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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2024 7:00am-7:15am CET

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the, the, this is the good news life from berlin, germans to turn out and forced to condemn the far right. a of the party rallies have been taking place with more plan for the weekend. it comes after reports, america, the secret meeting to discuss plans for the mass deportation of people with foreign backgrounds. also coming up, japan becomes the 5th country to make a successful landing on the moon. but a power glitch is threatening to cut its mission short and germany says good bye to a sporting ledger and a memorial service for the late friends back invited withheld in unix with the chancellor, olaf schultz and german president frank vaults or stein meyer among the guests along with a host of football installed the
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and welcome to a viewers around the world. unlike local tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of their german city of humbug, to protest against the far right. it follows the revelations that members of the alternative for germany party held a secret meeting to discuss the mass deportation of immigrants and german citizens of foreign origin. the f. d is under domestic surveillance in several german states, and there have been calls to band the party entirely. the streets of sandbag is the flowing we'd protest is giving voice to the post war german promise of never again to right re next stream is in particular the ones i'm actually demonstrating for the 1st time in my life. so i myself find
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a threatening issue. can i know stories from the nazi or from my grandfather? and i don't want that to happen again. i'm, i'm the purchaser opted after to much to that alternative to germany. members and me are not to use met to discuss plans to deport millions of people with migrant routes, including gym and citizens. the policies leadership has tried to distance itself from this so called mazda plan. but the revelation has spots nationwide outrage even prompting chancellor left sholtes to join a protest in his hometown of puts them. he said the plan for mass deportations should send a shiver down people spines. so i guess, and i'd like this. i'm saying it clearly. i'm bluntly, i stick with this, rightly extreme is, are attacking our democracy to them. they want to destroy all cohesion. by, like,
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i'm confirmed that a secret conference. these extreme is discussed how they could expel millions of people from our country on a pipe. and it's no empty threats. polling shows the posse in 2nd place, a worry so many a head of state elections. we see more demonstrations, a planned for the weekend as close to them, the policy entirely grew louder and louder. here. now dw political correspondence, i mean young with more on what german transfer little of charles had to say on the one hand rejection of saw or right. so i did send it to expressing is revulsion of for those uh, people talking about the massive fullest repack, creations on the other side, he wants to let people know that the government does take the issue of migration seriously and the doing something about it. so on the 1st point he said, you know, he understands that millions of people in germany was foreign backgrounds are in fear of following these reports of these as secret conference with these,
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what he calls it, a diabolical plans to re migrate. people send, send people back to other countries there and he said, you know, that mustn't be allowed to happen. the majority must stand with those people and you know, is everyone should speak out against it. he also said that, you know, it's simple to show solidarity with people of foreign origin. that's why the government, scott, so, so new legislation, 3 parliament this week to make it easier for people to form backgrounds to get gym and citizenship. on the other side, he said, you know, there is a, an issue with my in, with migration the government doesn't need to be able to control that. not everybody who comes here necessarily has the right to stay those who do this, the language look for a job and subscribed to the democratic goal that he said at either as part of that, it's if there are problems, some people may need to be sent home the government also this week is cost
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legislation to make that system farrah more effective. again, dw political correspondence, simon young, they're reporting from berlin. it depends lunar lender reach the moon yesterday, making it the 5th country to land successfully on the lunar surface. people in japan gathered for public viewing of the smart lander for investigating or slim to see it complete a soft land. but soon after the lander suffered a power glitch that prevented its solar panels from generating the electricity. it needs to keep functioning within the lunar environment. for more with joined by corresponding sonya blushed in tokyo. sonia, i imagine there's a great deal of collective pride in japan at the moment. give us a sense of how widespread the public interest is in this moon landing. well i think overall, to be honest, um there isn't really such an over make sense of price. um,
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i think i'm sure i'm on this is into this of course there have been probably viewing certain other events. people have used some 10 us to reach out to, to get signals from the moon. but overall i find it surprisingly quiet in japan, there's not much on the media, i'm not much in in the papers. it's quite early. of course. there were a few thousands of people watching the, the live stream of the press conference last nice um, but yeah, overall it's, it's a bit quiet. so maybe because one doesn't quite know yet how successful not successful. the mission has been fair point. what's the main objective of this mission, and is the japanese space agency on target to achieve the as they were to main alternate one was to achieve a soft landing which it looks like they've achieved state expressed that they are confident that that actually works because they can still receive communication from the space craft. and the 2nd goal was a pin point landing, meaning they,
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once it's too recent area within a hundreds of needs a frame. and at this stage they say they're not quite sure if they manage to jesus soul. this will take about a month to find out and there will be an update update next week on that. but um, it looks like they, they might, has actually reached that's precision goal so to speak. and at the moment, they're really trying to get as much data as they can from the device. and to be clear that this mission is still continuing, it has suffered some setbacks. what's the latest you're hearing about its chances of continuing to operate on the moon's surface? yes, the biggest issues being that apparently a solar panel hasn't worked as it was supposed to is supposed to generate energy, but that doesn't seem to be working. and so it can only rely on the battery that's been on board. and that battery might have run out as we speak because they said
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that it had only the power for a couple of hours. so it was, they were truly trying to prioritize getting the data from the device as quickly as possible. and at this stage, they're hoping that at some point, maybe the, the solar panels and the sun might be in a good angle. so that's possibly at the latest stage of the solar panels might be working again. but if the website is still clear at this point, that's a corresponding sonya laska in tokyo, thanks very much. sonya, we may very well see you again this weekend and i'll come as a quick look now at some other headlines from around the world, the united nation says the republic of congo urgently needs aid. after the worst flooding and 6 decades, it says some 350000 people require military assistance. months of extreme rainfall have caused the bunky river to burst its banks. and many villages can only be reached by both thousands of opponents of legal abortion have march to the us
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capital. the annual march for life in washington comes as a surge in anti abortion laws has become a major campaign issue. in this year's presidential election debate has increased since the supreme court historic decision to overturn abortion rights, which had been guaranteed since 1973. the european union's foreign policy chief has accused israel of funding him ox reset burrell. a ledger is israel supported the militant group to weaken the more moderate palestinian authority. israel's prime minister has denied similar allegations in the past. mos is designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries. burrell did not offer any kind of proof or expand on his statements, which he made at a university in spain. for look at aimless commercial feeling, we believe that a 2 state solution imposed from the outside can bring peace. and i have to insist
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that although israel denies that they themselves have created him, us, if you'd like. and yes, i'm us being financed by these really government. you have to try to weaken the processing the authority. maybe the better to do. yeah. but if we don't intervene forcefully, the spiral of hatred and violence, what that means will continue from generation to generation. say i'm from funeral to funeral and in the field and the seeds of hatred that are being sold and gaza today. media will flourish. this especially in bundle in gaza, or you, we ask a dw brussels correspond to jack parrot if he believes burrell was speaking in his role as you formed policy treats. i mean, you can see from his i've said that he's not really dressed in the way we'd ordinarily see him delivering press conferences in a, in a suit and tie. he was that at the university of adult, a dollar dressed up in this sort of uh, you know, ceremonial golf,
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to speak to the students and delivered this blistering speech against these reading the government and specifically against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. why he accused the prime minister of funding how, how most indeed of the basically trying to the rail to, to stay the solution for the you favors for the last 2 years. right. so we sort of know that these a joseph browse, own personal positions on this issue. he's a spanish socialist. 2 who are generally perceived that the political group in spain to be more pro positive palestine than other political entities into your opinion. but when you become the you foreign policy chief, your take on the role that is the speaking for the european union. and you do that pretty much in whatever context you'll speaking it. and so a lot of these comments that he's made will not be going done very well in israel, and we also know that him in brussels. we've had the word from some of his advisors
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that actually perhaps some of these things that he said were not necessarily the lines that were approved in the institutions of the european union. joseph beretta is 79 years old. he's a veteran politician and he's probably when you go to buy 5 months left here in, in his job in new york in union. so he's potentially speaking for himself in this instance. but when he speaks for himself, because of the position he holds, it has a lot of weight and a lot of attention is put on that. as the useful impala cities, a dw brussels correspond to jack parrot with his assessment there. germany has held a memorial service for football, great friends, buck, and bar, who died earlier this month at the age of $78.00. among the $50000.00 and guess at the buying munich stadium were retired and current players, fans and public figures including german chancellor, all of schultz by and unix. ellen serena was the venue for jim and he said well
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to it's great just as a football fan. second ballot was saluted with his favorite piece of italian music . most of the rough well form of chimney coaches down to use the current by munich squad. um, famous players from various areas. pay tribute to the men known as dec kaiser. the emperor, a top public figures were also in attendance, so we'll see you in by on full. he was a role model for so many feelings. he was a great stroke of work for all of us. and so this is also how we bid farewell to great german. and that is why today as president of germany, i say expressly on behalf of all of us. thank you. tons back and power. thank you for everything that can buy when a raft of trophies with buying in the 1970s, including 3 european cups. i'm was central to west jimmy lifting. the 1974 woke up
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on home soil. he was one of the 3 men to win the world cup as a play it and coach in 1990, but was late at don't buy corruption allegations over jimmy hosting the 2006 tournament. one of his players says he remains a hero selection. only being a fantastic player, a great coach. she bought the board, come to some of the 6. you mentioned it, but she bought it for the body. a lot of happiness. we the we start loving the game and because of that can go what's beckon. buyer is widely regarded as the best defendant. to have the play, the men's game. many experts viewed johan cries, diego mcdonough pele beach out and beckoned by the best 5 players of the 60 seventy's and eighty's. now the man who will number 5 has joined them all in passing away. jimmy's tribute was a fitting and fruit one's other and we'll ended there coming up
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a dw interview with the ceo of space holdings, which tells us about the space race between the united states and china. unlike locally, thanks for watching us and to stay with us. if you can can you hear what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube, the indian does you today. dylan taylor.


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