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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the distance dw news, life member land. israel's leader publicly defies the us over gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu resists calls from the white house to scale back the war against boston and projects. any future palestinian state of the us and its allies, considerable move to fund ukraine's efforts. they're exploring how to these $300000000000.00 of russian assets frozen. the invasion began, and germany says good bye to
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a supporting icons. a memorial service for the late from spectrum bower is being held in munich. the chancellor, olaf schultz and german president. about this time maya among the guests, along with a host of football start the . i'm sarah kelly, welcome to the program. we begin with the war in gaza, where israel is pressing on with operations in the south, in defiance of calls from the united states to scale back it's offensive. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has again insisted that israel will not stop the fighting and gaza until it has destroyed him off, which several countries classify as a terrorist organization. then yahoo also rejected calls by the us to plan for
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a future palestinian state. once the war is over, as, as the fighting and gaza reduced on israel's increasingly at odds with its closest ally, the war and gaza is still backed by the united states. but the intensity of operations has come under us scrutiny. israel says it won't cave to american pressure prime minister benjamin netanyahu stresses israel won't scale back and appear to reject the idea of creating a palestinian state. the whole in any arrangement. whether there isn't a code or not. these ready states must have security control of old which have a tree west of the jordan river is a necessary condition. but that cost is with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped the states having to impose a reality on those that would hom is where it was security and it's ready probably
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minister, she'll be able to say no, even to our best friends know when necessary. yes. when possible. and what the us has reiterated palestinian statehood is the only past to lasting piece or this will be we do believe that this conflict is all conflicts. the will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the stablish submitted a policy. and you'd say that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, dreams, aspirations of policy people. but it is also, and this is critical the only way to provide the last thing security for the is really people. and it's not just the us trying to push to is really government in a different direction until a vive, protestors accused the government of pursuing aggressive policies. we as green people who are living the jewish people have the same people, liberty as many fear and out, right?
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rejection of palestinian statehood. now we're only worse and regional tensions, and trap israel and, and less conflict and dw is and respond to i spoke with in bremmer, the director of the think tank, your razor group at the world economic forum in davos. he found out what he thinks of b is really prime ministers, rejection of a palestinian state. or i think that other, almost any other plausible leader of israel would be more in favor of a 2 state solution. but that doesn't mean that they would be more in favor of ending the war. and so getting to a 2 state solution is a different story. remember, since october 7th, the entire is rarely population has wrongly wanted to remove a moss from the map. and they, the image, this is traumatized, the man, and a lot of the people that were killed and tortured and raped. i mean, these are some of the, they were at a dance festival. the rave missing. the most progressive part of his really society
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is the people that most one of the 2 state solution in peace. now they're the ones that are going out and saying, we've got to destroy him, us. so, i mean, the war cabinet has enormous support in terms of the fighting, even though the prime minister is incredibly unpopular among these really people in they want them out. oh, how much influence does the us have always read right now and how much pressure are they actually putting on it and yahoo changed course. there's certainly putting pressure on israel to change course. they want israel to accept the 2 state solution. they want israel and they haven't called for permanency spire, but they certainly have called for much more humanitarian aid to come in. it's certainly called for far fewer civilians to get caught up in the mass that the israel, these are, you know, in, in the bombing campaign. and it's having no impact. and you know, by them doesn't like not. yeah. who doesn't trust them. you may remember that when uh, obama and biden were pushing the iranian nuclear deal to the jcp away. not in yahoo flew to washington and gave
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a speech to congress publicly undermining bite in an obama. so i mean, the relationship has very, very little trust to it. and even though biden went to israel right after october, 7th and publicly physically embraced the is really leadership. the fact is that his ability to really move whatnot. yeah. who is doing this very, very small. so what i really biden's options now as far as the conflict is concerned. well, i mean, in principle the americans could say that they're going to cut or condition military support on the basis of what these rallies do and don't do. i don't see that happening. i think especially in election year, he would get punished very heavily from the right from doing so who some of them are already saying he's too soft on israel and, and, and that's not true. but that's none. the less a dangerous thing for him. having said that, one thing that he can do is work more strongly with the gulf states to try to help
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ensure that there is support for security on the ground and gaza. that isn't the permanent is really occupation. and there's also funding to reconstruct a place for the palestinians to live because i mean nobody wants them to leave gaza, but they can't stay with the way gaza presently is. so what are you going to do? i mean, you can add, you can talk all you want about a 2 state solution, but unless you have the ability to live and defend yourself and govern yourselves, there's no state. you mentioned that they are pretty much on board with the 2 state solution. washington. now would be really invest in how much can be invested, especially in any election the, in this solution there's no 2 state solution that's going to be happening this year . that's very clear. what they can invest in doing is getting the other countries in the region and especially golf leadership, some of whom are part of the abraham accords and already have breakthrough relations with israel. and saudi arabia. who would still like to normalize
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relations with israel, but not unless this concrete movement towards a 2 state solution. so that's to leverage the americans have the us, the most powerful country in the world, the saudis, the moratti's, they have the best defense relationship security relationship with the united states. so if anyone is going to get anything done here, that's a break through the americans are gonna have to show some leadership. and that was the end bremar from the racial growth. speaking of the world economic forum, the european parliament has called for a permanent cease fire in garza meantime. as long as all hostages are released and tomas is dismantled, it's the 1st time the law makers have back the resolution urging a ceasefire since the october 7th terrorist attacks by him also on the boat isn't legally binding, but it adds to the global pressure on israel to stop salt in gaza, it is left within $24000.00 palestinians debt is really government has repeatedly rejected calls for
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a ceasefire periods of defending. so i asked jess herrick in brussels. how important the resolution is? well, it's largely symbolic. it is in no way, legally binding the european union. this isn't a representation of the european union. this is only a representation of the institution of the european parliament. the vote was paused by 312. i was in favor a 131 against was 72 extensions. and if you quickly do the mass, that means that we're a 200 and the piece the didn't even attend the vote, a tool of the 705 and the peas in the highs. now, as you mentioned, this stipulation that the, the code for a permanency supply would only come with the condition that the, how much terrorist organization was dismantled. and the, all of these really hostages were released that sort of like a particularly sensitive right. and it will make is in your pin parliament to get behind the vote and vote in favor of it. and those kind of the, as have a lot of d is re these, essentially, to accept this as of both the is right,
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emissions to the european union has brief saying that because of those copies, that's what they want. they want the hostages released and they want to how much dismantled, and then they would like to cease fire as well. so as i say, it's not legally binding, but it is a symbolic gesture from the european parliament. they want to make sure that there is a sort of aim towards finding a way to peace in the situation. jetpack and brussels. they're a quick look at some other headlines from around the world. humans who the rebels have launched a freshman missile attack on an american own shifts and the red sea, no damage or injuries were reported. the around back to militia has been targeting shipping and the waterways since november, saying it's acting in solidarity with the palestinians. the footage from north korea shows 2 teenagers being sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for watching television dramas from south korea. the 16 year old boys were sentenced in front of
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hundreds of students, entertainment from south korea, including popular tv shows, known as cage ramos is banned in the north. a police report says that for sales a former far right to president triad, post donado, had a forged cobit 19 vaccination certificate. officers found evidence that both sonata knew about the fraudulent entries and health ministry vaccination records. they say he and his inner circle were able to dodge pandemic restrictions. now, police in the russian republic of abashed, cortez don, have arrested more supporters of a jailed kremlin critic. demonstrators started on wednesday when police arrested file aussie and off. he has publicly criticize moscow's mobilization drive for the war. he was also campaigning for the protection of the minority bhaskar language. let's go straight to the to be as your shadow,
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who joins us now from riga. in lafayette, as dw is banned from reporting in russia. so you're a protest are spreading. what more do we know at this point? as well, according to media reports are at least 2000 people gas out in the seller wants who lives clear in will. fozzy capital of boss called us don as the republic of russia, as all about your life, was a basket of poets and national hero and a fight for the rights of the countries indigenous people. the protesters today tribes with old 0 looks at puritans not to provoke the police in any way. for example, not even to show that they came to the protest because it's dangerous and russia instead of a came up with, let's say, creative drink such as taking each of those hands and dancing around, trying not to guns that you one place into bolting from side to side at the beginning of the action, police of the extra police officer selectively check people's documents and to form
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to them of responsibility for legal action, what they say. and when they all ask the people why that was the process. that sounds that, that, that they just came to look at to be monuments just all a bunch of life bucks that didn't work for a long soon after they actually began special police called on long a p at at least they began point by point extensions at least 10 people were detained and they're all the sofa. so these are regional processes, as we've highlighted. there you are, it doesn't mean anything for, you know, more broad politics and russia and for pollutants grip on power to yes, of course. i mean, presidential elections will be a housing profit in 2 months time and flooding approved and wants to be re elected to, with an overwhelming majority. so he's, popularity is very important to him right now. of course, these are not the protests in moscow where they could be particular to denver or to school in the kremlin. not ozzy protested directly against fulton, but the fact is that so many people are still taking to the streets and put in
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structure despite the risk of being arrested and imprisoned for many years. these fact is remarkable. also, there is another aspect to that makes it more complicated, which is a nationality issue, because it's not the vi asinique russians who are taking to the streets had bought the basque, is called vist whitfield dominated by their options as in bus called left on national minorities and audited publics also feels that a russian donation sometimes disputation, so they remain silent and tolerate this. they are asleep, so to speak, but only as long as moscow is a strong use rica, bureau chief uri with shadow. thank you. all the united states and it's western allies are looking at possible new sources of funding for the war in ukraine that could involve seizing some $300000000000.00 and russian assets are frozen by the west. after the invasion. the 5 men ministration is exploring the idea. as future us funding is caught up in
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a budget dispute in congress. russia has warranted would retaliate by confiscating western assets. are several weeks of to these images announced rushes invasion of ukraine to the world. the us and the you retaliated by freezing around $300000000000.00 worth of russian state assets. but nearly 2 years on with no end in sight to the war, washington and its allies. and i am talking about taking the more radical step of not just freezing the russian assets, but confiscating them kids is keen for this to happen. to move in to 2024, one of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation in the west towards ukrainian recovery and the united states, the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue.
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doing with the ukrainian president brought to mr. lensky has been pushing for this for a while as a way of punishing russia and also financing the will. if it is a time when result seems to be fracturing in some places, it will begin but must go, said it to us and its allies go ahead. it will respond by seizing west and assets and has already drawn out a list of spokesman for the kremlin also said such a move would not just violate international law, but on the mind of the nations, by casting doubts and the inviolate ability of property. in a general, no such a theory can be legal. it can only be pseudo legal, and most importantly, it will be a significant blow to the foundations of the international economy. but it's a walgreens on. suppose if this game, say seizing such
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a large sum of russian money could change the cost of the conflict by strengthening keeps position. not just any tools, but also on the battlefield. nigel gold davies is with the international institute for certificate studies. and we asked him whether using frozen russian assets to finance the ukranian war effort has become more likely. i think it definitely has, we've seen a distinct direction of travel in the debates over recent weeks and months. and as you know, to the, the, we have this spring situation where around $300000000000.00 of russian centrally, bank assets were frozen the western jurisdictions at the beginning of the war. and yet they've been lying that essentially doing nothing on serving. no, you useful purpose ever since we have a situation now where the west is providing,
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growing up may look free, so bought financing and equipment to ukraine, yet it hasn't been prepared to take russian money to help support you in and relieve the uh, the button on weston tax payers and we've seen specific initiatives now the canadians of being the pioneers in drafting legislation that would make this move possible. and the big news in recent weeks is that the administration has apparently backed the bills in congress designed to achieve the same purpose, to find a legal way of, uh on picking this lock and making those assets available to you crate. the real big question now is what europe does. uh, america cost is the most important state, the biggest economy. but most of the russian money is believed to live in europe.
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so all eyes now on brussels, i would say now we turn to india, where hindus are gathering for the opening of a new temple built on the site of an ancient mosque, torn down by supporters of prime minister and the wrench were modi's, hindu nationalist, b. j. p 40 dw corresponded audio box has been to the northern city of duca to speak with both hindus and muslims. the religious divide means the faithful on one side are celebrating, while those on the other feel left out. the thousands of people who deal with these make your way to the wrong temporary now you with the the city is brimming with excitement head office in operation. 6 c the one is the, it feels like devali. i'm ecstatic, unhappy, and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around
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the place at the moment in the somebody raises occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the rome temple is the beginning of the hinge, a nation. it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is, was up of all the what town flags up the routing, 40 elected along side images of the candidate, the wrong the messages this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp e s, and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns. local bgp parliamentarian, loosing and his party workers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds. food. i'm doing the prime minister, monique is governmental have wants, have done all the for you with the to 40 line. he explains that i'm every house the now you're j is
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a temple and we need to believe in this year. the project is central to move these re election bid. is this liberals and can do is are the majority in this country. it is their culture that will prevail. it almost and demolishing the mosque was the right thing to do on it brought to an end a debate who had been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of pensions between hindus and muslims for decades in 1992. and the fundamental is to down the 16th century mosque, known as the buffering must it be said, it was built by most of the rulers, on the ruins of the rom temple, which they believe to be the place of the candle guard spot whiting. 2 of the countries, all, most of the people killed the 16 in white and dismissed the
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neighborhood. people who witnessed those events still be at the motion. scott called gum with fios the upcoming rallies around the north region. clicked on wind that see sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you know, and to speak, no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there is no way to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992 until today if even for hip hop on with outlook for the new want these web calendar on the lease called evening just celebration as a pre owned or not about politics. the lights up to city, give out sweets and rejoice a few minutes next week, promised to be really grand, but with the temples to me under construction could see movies. rusty,
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not with the temper, is calling about the upcoming election. germany is saying good bye to a footballing legend known to many simply as their kaiser or the m for funds back in bower died earlier this month at the age of 78. german chancellor. all off schultz and president found 5 to shine my adjoining sports stars. at byron munich stadium, to pay their respects, beth and bower was one of the most successful names and suffer history winning a raft of trophies for byron munich. he also helped clinch the world cup for germany, both as a player in 1974. and then as a coach in 1990, later in life back in bower was investigated over alleged corruption during germany's bid to host the 2006 world cup. he was never charged and maintained a low profile during the rest of his life. dw sports correspond to tom deny is in
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the stadium in unit where that memorial is taking place. so tom, what's expected it's well, it's, it's under way already, as you can see from the high and the events i saw with the atmosphere of, of solemnity. but one in which i would also expect something, i think the separation at some point of devices. i'll give you the most psychotic. so you, guy in, in the history agenda. so in terms of who to expect, what is the, who's who, both of janet footloose boats and politics, the venue for which contemporaries, former teammates of spectrum our, our, of course and attendance players who manages between the shed a change or, or the page or is becca another permanent ticket for the 7 attendance and behind me, the german president, frank. by this time my has just begun giving his speech on top of that, you can obviously see the stand behind me is empty. that's because the podium has taken place on the north side of the stadium,
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but no sweat in the ground except the side is about 50000. suppose it says that since the firms are fine munich, and during the football fans he wanted to come and pay that respect. and what the 2nd virus asked me for german football. well, it's obviously and immense loss for the jimmy game. perhaps even the tough question to the, to answer would be, what did his voice amazing, because this is a play, a who won everything that there was to wait in for many of those things several times and then went on as a manager as well. and on top of that, somebody who, you know, coming out with an age when such because the video also talk to and, and obviously kind of massive road as well as an investigative agenda around the world. how will he be remembered when i think kind of tied to that you mentioned a moment ago, would probably go some way to encapsulate the mag each, you know, he's, he's, he's figure out he's,
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he's all in chemical history. now understanding front of the south bend to a by me and it comes to binary that you wouldn't be able to be. but it says the shining light is taking his final journey, resting face kaiser. now the shining light, is it tied to the kaiser from spring bower and i was given who am i says, a promotion from kaiser, which one was caught with germany as manager and i'll proceed to rome. and if it gives us for you, then it goes down as the shining lights or as inquiries and that friend spick and bella was perhaps the only one of the noise. joining us from that ceremony there in your neck. thank so much. i a quick reminder now of our top story here on dw news is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has publicly rejected calls from the united states or palestinian statehood that in yahoo also said that israel
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would not scale back it's offensive in gaza until it has destroyed the united states and its western allies are looking at possible new sources of funding for the warranty ukraine. it could involve seizing some $300000000000.00 and russian assets are frozen by the west. moscow has warranted would retaliate by confiscating western assets of next to pico india. stay with us if you can. i'm sarah kelly and for lend. thanks for watching.
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