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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from bell in history in the making on the moon. and i'm crew japanese, the spacecraft, reach us balloon a surface that's an anxious right now it's emission control to find out whether it's a successful landing task is roughly that publicly defies the us over gaza prime minister benjamin netanyahu. or is this schools from the white house to scale box of oregon's tomas and rejects any further tell us any future public opinion since the us and its allies considerable move to raise money to help ukraine's war efforts the exploring the idea of seizing some $300000000.00 of russian assets
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froze since the invasion begun. the gulf is welcome to the program and we begin with some breaking news. japan's luna alonda has reached the moon as it tries to join only for all the nations that have pulled off a successful landing on the lunar surface. japan space agency says it is still checking the status of the land at which touch down less than 2 hours ago. the small blender for investigating the moon or slim mission was intended to pull. busy off the 1st precision, the landing on us closest. they bought several recent slides to the moon, had ended in failure. for more of this, i'm not joined in the studio a by the w's and lay i,
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which on the science test lab. how i started out here about this, is this a big deal to? well yeah, like somehow it is because we seem just recently received some, some rover, some with admissions that crash had been black. russian one pro russian wall and the peregrine mission just burned off in the atmosphere because it couldn't, bland. and also there was a japanese mission that didn't land back in spring into the in 2023. it was an a private one. but yeah, we see that it's still kind of, it's not so difficult to get to the moon by blending there and having a soft landing isn't kind of it is not that is the easy. it's definitely, you know, not easy. let's talk about the science. what, why, what's the purpose of this mission? so 1st and foremost, the purpose is to show they can, it's like it's, it's the demonstration of technology. it's a demonstration of knowledge of, of, of technological um, knowledge and know how. and they want to be one of the successful moon fairing
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nations and now apparently they're all and let's see what comes out of the test. um and now in terms of technology, this limits and ones to test or to prove that high precision land and can be done on the move. high precision meaning in the box within a box of 100 meters, which doesn't seem so precise. you'll think about it, but so far conventional lenders had a box of kilometers several kilometers. so they landed where it was easy. now the idea is to land where you want to go, where there are points of interest, for example, waters of loss maybe. and so that's, that's really the basic point. now the space dropped also supposed to scan to investigate nearby rocks and it has to small robots and bought one is a baseball size and spherical, which is going to take photos. and there is the hopping rover on board as well, which is going to measure temperatures and radiation. but really the basic,
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or the most important thing is the pin point landing. now tell me this. roughly a bit more than 50 is adult. the program ended with apollo 17, i believe. and that was that full full moon expiration. and now this race for the one, everybody's trying to go to the moon. why? where does that come from? yeah, that's true. well, there are different reasons. again, it's a demonstration of knowledge of a technological now how and also of power in the end and the different reasons i guess also for different players. but um, just to maybe give some, some ideas. since water was detected on the moon, it attracted further interest. because you can 1st of all, have drinking water for astro watts may be landing. they're going further from the, into the, into the solar system. from what you can make oxygen, which could be good for breathing. and you can make oxygen and hydrogen which can be used to fuel rockets, which them can, you know,
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get refueled on the moon and go further again. um. so the more to play a role as a gateway is stop and to go further and i will and i'll post exactly. yeah. but there is also a business interest of, for example, helium 3 which is a, in the, in our soul could be used to fuel fusion reactors. of course, that's the case of way. but this is what people are interested in looking into and signs interest are also the of course we want to know more about the moon. we want to explore to further. but the false side of the moon could be used for telescopes, for optical telescopes, to look further down and further into space without being disturbed by radiation. by light from earth. very quickly uh, depends. what is that latest nation whose next? anybody else trying to go back and while yeah, there wasn't even any private emissions trying to get there. but i think what many people are looking towards is the awesome is mission, which is led by nice thoughts, a big project, different steps involved. it has recently been delayed,
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but the ottomans mission once to and wants to get people a human to the moon again. and i think this is one of the biggest things that might happen in terms of moon flight. me like aide. let's see. i'll be watching. definitely, yeah, it was a dw signs. thank you very much there. us back down here on us in garza israel, and this pressing on with operations in the south in defiance of calls from the united states to scale buckets offensive prominence to benjamin netanyahu as again and says that is a will not stop the finding in gaza until it has destroyed a moss which several countries classify as a terrorist organization. it's and you also rejected coals by the us to plan for a future palestinian state once the war is over. as the fighting and gaza reduced on israel's increasingly at odds with its closest ally,
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the war and gaza is still backed by the united states. but the intensity of operations has come under us scrutiny. israel says it won't cave to american pressure. prime minister benjamin netanyahu stresses israel won't scale back and appear to reject the idea of creating a palestinian state. the whole in any arrangement. whether there isn't a code or not. these ready states must have security control of old which have a tree west of the jordan river is a necessary condition. but that cost is with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth. i've also stopped this, the attempt to impose a reality on those that would hom is where it was security and it's ready. prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no. when necessary. yes, when possible. and what the us has reiterated palestinian statehood is the only
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past to lasting piece. this will be we do believe that this conflict is all conflicts. it will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of the policy. and you'd say that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, dreams, aspirations have passed so many people. but it is also, and this is critical the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people. and it's not just the us trying to push to is really government in a different direction. until of the protestors accused the government of pursuing aggressive policies. we as sort of bring people to live in the jewish people, sending people piece liberty as many fewer and out right. the rejection of palestinian statehood. now, we're only worse and regional tensions, and trap israel and, and less conflict that's
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a bring in laura bloom and phelps is the middle east on the list, the best selling alsa and a senior fellow at a johns hopkins school for advanced international studies. laura, this seems to be the further sniffing. yeah. what has gone publicly and rejecting a 2 state solution? what do you make of it as well? it's fascinating. in fact, as the national security council spokesman said yesterday, this is not in fact anything new i'm 10 years ago when i was working on secretary terry's, it's really tough and it goes to the team kind of significant yahoo is the leader of israel and he said the same thing to us, he said that israel must be in charge of all security west of the jordan river. and i remember, you know, sitting in our hotel room in jerusalem, kind of sinking into our chairs and the glue of that reality. because we understood that that would really be impossible. so for the past indians, that's when, when the talks really faltered me. now,
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the us has now steadily around top pressure on israel over its conduct of the war. and it keeps getting brushed off. how much influence does washington still have always, rarely policy? so i think what's more important is what they say behind the scenes than what they're saying publicly. i think they're being very clever. they understand that netanyahu has political uh, liability is uh, fragile at best. and every, with every given day, it's less likely that he'll be the leader. so at times what the americans are doing is actually speaking over the head of nothing yahoo directly to the as really people and to the new leadership which they expect will come in. um, you know, saying things like this is not pressure on israel, but it's an opportunity dangling. the idea of normalization was study arabia, which all is really sort of very happy to embrace, you know, integration with amenities and be accepted by their neighbors. is something that all is really look, look forward to also there's nothing more appealing to his really is at this point than the word security latonya who,
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who campaigned on the slogan of peace through strength delivered war through weakness. so in secretary state blinking says something like is really the only have genuine security when there is a pathway to palestinian statehood. what he's saying is, is really what you have to understand is that senior, who has failed to deliver, but for genuine security or necessary compromise. and i think that that's the way that to security for all as rarely. now laura, you mentioned israel's name, is them the arabs days have been working on the plans to bring the will to an end and a long term solution. what kind of message does this send to them as well? i think it's the fascinating thing for me when you look at ads, the ad state surrounding israel is that they haven't broken relations with israel, despite all the pressure from their own population. the leaders have said, you know, we're not gonna cut off the connection with these around the opportunity toward a better tomorrow for the entire region. so i think that they're in
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a way to swing state the swing voters and this referendum. it's a bloody referendum on the abraham accords which connected israel closer to the region and the arabs are the key. and that's why i think that by the end, the restriction is working so hard in pressing the points that are important to the our neighbors. pushing israel for more humanitarian aid of limiting civilian casualties, saying no displacement of health and they cannot be forced to leave gaza egypt. i think it's because those are, these are so important both for the administration, getting them legitimacy and leverage in the region. and also frankly, if it's rarely just don't trust housed in, they might, in fact, trust the art stays around them and there's real incentive there for now. the us presidential elections on 9 months away. isn't it time? yeah, it may be gambling on the change in government. yeah, sometimes i wonder if they're just waiting each other out, right. it's been yeah. who's looking at biden and thinking, trump is coming and by who's looking at it to the island thinking, you know,
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we're going to reach out to the opposition party or their to members of the war cabinet. right now. these really work cabinets are about to depart. people are kind of counting down to see whether they break, but the government. so yes, there's a little bit of political chicken who's going to jump 1st. but you know, you have to remember that, but, and it's in yahoo's relationship, goes all the way back after the seventy's. in fact, by then when, when he was young, senator, he signed a photo for an attorney on who's a cd. you know, i don't agree with a damn thing, i have to say, but i love you. so their relationship is deep and they're up to down, but they need each other and hopefully we'll work through this. the building felt bad. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. thank you. let's have a quick look now at some of the other headlines from around the world. yeah, miss lucy, rebels have launched a fresh missile attack on an american own ship in the red sea. no damage or injuries were reported. the militias backed by iran and has been targeting shipping
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and the waterways since november. the who these are saying they are acting in solidarity with the palestinians. germany's problem and has voted to ease citizenship rule. so little may, it goes back the government's plan to make migraines eligible to become german foster and keep that previous through the citizenship as well. the reforms are intended to boost integration and detract most skilled workers to the countries rapidly aging workforce. a police report says brazil, former president diable scenario carried a forward cobit 19 by vaccinations. certificate offices found evidence that both in our new about photos and entries and health ministry vaccination records. they say he and is his in a circle. we're able to dodge pandemic restrictions in russia. protests over the jailing of a local activists have spread to the regional capital police arrested protest as during riley and in the central russian republic of boss called us don. active. his
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file all sent off was sentenced to 4 years in prison for allegedly inciting hatred . he had been complaining for the protection of the local masculine, which to the threat of a government shutdown in the u. s. has been averted to congress back the bill to keep operations funded into march. they passed by wide margin and both the house and the senate, buying time for the 2 parties to find common ground. and on issues blocking agreement. democrats, one more 8 for ukraine, while republicans on this pushing full off of border security. the legislation intended to give congress more time to posit h, like $1.00 trillion dollars spending measure for the current fiscal year. and the uncertainty over further military funding for ukraine as the us leadership now exploring some new options. several weeks,
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up to these images announced rushes invasion of ukraine to the world. the us and the you retaliated by freezing around $300000000000.00 worth of russian state assets. but nearly 2 years on and with no end in sight to the war, washington and its allies. and i am talking about taking the more radical step of not just freezing the russian assets, but confiscating them kids is keen for this to happen. to move in the 2020 for one of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation. the west towards ukrainian recovery in the united states, the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue. doing with the ukrainian president brought him, is the lensky has been pushing for this for a while as a way of punishing russia and also financing the will. as it is
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a time when result seems to be fracturing. in some places it will begin but must go said it to us and its allies go ahead. it will respond by seizing west and assets and has already drawn up a list. a spokesman for the kremlin also said such a move would not just violate international law, but on the mind of the nations by casting doubts and the in viability of property trim. you know, general no, such a theory can be legal. it can only be pseudo legal, and most importantly, it will be a significant blow to the foundations of the international economy. but as a walgreens on, suppose, if the scheme say seizing such a large sum of russian money could change the cost of the conflict by strengthening keeps position. not just any tools,
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but also on the battlefield. now let's uh, bring in william pomerantz who's the deputy director of the us base kennan institute, which focuses on advanced research on russia and you raise a. now this idea of getting frozen russian assets to ukraine is being openly discussed. it does seem like an obvious thing to do. why hasn't it been done any other well, in order to do so, there are a lot of steps that have to be taken. and there is a lot of mutual agreement amongst many countries and many institutions in order to seize these assets. so whereas it seems like a very good idea and is reasonable and why the russians aggression on ukraine, there has to be consensus in the t 7 in other countries that they can take these assets and give them to you can. now, can you help us understand what kind of russian assets are we talking about as
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well, we're talking about various sorts of bonds and depository receipts and so forth. but they are in various different banks in various different countries. so the most, most of the assets are in belgium, and we would and russia and the us would have to make sure that the belgians approve the tasting of these assets. and also deal with the belgian institutions that are responsible for defending these assets. so there are lots of moving parts and we still haven't talked about when or if the lawyers get involved. but no doubt that will be a lot of discussion as well. now if this was to go ahead, is that, could that money be used both on the battlefield for weapons? let's say a and for the reconstruction of ukraine. is there any legal difference?
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well i think that the g 7 and the united states and other countries will have to have some guard rules as to what this money can be used for. but yes, the idea is that it could be used to reconstruct incorrectly whether they would use these assets as a military, in terms of military equipment and basically ramping up ukraine's military. as a result of these assets is more of a question. but they would have to be a consensus as to how these funds are used by ukraine. william palmer as baffle the cannon institute. thank you very much for your time. i will go into india where he can do is a gathering for the opening of a new temple built on the sides open action to most which was torn the phone down
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by supporters of 5 minutes sitting around. remotest in due nation is nationalist party. the w correspondence audio boss has been to the northern city or filed yet to speak to both henderson muslims. the religious divide means the faithful on one side a celebrating while the others few left us. the helms i'm so can do is make your way to the wrong simply now you with yeah, the city is brimming with the excitement head office in operation. 6 c the one is the, it feels like devali. i'm ecstatic, unhappy, and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around the place on the where in the somebody raises an occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the room temple is the beginning of the hindu nation . it'll bring all hindus together, but i, in the selection,
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you're just mix up politics and religion is, was up along with town, flags up the routing, faulty selected along side images of the candidate, the rom, the messages. this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp. yes. and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns, local bgp problem, interior and loosing and spotty workers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds. so you don, your prime minister, multi is government wants, have done all the for you with the into 40 land. he explains, i own every house and now you're j is a temple and we need to believe in this the project is central to move these re election bid. is these levels and can do so the majority in this country, it is their culture that will prevail and almost,
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and demolishing the mosque was the right thing to do on it brought to an end, a debatable that has been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of pensions between those and muslims, for decades in 1992. and the fundamental is to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said. it was built by most of them rulers, on the ruins of totally a rump temple, which they believe to be the place of the candle guard. spock writing throughout the country all, most of the people in the 16 in white and dismissive neighbors was people who witnessed those events still be at the most in scott called comments fios the upcoming riley's around, the north variation clicked on one of your diag. i'll say sometimes when you are
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deeply hurt, you know, and to speak, no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there is no one to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992 until today if we before hip hop on with us. okay. for the do you want these web calendar on the lease cool evening? just celebration as a pre owned or not about politics. the lights up the city give out sweets and rejoice a ranch next week promised to be really grand, but with the temples to me under construction could see movies. rusty, not with the temper, is calling about the upcoming election. we stand in? yeah, no 2nd brought up of headlines from around the well at least 15 people, including 13 children, have died after
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a boat capsized in west and india. students were traveling to a school picnic when the accident took place on the lake in the woods that route states local officials said around 27 people were on board at the time orthodox christians and russian. i'll take a cold plunge to celebrate efficiently, the annual festival marks the baptism of jesus. individual worship is in rise themselves 3 times in freezing, cold water. they believe the icy did wash away this year in the cushion region. temperature is what minus 14 degrees celsius. some sports is a now the teenage tennis sensation, mira and drive us impressive run of the australian open, involving just of the longer the 16 year old got off to a shaky stalled and drawn match organ fonts is the probably see you lost the 1st set, but then rallied and the 2nd to level the math,
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and they've found himself down 5 games to one and facing a match point in the deciding set. but she naturally back to with what that last set. and she now progresses to the full a jeremy has said good bye to a full bullying legend known to many simply as the kaiser or the emperor of funds beckoned. bought, died earlier this month. at the age of 70 eights, a memo or service was held at the stadium of fine unix, a club way. he won 3 european cups in the 1970s spec and boss stature was such that john and president found for the stand by okay, the keynote speech, calling him a great german service, was attended by more than 50000 people, including ex players and players funds. and dignitaries, such as john sell off shots and that's it from the avenues deemed so now i do have an update for you at the top of the hour. don't go way up next after
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a max looks at ideas for an eye, for a possible future. common currency for the company. still miss. got office in berlin from me on the team. thanks for watching the
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how do you create a truly south african fashion empire? just ask of the african friend, dictator, police local don't. africa lives in a, in a constant state of inspiration. we are dream of what, cuz the world should be scared of us. or g print designs already have tons of fans across the globe. c max next on d, w. it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like summer conditions in the middle of april. it's hard not to feel that something really is happening
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here. what is happening is degreed in size. a team of climate researchers explore and on task for put in place the into the ice. in 45 minutes on d, w, the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children of the world. and we ask, why,
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made full minds. have you ever experienced one of those days where you find yourself at a breath taking the beautiful place? well, i'm at the nurse foundation at shirley and taunting place the arts and nature collide . but before we take a beautiful stroll in this paradise, last month it shows us exquisite approach to jewelry that of shore to leave a footprint in rwanda. we tend to mom sources and he's an evasive opposed to creating on that and visions that utopian africa through the use of currency then discover the new winery in malawi that is producing a range of local fruit lay.


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