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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm CET

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the fire gives rise to don't really have to go see starts january 27th on the united states is israel is closest ally. and that's been in evidence since the almost terrorist attacks on october the 7th last year. and washington is back this route with weapons. and pulled up a diplomatic shield, preventing condemnation of as well as military response at the united nations. of the same time, washington has called on israel, formal duration, as it finds how mos on restated its opinions again and again the future peace settlement must include a palestinian state. now that's been rejected outright by this rest, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i've got office in berlin and this is the day
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the he's written states must have security control of old, the territory west of the jordan river. united states continues to believe that the best bible path, indeed the only path is through a tube state solution. there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of the pallets. any unsafe human element is for here is a tuesday solution, and is there any prime minister? she'll be able to say no, even to our best friends. also coming up to us is exploring ways to seize frozen russian assets to pay for the damage moscow is causing and it's war on ukraine to the move. in the 20241 of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation. the west towards ukrainian recovery in the united states, the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue.
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a welcome to the show. we begin with a war in gaza where israel is pressing on with his offensive and the territory itself of the rejecting calls from the united states to scale back in a televised address. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel would not stop fighting in gaza until it has destroyed homos, which is considered a tireless group by israel. the us and the you. that's the are also rejected coals by the us to facilitate a post full palestinian state as the fighting and gaza reduced on israel's increasingly at odds with its closest ally. the war and gaza is still backed by the united states. but the intensity of operations has come under us scrutiny. israel says it won't cave to american pressure. prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu stresses israel won't scale back and appear to reject the idea of creating a palestinian state in the hole in any arrangement. whether there isn't a code or not, these ready states must have security control of old, which have a tree west of the jordan river is a necessary condition. but that cost is with the principal of palestinian sovereignty. it doesn't matter what can i say? i've told our american friends this truth, i've also stopped this, the attempt to impose a reality on those that would hom israel security and is ready, prime minister should be able to say no, even to our best friends. no, when necessary. yes, when possible. and what the us has reiterated palestinian statehood is the only past to lasting piece. it will be we do believe that this conflict is all conflicts . the will end at some point and that there needs to be a political path forward for the establishment of
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a palestinian state. that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, rings, aspirations in the past. so many people, but it is also, and this is critical the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people. and it's not just the us trying to push the israeli government in a different direction until the protesters accused the government of pursuing aggressive policies. we as green people were living the jewish people in the city and people. these many fear and out, right? rejection of palestinian statehood. now we're only worse and regional tensions and trap israel and and less conflict in brun. i'm is the director of the thing to time you raise your dw. caught up with him at the was the comic for him and doubles. and austin, why was he makes of nick yahoo? his rejection of a 2 state solution. i think that other,
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almost any other plausible leader of israel would be more in favor of a 2 state solution. but that doesn't mean that they would be more in favor of ending the war. and so getting to a 2 state solution is a different story. remember, since october 7, the entire is rarely population has wrong. we wanted to remove a moss from the map and, and they the immune, this is traumatized, the man and a lot of the people that were killed and tortured and raped. i mean, these are some of the, they were at a dance festival. the raven is the most progressive part of his really, society is the people that most one of the 2 state solution and peace. now they're the ones that are going out and saying, we've got to destroy him, us. so, i mean, the war cabinet has enormous support in terms of the fighting, even though the prime minister is incredibly unpopular among these really people and they want them out. oh, how much influence does the us have always read it right now and how much pressure are they actually putting on it in yahoo change course. they're certainly putting
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pressure on israel to change course. they want israel to accept the 2 state solution. they want israel and they haven't called for a permanent ceasefire, but they certainly have called for much more humanitarian aid to come in. it's certainly called for far fewer civilians to get caught up in the mass that the israel, these are, you know, in, in the bombing campaign. and it's having no impact. uh and, and, you know, by them doesn't like not. yeah. who doesn't trust them. you may remember that when uh, obama and barton were pushing the iranian nuclear deal. the jcp away. not yahoo flew to washington and gave a speech to congress publicly undermining bite and an obama. so, i mean, the relationship has very, very little trust to it. and even though by then went to israel right after october, 7th and publicly physically embraced the as really leadership. the fact is that his ability to really move what not yahoo is doing is very,
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very small. so what i really biden's options now as far as the conflict is concerned. well, i mean, in principle, the americans could say that they're going to cut or condition military support on the basis of what these rallies do and don't do. i don't see that happening. i think especially in election year, he would get punished very heavily from the right from doing so who some of them are already saying he's too soft on israel and, and, and that's not true. but that's none. the less a dangerous thing for him. having said that, one thing that he can do is work more strongly with the gulf states to try to help ensure that there is support for security on the ground and gaza. that isn't the permanent is really occupation. and there's also funding to reconstruct a place for the palestinians to live because i mean nobody wants them to leave garza but they can't stay with the way. gaza presently is. so what are you going to do? i mean, you can app, you can talk all you want about a 2 state solution,
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but unless you have the ability to live and defend yourself and govern yourselves business state. and what method does this send to the palestinians that will the palestinians have had no messages sent to them for decades? because they've basically been ignored. people talk about the 2 state solution, but their land continues to be taken illegally in the west bank and talk about a 2 state solution, but palestinians in gaza, you know, live with nothing before october 7th. israel was in the strongest geo political position since is really independence and ended jig sullivan, 8 days before october 7th wrote a peace in foreign affairs where he said, hey, middle east is going great. you know, i mean we've never had to spend so little time on the middle east geostrategic like any kind of jinx that. right. but it was true that a lot of things were happening that were positive. you had the chinese brokering the around saudi relationship, the americans brokering the israel golf relationships you had up syria of going to
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the gcc and the cop. you had cut her with a better relationship with the m arrives and the saudis, which had been broken before. the only problem is that everyone forgot the palestinians known here. they just ignore them. as of all, we can a piece in the middle east without the palestinians, while the palestinians tell you that you can't have piece of the middle east without the college students. that's what we're learning. is moving to the ball in ukraine, the now and a potential new source of funding for keys defense efforts. the united states is reportedly looking into the possibility of seizing some $300000000000.00 in frozen russian assets. they buy that ministration is exploring that idea as future us funding remains cause up in a domestic budget dispute. several weeks, up to these images announced russia's invasion of ukraine to the world. the us and the you retaliated by freezing around $300000000000.00 worth of russian state
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assets. but nearly 2 years on and with no end in sight to the war, washington and its allies. and i am talking about taking the more radical step of not just freezing the russian assets, but confiscating them kids is keen for this to happen. to move in to 2024, one of the key tasks is redirecting the frozen assets of the russian federation in the west towards ukrainian recovery and see the united states the european union and other countries have come closer to resolving this issue. so with the ukrainian president brought to mr. lensky has been pushing for this for a while as a way of punishing russia and also financing the will. if it is a time when result seems to be fracturing in some places, i will begin. ok, but most go say it's
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a us and its allies go ahead. it will respond by seizing weston assets and has already drawing out a list. a spokesman for the kremlin also said such a move would not just violate international law, but on the mind of the nations by casting doubts and the in viability of property. the name of the general no such as the theory can be legal, it can only be pseudo legal, and most importantly, it will be a significant blow to the foundations of the international economy. but it's a walgreens on suppose is if the scheme say seizing such a large sum of russian money could change the course of the conflict by strengthening keeps position. not just any torques, but also on the battlefield. that's bringing the stuff to a fedex. he's an assistant professor of finance at all school of business at the
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university of california at berkeley. she's also a founding member of the n g o economists for ukraine. welcome back to the day i left us. yeah. at the fight and government is now looking into seizing frozen assets and using it to compensate is ukraine directly for damages caused? what's different, a new about this plot or yeah, so the plan itself is not new on the discussions that ive seizing russian assets have been going on for months even to the past year as economists, we've been recommending that course of action for a while. so really what is new starting to arrive at a consensus about how it can be done. and so in a legal way that would both seize russian f as for you christ reconstruction, but without jeopardizing other countries, investments, and there security and continuing to invest in the us and the g 7 countries. and the way that that is being discussed now is um, through the new legal theory of culture measures where it would be very clearly
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specified that this cesar regression as would be account remeasured in proportionality to rush as a question against ukraine. that would be basically used for future reparations that brush up with oh, ukraine. after it's full scale invasion as a sort of as a credit towards this future reparation. now, most of the $300000000000.00 of c's russian central bank assets are in europe, france, germany, and belgium. when most of the money is all skeptical though, as that seizing it would be legal. is this new plan going to convince? or that is the hope and that is part of the reason that it's taken quite a while to arrive at a mechanism that would be suitable to all of the g, the g 7 countries. so that they can act in unison in terms of seizing brushing houses because as you point out, the bulk of those assets does say in europe, other members of the g stipend, for example, canada are fully on board that have actually passed their legislation before
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seizing russian assets, much earlier than the other countries on earth is really that the main one i'm but i think we should also not underestimate the role of the united states in here. so while the us holds a small portion of the frozen and brush and asked us to date, a lot of the arguments that can seize english assets. for example, the role of the dollar as the reserve currency, which depends a lot on on can the security investments in, in the west. um that would impact the us quite a lot. so i think the us being willing to take the steps to lee on this, on, obviously, russian assets even if they don't hold the majority, that was send a really strong signal and that would make your, to more comfortable to implement similar measures as well. nope. is this plan a products of the difficulties president biden has a in getting aid for ukraine through congress or not really? so as i mentioned, the discussions are really long standing. and even in the us,
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congress wrote and the, the, the poll legislation that would allow the use president sees the 1st impression assets. and that has been introduced back in the summer. so prior to the current pick ups and in congress, i'm say there's something that takes a while. um, so the timing is not that tied on to the current politics and congress that said the urgency. and of course, the, the public attention to salience of the plans have increased and the last couple of months with the congress. and now the people are still making money with frozen russian assets, gabels, and company. europe, for example, has made about $3000000000.00 on frozen russian assets it holds. can you explain why that money, at least has not been made available to ukraine? yeah, that's a great question. um, so the money in question is basically interest earned on deposits. the russian deposits that are frozen in those things and the interest rates have gone up in the last year and a half. and so corresponding, we also the earnings on that money have. now that money is much less
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to the right, the russian government has much less claims to that money. then it does to the principle that initially deposit in the bank. so it's much easier to cease from that point of view on that side. of course, russia will still challenge that, and companies that are holding that many that are, that are hurting that interest. do claim that they've incurred increased legal costs, increase management costs as a result of the russian government. still trying to lay some claims there on it, but that said, it is something that is more straightforward that we as the economists have been encouraging it just to have a starting point to start using the interest earned on russian fields and ask us while we work out the framework for the rest, for the principal of the assets. so i think that's something that will happen and may happen soon. again, it's still take some time to iron out legislatively on the portion that is most unencumbered. so the most straightforward um to use towards you credit is of course on the portion for and by the governments to the taxes, the corporate taxes that the european governments are earnings from the revenues of
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the european banks holding the assets. and those are the we are already on the put aside for you credit. so that's the very 1st step and interest next. and, and so very briefly, in financial times, what's the future for ukraine? this western aid should dry up process default for kids seem to be deeper financially and they also have more people to call upon to 5. yeah, so um i would like to start by just pointing out that the credit is more resilient than we often give it credit for. um, no, i guess on the economic front ever take the brand new it's that's a great example. there was a lot of worry about russia pulling out of the un brokered grain deal fresh was definitely using that worry on our part as an attempt to blackmail that didn't succeed. and at the end of the day, you cranes unilateral black support or is actually exporting more grain then you can use were exporting under that un broker deal on. so we're not rife,
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things off as fighters because they sometimes see that said, your friends, friends is not limited. russia, it actually has pretty steadfast allies of its own rocks. 3 and the 3 explicitly on china. what implicitly um, so if it were to be the case that you cringe allies completely, that internet and then i think really the question is going to be um, what is the plan be for the west? um, because what's the future of europe? if there is a stroke or a more aggressive pressure with all of its allies still set up, the path is supporting rushes contain, and new resources from ukraine, right on the border of europe. i'm so i think it's not just you price you sure that's uh in the dollars here on the ssl certificate. that the high school of business and economist for you. all right, thank you very much. i thank you
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to india. now, a hindu is uh, gathering for the opening of a new temple about this temple was built on the sides of an action. most of that was torn down by supporters of prime ministers and render motives hindu nationalist party. the w correspondence ideal box has been to the northern city all 5 yards, yet to speak to both hindus and muslims. then the religious divide means the faithful on one side a celebrating while those on the other few left us to the thousands of people to do all these. make your way to the wrong company. now you will get the city's brimming with the excitement head office in operation. 6 c the one is the, it feels like devali. i'm ecstatic, unhappy and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rahman, my arms and roaming around the place where in the somebody raises occasion for all
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hindus to come together. the construction of the rome temple is the beginning of the hindu nation. it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is, was up of all the what town flags up the routing faulty selected along side images of the candidate, the rom, the messages. this new temple is a gift from the voting fucking the pgp. yes. and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns, local bgp problem, interior and loosing and his party workers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds food. i'm the prime minister, monique is governmental, who wants to turn all the for you with the holy land. he explains. i own every house there. now yo jay is
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a temple and we need to believe in this year. the project is central to more these re election bid. is this liberals and can do is, are the majority in this country. it is their culture that will prevail and almost demolishing the mosque was the right thing to do on it. brought to an end, a debatable that had been ongoing for 500 years. of the site has been a source of tension between hindus and muslims. for decades. in 1992 and the fundamental is to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said. it was built by most of the rulers on the ruins of the rump temple, which they believe to be the place of the candle guard. spock writing 2 of the countries, all, most people would kill the 16 in white and dismissed the neighborhood.
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people who witnessed those events still be at the most in scott's college, gone with the fios the upcoming rallies around the north region clicked on one of your diag. i'll see sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you know, and to speak, no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there was no one to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992. until today if we didn't, we'll hit this hot button with us. okay. for the do you want these web calendar on the speak to at least cool evening? just celebration as a pre owned or not about politics? you're not jump the city, give out sweets and rejoice. a ranch next week promised to be the grand, but with the temples to me under construction could see movies,
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rusty knob with the temper is calling about the upcoming election. the one of the battle lines being drawn in us politics at the moment is related to the l g. b to do community libraries around the country on the pressure and not to lend books with eligibility to stories someplace as rock shows are being banned. and lowes are being drafted that would affect the lives of trends and non binary us citizens. and now a group of school children in wyoming found themselves quotes up in this battle. as they tried to perform a play about bullying. roger evans has that story. these children spend weeks rehearsing the play. it features a series of scenes about bullying, including wall and a bounce, a gay boy, driven to suicide by his classmates, but just 24 hours before the performance. the school principal pulled the plug. so
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the principal said that the language was inappropriate on he said that on the scene say nothing was promoting l g b t q, community. and that was not in the the values of pike county school district. the children got some notes of apology from the principal along with a $5.00 gift card, as consolation. that didn't help. we all co, it's okay. i was like, they were trying to bribe us to feel better and not be not about the play. i was absolutely furious for us to work so hard and then, and then the school to just save in their natural no without any further notice was just it was awful. it's like being slapped in the face for absolutely no reason for the young act as though it was very much a case of the show must go on and with the help of a local fits
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a group. they've now managed to stage their production and on the less well, i believe that it's important because a lot of people who are l g b to q usually are ridiculed and bullied. so it's important to realize that these people are important in our society. and that we should all just accept them for who they are in. well i guess not be bullied. so for the school cancel it. it's like saying that, oh you read it. you should not be included in the society which is really awful and cruel. i think when i so the school children won the bible in the end. but the bible over l g b t q writes in america, is far from over to. that is for rob. so thoughts dates to follow a team on social media as dw news. and if it's the latest headlines you are looking
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for as always, all websites on dw dot com for now, todd team of the day. thanks for spending part of your day with us. the
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10:00 pm
this is dw news live from ballad. japan makes history on the move. and on crude space croft reaches the surface, making in japan, the 5th nation to pull off by successful do not use. this is ralph of funding come up thinking at the university of spain, joseph burrell, claim israel was trying to, we can, the more moderate public opinion of authority is where of israel's prime minister has previously denied. similar.


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