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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  January 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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i should have dw the how to make our dock sick was a little better. i know, i don't mean blocking your dock sick friends and social media. hello and welcome. i'm so have you got the body and you all watching equal and do our modern industrialized what is producing more toxins than ever before that now in our food, in our and even on water, water quality across several parts of the world is getting worse. you ended up as us, that's 80 percent of the was the waste water is discharged back into the environment
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without any proper treatment. so where do we stand right now and what can be done? let's dive into today's episodes to find more answers. when the city with the housing legs now only has a few 100 of them left on bulls to couldn't stagnated, with dr. look, now, these lakes are being revised and that is a benefit even for the food in this i to help. but how are licks, especially toxic lakes and kitchens connected to each other less find out is not that i do is taking care of the landscape at the nature he lives in jekyll. but some of us being new to the city has become lucky. i to help in recent decades. and it is scrolling to but once about 2000 leagues here, but no more than 3 quarters of them have disappeared. it again,
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i get in there. what's that? the problem is that people want mode as a piece and more development. i've got another one. so the government is copying all localities here and the, what the end do leasing all the sewage water into these leak leaks are fine. but the sewage water needs to be filtered, treated, and kept clean, but a pretty good marty lee. and i give you the vehicle. another being called your mazda is a senior fellow at the ciocca test for research. she tries to explain how this development could have happened. now the water supply interest sector developed, but what happened is the resort or teeth went intrusted, did not develop at the same pace as a result, strong water jeans ritual, getting historically on these in water. started receiving onto to, to be smart. and this onto 3rd waste water started slowly into these leaks with drastic consequences. in march of 2021,
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the lender leg caught fire again. 6 years after the previous 500000000 liters of untreated waste, water continued to flow into the lake each day and including not only look on the fly, life toxic substances have long been found in the areas farmland. the echo just tv, that much ended up of the indian institute of science investigated the effects of things i lose polluted legs when livestock and crops be connected to reach them by the government, the downstream of the nate, you know, and they also, at the beginning a the i the on fish except the me. ok. when we on the all the, the food costs the add a we went to hey, we met them in the book. jenny, that's beauteous guns. that they're not that this web the, the new, the read for you. sure. like can still technique,
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they don't accept the evidence on available for the problems. you know, now new to citizens, initiatives, and organizations in the city. people here want to clean the expect. on monday governor has made it his job to clean the legs. or 40 years ago he set up a foundation to make it easier to, to use the necessary funds because it won't look the old money. yeah, i think type of makes one is i did. one is filled with switch. one is naturally. so they did like a lot of changes in the top of your feet, catchment area addition and logged off, not lost as being this type. you open up the now let's see that. what do we get into, into the lake and deluxe. we watch the holding capacity to spin within all definitely the risk based on that will be the more everything is idea can no longer lead, stay in water flow into the leaks instead that succeed funny. this is intended to
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revitalize the slides. micro climate entry started, as i said, we did for wildlife. the water in the leak is naturally beautified by the reeds and floating islands that critic plants put in. gotcha. a lot of things, natural beautification alone is not enough to address, but here since coming from base, what does the need to have these wastewater treatment plants need to be solutions? loans, they are supplementary to the systems themselves. are not sufficient. even though bank the little has just invested in 7 sewage treatment plans, they're not enough to to, to the slaughter of the metro, pointless of 10000000. the this is chuckle, link at $160.00 heck because it is one of the cities. biggest echo just so much in the us team has combined log base purification here. but some protect because of
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water treatment. what we did was we ended it that the bed worked led and all day bonded with the statement. right? so a large proportion of to plus photo speed and nitrogen and could be removed. well that some of the different brand. all that removing that, did we go? i uh, when it was supposed to look us up to the web plan. the 3 was that again, made up by the getting on some bar, don't be why we move, and it wasn't to the icon for did remove the bank. a part of the and month brought up in the bank to develop into talk the initiated duty. vi playstation of chapel lake and it is now managed by to have to bang a little more, knock it up by the case of civic body. and the citizen group jetta pushing past the lake country supports the livelihood of 70 percent of families who have been centered towards upkeep. the beauty and
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difficulties, you know, we have the entire community like we have the glass. good. does we have the fish edmonds? we have the home dogs, we have the local, the groups. so we have many things happening at the lake. so it's like a be good connect of the community, give it a place that going to be somehow involved. and finally, the convergence, he's going to ration if anybody wants to guns of this mix, even if everyone but to contribute to maintaining the quality of the leak water, the to, to, to water. what is to not be, think of it, but i can't get it combined. it's difficult to use the water for daily purposes. it has to be filtered really valid. sometimes the league stainless everything that the government is doing is fine, protecting beautification, etc. but the water didn't not build are still of the cookie one, sewage treatment plants and big noodle only reported to be scientifically money to for waste water treatment. contaminated food continues to be
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a problem as and to take this water is still being used for farming of the state, the and also being decommissioned. a vast majority of loss of shipping vessels are scraped on the south asian shores forming a major risk for the walk of and to the cost of the ecosystem. come with us on an investigative wage to go on. the was 2nd largest ship breaking yard to witness these environmental impact 1st and who did, does up there? did seattle fisherman spent all of his life catching fish alone the she duck on the coast line a bundle dish. but recently, dust noticed a traveling change in the mary nickel system. it will have one on the last 8 of the there was much more efficient. good ones out of the boat would be full. the do next,
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you know, even 20 to 30 net. so fish less than that on the fish, i'm including the job. so just how to do so one of the many even left the area after sending didn't property is to dp dex. land that it was easy. a hey blaine's the broken up ships along the shore for polluting the water research shows that up to 10 percent of a giant ships weight is made above as best as heavy metals boil. and other toxic substances due to poor management in these yards. toxic material ends up being the environment still go is the 2nd largest city in bangladesh. the northeast and part of the sports city currently is home to 40 c brick and yards spending approximately 20 kilometers along the coast. research
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it bro bought a boat, who has examined the marion bite over city here. but to be able to hear uh by uh for each one of the last 20 years on the fisherman long gone, stuck on the coastline. last 25. a spacious office. yeah. one of the most important elements of letting bio diversity, macro bent is like snails and oysters, on most extent, on this coastline to back on 5 bill people. i totally get to talk to a guy and she's talking to tow, near the cpr. i see that she break and wants to share his experience and only mostly i just put it on paper. they said david, provide protective, get such as boats. helmets gloves regularly. but the problem is replacements and never put the ones that are new people more so that goes to resort
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to using dollars as make shift. most folks sense protection. they're not the, the, to me just for the new, you know, i'm sort of like a group at the end of the, i'm gonna keep breaking these goes is a very dangerous job. and workers often suffer accidents in 2022 alone and usually pulled it up is 10. that's and 33 injuries long term health issues. a chronic problem for many workers, the environmental field. since you don't see more long term research as needed to determine the extent of environmental impacts on, despite the process of showing that the labels succeed, w h o 's health standards. so i'm going to do the comprehensive, the studies from relevant departments, other sentient for a better assessment because it is, i'm gonna go based on the tribute to say
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there is one us on an environmental lawyer. an activist feels that the government is not responding properly to the hazards of breaking for human health. that's the should breaking industry offers to people, experiencing poverty is not employment, but the catholics in sort of like asbestosis and cancer. is there a teacher as this this d v d b c b wistar environment where to find the inspection fruitless? besides a lack of equipment and release to ship saying that nobody is dis phoned except for the invalid twist when it is precisely the in. but as with that is all the problem according to international, i'm look at last i do not see any significance of visa inspection that you use 2013. she breaking recycling regulation mandates.
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eco friendly, sheep dismantling, and prohibits europe and ships from being scrapped outside approved yards. despite these investigations show that you will be in flag, ships are often dismantled in salvation yards. so convincing the rules to turn the body saves inflect changes. the recent documents obtained by dw and color incomplete ownership details highlighting enforcement challenges. the matter of fact, the shipping call companies based in the global north, uh and you are a, for instance when they have to, we legally explore the ship for breaking to south asia. the, they often these were present fox and lied to authorities about the final destination of the best. so as a way to avoid being quotes in response to inquiries, the you commission acknowledge to the necessity for stronger implementation of the you feel recycling regulation. but stated that enforcing laws properly is the
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responsibility of law enforcement and national courts in member states. what does she breaking industry makes is crucial for bottom additions economy, providing steve and jobs. along with this has to be sent to ratified the home convention on the safe ship recycling, making it the se consolidation nation to do so after india and this renovated shipyard and see, talking to one of the owners claims to be the standards, as well as a separate quote, i don't know to separate a specialist, do you need a special machine which be have imported from europe because so fronted the center risk management facilities built. we've been processed to enter all these things like the separate us. and here's the orange water separator. this separates on from water into this thing. let that go to the tank any i certainly did not in my car,
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and the water is discharged into the see the what i mean, what that, what about the on the shipyard has a concrete beating. so face designed to push the support the beach ship back in tucker, environmental activists. the sun is not happy with any provision of beating under the home convention to the demos to greenwashing countries, including all the fish a bundle of days to sign. the hong kong convention which permits beating, however, would not be allowed beating within its borders. bundle dishes governments should adhere to europe in standard differentiation, in certain cases is not acceptable. to really address the environmental damages and bundle dish solid international grooves. we don't do fulls or isn't she of recycling old vessels into scrap. we'd be lost income
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source, but this means more ships we'd continue ending up on solid issue in cost. clearly as we saw shipwrecks, auto major problem and add items, national rules are needed to make a difference. let's head to a shipyard in belgium to understand the business of ship wrecking the complicated process of recycling and the possibilities and challenges. it's an attractive job it's, it's a, it's every a changing job. you go different chips, different types of chips, a different methods of working. so it's a very various jump if you want with temperatures, just about freezing and rain falling steadily. his enthusiasm seemed admirable. the boss and his nearly 20 strong team though their ships inside out. you would think
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they'd been to see themselves. they know exactly what they can extract from former navy boats, for example. so that's really and i really wonder who they are. of you interest me that all the ships have many precious metals and we get so many different materials out of that, all the cop uh, brown, different allies with other ships. it's a bit different on the boat is which on the here at this recycling yard in belgium . all materials are neatly separated and disposed of if necessary. the toxic materials are stored in a separate hall and treated as hazardous waste. a large proportion of the ships can be recycled and then sold on obviously the ship is maybe 90 percent of scrap anyway. but all the rest of the materials also recycled like uh,
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woods uh, oils all the stuff. so we, we are at 97 to 98 percent of uh, recycling and it's only a very small proportion. the ends up in landfill. the steel is sorted separately. it's an important raw material for companies that build new ships. the peter winston tells us the belgian authorities visit every 3 months to ensure that safety standards are being met to and everyone is wearing protective gear staff here are well aware of how bad the working conditions are for the majority of their colleagues in asia who it's not good alternative safety. is there a lot of accidents the loss of different people are allowed on the ship just as they are? there's all your flowing out. it's not like that here. every single year has to
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comply with international standards and law, which is how it should be. what was the norma who doesn't attend? but none of the big container ships end up here. only small fishing trawlers or the occasional navy or police boat. even the biggest shipping companies still send their vessels to asia or turkey for scrapping because it's much cheaper. the european union has a list of ship breaking yards approved for their environmental standards and workers safety. but only around 40 of them are actually in europe. it's quite clear that here in, in, in, in europe we all already very regulated by older legislation, which is not the case in the, in other countries like turkey or let alone asia. and these, these people liked and turkey we've got uh today we got 9 yards, i think on your list. and they are not competing with the same standards as us,
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european based yards. so they are taking the market, the weight from us. some of the methods used to ship ranking yards in asia are extremely harmful to the environment. include the practice of deliberately beaching the ship, which is prohibited in europe. experts are calling for tougher rules. making the european shipping companies directly responsible for following european law when they're sending that i suppose for, for recycling. so that would be one way of the strengthening the regulation. europe's ship breaking yards should actually be getting more custom. the european ship owners association boom coast as the number of vessels linked it for recycling is set to double over the next 8 years reaching 15000. the hope is that the larger shipping companies will be willing to cut their profit margins and have more ship scrapped in europe, the release of the shipping site to kind of forward to do it sustainably.
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and when they say that customer fortune is kind of twisting and twisting it with the issue because they will also be adding money by selling their muscles for cycling in your advice. so it has value, it's a lot them good quality scraps too. but peter winton is skeptical. his shipyard was one of the 1st to gain use certification 10 years ago. but he says the ship owners have a huge lobby, allowing them to avoid scrapping their vessels in europe. they planning to change the waste ship and regulation. so in order to put ation yards on the, on your list and i think whenever that happens we all back described one. i think the best thing to do is that your flag chips just must be recycled on your base yards. scrapping these 2 fishing trawlers won't bring in much profit,
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but for now the big boats are selling to cheaper and less restrictive shores linkages and spend from septic tanks are north of the site. in fact, in sufficient sewage water management damages the environment and several other parts of the world. that is an entrepreneur in mulatto who has come up with a sustainable solution, bio septic tanks, that can also recycle sewage water. the water, the, the boat is floating over his flowers, was recently used to wash the dishes. all the waste water from his house ends up in a bio tank and implement and doing what do we do? we should keep needed in mind because it is the ultimate power of the moment, so we should try our best, not the way to go with the conventional septic tank, the waste water is selected and empty that regular enters. it's not uncommon for
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that. we have sports to end up in rivers and lakes, but using the environment, according to cyber akash from the city of klein, but those are the negative. i mean, you look at the bio tanks, the sewage water gets recycled, it can be used for different purposes. are drained into the ground, doing the new one there. this is how it works. all the waste water from a house who was ends up in a collection tank. there, it is mixed with enzymes. they hope the bacteria to convert the sludge into water very quickly. from their bosses to the filtration pack here, small particles are collected and treated again. at the end, the purified water is discharged from the tank. some folded into the ground. are those water? they've got invitation like viva. he has to get used to having a biological toilet, but it didn't take long. but the, the loan and i'm a, what do we say? and my gosh is one thing that we need to be cautious about is cleaning. generally.
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we clean once or twice a week, but it's important not to use any citrix products at all. in that case is, is we are, we are on vacation for a month, or if someone accidentally uses acid for cleaning, then there's a chance that the bacteria can dialed on it on the muddy but to the level we have to really so the enzymes that you have which is safe to do on the body. otherwise it is generally low maintenance the same ones that are easily funding on that. so maintenance under their from what i'm looking at on the vehicle friendly bio tanks, have another advantage. the cost only half as much as the conventional septic tanks . they may be made of concrete metals. the plastic depending on the location and the conditions for the customer going to take them without me. will you be for us to examine the 80 over the time? because to be better? if it's low code, we visit the site in person. if it's somewhere else, we ask them to send us a video. we also need information like how many people are living in the household
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and how frequently? yes and for this at the house, we then designed the tank according a little bit. normally our thanks have a capacity of 1000 lead time because you know to daniel, but you know, i looked at a couple of cdn the don't even need to clean the bio septic tanks themselves. that do is done by the eco friendly bacteria all free of charge. well doesn't sound very young me, but it's a pretty common practice across single floor um california recycling switch. what pulled up costs. but increasingly, as lots of scarcity becomes a real check for millions across the globe, we will have to do several more such things to ensure that our water bodies are less and less but you. but you let me know what would you like to see more off on the show? you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take a good bye. almost got the,
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the, the
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books view will tell here. we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 30 minutes on d. w. in spies, the theme to election levin as he is the name of the game boss with
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a twist and a whole lot of fun. the innovation is combining the effects of yesterday with a fine and stuff today to get started. so wait, let's begin. in 90 minutes on d. w, the goldsmith did not see in the late seventy's shlomo smile. now i meant to go step bog, not the man who had told me to him 2 years later, wagner was date, was it suicide? the evidence raised the stone. what really happened january 27th on dw,
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we say they're about never getting up every weekend on d w. they cases an applicant. do they have the was i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, and we go sailing. tulsa tissue today because then they go to that who set up, he has not been, you know, medical people who work hard won the tenants, although i so not because the the,
12:00 am
this is data between use a line from the gym and it's turned out in force to condemn the countries 5 right party. after hearing reports that is planning the mass deportation of migrants they've been, they've made a widespread outrage. the policy more popular than is also coming up the your opinions, top diplomat, excuse us, is route of funding of thinking at the university and sign. the also for oakland is row was find a weekend with a more moderate palestinian authority, as well as prime minister has previously denied similar obligations. germany says good bye to a sporting icon. memorial service for the light fronts back into the.


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