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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the the, this is the depth of the news line from the gym and the turnout and forced to condemn the countries 5 right. after hearing reports that it's planning the mass deportation of mike or even to meet the widespread, outraged bodies. more popular than also coming up the opening of a hindu temple office, a chance for prime minister and the range from 90 to score some major political points, but possibly as the risk of sidelining religious minorities. germany says goodbye to a supporting icon. a memorial for the light from spick and bell, was held in munich with chancellor pulled up shots and jim and present at frank
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foster steinman. among the guests, along with the hosting, the anthony howell broke into the program. tens of thousands of germans had protested in, in humble following reports that the 5 ride alternative for germany potty was discussing mass deportation plants for immigrants, and even citizens with my good words. the i sd is under surveillance by jim and he's domestic intelligence agency. and there are of even been calls to ben the potty entirely the streets of how big is the flowing. we'd protest is giving voice to the postwar germany promise of never again to right we knew extremism technician did. once i'm actually demonstrating for the 1st time in my life they've, i myself find
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a threatening issue. can i know stories from the nazi or from my grandfather? and i don't want that to happen again to, to purchase or wrapped it after damage to that alternative to gemini members and me are not to use met to discuss plans to deport millions of people with migrant routes, including german citizens. the policies leadership has tried to distance itself from the so called mazda plan, but the revelation has spots nationwide outrage even something chancellor left sholtes to join a protest in his hometown of puts them. he said the plan for mass deportations should send a shiver down. people spines, so i guess i'm not that i'm saying it clearly and bluntly, i stick to this, right? we extreme is, are attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy, okay. he's and, and confirmed that a secret conference these extreme is discussed how they could expel millions of
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people from our country on a pipe and its no empty threats. polling shows the posse and 2nd place, a worry so many a head of state elections. we see more demonstrations of plans for the weekend. as close to them, the policy entirely grew louder and louder. the depth of the political correspondence summon young has more now about what chance of the shouts at this. i think on the one hand, rejection of fall or i to ideas and expressing is revulsion of for those uh, people talking about massive fullest repass creations. on the other side, he wants to let people know that the government does take the issue of migration seriously. and the doing something about it. so on the 1st point he said, you know, he understands that millions of people in germany was for him backgrounds are in fear of following these reports of these as secret conference with these what he
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calls it. a diabolical plans to re migrate, people send, send people back to other countries there and he said, you know, that mustn't be allowed to happen. the majority must stand with those people and you know, is everyone should speak out against it. he also said that, you know, it's simple to show solidarity with people of foreign origin. that's why the government, scott, so, so new legislation, 3 parliament this week to make it easier for people to form backgrounds to get jim and citizenship on the other side. he said, you know, there is a, an issue with my in, with migration the government doesn't need to be able to control that. not everybody who comes here necessarily as the right to stay. those who do was there in the language, look for a job and subscribed to the democratic goal that he said at, you know, as part of that, it's if there are problems, some people may need to be sent home. the government also this week is cost legislation to make that system farrah more effective. that was the w political
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correspondence. simon young reporting there from the right time to take a quick look. now, at some of the headlines from around the wells was through your pain unions. foreign policy chief has accused this row of funding him us without offering any proof. he, us, a burrell alleged that is well supported, the militant group to weaken the more moderate palestinian authority in the past. israel's prime minister has denied similar allegations amongst carried out the deadliest tear attacking israel's history. on october 17th, if any more for the united nation says the republic of congo urgently needs, i adopted the worst flooding in 6 decades. it says some 350000 people require a humanitarian assistance, months of extreme rightful have caused the bank, the river to boost its banks. and many villages can only be reached by both thousands of opponents of legal abortion that have matched through the us capital
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annual march. the last in washington comes as a surgeon, anti abortion laws has become a major campaign issue. and this is presidential elections. the bite of, of the procedure has increased since the supreme court to start the decision to overturn abortion rights guaranteed since 1973 the when's world tourism organization? the w t o says global travel will surpass pre panoramic levels this year. some your pain destinations, like the awesome tell, have already reported new visit a records for last year. the w t o says the increase has been filled by the tourism rebound in asia in india induced gathering for the opening of the new temple built on the side of an ancient mosque which was torn down in 1992 stocking deadly riots now. support as a prime minister in the range remote these hindu nationalist party,
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a civil celebrating rather, the new structure. the deputy correspondent, ideal boss, has been to the northern city of georgia to speak to both hindus and muslims. the religious developments, the faithful on one side, rejoicing, while the event is reopening old woods, for those on the other. the comes on so can do is make your way to the wrong. definitely. now you will get. the city is brimming with the excitement head office in operation. 6 c the one is the, it feels like devali. i'm ecstatic, unhappy, and feel like dancing. i feel like taking load rom in my arms and roaming around the place where in the somebody there is an occasion for all hindus to come together. the construction of the room temple is the beginning of the hindu nation . it'll bring all hindus together, but in the selection, you're just mix up politics and religion is,
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was up of all the what town. the flags of the routing faulty selected a long side image of the candle drum. the messages this new temple is a gift from the holy fucking the pgp. yes, and the majority is grand gesture is matched by smaller local campaigns. local bgp problem interior in loosing and spots, the whiskers are busy cleaning all the temple grounds food. i'm the prime minister, monique is governmental. how wants have done all that for you with the holy land? he explains. i have not got every house and now yo jay is a temple and we need to believe in this year. the project is central to more these re election bid is these levels and can do so the majority in this country, it is their culture that will prevail in almost and demolishing the mosque was the
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right thing to do on it. brought to an end, a debate tools that had been ongoing for 500 years. the site has been a source of pensions between hindus and muslims for decades in 1992. and the fundamental is to down the 16th century, most known as the buffering must it be said, it was built by most of the rulers, on the ruins of the rom temple, which they believe to be the place of the candle guard spot whiting throughout the country. all, most of the people of the 16 in white in this neighborhood, people who witness those events still be at the motion scott's called comments fios the upcoming riley's around the knob ration clicked on one end of your bag. i'll see sometimes when you are deeply hurt, you know, and to speak,
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no cry. we've not come out of that situation about the pain and trauma of demolition. double fire. honestly speaking, there is no one to protect us or give justice to us. and this feeling has been there since december 1992 until today if we before hit the button with us. okay. for the do you want these web calendars on the least cool evening? this celebration is a pre owned or not about politics? yeah, i looked up the city, give out sweets and rejoice events next week promised to be even grand, but with the temples to me under construction could see movies. rusty, not with the temper, is calling about the upcoming election dependents. mat history as the fit. nice and to successfully land on the moon. japan space agency says it is in contact with it . and crude luna vanda,
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which touched down some hours ago now. the commission hasn't gone entirely to plant official site. the land is experiencing problems with the solar panels. for now, it's operating purely on battery powered f. i'm the director general of the who are paying space agency and so, and that's been following the mission. they gave us this assessment of what the japanese space agency faces now, but the land is on the lunar surface. you see the difference is if you have a car and you have some problems with your car, you're just wait for somebody to help you. that's not possible on the moon, so therefore all of the systems of a spacecraft, a sense of a very they have to work all of them. now they have some issues of the, obviously with the solar panels. this does not mean that it's the end of the mission. first of all, they have batteries on board. and this album obviously, number 2, you don't know, it might be that they get also some sunshine on the,
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on the, on the solar panels later on. so it's not at all the end of the story and it's already a big, big success on so many has held a memorial service for football, great friends, back invalid who died earlier this month at the age of 70. i. among the $50000.00 guests at the bottom munich stadium, wherever tied and counting players, fans and public figures including german software laptops, buying minix alan serena was the venue for germany's farewell to its greatest ever football. fan 2nd ballot was saluted with these favorite piece of italian music most of the rest in new york, while former chimney coaches down to use the current by munich squad, um, famous players from various areas pay tribute to the men known as dec kaiser. the emperor, a top public figures were also in attendance. sophia,
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in byron for he was a role model for so many who owns it was a great stroke of luck for all of us. and so this is also how we bid farewell to great german. and that is why today as president of germany, i say expressly on behalf of all of us. thank you. tons back and power. thank you for everything. a bit can about when a raft of trophies with by and in the 1970s, including 3 european cups. i'm a central to west jimmy lifting the 1974 will cope on home soil. he was one of the only 3 men to win the world cup as a play it and coach in 1990, but was late at don't buy corruption allegations over jimmy hosting the 2006 told him and one of his players says he remains a hero, legacy only being a fantastic player, a great coach. she bought the board coach to serve as a 6 you mentioned, but she bought for the body level of happiness v vi. we started loving the game.
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and because of that can go back and borrower is widely regarded as the best defend it to have the play the men's game. many experts viewed johan christ, diego mcdonough, pele beach, out and beck. and bella is the best 5 players of the 60 seventy's and eighty's. now the man who will, number 5 has joined them all in passing away. jimmy's tribute was a fitting end. feel at once other and finally, chilly has launched its 1st high speed rail service. it's been called a south america's boss. this training can reach a maximum speed of a 160 kilometers an hour a space. the express train connects the capital santiago with a city of critical, some 200 kilometers to the north. the countries transport minister said the project showed surely could develop a round network every bit as good as you right
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. that's all for now. coming up next and episode of that digital magazine shift. this one is looking at digital loneliness. something to keep the company as wait the team, and i say good bye from billy. i'm anthony. how many? thanks for watching and for from way in the world you are watching. have a great 2nd stay with us if you can. the chair, now actually cousins and yells and jane, you belong to the 77 percent comfortable. i just got on 65 last last those top 5. and here's 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much it to you
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from couple fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes.


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