance of the, of the west bank and then it stopped the blowing cold. you stopped done ideal for next session and signed in the agreements on or reflex the you are you in boston
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and all that blown a cold and nobody's ation with these countries though, please, because invitational splits in your, in the mall and the stuff to do any. ready anything else because he's facing create a collection guy because he failed miserably to the full text. the people in defend the people who is are on october, the 7th. it's all about him staying. ready on file, but, you know, he sends the message to the united states and he started for being that the states to send the message. and we've seen the united states. they have steadily been ramping up pressure on israel regarding how this war has been progressing. and especially that the human told that it has taken, it appears as if the united states keeps getting brushed off at least publicly. how much influence does washington still have over as rarely policy, especially given the support that the us as providing financially and otherwise. as i think actually united states to big slit, i mean i was,
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it's nice to just say the clips that you did to show that to the friends sometimes say, you know, add to to a close friends. and that's exactly what they should say to use or not to resources 5 in the 6 year with the concept notice of thoughts unconditionally. well, even guys that explains well and. ready then 24000. a nice many of them a 6 areas and noticeable they've got some and that is actually not seeing a disagreement that is the spokes person that's the spokesperson said, is the only light to go and, you know, tell me. so then i mean that, that, that's, that's your own personal policy prescription for the united states. but, but ultimately, i mean, does the united states have that sort of influence over israel? do think that it could get it to change tact because it's just, yeah, it's like what it might have been. but at the same time we know the kind of gross and actions between. ready space and inside and deliver. ready and i could say is
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phone the one i'm not on the phone service off the phone before the bankers use the . ready that it states politically, diplomatically, economically make it totally so cost is, or it's was, it's also it's elizabeth, the visa, visa, a visa visa, or, and at this point, don't, don't use of us in a way that to this house its own interest. it's also a military address the same itself and by doing that this stays. ready in the new installation, and i understand the selection you also to think about us think that was originally into this global interest. and also in this case has basically have to look up the sellers because we sold it to say so then let's, let's, let's broaden it out a little bit more into the region. because we've, we've seen some arab states working on a plan to bring the war to an end. and the long term solution becomes that we've
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heard from that in yahoo, what message does this send to them specifically? or if it was in your full tour, oh, you know, this isn't the 1st thing is and to the international community to manage this conference in this policy will stick to school and the center of the seems you, i was on october, the 7 in the most what we see. ready and seen this, then you will receive a war because the, when it's a, you know, talks about the story from us. we see that this is because somebody's not only polluted female play, but also, but also, but also put it back to somebody that totally at the same time. well, we also need to bring the hostages back was the what was expecting to other phones, whether it's just because, but i never know. we see that now if i bought the stuff, the whole thing seemed to, let's see. and so, so full, it's actually bring to the surface
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a lot of the other calls fixing the legion this 565, eastern and they use situated a solution to understand the looks. and there's an ocean on the site, is actually the united states. yes, the makeover. thank you so much for joining us to share your view on the political situation in the region. we appreciate it. thank you. oh your up is also pushing israel to agree on terms for a post more future. the european parliament has adopted a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire. the resolution contains the stipulation, however, that her mos designated as a terrorist group by the you must be dismantled and that all is really hostages, kidnapped by him oss during the october 7th terror attacks on southern israel must be released. resolution also calls for renewed efforts to find a lasting political solution to the conflict. state of use jack parrot joins us now
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from brussel subject. how significant is this resolution by the european parliament calling for a cease fire and gaza as well as long as the symbolic it is in no way, legally binding the european union. this isn't a representation of the european union. this is only a representation of the institution of the european parliament. the vote was passed by 312 votes in favor, a 131 against with 72 extensions. and if you quickly do the mass, that means there were a few 100 and the piece, the didn't even attend the vote. a told of the 705. i mean, he's in highs now, as you mentioned, the stipulation that the, the cold for a permanent seas 5 would only come with the condition that the, how much terrorist organization was dismantled. and the, all of these really hostages were released. that sort of lied, that particularly sense of right little make is into your pin parliament to get behind the vote and vote in favor of it. and those caveats have a lot of
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d as rabies, essentially to accept this as a vote, the is right, emissions of your opinion has brief saying that because of those copies, that's what they want. they want the hostages released and they want to how much dismantled, and then they would like to cease fire as well. so as i say, it's not legally binding, but it is a symbolic gesture from the european parliament. they want to make sure that there is a sort of aim towards finding a way to peace in the situation. you mentioned the obsession of some of the mit is on this vote on top of a little bit more about the member states themselves and how united they are on this issue. it's really divided frankly. we've seen a number of different countries. for instance, island belgian spain may have been cooling for a ceasefire. it started with the question of humanitarian pauses to a live agent and cause a number of countries have not come. eyes includes specifically for ceasefire, but we know that the $27.00 governments of the european union, they do not have a unified position germany, for instance,
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as being reluctant to come ice and coal for a ceasefire. because that could been imply that israel might not have the right to defend itself off to the october the 7th terror attacks and not something that the e. u. government's just simply haven't been able to get on the same page on the european parliament has been able to pass this vote. how much influence does the you have with israel right now? i mean, that's really the big question is you've already been talking about in the show, the, uh, the, the, the, the, the real power, the real weight on it on these, well, the real sort of diplomatic pressure comes from the united states, the european union officials and the european parliament then not under any illusions that this resolution is going to have significant power, but they want to what the point, what positions in your, at the trying to do at the moment is to try and make sure that they are representing that citizens philosophy but also their own political positions. amazing, not making that known public key. and i think that's what we see with this resolution
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is just the step in the, in the cooling the dom, on the efforts to try and being bring peace with a lot of citizens. you know, taking to the streets across, you are very concerned about what's happening in gauze and almost continuing to happening. garza data is jack. perfect. thank you. and here are some other headlines from around the world. you have been through the rebels have launched a fresh missile attack on a us on the ship and the red sea. the united states that no damage or injuries were reported after 2 missiles were fired at the vessel. the around back to militia has been targeting shipping in the waterways since november, saying it's acting in solidarity with palestinians. thousands of protesters and the russian state of who are demonstrating against the rest of an activist who was campaigning for the protection of the bhaskar language. he and he has been sentenced to 4 years for inciting hatred. flashes with police are
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a rare opposition to russian authorities. square footage has surface from north korea, which shows 2 teenage boys being sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for watching television dramas from south korea. the 16 year old boys were sentenced in front of hundreds of students at an outdoor stadium. entertainment from south korea, including pop tv shows, known as k drama, are banned in the north. japan has released computer generated images of a simulated lunar landing. it's moon sniper, emission is set to land for real on friday. if all goes well, a robot will then disembark and explore the lunar surface. japan is a mean to become the 5th country to put a spacecraft on the moon. while in india, hindu worshipers are pouring into the northern city of georgia for the opening of the rom temple. built on the grounds for
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a mosque stood for centuries. it's an event that is being portrayed as a long awaited victory by prime minister in a rental moody and his willing hindu nationalist party. a dw correspondent idea of bucks went there to speak with both hindus and muslims, and found a city where religious politics have some feeling triumphant, and others feeling left out. the homes himself, him to do with ease, make their way to the wrong dimpling. now you with the the city is brimming with excitement head office in operation. 6 you know. c the one is the good, feels like divinely. i'm ecstatic, unhappy, and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around the place and the can who live in the somebody raises occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the rome temple is the beginning of the hindu
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nation. it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is, was up of all the what town flags up the routing, faulty elected along side inmates of the candidate the wrong the messages this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp. yes, and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller, local campaigns, local be the problem, interior and loosing and his party workers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds . so you don, your prime minister, monique is government wants, have done all the for you with the to 40 line. he explains that i'm every house the now you're j is a temple and we need to believe in this year. the project is central to move these re election bid. is this liberals and can do so the majority in this country. it is
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their culture that will prevail. and almost since the it demolishing the mosque was the right thing to do on it, brought to an end, a debatable that had been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of tension between hindus and muslims for decades in 1992 and the fundamental is to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said. it was built by most of the rulers on the ruins of the rump temple, which they believe to be the place of the hand of god. spock writing to of the country all, most people go and kill the 16 in white and been dismissed with nibbler for people who witness. those events still be at the most in scott's college. gone with the fios. the upcoming riley's around the north region clicked on one of your guys,
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i'll see sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you know, and to speak, no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there was no one to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992. until today if we before, hip hop on with outlook for the don't these web calendar on the least cool evening . just celebrations and pre owned or not about politics. the lights up to city, give out sweets and rejoice. a event next week promised to be even grand, but with the temples to me under construction could see movies. rusty, not with the temper, is calling about the upcoming election. and let's get more from the w correspondent
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. idea of that, who is joining us from delhi? we just heard it alluded to there, but why is prime minister modi inaugurating this temple if it's only half finished? so sarah, we have to understand but you know grating on constructive temple just 2 or 3 months before elections, primus awarding is aiming to capitalize on the public sentiment on this issue of putting the rom temple also. uh, it has been an old promise up to spotty and he somehow realized that it's the right moment to read the benefits of the fit. and at the same time, kind of projecting himself as the leader of the team to meet you already. so for pgp, the innovation is at the center of the re election campaign. but what's interesting is that there is a position from fusion to please who believe that in the operation. no good. so we can see not reading the i'm the sample is again, is the really descript chose a. he's also a movie,
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has been visiting temples across the country, particularly in the south and taking part in religious ceremonies. so what's the idea behind that? so if we look at to match this politics in india, samples have played an important rule and that's what we have with basically as well. so brian, mr. moody's temple with x in southern states isn't continuity to the no ration of rama gambling. i oh, yeah. so this for me or like experts say also it is clearly about mobilizing what to is in southern states. why the bgp has a we cool, totally unlike, you know, in the, in the speaking, not the about what the b, b has pollution itself pretty strongly. so the idea behind the, the sample was, it is to appeal to the relative sentiments of the people who are political teams. and these days what's happening be a movie, it has gone over to the listing. so there are reports that keys on the 11th day is
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false, and sleeping on the floor as a bought up in old bridge in preparation. where does india is political opposition? stand on all of this? so i think the all pushy actually took some time. it took his time to clear up the stand on this issue. so they will, they were actually indicted law as it always being kind of say, create an, a contentious issue. so it was more, i think recently that opposition called the the political cubic b. but because it will be g b because a piece of piece dining up in operation based at the age of these using rom temple, 40 percent of total benefits in the upcoming collection. so they've decided to, by copying operation and most publish and set that origins a personal matter which means that they are dispensing back themselves for the politically politicize ation of religion. so now the last we have still to see how this plays out to reach uh, basically to how we can best age political buffy. and the question that remains
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really a portion of the dispensing from rom, temple integration, we're going to need the waters tell us a little bit more about that because i mean, ultimately india is still multi religious. so the inauguration of this temple in particular, the government is sending a pretty strong message. it isn't it's, i mean, how, how is it being received more broadly speaking, within the population? a political message is, seems very clear here that the country belongs to the kingdom majority is also a message kind of a religious and political unity. so by an opening a sample and we'll just block the, populate that, the reclaiming the glorious and the last in the past. and this message kind of resonates with the people. so we know you'll be a, we met families, wed, walk, you know, hundreds of kilometers to get the glimpse of the larger all and all of them see that this was possible only because of being more be so but on the other side,
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when we visited comes the look only be they said the fear that muslims kind of express the fear, the friday, the always why they so they also feel a sense of foot and in, just as i'm on the residential, probably with the. so that goes back to the demolition of the mosque. and then this massive campaign of the b g b before the nomination is seen by experts. somehow we can't, we can take one to sit down with the show case in the nation. so which is below the box that particular attractions, this idea of thoughts reporting from delhi. thank you so much of head to the ukraine war now and a potential new source of funding for kids defense effort. the united states is reportedly looking into the possibility of seizing some $300000000000.00 and froze and russian assets. the biding administration is exploring the idea as future us funding remains caught off in a domestic budget dispute. but any such move to claim russian funds could come at
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a cost with rush, a warning washington that it would respond in kind several weeks of to these images announced rushes invasion of ukraine to the world. the us and the you retaliated by freezing around $300000000000.00 worth of russian state assets of the, but nearly 2 years old. and with no end in sight to the war, washington and its allies. and i'm talking about taking the more radical step of not just freezing the russian assets, but confiscating them kids is keen for this to happen. to move into 20241 of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation. the west towards ukrainian recovery in the united states, the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue.
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doing with the ukrainian president, florida. mister lensky has been pushing for this for a while, as a way of punishing russia and also financing the will of it at the time when result seems to be fracturing in some places. i will begin. ok. but most go say it's a us and its allies go ahead. it will respond by seizing weston assets and has already drawn out a list. a spokesman for the kremlin also said such a move would not just violate international law, but undermine of the nations by casting doubts in the in viability of property. the name of the general no such as the theory can be legal. it can only be pseudo legal, and most importantly, it will be a significant blow to the foundations of the international economy. but as a walgreens on support of the scheme, they seizing such
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a large sum of rushing money could change the cost of the conflict by strengthening keeps position. not just any tools, but also on the battlefield. the sports news for you now and teenage tennis sensation, mira and revise impressive. run at the australian open in melbourne, just got longer. the 16 year olds got off to a shaky start and her 3rd round to match against frances diane perry. she lost the 1st set but then rallied in the 2nd to level the match. and 3 of the found herself down 5 games to one and facing a match point in the deciding set. but she battled back to when that last set. and she now progresses to the 4th round. the are coming up next on data and use a look at what who the rebels are trying to achieve with their red sea attacks
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that's coming up on the program to the point to stay with us. if you can for that, i'm sarah kelly and berlin. thank you so much for watching. take care the,
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to the points. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective the american and british forces got it out in human, in response to the who the attacks on commotion, ships, insur, etc. on to the point we are discussing, the attack on global trade in the middle east conflict escalated to the point the next on d w. the dancing despite a 16 year old denny, no aspires to become stopped. in his dream,
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he sees his native ukraine to germany. can you just keep on tom? an international body competition puts his skills to the test. in 45 minutes on d, w, the faithful encounter. in the late 19 seventy's, former concentration comes in my general, most meisner meant the man who had to maintain him go stop bogged, known as the beast of sophie bore. shame on you. tell the truth. to use nature. wagner was dead. and investigation concluded that it was suicide of
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the fire give rise to don't really have to go see start january 27th on the the whole, these are a docking commotion ships and that, and see this guy has gained retaliation for the war. and guys who are the, who gets and wanted to go and religious rebel group from yemen, backed by, you know, for you or somebody ok have for these attacks, the direct threat to international call us. and by the time security they have responded by jointly cutting out strikes on who the targets in him and germany and other europe. emissions are also going to do a naval emissions. but this be the pre close to the next regional conflict, especially with key players like it on. and so there may be a involved in this conflict bandbox and.


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